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Precedents From 2021 Recur For The Purification {18 November 2022 4:56 pm CET}

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Curtis Eagal

Nov 18, 2022, 5:51:22 AM11/18/22
Redefining terms to find the solutions for the cataclysmic timing has been problematic, since after fulfillment this would be a conclusive process, while doing so beforehand is a tentative exploration. Confusion was introduced, with the orientation of the spinning Grand Trine, the significance of the Eleventh House cusp Apex, Fortune making a leap when the Sun crosses the Ecliptic, and so on. Not wishing to overlook the critical moments, a variety of approaches and possibilities were considered.

The challenge was to solve the enigma before activation rendered that moot; rather than anyone expected to be making serious decisions with this information, it has become an academic goal - albeit tracking an inevitable, disturbing event on the verge of manifesting.

A question hinted in II.66 regards the Fortune leap when the Sun is at either the Ascendant or Descendant; another is how Pallas (from the palace pun) could play a major role. These are open-ended, disjointed statements with subtly relevant meanings. Judicial astrology simply calls for the celestial movements to be observed over time against what was written involving those bodies.

The 'two efforts in succession' precedents from 5 and 15 July 2021 will have an essential dual recurrence for 18 November 2022: the 5 July case had a Ceres lunar conjunct; and the 15 July instance involved a lunar opposition with Neptune - on 18 November 2022 there is a Ceres lunar conjunct in opposition with Neptune!

And 18 November is feast for Blessed Grimoaldo of The Purification, a very literal appearance for a day when The Actual Purification is expected.

The Balance condition from V.42 regarded the Good Omen of the Sun-Neptune-Lilith Grand Trine being inverted over the Sun, Mercury and Venus: yet that did not have to be the activation situation. The Eleventh House cusp as Apex false Midheaven seems more clearly ominous, especially with Grand Trines formed for particular characters at the Apex.

Clarity can only be achieved by examining the celestial movements, asking whether what is found could be what was foreseen.

For 18 November 2022 the Saturn-Then-Vesta-At-Apex conditions were explored in the Geneva charts, using local CET time zone.

Saturn reaches the Eleventh House cusp Apex 4:33 pm CET, with a Grand Trine formed by Mars and the Vertex as the base.

Ouranos is already slightly about the Ascendant. But more notably, Pluto at the true Midheaven is in opposition with the Lilith-Pallas pairing at the Nadir: this could be 'the Pallas' for II.66 line 3, since the Prime Vertical has aligned with the Pallas-Pluto opposition. The Part of Fortune is with Juno in Pisces.

Thereafter it becomes the Saturnin interval, which includes Sunset before Vesta takes the Apex spot, and should include the onset moment.

Sunset at 4:56 pm CET has Fortune jumping from Neptune's proximity to Leo, near the Lilith-Pallas pairing in Cancer; the Moon is then at 19 degrees 56 minutes Virgo.

And it seems this Fortune leap corresponds with II.66 line 2, because it coincides with the Ceres-Moon union in opposition with Neptune and Fortune: the jump brings Fortune down to the Nadir (not a lunar union).

Vesta ends the Saturnin period by reaching the Apex point at 5:08 pm CET ('Vesta sepulchral fire,' X.6), presenting a post-Sunset double Evening Star phenomenon with Mercury and Venus both dropping below the horizon in succession.

The precise Ceres lunar conjunct happens at 5:33 pm CET, at 20 degrees 16 minutes Virgo.

The technical Neptune lunar opposition takes place at 10:11 pm CET - "Corinth, Ephesus then in perplexity" (III.3).

The 18 November 2022 date is during the Mercury Reign (X.79), which does not terminate until Vesta enters Pisces 20 November 2022 10:18 pm CET.

Further hagiological confirmation beyond Blessed Grimoaldo consists of: Saint Mawes also with an 18 November feast, for Brittany (IV.95); three sainted martyrs from 170, for Vienne, Gaul (X.58 etc.) on the 19th; and Saint Benignus (d. 477), archbishop of Milan for Lombardy (V.42, VI.16) on 20 November.

Deducing Rhodes of V.16 for 21 November 2022 via Saint Heliodorus implies a Lasting Phantom of The Miracle will be witnessed then, The Purification experience of the Warning or Preparation phenomenon having recently ended.

The city split into three parts from Revelation could portend extensive fissures in the global crust rather than a single Pit for the Abyss.

The critical Geneva Sunset 18 November 2022 4:56 pm CET is same day 10:56 am EST and 7:56 am PST for the US coastal regions.

Two events since the 25 October 2022 solar eclipse have been identified in the quatrains: the hammer attack on Paul Pelosi during the home invasion; and the Halloween crowd crush incident in Seoul, South Korea. The moment of Venus debasement at the Nadir for Geneva during her single-day reign was temporally synchronized with the announcement of US House majority going to the Republican party, which in VI.21 could be a prerequisite for 'the sustained great trembling.' So this endeavor is not being conducted in an empty vacuum, but is constantly being confirmed by real-world events.
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Curtis Eagal

Nov 18, 2022, 7:07:34 AM11/18/22
Although the Geneva chart for Venus at the Nadir 17 November 2022 12:47 am CET does not show the trine line between Neptune and Lilith-Pallas as being perfectly level, but at a slight angle, this is the obvious intended meaning for (Venus and two others) being Under the Balance (V.42) - the impression is a 'tipped' Scale. What is extraordinary is that the Moon had then risen slightly from the Ascendant, in opposition with Vesta - appearing at nearly the same angle in a parallel prodigy!

So my determination to find some inert instance of the Lilith-Neptune line being perfectly level was misguided: the moment of Queen Venus at her Nadir simply looked that way, and coincided temporally with the US chamber majority announcement. The Libran confusion was unavoidable using this symbolic device for the Grand Trine as pivoting on a fulcrum.

In a similar way the 2 November 2022 Neptune lunar adjacency with Venus at the Ascendant was depicted in X.28 as a false rapport with Venus which would render debasement later (on the 17th). First Venus as Mystery Babylon was debased at the Nadir during her reign; then the Great Mercury (X.79) is planetary ruler, and oversees the execution of justice via Saturn, at the Apex position appearing atop a partly conceptual upright Grand Trine with implications of The Divine Trinity.

The Neptune lunar opposition arriving five and a quarter hours after the presumed onset time indicates the great sustained trembling of VI.21 could be well underway.

All of the precursor prophecies related to the cataclysm seem to be manifesting on a schedule too precise for the seer to have obtained such data without a divine source, and there are clear contemporary real-world fulfillments along the path towards the ultimate culmination. This is one event that promises media coverage will not be required to know when it is transpiring.

Curtis Eagal

Nov 18, 2022, 11:42:00 AM11/18/22
When Saturn reaches the skewed Midheaven point, Neptune will be near the Apex Eleventh House cusp false Prime Vertical, in the Grand Trine with the Sun and Lilith, and in opposition to the Ceres-Moon union. That is worthy of the 'perplexity' label. The sequence will be:

Saturn at Midheaven 18 November 2022 6:12 pm CET;

Ceres with the Moon at the Fifth House cusp 6:15 pm CET;

Neptune at the Eleventh House cusp 6:22 pm CET;

Vesta at Midheaven 6:51 pm CET (Ouranos opposing the Vertex along the Sixth and Twelfth House cusps).

So shortly after Saturn passes Midheaven, Neptune assumes the Apex position in its decaying yet upright Grand Trine (with Lilith and the progressing Sun), opposing the Ceres lunar conjunct.

That is a slight timing shift to 18 November 2022 12:22 pm EST for the US East coast.

The actual Neptune lunar opposition would be about four hours later, however the Saturn-Vesta effect does not seem engaged then.

Curtis Eagal

Nov 18, 2022, 2:00:23 PM11/18/22
Saturn and Vesta are not engaged during the Neptune lunar opposition on 18 November 2022 at 10:11 pm CET, however an hour afterward they begin to descend below the Ecliptic --

Saturn will be at the Descendant 11:05 pm CET;

Then the Lilith-Pallas trine line with Neptune again Balances level over the Sun-Fulcrum near Mercury and Venus, around 11:30 pm.

This shortly precedes Ouranos reaching the true Midheaven point at 11:38 pm CET: so again the Level status for the Balance seems ominous, following VI.70 where the noise and light surpass the Heavens (Ouranos in Greek).

The pairing of Lilith and Pallas allows the trine with the Sun to be sustained, since Pallas is near 26 degrees, which the Sun has gone beyond; the Lilith-Neptune trine connection remains strong; yet the trine between Neptune and the Sun is essentially broken, with Jupiter promising a further solar trine opportunity.

Vesta follows Saturn in setting below the horizon 19 November 2022 12:01 am CET.

That chart shows a Star of David effect again, and the 'Balance' tipping with the Ceres-Moon pairing in trine with Pluto joined by the Vertex, forming a parallel line just as in the 17 November Venus debasement situation. The secondary, upward-pointing Grand Trine has the Midheaven point at its Apex, with Ceres-Moon and Pluto-Vertex forming the base. If it were not for the Saturn-Vesta lines, it would seem more ominous than the Level condition, since it so closely resembles the 17th chart.

The Reign of Great Mercury ends 20 November 2022 10:18 pm CET, when Vesta enters Pisces.

Mercury and Venus will ultimately conjoin 21 November 11:08 pm CET at 7 degrees 6 minutes Sagittarius.

The triggering condition appears to be in a Saturnin interval before Vesta assumes the same role: therefore the Balanced-Level appearance of the Lilith-Neptune trine at 11:30 pm CET, a few minutes before Ouranos reaches Midheaven, seems to be the cataclysmic onset time.

With this terrifying ordeal predicted to last several nights, and be over by 21 November, the onset time cannot be very far away.

Perhaps as far as 18 November 2022 11:30 pm CET / 5:30 pm EST / 2:30 pm PST.

Curtis Eagal

Nov 18, 2022, 8:19:22 PM11/18/22
By following the seer's guidelines diligently, his logic appears excellent and perhaps there can be some clarity.

The Fortune jumps when the Sun reached the Ecliptic over the period 16 to 20 November 2022 explains II.66 where the Pallas instance traps people (hence the capitalizations).

Starting with 16 November: Dawn, Fortune jumped from near Vesta to the Moon (opposing Saturn); Dusk, the leap was from Saturn to the Moon (still opposing Saturn).

For 17 November: Dawn, Fortune leapt from near Saturn to the Moon (opposing Vesta); Dusk, it jumped from 5 degrees Pisces (opposing the Moon) to 14 degrees Leo (in a trine with Chiron).

On November 18: Dawn, Fortune jumped from 5 degrees Aquarius to the Moon (opposing Juno); Dusk, the leap was from Neptune's vicinity (opposing Ceres) to 4 degrees Leo (near PALLAS, which is close to 26 degrees Cancer).

Then 19 November: Dawn, Fortune started from very close to Pluto's position (in direct opposition with PALLAS), instantly moving to the Moon (joining its Jupiter opposition); Dusk, Fortune starts near Jupiter around 2 degrees Aries -

Then jumps to 23 degrees 31 minutes Cancer, alongside Lilith, so with PALLAS they line up as three equidistant points.

Immediately Fortune moves to cross Lilith, then join PALLAS at 5:08 pm CET.

This is the case which the seer has implied is critical, Fortune leaping near PALLAS then conjoining it.

Continuing with the 20th: Dawn, Fortune starts around 14.5 degrees Capricorn, and leaps to the Moon (opposing Chiron); Dusk, Fortune begins with Chiron (opposing the Moon), and leaps to the Moon (opposing Chiron).

So the evening of 19 November 2022 is critical for Geneva, and this timing confirms the Saturn-At-Apex theory:

Saturn is at the vertical Eleventh House cusp Apex 19 November 2022 4:30 pm CET, in its upright Grand Trine (suggesting the divine righteousness of the Trinity) with the base formed by Mars and the Vertex. Yet in this instance, the Lilith-Pallas pairing is aligned with the Prime Vertical at the Nadir, opposing Pluto at the skewed true Midheaven.

Sunset at 4:56 pm CET causes Fortune to leap from 2 degrees 37 minutes Aries to alongside Lilith-Pallas.

Vesta reaches the Apex point at 5:05 pm CET.

And Fortune conjoins Pallas at 5:08 pm CET.

So Sunset occurs during the Saturnin interval, about nine minutes before it ends with Vesta taking the top spot.

The subsequent Pallas-Fortune union occuring only three minutes into the Vesta interval is the likely meaning of II.66 line 3 with the trapping from the 'Pallas.'

That makes the critical time for the cataclysmic onset Geneva Twilight itself, with the leap of Fortune to Pallas' proximity,

19 November 2022 4:56 pm CET [10:56 am EST / 7:56 am EST].

The three martyrs from 170 honored as saints 19 November are associated with Vienne (IX.70), Gaul (X.58).

Ceux de Vienne seront trestous haches

Those of Vienne will all be hacked to pieces

Gaule branler, pericliter la barque

Gaul to shake, the Bark to be in jeopardy
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