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That Trump persecution in Georgia has imploded

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JTEM is Magic

Feb 19, 2024, 1:47:23 PMFeb 19

To be honest, they need to drop it.

"What happens next?"

Trump is the defacto winner of the 2024 election.
If he is stopped, if the voters are denied their say,
even the pretense of democracy is gone. There's
no recovery.

This is literally fascism: "Who cares what the
majority wants? They can only vote for
candidate we the minority want."

The 2020 election was a cruel joke. They changed
the rules, inflicted an EASILY abused system on
the nation and did not add a single safeguard to
address the changes. It invited suspicion. The
fact that a man nearly as big a narcissist as
Obama believes he really one is a given. The system
gave me reasons aplenty to doubt the official

Did Trump want the official results overturned?


Al Gore wanted the results of the 2000 election
overturned. He went to court, tried to get the courts
to do it for him!

The only point here would be the ballots that Trump
mentioned -- combined totally a number of times
greater than Biden's official margin of victory. If
Trump's allegations are wrong, Biden won Georgia
fair and square. If Trump's allegations or correct,
even part way, then the election was stolen.

We can invest the effort currently put into his
persecution into investigating his allegations, which
can't right any wrongs at this point and thus would
be useless even from Trump's perspective. Or we
can end the persecution and allow the voters to
make their choice, even if we believe it is the wrong

Let's face it: LeftTards made a MASSIVE mistake
back in 2016, choosing to put Kavanaigh on the
Supreme Court, choosing to overturn Roe v Wade,
choosing to go mental for the next seven years,
all because the media ordered them to not like

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Feb 19, 2024, 2:14:28 PMFeb 19
OH, it's so simple, don't you know? Donnie only needs to
slip by 91 felony charges to come out smelling like a rose
instead of the fecal-filled diaper he wears.

JTEM is Magic

Feb 19, 2024, 2:42:00 PMFeb 19
DocUfo wrote:

> OH, it's so simple, don't you know? Donnie only needs to
> slip by 91 felony charges to come out smelling like a rose
> instead of

Your emotions towards Hillary or Trump or anyone else could
not be any less relevant here. Anti Hillary efforts lead to
President Trump and strong right-wing leaning Supreme Court
for the next generation. The decision to abuse the courts is
going to lead to the persecution of anyone who stands in the
way of the wealthy and powerful.

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