May 7, 2021, my world lost a good man. He was always a quiet, humble and successful man. I’ve said the f bomb more in one month than he has lifetime and his ended at the age of 86 ☹. David Francis Forest, entered my ma’s life at a time when Clark Gable was needed and that was who Dave reminded me of. A Naval officer in the South Pacific. Kind, absolute gentleman. I had the honor of sitting at his table when truly it was not deserved of his attention. Dementia & a minor stroke kept him trapped in his own mind for speech was impeded but other than that, nothing stopped him straight up to the end of his life. My brother Tom would be a good man none the less but not THE Tom Forest I’ve cone to know, a honest, humble and full of God man that Dave was, so is Tom and knowing Dave, emulation of he has kept me alive. Rest in peace “Dave”, rest in peace. Fox News was undeserved of your stellar intelligence, Republican of good.
The staff here at Taunton State Hospital has been their absolute cruelest in not assisting me in arrangement for a final respect to Dave at his service, nor anytime last week too. In fact, my social worker Nancy Moniz only reared her head when the press said something I suppose or was it the mob of people last Monday whom arguably felt for me and quite literally as someone overheard me via speakerphone said of my absence “we’re pissed”. The lies and disinformation records state of me, always in fights or delusional or lying only serve for one big question? Will DMH ever learn to be honest with patient records? Joseph Ipoch is my psychiatrist and he is a clear definition of psychotic in downplaying the cruel eventual effects of needing insulin needles due to an increase of 5 mg’s of Abilify, a drug of lesser evil out of all mental health meds. He as well as Moniz know no respect towards me or any of the patients here. Ever wonder why there a sense of fear among outpatients that go over the edge? DMH ruins their medical reputation, thus the press has a field day over the littlest altercation or so much as an oddity, also known as a quirk of personality. Then there is the handcuff and tackle em mentality of law enforcement such as the SOB Kevin Shaw whose sole purpose is to ruin my life, such a leader if ever there was one. Judge Brennan you big bad wolf, you’ve tried scaring this man in lambs clothing. Hello world! Brennan, go to hell asshole.
Demi Rose Mawby, of all people with nearly 20,000,000 fans enters my life it seems but numbers don’t talk. If God had a daughter for Eve, Demi is her little sister and Jesus is her brother. Her body is her temple and if I can attain a fifth of her condition, I’ll look better than any time in my life since basic training 1986 and winter 2016. We’ve partnered for two album covers, “If You Would Be With Me” & “Something About Tomorrow”. As for future endeavors, the band Journey is in the studio and heading Lollapaloosa this year. “Sunshine Bubbly’ the song of mine and title track is destined to be a Journey song, just getting them to run with it while having Demi Rose the subject of the songs video was easy yet the task is in the making. Her ex Chris Martinez is a control freak who is a concern, considering a massive fire in Martinez, California, less than 24 hours after his name was mentioned to Mark, a DMH worker here. So, before you say coincidence, the odds it’d be a nationwide story in front of my lunch time dining room television eyes via Rhode Islands WPRI Channel 12? Demi has been said to be the biggest influencer o the United Kingdom on par with Princess Diana. For me to believe that a beauty such as her, is interested in me as a love someday if not only virtually now leads many to say “imposter” to “too good to be true” to “you lucky guy you, finally, someone on par with you regarding music as she is to the modeling and personality world.”
Happiness is a warm keyboard.
William Mahler
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