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The Zets [ A story... ]

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Apr 13, 1990, 1:21:29 PM4/13/90

This is the beginning of a story that I recently wrote. I haven't
written any more as I want to find out if it is worth continuing.
Any feedback will be refleced on. Please reply to me as to what you
think of this, as this will determine whether or not I continue to
write the saga of the Zets....

The Joker


- 1 -

The room was hot, there was no doubt about that. All I could do
was toss and turn and occasionally lift and wave the small green
blanket from my sweat covered body to try and cool off. This was
the height summer here in Pittsburgh and the weather just wasn't giving
anyone a break, least of all me stuck in this sweltering apartment
in Oakland.

" Fuck this shit.", I cursed softly to no one in particular.
The bed creaked softly as I rose from it in search of some sort of
light clothing to wear. Finally settling on a pair of cotton city
bdu's I slipped them on. Cracking my neck, I yawned and then headed
over to the other bedroom where my roomate and partner in madness
was presently residing. His name was Steele. We had first met at a
a run up near trees hall. Now, Steele wasn't into skating, skate
boarding that is, but I had dragged him into it. By nature he's pretty
docile, at least for streetdrek. We had our wild times, but he never
really got into the total loco madness of it all. Steele was an artist
he really knew about what there was to see in life. Steele was the one
that had gotten me into a lot of the music I listen to now. Bach,
Beethoven, Vivaldi, and a lot more. He pointed out what the musicians
were saying. This held note here and the swooning of the cello...

But that had been five years ago, after about four months of
knowing each other, he had taken me up on my offer to move into my pad.
Granted it's no awesome place, but it's at least a place to sleep.
The apartment was clean, and in pretty good shape. The fridge always
had beer and the music library was awesome. No complaints from me, and
if Steele had any, he wasn't voicing them. Steele always wore his lanky
light brown hair in classic 90's heavy metal style. Way k00l...

I opened the door to his room and peered in. There he was, snoring softly without a care in the world. I grinned evilly and then flicked
on the light switch. This elicited a growl of anger from him and a
' turn the fucking lights off'. After which he turned over and jammed
the pillow on top of his head.

" Yo, get the fuck up asshole!!!! "

" Fuck you!!! Lemme sleep...."

I picked up a pair of black combat pants and hurled them at his
still unmoving form. True to aim, they knocked the pillow from his head
and bashed him in the face.

" I said get the fuck up!!"

" ARG!!! ...SHIT!!! It's only three in the mornin' and you want ME to
be up?!?!?! You gone fuckin' loco or somethin'? "

" Well, I couldn't sleep. Besides, it's three in the afternoon shit
for brains. C'mon, we've got to go and pick up some people. "

" Alright, alright, I'm getting up, sheesh..."

With that Steele sat up and rubbed his eyes. Then blearily
stumbled into the bathroom where the sound of running water and then
the shower could be heard. I then flicked the lights off and wandered
into our living room. Gradually, I went through the ritual of turning
on all the power switches of our stereo set up, and cued up Metallica.
The heavy bass lines and maddening drum beat soon had me banging my feet in time to the music. Ah, alive once more. What a feeling.

" Will you survive in the blitzkrieg.... "

Time seemed motionless as the melody woke my sleep deadened
nerves and I eventually meandered over to the coffee maker and placed
a fresh batch of Maxwell house in the filter. Steele came out of the
bathroom, a towel around his waist.

" Hey, how 'bout a cup of coffee? "

" Yes, sir, it'll be waiting for you.", I said sarcastically.
Man, times never change.

After about five minutes Steele walked out of his room and
grabbed his cup of caffeine.

" Careful, it's ..."

" YOW!!! "

"", I finished with a huge smirk on my face.

Just then a knock on the door shocked us out of our early
afternoon reverie. I grabbed the ever present balisong from up my
back and flicked it open with a double renvese. I cracked the door,
and then opened it wide, embracing Psycho as she strode in. As usual
she had on a more-than-revealing outfit.

" Hey guys, 'sup? "

" Not much Psycho, not much. Just assholes getting people up before
they're damn ready to be. "

At this she laughed and gave me a playful tickle,
" So you've been waking Steel up, eh? Wonder what for."

" You'll never know!"

"Awww, please", she responded batting her lashes and pouting with her
head tilted a bit to the left.

" AH, shaddup and siddown while I get a shower, listen to whatever
you want. Though if you play anything in 15 minutes Steele will kill
you 'cuz his turtle show is on. And the laser disc player is busted. "

I entered the small bath and proceeded to cool myself while
humming Welcome to the Jungle by Guns n' Roses, while the
walls of the place vibrated to the tune of Bohemian Rhapsody by
Queen. As usual Steel was ranting and raving about all the shitty
music he had to put up with every time that Psycho came over.

And as usual Psycho got tired of Steele's arguments and
gave her standard reply.

" Shut the fuck up, Steele!!! "

After which he'd calm down a little and then hide the remote
on his person and change the song in the music library. For quite a
while later I heard the likes of Tchaikovsky, Styx, Bach, Journey,
and finally Vivaldi, as I opened the door to a blast of heat. There
suddenly was a horrendous crash from the living room and I rushed in.
I found Psycho and Steele picking up a framed " Coors " poster from
off of the floor.

" Hey you guys, calm down!", I shouted.

They only smirked as I suddenly became aware of the fact that
I was " sans clothes ". I hurriedly ran off to my room and put on some
jeans and a tee, before coming back into the room to a standing
ovation from my audience of two. Meanwhile, Vivaldi had ceased as
Steele frantically turned it off and flipped the vid on.

" ..heroes in a half-shell. Turtle power."

" Alright, yow, I love this show!", Steele said ecstatically.

I groaned to myself and turned to the kitchen in search of
breakfast, lunch rather. Opening the fridge turned out to be a mistake,
as half a case of labatts fell to the floor and two of them broke open
and showered my feet in frothy white ale.

" UGH!! "

I slowly mopped up the beer, and tossed the shattered part out the window where I could hear them tinkling on the street as they broke
into even smaller fragments. Turning my attention back to the open
refrigerator I poked around and eventually came up with, nothing. So
I grabbed three beers and plopped my ass onto the couch. Where upon
my horde was raided my two pairs of hands and I was left with only
one beer.

" HEY!! I got those, so's I wouldn't have to get up fer at
least the end of the show!!! Ya want some, go get it yourself!! "

" Tough shit, you brought em' you lose em'.", Steele said.

" Yeah, if you want them back, you'll have to use force",
Psycho said with an evil grin.

I just let that one go, 'cuz I knew that if I provoked her
she'd only get worse.

" Steele? "

" Yeah, Joker? "

" Why the hell don't you turn this shit off?!?! "

" Hey, stop complaining, I have to put up with your
fuckin' music day in and day out. You can at least allow
me the courtesy of half-an-hour once a day."

" ARG!! "

" Boys, boys...", Psycho started," If you two don't behave
I'll have to send you to your rooms. "

This was too much, Steele looked at me and I looked at him.
We both smiled and casually turned to Psycho and dumped our beer
onto her head. Needless to say that earned us an ear piercing shriek
and both of us had to run, before she got her hands on any sort of
sharp instrument.

Panting and with our backs to Steele's door, he turned to
me and said, " Think she's calmed down by now? "

Suddenly my katana came slicing through the door and blocked
my view of Steele's eyes from mine.

" No. ", I said as we both jumped on to the bed and began
wrestling with the bars enclosing us in the room and blocking our
path to freedom via the fire-escape. Then a voice yelled from in
the living room.
" What the .... WHOA!!!! Put that down Psycho, you're
liable to hurt something, or someone. HEY!! Watch it! Don't!! oops!! "

Steele and I both looked at each other again and said in
unison. " Tigger!!!! ".

Ripping open the door and racing into the living room,
we found Tigger backed up on the couch and spread eagled against the
wall with Psycho menacing his balls with my sword. Needless to say
Tigger wasn't moving and his eyes were larger than someone having
an orgasm.

" Hey Tigger,",Steele started," looks like you're sweating
a bit there. Wonder why. Does some Psychotic bitch got you by the
balls?!? "

At this, Steele and I both collapsed on the floor in gales
of laughter. Tigger just fumed, and Psycho *ahemed* at our general
direction. Once we were finished, and had wiped the tears of mirth from our eyes, we all sat down and each of us cracked a beer.

" Psycho? "

" Yeah, Tigger? "

" Why is the couch wet? "

Steele and I clutched each other for support as we
watched poor Tigger race down the street with Psycho close behind
and a katana in her hands....

( to be continued... depending on feedback.... )


| | Chaste makes waste. |

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