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An Assessment of the Theology of Carl Gustav Jung

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Mats Winther

Jul 28, 2022, 2:49:39 AM7/28/22
Abstract: Jung argues that the symbols of Christianity are no longer alive, and as a result they have lost their healing function. As a restorative he professes an immanent Godhead, symbolized by the quaternity. The devil, or the alchemical Mercurius, shall be elevated as the fourth person of the Godhead. The article evaluates Jung's quaternarian theology and measures it against trinitarian theology. Jung's metaphysical postulates, such as the mental unconscious, are criticized. The spiritual plight of modern man is discussed. Luther's theology ought to be complemented with a good understanding of 'summum bonum'.

Keywords: quaternity, trinity, nature of evil, the Self, Christ, 'complexio oppositorum', 'summum bonum', 'privatio boni', theology of the cross, Jung, Luther.

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