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Re: Georg Gurdjieff, Nazis, Stalin Crawley betrayed the order and revealed important secrets to unworthy people ... Thelemites are not our brothers. Gurdjieff was not a member of that group, nor did he ever participate in any Satanic ritual. His brot

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Aleksandar Milicevic

Aug 19, 2021, 3:45:05 PM8/19/21
On Sunday, 30 November 1997 at 09:00:00 UTC+1, Mrshobbit wrote:
> it is me again using lower case. somehow i got an inquiry as to
> whether or not crowley, hitler, and stalin were masons and/ or
> had something to do with the golden dawn.
> the golden dawn was founded, in part, by crowley. it started
> out mystical in nature. crowley led it into evil and satanism was
> the next phase.
> mysticism is far different from what they did. mysticism is
> when an individual has special gifts: insight, prophecy,
> understanding and perception most cannot see nor hear.
> well, another topic to expond on: mysticism, it probably fits.
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