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Hillary's Latest Scandal: She And Bill Siphoned $100 Mil From Mideast Leaders

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Nancy Pelosi Is Also Guilty

Jul 19, 2017, 6:02:15 AM7/19/17
Scandal: A new investigation reveals that Bill and Hillary
Clinton took in at least $100 million from Middle East leaders.
Can such a financially and ethically compromised candidate truly
function as our nation's leader?

The investigation by the Daily Caller News Foundation has
uncovered a disturbing pattern of the Clintons' raising money
for the Clinton Foundation from regimes that have checkered
records on human rights and that aren't always operating in the
best interests of the U.S. By the way, the $100 million we
mentioned above doesn't appear to include another $30 million
given to the Clintons by two Mideast-based foundations and four
billionaire Saudis.

All told, it's a lot of money.

"These regimes are buying access," Patrick Poole, a national
security analyst who regularly writes for PJ Media, told the
DCNF. "You've got the Saudis. You've got the Kuwaitis, Oman,
Qatar and the UAE (United Arab Emirates). There are massive
conflicts of interest. It's beyond comprehension."

Well, maybe not, given that Clinton, during her four-year tenure
as secretary of state, used a clearly illegal private email
server which is now under investigation by the FBI. Her open e-
mail system likely was hacked by Chinese, Russian and perhaps
other spy agencies, say cyberespionage experts. Such negligence
would seem to disqualify her from ever holding a sensitive
foreign policy post in the government again.

Meanwhile, former U.S. Attorney Joseph E. diGenova told the
Caller that he believes the FBI has launched a second, possibly
more serious investigation into possible political corruption
involving the Clinton Foundation. This is potentially explosive,
given that the Clintons seem to have run their charity in a way
that lines their own pockets.

The question is an open one: Did the oil-rich Mideast nations
give lavishly to the Clinton Foundation in an effort to
influence future U.S. policy? And what about Bill Clinton's
business partnership with Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum,
Dubai's authoritarian ruler, from 2003 to 2008? Clinton took
away some $15 million in "guaranteed payments" from the deal,
his tax records show.

A picture of extraordinary greed is emerging from both Clintons
in the years after they hold the highest posts in the U.S.

In just the past three years, after her stint as the nation's
top diplomat, Hillary Clinton spoke to dozens of deep-pocket
firms on Wall Street, typically charging $250,000 a pop to hear
her wit and wisdom -- despite her bitter condemnations of Wall
Street during her campaign.

All told, she took in an estimated $22 million from these
speeches -- an extraordinary amount, given the growing consensus
among foreign-policy thinkers that Clinton was one of the worst
secretaries of state ever.

So why would Arab potentates and Wall Street magnates alike pony
up so much money for the Clintons? Is it because they believe so
strongly in the philanthropic mission of the Clinton Family
Foundation? Or is it that they hoped to have influence on a
future Hillary Clinton presidency, which would of course feature
First Gentleman Bill Clinton?

Remember, a Hillary Clinton presidency once looked like a sure
thing. Now, given the growing possibility that she could be
charged for criminal negligence for putting secret material on a
private server, or perhaps even be charged with corruption,
Clinton has far more serious problems than just getting elected.
Her biggest problem may be staying out of prison.

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