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Another bullshit story by a Republican candidate!

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Sep 29, 2009, 8:37:32 PM9/29/09

September 29, 2009

Meg Whitman: I Focused on Family Instead of Voting


Filed at 8:00 p.m. ET

DAVIS, Calif. (AP) -- Republican gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman
said Tuesday that it wasn't until she was a chief executive in Silicon
Valley that she realized why she should vote after sitting out
elections for decades.

Whitman sought to explain her spotty voting record for the first time
after delivering a speech to a Republican women's group.

''I was focused on raising a family, on my husband's career, and we
moved many, many times,'' she told reporters. ''It is no excuse. My
voting record, my registration record, is unacceptable.''

During the state GOP convention in Indian Wells last weekend, Whitman
repeatedly refused to answer questions about her voting record after
The Sacramento Bee reported that the former eBay CEO was not
registered to vote before 2002 and there was no evidence she had ever
registered as a Republican before 2007.

She told delegates at the Republican convention last February that she
had been registered as a decline-to-state voter since 1998. Whitman
said Tuesday that while she doesn't remember saying it, ''that was a

Also Tuesday, Attorney General and former Gov. Jerry Brown took the
first step toward a gubernatorial bid in 2010, filing paperwork with
the secretary of state's office to form an exploratory committee.

The filing allows Brown to collect up to $25,900 from individual
donors for his potential Democratic gubernatorial bid, up from the
$6,500 individuals can give him now as an officeholder. That limit
hasn't hurt him so far. In July he reported having nearly $7.4 million
in the bank, compared with just $1.2 million for his only other
Democratic rival so far, San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom.

Brown has repeatedly hinted at seeking the office he held from 1975 to
1983, but has so far remained coy.

''If he chooses to run, this will make his campaign more able to
compete and against a deep-pocketed Republican opponent,'' said Steve
Glazer, a senior adviser to Brown.

The wealthy potential GOP challengers include Whitman, a billionaire,
and state Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner, a multimillionaire who
also made his fortune in Silicon Valley. Former five-term Rep. Tom
Campbell also is seeking the Republican nomination.

Whitman, in seeking to explain her spotty voting and registration
record Tuesday, said it was frustrating experiences with government
she dealt with as chief executive of the online auction site eBay that
inspired her to get involved in politics.

''When I came to eBay, what I saw was the incredible difficulties that
government created for small business ... inspired individuals who
created business who got slapped down by taxation, by bureaucracy and
regulation,'' she said.

Whitman led eBay from 1998 to 2008.

Whitman had repeatedly said at the weekend convention that she should
have voted more often, but declined to answer questions then about her
record, instead repeating a previously released apology in which she
said there were no excuses for her failure to vote.

Poizner has said Whitman should drop out of the race because
Californians won't elect someone who didn't vote for most of her adult
life. His spokesman, Jarrod Agen, said Tuesday's explanation is still

''Too busy to make a single vote for 28 straight years? No one is
buying that,'' Poizner spokesman Jarrod Agen said.


Sep 29, 2009, 11:22:54 PM9/29/09

I would think that you would be happy that she didn't vote.

And on the subject of alt.veterans, and not politics, the last time
that Jerry Brown got into office as governor he almost killed all of
the California National Guard. I was there. He appointed a fellow
graduate of Santa Clara, who was a US Army colonel, then at the US
Army War College, to be the two-star commander of the California
National Guard. The colonel (who I knew, but I won't mention his
name) asked the Department of the Army Personnel's Colonel's branch
what he should do. He would have to retire as a regular army colonel
to accept the job. They basically said that he should do whatever was
in the best interest of the country. And so he retired and took the
job. He learned that Governor Brown wanted to disestablish the
California National Guard. It was no secret that Brown was very anti-
military. The colonel, now a two-star general, put together a
briefing showing how the state of California was making over five
million dollars a year just in salaries to California people, and how
the US Army had stationed one of two engineer brigades in the state,
just in case of another earthquake. And when they ran all that US
Army-provided heavy equipment, all the gas was federal gas. Basically
the US Army had thought more about California's problems than
California. So there was a very quiet dropping of any of that
subject. I didn't think much of Jerry Brown, but, at least, he was
able to see facts and change his mind to fit the circumstances.


Sep 30, 2009, 12:02:19 AM9/30/09

"billzz" <> wrote in message

Another RRR with A.D.D!


Sep 30, 2009, 12:30:22 AM9/30/09


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