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Hillary the Hypocrite

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Steven Douglas

2018年11月16日 02:46:042018/11/16
In one of the presidential debates, Trump was asked by the
media if he would accept the results of the election if he
lost. Of course no one asked Hillary Clinton that question.
But she did comment on Trump's response when he said he'd
have to take a look at it when the time came.

Here's Hillary's response: "That’s horrifying," Clinton
replied. "Let’s be clear about what he is saying and what
that means. He is denigrating — he is talking down our
democracy. And I am appalled that someone who is the
nominee of one of our two major parties would take that

"He is denigrating -- he is talking down our democracy,"
she said.

Fast forward to the present, and who is it that is talking
down our democracy? Why it's hypocritical Hillary Clinton
herself! In the governor's race in Georgia, the Democratic
candidate has lost, but Democrats are whining about it and
claiming the election was rigged.

Here's Hillary again, speaking of the Democratic candidate
Stacey Abrams: "If she had a fair election, she already
would have won."

What is it about Democrats, that if they win the election,
the Republican is supposed to shut up and accept it. But
when Democrats lose, something is wrong and they will do
anything and everything to overturn the results of the

Hillary Clinton is a complete hypocrite! What she's doing
to our democracy would be funny if it weren't so serious.


2018年11月16日 04:10:212018/11/16
Hillary Clinton let her "People First" agenda get 'derailed' by the "Women First" movement, and that was her biggest mistake of the 2016 Election. But it is soon to be 2019 , and the "Women First" movement has found a 'voice' regardless. So maybe it is time for you to move on and 'Get OVER It' , the women's movement is here to stay , even if it 'brings down' the America that Pres. Trump has made so Great.

Incredibly lucky JTEM

2018年11月16日 11:54:132018/11/16

Trump swore all through the primaries and
again through the national election that
the system was rigged. And he won. Trump
swore it was rigged and Trump won. So, Trump
was confessing that he was the beneficiary
of a rigged election.

According to Trump, he stole the election, or
at least people/powers stole it for him.

Again, according to Trump.

-- --


2018年11月16日 13:17:172018/11/16
On 11/16/2018 8:54 AM, Incredibly lucky JTEM wrote:
> Trump swore all through the primaries and
> again through the national election that
> the system was rigged. And he won. Trump
> swore it was rigged and Trump won. So, Trump
> was confessing that he was the beneficiary
> of a rigged election.
> According to Trump, he stole the election, or
> at least people/powers stole it for him.
> Again, according to Trump.

He also said Google search results were rigged against conservatives,
and particularly, him.
The evidence of a rigged national election and Google's search engine
has simply not been forthcoming from Trump, as have so many of his
accusations against the "Left."
He says these paranoiac things to satisfy the conspiratorial mindset of
many of his followers, who, like Steven Douglas, eagerly feed on to
gloriously juxtapose conservatives' supposed relative innocence with the
the purported sinister agenda of the Left to enslave Americans.
Whether Donald actually believes his own rhetoric or not, is unclear,
but it would seem he's more interested in coddling his main support base
than to convince his opposition he's truthful.
He is, of course, a pathological liar. He tells so many lies, small and
large, it's bewildering.
A writhing, slippery snake of a man that Steven can really lovingly
relate to. LOL!


Steven Douglas

2018年11月16日 13:54:552018/11/16
On Friday, November 16, 2018 at 1:10:21 AM UTC-8, wrote:
> Hillary Clinton let her "People First" agenda get 'derailed' by the "Women
> First" movement, and that was her biggest mistake of the 2016 Election. But it
> is soon to be 2019 , and the "Women First" movement has found a 'voice'
> regardless. So maybe it is time for you to move on and 'Get OVER It' ,

Maybe it's time for her to move on and get over it. She's still
trying to make herself relevant, and as long as she's making
stupid remarks, I'll continue to highlight them as I see fit.

Steven Douglas

2018年11月16日 14:21:012018/11/16
On Friday, November 16, 2018 at 8:54:13 AM UTC-8, Incredibly lucky JTEM wrote:
> Trump swore all through the primaries and
> again through the national election that
> the system was rigged. And he won. Trump
> swore it was rigged and Trump won. So, Trump
> was confessing that he was the beneficiary
> of a rigged election.

As we're seeing in Florida and Georgia, Democrats will do
anything they can to steal and election if it's close.
Trump talked about rigged elections to make sure everyone
was watching closely, so they couldn't cheat.
> According to Trump, he stole the election, or
> at least people/powers stole it for him.

Not true. If anything, the Democrats were prevented from
cheating because Trump put a spotlight on the Democratic
Party's penchant for trying to steal elections.

For example, Al Gore tried to steal the election in 2000,
but he was prevented from doing so by lower courts that
ruled against him. But that didn't deter him from taking
it to the Florida Supreme Court, which invented some new
laws that the state legislature had not enacted and the
governor had not signed.

That's when the U.S. Supreme Court stepped in and sent
it back to the lower courts that had ruled correctly in
the first place, and Al Gore was prevented from stealing
the election.

Fast forward to the present, and Democrats in Florida
are once again trying to steal some elections. It's
what they do.

Steven Douglas

2018年11月16日 14:23:362018/11/16
On Friday, November 16, 2018 at 10:17:17 AM UTC-8, docufo wrote:
> He also said Google search results were rigged against conservatives,
> and particularly, him.

Google is a leftist operation. They routinely rig their
search results to favor liberals over conservatives.
> The evidence of a rigged national election and Google's search engine
> has simply not been forthcoming from Trump, as have so many of his
> accusations against the "Left."

The 2016 election couldn't be rigged because Trump called
so much attention to it. Daylight is the best disinfectant
when it comes to Democrats trying to steal elections.

Steven Douglas

2018年11月16日 14:29:592018/11/16
On Friday, November 16, 2018 at 12:54:17 AM UTC-8, wrote:
> Why are you still 'Railing' on Hillary here Steven ,
> talk about 'living' in the past ,

No, I'm living in the present and posting a comment made by
Hillary in the present, to compare with a comment she made
in the past -- and the two comments taken together show her
inordinate hypocrisy.
> but I guess that
> is what you do best , so "carry on" wayward soldier.
> There is life beyond your 'bleak' colored rainbow ,
> if you would just step away from those 'clouds' over
> your head. Just Saying.

Obviously you haven't been paying attention to many of my
most recent comments, since I'm very happy with the way
things are going!


2018年11月16日 15:50:522018/11/16
What 'stole' the election in 2016 was the 12th Amendment's
Electoral College secondary system that you and other
Republicans know has exclusively put five Republican nominees into the
Oval Office so far.
Millions of votes thrown out to elect a Republican President by a minority.
That's not only "stealing" but murdering the core principle of our
democratic republic's majority-rule system.
And yet neither Democrats nor Republicans in congress have done anything
about removing the 12th amendment. How much do our leaders really care
about a true democratic electoral process where each vote counts?


2018年11月16日 21:27:312018/11/16
Dems have a strong margin in the House and that's the bottom line,
despite your whining about alleged rigging.

Trump's agenda has been stymied by that turnaround.

Donald, you and the 30 million cultists are understandably upset and
even fearful.


Steven Douglas

2018年11月17日 02:56:342018/11/17
On Friday, November 16, 2018 at 12:50:52 PM UTC-8, docufo wrote:
> On 11/16/2018 11:23 AM, Steven Douglas wrote:
> > On Friday, November 16, 2018 at 10:17:17 AM UTC-8, docufo wrote:
> >>
> >> He also said Google search results were rigged against conservatives,
> >> and particularly, him.
> >
> > Google is a leftist operation. They routinely rig their
> > search results to favor liberals over conservatives.
> >>
> >> The evidence of a rigged national election and Google's search engine
> >> has simply not been forthcoming from Trump, as have so many of his
> >> accusations against the "Left."
> >
> > The 2016 election couldn't be rigged because Trump called
> > so much attention to it. Daylight is the best disinfectant
> > when it comes to Democrats trying to steal elections.
> What 'stole' the election in 2016 was the 12th Amendment's
> Electoral College

Keep whining. It's getting old, but keep it up and see where it
gets you.

Steven Douglas

2018年11月17日 02:59:592018/11/17
Uh, no, the whining about rigging is all coming from Democrats,
including you in a previous post in this thread.
> Trump's agenda has been stymied by that turnaround.

No it hasn't. He will continue to put conservative judges on
federal courts, and if there is another opening on the Supreme
Court, he will fill that vacancy and the Senate will confirm.
> Donald, you and the 30 million cultists are understandably upset and
> even fearful.

It's truly funny the way you've been trying to characterize
my reaction to these midterm elections, where the Democrats
had a particularly weak performance (when compared to the
last three presidents and their first midterm elections).

Nothing happened that I wasn't expecting, except that the
Republicans actually strengthened their hold on the Senate,
which will make it even easier to get those conservative
judges on the courts!!!

2018年11月19日 04:45:302018/11/19

2018年11月19日 04:46:482018/11/19
Thinking you have the Wrong Person here Steven , I actually made a lot of money on the Stock Market off of Pres. Trump.

And then his 'exiling' of the Dodd / Franks litigation saw it all go "out the window" , thanks to some U.S. based Hedge Fund Groups.

But Trump's Nationalism approach has probably been the best thing for American businesses in over 3 decades.

Steven Douglas

2018年11月19日 12:59:392018/11/19
On Monday, November 19, 2018 at 1:46:48 AM UTC-8, wrote:
> Thinking you have the Wrong Person here Steven , I actually made a lot of
> money on the Stock Market off of Pres. Trump.
> And then his 'exiling' of the Dodd / Franks litigation saw it all go "out
> the window" , thanks to some U.S. based Hedge Fund Groups.

The stock markets are UP over where they were when Trump took
> But Trump's Nationalism approach has probably been the best thing for
> American businesses in over 3 decades.

Some people think prosperity is a bad thing. I'm glad you're
not one of them.


2018年11月19日 17:41:092018/11/19
It depends on what event you're referring to because Donald and his
followers believed the national election would probably be rigged,
especially, as he warned them, if he didn't win it! LOL! And that's
entirely the Right whining about a rigged election before, and even
after as Donald and they claimed they'd actually gotten the popular vote
majority! LOLol!
Donald began a national project to gather election data, personal
info, from all the states' election boards. He was stopped by
constitutional challenges many states threw at him, and dropped the
project for lack of completeness of study data. Oh, too bad. 'sniff'
So, presumably, for Donald and his cultists the claim of national
election fraud is still an active issue among them. It would therefore
logically follow that the next national election will be accompanied by
many claims it's probably rigged against Donald, too. EH? LOlol!
Paranoiac fanatics running nuts and loose on the deck, junior! And you
might as well join them. You fit in so well. Hard to starboard!!!

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