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Aug 28, 2021, 2:22:26 AM8/28/21

EVIL WHITE FILTH "WORSHIPS this megalomaniacal racist genocidal filthy

everybody TO THINK that whites are civilized".



The crimes of Winston Churchill

Churchill was a genocidal maniac. He is fawned over in Britain and held
up as a hero of the nation — voted ‘Greatest Briton’ of all time. Below
is the real history of Churchill. The history of a white supremacist
whose hatred for Indians led to four million starving to death. The man
who loathed Irish people so much he conceived different ways to
terrorise them. A racist thug who waged war on black people across
Africa and in Britain. This is the trial of Winston Churchill, the enemy
of all humanity.


Churchill found his love for war during the time he spent in
Afghanistan. While there he said “all who resist will be killed without
quarter” because the Pashtuns need “recognise the superiority of race”.
He believed the Pashtuns needed to be dealt with, he would reminisce in
his writings about how he partook in the burning villages and peoples homes.

“We proceeded systematically, village by village, and we destroyed
the houses, filled up the wells, blew down the towers, cut down the
great shady trees, burned the crops and broke the reservoirs in punitive
devastation.” — Churchill on how the British carried on in Afghanistan,
and he was only too happy to be part of it.

Churchill would also write of how “every tribesman caught was speared or
cut down at once”. Proud of the terror he helped inflict on the people
of Afghanistan Churchill was well on the road to becoming a genocidal


Churchill wrote that he was concerned Cuba would turn in to “another
black republic” in 1896. By “another” he was referring to Haiti which
was the first nation in modern times to abolish slavery. Haiti has been
punished for doing so ever since.


“Tell them that if we have any more of their cheek we will set the Jews
on them and drive them into the gutter, from which they should never
have emerged” — Winston Churchill on how to deal with Egypt in 1951.


The British Army under the guidance of Churchill perpetrated a massacre
on the streets of Athens in the month of December 1944. 28 protesters
were shot dead, a further 128 injured. Who were they? Were they
supporters of Nazism? No, they were in fact anti-Nazis.

The British demanded that all guerrilla groups should disarm on the 2nd
December 1944. The following day 200,000 people took to the streets, and
this is when the British Army on Churchill’s orders turned their guns on
the people. Churchill regarded ELAS (Greek People’s Liberation Army) and
EAM (National Liberation Front) as “miserable banditti” (these were the
very people who ran the Nazis out). His actions in the month of December
were purely out of his hatred and paranoia for communism.

The British backed the right-wing government in Greece returned from
exile after the very same partisans of the resistance that Churchill
ordered the murder of had driven out the Nazi occupiers. Soviet forces
were well received in Greece. This deeply worried Churchill. He planned
to restore the monarchy in Greece to combat any possible communist
influence. The events in December were part of that strategy.

In 1945, Churchill sent Charles Wickham to Athens where he was put in
charge of training the Greek security police. Wickham learned his tricks
of the trade in British occupied Ireland between 1922–1945 where he was
a commander of the colonial RUC which was responsible for countless terror.

In April 1945 Churchill said “the [Nazi] collaborators in Greece in many
cases did the best they could to shelter the Greek population from
German oppression” and went on to say “the Communists are the main foe”.


Churchill ordered the overthrowing of the democratically elected leader
of ‘British Guiana’. He dispatched troops and warships and suspended
their constitution all to put a stop to the governments nationalisation


“I’d rather see them have a good civil war”. — Churchill wishing
partition on India

Very few in Britain know about the genocide in Bengal let alone how
Churchill engineered it. Churchill’s hatred for Indians led to four
million starving to death during the Bengal ‘famine’ of 1943. “I hate
Indians. They are a beastly people with a beastly religion” he would say.

Bengal had a better than normal harvest during the British enforced
famine. The British Army took millions of tons of rice from starving
people to ship to the Middle East — where it wasn’t even needed. When
the starving people of Bengal asked for food, Churchill said the
‘famine’ was their own fault “for breeding like rabbits”. The Viceroy of
India said “Churchill’s attitude towards India and the famine is
negligent, hostile and contemptuous”. Even the right wing imperialist
Leo Amery who was the British Secretary of State in India said he
“didn’t see much difference between his [Churchill] outlook and
Hitler’s”. Churchill refused all of the offers to send aid to Bengal,
Canada offered 10,000 tons of rice, the U.S 100,000. Churchill was still
swilling champaign while he caused four million men, women and children
to starve to death in Bengal.

Throughout WW2 India was forced to ‘lend’ Britain money. Churchill
moaned about “Indian money lenders” the whole time.

The truth is Churchill never waged war against fascism. He went to war
with Germany to defend the British Empire. He moaned “are we to incur
hundreds of millions of debt for defending India only to be kicked out
by the Indians afterwards”.

In 1945 Churchill said “the Hindus were race protected by their mere
pullulation from the doom that is due”. The Bengal famine wasn’t enough
for Churchill’s blood lust, he wished his favourite war criminal Arthur
Harris could have bombed them.

When India was partitioned in 1947 millions of people died and millions
more were displaced. Churchill said that the creation of Pakistan, which
has been an imperialist outpost for the British and Americans since its
inception, was Britain’s “bit of India”.


“A prize from fairyland beyond our wildest dreams” — Churchill on
Iran’s oil

When Britain seized Iran’s oil industry Churchill proclaimed it was “a
prize from fairyland beyond our wildest dreams”. He meddled in Iranian
affairs for decades doing his utmost to exclude Iranians from their
natural resources. Encouraging the looting of the nation when most lived
in severe poverty.

In June 1914 Churchill proposed a bill in the House of Commons that
would see the British government become become the major shareholder of
the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company. The company would go on to refrain from
paying Iran its share of the dividends before paying tax to the British
exchequer. Essentially the British were illegally taxing the Iranian

When the nationalist government of Mohammad Mosaddegh threatened British
‘interests’ in Iran, Churchill was there, ready to protect them at any
cost. Even if that meant desecrating democracy. He helped organise a
coup against Mosaddegh in August 1953. He told the CIA operations
officer that helped carry out the plan “if i had been but a few years
younger, I would have loved nothing better than to have served under
your command in this great venture”.

Churchill arranged for the BBC to send coded messages to let the Shah of
Iran know that they were overthrowing the democratically elected
government. Instead of the BBC ending their Persian language news
broadcast with “it is now midnight in London” they under Churchill’s
orders said “it is now exactly midnight”.

Churchill went on to privately describe the coup as “the finest
operation since the end of the war [WW2]”. Being a proud product of
imperialism he had no issue ousting Mosaddegh so Britain could get back
to sapping the riches of Iran.


“I am strongly in favour of using poisoned gas against the
uncivilized tribes… it would spread a lively terror.” — Churchill on the
use of gas in the Middle East and India

Churchill was appointed ‘Secretary of State for the Colonies’ in 1921.
He formed the ‘Middle East Department’ which was responsible for Iraq.
Determined to have his beloved empire on the cheap he decided air power
could replace ground troops. A strategy of bombing any resistance to
British rule was now employed.

Several times in the 1920s various groups in the region now known as
Iraq rose up against the British. The air force was then put into
action, indiscriminately bombing civilian areas so to subdue the population.

Churchill was also an advocate for the use of mustard and poison gases.
Whilst ‘Secretary for War and Air’ he advised that “the provision of
some kind of asphyxiating bombs” should be used “for use in preliminary
operations against turbulent tribes” in order to take control of Iraq.

When Iraqi tribes stood up for themselves, under the direction of
Churchill the British unleashed terror on mud, stone and reed villages.

Churchill’s bombing of civilians in ‘Mesopotamia’ (Kurdistan and Iraq)
was summed up by war criminal ‘Bomber Harris’:

“The Arab and Kurd now know what real bombing means within 45
minutes a full-sized village can be practically wiped out, and a third
of its inhabitants killed or injured, by four or five machines which
offer them no real target, no opportunity for glory as warriors, no
effective means of escape”. — Arthur ‘Bomber’ Harris.


“We have always found the Irish a bit odd. They refuse to be
English” — Churchill

In 1904 Churchill said “I remain of the opinion that a separate
parliament for Ireland would be dangerous and impractical”. Churchill’s
ancestry is linked to loyalism to Britain. He is a direct descendent of
the ‘Marquis of Londonderry’ who helped put down the 1798 United
Irishmen rising. He would live up to his families reputation when it
came to suppressing revolutionary forces in Ireland.

The Black and Tans were the brainchild of Churchill, he sent the thugs
to Ireland to terrorise at will. Attacking civilians and civilian
property they done Churchill proud. Rampaging across the country
carrying out reprisals. He went on to describe them as “gallant and
honourable officers”.

It was also Churchill who conceived the idea of forming the Auxiliaries
who carried out the Croke Park massacre. They fired into the crowd at a
Gaelic football match, killing 14. Of course this didn’t fulfill
Churchill’s bloodlust to repress a people who he described as “odd” for
their refusal “to be English”.

He went on to advocate the use of air power in Ireland against Sinn Fein
members in 1920. He suggested to his war advisers that aeroplanes should
be dispatched with orders to use “machine-gun fire or bombs” to “scatter
and stampede them”.

Churchill was an early advocate for the partitioning of Ireland. During
the treaty negotiations he insisted on retaining navy bases in Ireland.
In 1938 those bases were handed back to Ireland. However in 1939
Churchill proposed capturing Berehaven base by force.

In 1941 Churchill supported a plan to introduce conscription in the
North of Ireland.

Churchill went on to remark”the bloody Irish, what have they ever done
for our wars”, reducing Ireland’s merit to what it might provide by way
of resources (people) for their imperialist land grabs.


Britain declared a state of emergency in Kenya in 1952 to protect its
system of institutionalised racism that they established throughout
their colonies so to exploit the indigenous population. Churchill being
your archetypical British supremacist believed that Kenya’s fertile
highlands should be only for white colonial settlers. He approved the
forcible removal of the local population, which he termed “blackamoors”.

At least 150,000 men, women and children were forced into concentration
camps. Children’s schools were shut by the British who branded them
“training grounds for rebellion”. Rape, castration, cigarettes, electric
shocks and fire all used by the British to torture the Kenyan people on
Churchill’s watch.

In 1954 during a British cabinet meeting Churchill and his men discussed
the forced labour of Kenyan POWs and how to circumvent the constraints
of two treaties they were breaching:

“This course [detention without trial and forced labour] had been
recommended despite the fact that it was thought to involve a technical
breach of the Forced Labour Convention of 1930 and the Convention on
Human Rights adopted by the Council of Europe”

The Cowan Plan advocated the use of force and sometimes death against
Kenyan POWs who refused to work. Churchill schemed to allow this to

Caroline Elkins book gives a glimpse into the extent that the crimes in
Kenya were known in both official and unofficial circles in Britain and
how Churchill brushed off the terror the colonial British forces
inflicted on the native population. He even ‘punished’ Edwina
Mountbatten for mentioning it, “Edwina Mountbatten was conversing about
the emergency with India’s prime minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, and the
then colonial secretary, Oliver Lyttleton. When Lyttleton commented on
the “terrible savagery” of Mau Mau… Churchill retaliated, refusing to
allow Lord Mountbatten to take his wife with him on an official visit to


“I do not agree that the dog in a manger has the final right to the

In 2012 Churchill was honoured with a statue in Jerusalem for his
assistance to Zionism.

He regarded the Arab population Palestine to be a “lower manifestation”.
And that the “dog in a manger has the final right to the manger”, by
this he meant the Arabs of Palestine.

In 1920 Churchill declared “if, as may well happen, there should be
created in our own lifetime by the banks of the Jordan a Jewish State
under the protection of the British Crown which might comprise three or
four millions of Jews, an event will have occurred in the history of the
world which would from every point of view be beneficial”.

A year later in Jerusalem he told Palestinian leaders that “it is
manifestly right that the Jews, who are scattered all over the world,
should have a national centre and a National Home where some of them may
be reunited. And where else could that be but in this land of Palestine,
with which for more than 3,000 years they have been intimately and
profoundly associated?”.

At the Palestine Royal Commission (Peel) of 1937, Churchill stated that
he believed in intention of the Balfour Declaration was to make
Palestine an “overwhelmingly Jewish state”.

He went on to also express to the Peel Commission that he does “not
admit for instance, that a great wrong has been done to the Red Indians
of America or the black people of Australia. I do not admit that a wrong
has been done to these people by the fact that a stronger race, a
higher-grade race, a more worldly wise race to put it that way, has come
in and taken their place”.

Four years later he wrote of his desire for a ‘Jewish state’to be
established after the second war world. The establishment of the
colonial settler state however was done by the British Labour Party
under Attlee, who were always there to back their Tory counterparts when
it came to British foreign policy.


Churchill’s hatred and paranoia about communism saw him suggest that an
atomic bomb should be dropped on the Kremlin. He believed this would
“handle the balance of power”.

Saudi Arabia:

“My admiration for him [Ibn Saud] was deep, because of his
unfailing loyalty to us.” — Churchill

Prior to 1922 the British were paying Ibn Saud a subsidy of £60,000 a
year. Churchill, then Colonial Secretary, raised it to £100,000.

Churchill knew full well of the dangers of wahhabism. He gave a speech
to the House of Commons in 1921 where he stated that Ibn Saud’s
followers “hold it as an article of duty, as well as of faith, to kill
all who do not share their opinions and to make slaves of their wives
and children. Women have been put to death in Wahhabi villages for
simply appearing in the streets… [they are] austere, intolerant,
well-armed and bloodthirsty”. He was however content to use the House of
Saud’s twisted ideology for the benefit of British imperialism.

Churchill went on to write that his “admiration for him [Ibn Saud] was
deep, because of his unfailing loyalty to us”. He showered Ibn Saud with
money and presents — gifting Ibn Saud a special Rolls-Royce in the mid

South Africa:

Thousands were sent to British run concentration camps during the Boer
wars. Churchill summed up his time in South Africa by saying “it was
great fun galloping about”.

Churchill wrote that his only “irritation” during the Boer war was “that
Kaffirs should be allowed to fire on white men”.

It was Churchill who planted the seed to strip voting rights from black
people in South Africa. In June 1906, Churchill argued that Afrikaners
should be allowed a self-rule which would mean black people would be
excluded from voting.

He went on to state to Parliament that “we must be bound by the
interpretation which the other party places on it and it is undoubted
that the Boers would regard it as a breach of that treaty if the
franchise were in the first instance extended to any persons who are not

In conclusion:

There have been a number of attempts to rehabailtate the image of the
British Empire in Britain in recent years. Particularly via the medium
of cinema. The film Darkest Hour didn’t show you anything about
Churchill’s crimes. On the contrary it presented him as a hero. Gary
Oldham won an Oscar for his portrayal of one of the most evil,
imperialists ever.

British Nationalist groups in Britain hold Churchill up as their
posterboy. And so they should. He was a racist to the core. In response
to migration from the Caribbean to Britain he said England should “be
kept white”. Throughout worl war two his cabinet obsessed over British
people viewing American Black GI’s favourably. They were concerned that
they would fraternised with white English women. A true believer in
white supremacy, Churchill blamed the Native American and Aboriginal
Australian people for their genocides. He said he did “not admit that a
great wrong has been done to the red Indians and the black people of

Winner of the Noble Prize in Literature, Churchill actually plagiarised
his most well known speech from an Irish Republican called Robert Emmet
who was hanged and then beheaded by the British in 1803. Winston’s
famous “we shall fight them on beaches” line was lifted from Emmet’s
speech from the dock.

When it came to his own fellow Brits he was less than complimentary and
displayed a deep hatred for the working classes. He suggested “100,000
degenerate Britons should be forcibly sterilised”. And that for “tramps
and wastrels there ought to be proper labour colonies where they could
be sent”.

It needs to be put once and for all that Churchill was despicable,
racist, war criminal. Some will argue his “sins” are expiated for his
actions during the second world war. It is nothing but nonsense to
suggest Churchill went out to fight fascism. He lauded Mussolini as a
“roman genius”, donated to Nazi war criminal Erich Von Manstien’s
criminal defence and sought to desperatly cling on to the British Empire
from which Hitler himself took inspiration for his Reich. What we have
to remember is Churchill was not a uniquely villianous British Prime
Minister. He was not out of ordinary but in fact a true representation
of Britain.


Aug 28, 2021, 5:35:03 AM8/28/21
In article <yCkWI.1147$2B4...@fx04.iad>
FBInCIAnNSATerroristSlayer <> wrote:



Aug 28, 2021, 7:21:13 AM8/28/21
EVIL WHITE FILTH "WORSHIPS this megalomaniacal racist genocidal filthy

everybody TO THINK that whites are civilized".


Western White CHRISTIAN FILTH is an EVIL VIRUS, which AFFLICTED this
beautiful planet.

The SOONER this EVIL RACE is ELIMINATED from this planet one way or the
other, the better.

WHITES don't have EVEN an IOTA of respectable character trait.
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