Interesting comments! I didn't know about the Italian one. Amazing! My
own speculations ran along these lines: that Christmas for most people
has become such a farce, having become an orgy of materialism and
gluttony - the antethesis of what it is supposed to be, in many ways,
and that, if there is a God as indicated in Biblical scripture, he/it
would arguably feel most irate on Christmas Day or the day after.
Being a just God, he'd likely suspend his anger until Christmas day
was completely over before venting that anger.
When I was a kid, I remember reading certain fundamentalist Christian
magazines that came through my door: ("The Plain Truth", I think) that
pedicted the approach of judgement day would be recognisable by the
increased incidence of natural disasters.... If this Biblical God
wanted to give us a warning, he might do it on the most significant
day of the year... the day when he might feel the most frustration or
anger. Just a thought...
I was truly taken by your words. I'd like to have your readings on a
CD so I can listen to them over and over for inspiration.
Yes, I too was thining about the strange number of hurricanes in
Florida this year.
Have you ever felt the or heard the spirits on the wind? When I am in
the favourable receptive state, emotionally tuned in to a certain
wavelength, I have listened intently, wondering what it is whispering.
Its spirits sometimes seem so alive and intelligent seeming often like
messengers of freedom, full of hope and promise of new beginnings. I
got so close those spirits one time. It was when I first visited
Florida from England in the early 80s. Only Florida seemed to be rich
in that living wind, somehow, and I developed a deep affection for it
In Florida, it was a special wind that caressed my skin as if with
rose petals. I would listen intently to the spirits on that wind,
trying to understand what they were whispering. I'd love to tell you
all what they had to say. There were so many voices on that wind, like
a thousand liberated angels, but so gentle and favourable to me. And
then I think about the hurricaines you've had with such frequency this
year. They tear a town apart, yet sometimes take a single person high
in the sky then set him down gently without a scratch. There seems to
be so much intelligence in the wind.. and wisdom. And what starts
those huricanes? A single thought? Yes, possibly.... just read about
chaos theory. I feel we are all connected, not just to each other but
to the very elements of the physical plane too. For everything is
surely part of the great I am. So those powerful elemental forces are
not alien to us - no! They are surely an expression of what we are all
part of.
>>I must tell you that I named my daughter Raine, and she had a cat named
I won;t ask you why she called it Puddles. ;-))
I will definitely keep an eye out for that. Make it soon, huh? I think
you've got a rare talent.