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Kent State

Nov 21, 2008, 1:01:48 PM11/21/08
When Bush took office in 2001 the national debt was 5.7 trillion dollars. it
has more than doubled since that time
and may reach 12 trillion by years end.
no other president in recorded U.S history has ever managed to double the
national debt while in office.

in the six years the Republicans controlled congress the debt soared by more
than $3 trillion

Patriot Games

Nov 21, 2008, 2:18:15 PM11/21/08

"...we are committed to pay as you go. No new deficit spending."
Pelosi, 01/08/07

"We want to have pay-go, no new deficit spending." Pelosi, 01/08/07

Pelosi said "no new deficit spending" then the Dems voted to FULLY
FUND the War in Iraq, FOUR TIMES IN A ROW.

Pelosi said "we are committed to pay as you go" then tried to raise
taxes, again, and again, and again.

Pelosi is a LIAR.

Democrats are LIARS.

Liberal Whisperer

Nov 21, 2008, 2:27:05 PM11/21/08
On Nov 21, 7:01 am, "Kent State" <> wrote:
> When Bush took office in 2001 the national debt was 5.7 trillion dollars. it
> has more than doubled since that time
> and may reach 12 trillion by years end.
> no other president in recorded U.S history has ever managed to double the
> national debt while in office.
Were you born when the financial hub of the United States was
attacked on 9/11? Are you aware there is a war on terror going on as
we speak ?(which we ARE winning Btw)

> in the six years the Republicans controlled congress the debt soared by more
> than $3 trillion

Nothing is EVER the "Dims" fault. Anything that happens that is bad
for the country(and there'll be plenty)the "Dims" will still be
pointing the finger at Bush2 or Bush1 or Reagan. It's in their DNA.

Liberal Whisperer

Nov 21, 2008, 2:35:24 PM11/21/08
On Nov 21, 8:18 am, Patriot Games <Patr...@America.Com> wrote:
> On Fri, 21 Nov 2008 08:01:48 -0500, "Kent State"

But,but,but,but,but,but,but,but,but,but,but,but,but WHADDABOUT
BUSH??!!! And,and,and,and,and,and,and,and WHADDABOUT CHENEY??

Are the uberlib Obamunistas going to try and bullshit everyone into
thinking they'll actually pay one red cent towards this "debt" they
always carp about?? PUUULLLLLLLEEEEEAAAASSSE !!! Buckwheat is about to
hand the keys to the kingdom to the U.N when he gets his Global
Poverty Act passed and gives them the ability to tax the American
people to the tune of over $80 billion a year to send to Africa. Not
to mention signing on to the phoney assed Kyoto Treaty and drives what
few industries we still have here overseas to China and India. He's
already vowed to bankrupt the coal industry and utility bills will
skyrocket. The arrogant big eared empty suit will totally DESTROY this
country. Thank you black Americans.


Nov 21, 2008, 2:49:22 PM11/21/08

"Liberal Whisperer" <>
wrote in message

I see facts are not a problem for you at all.


Nov 21, 2008, 2:50:08 PM11/21/08

"Liberal Whisperer" <>
wrote in message

Are you still around? Most of the Republicans have

Paulie Walnutts

Nov 21, 2008, 3:00:13 PM11/21/08
On Nov 21, 8:34 am, "Arizona Bushwhacker" <>
> "Liberal Whisperer" <> wrote in message
> > But,but,but,but,but,but,but,but,but,but,but,but,but WHADDABOUT
> > BUSH??!!!
> As in Bush the sitting president and the same fuck-wit who
> has been president for the last 7 years and 10 months?
> Yep, lets talk about George Bush and the ignorant fucks
> who worship his worthless ass!

Hottdayumm boy. You need to lay off the double latte's for a while
FFS!! What'll you do when the euphoria of getting a marxist elected
POTUS wears off and you realize the Messiah is nothing but another
lying empty suit that will say/do ANYTHING to get elected. Buckwheat's
own mentor and spiritual advisor the Reverand Jeremiah "GAWD DAYUMM
ROOOOSSSSSST !!! We're gonna have a lot of fun watching you
Obamunistas try and cover your boy's ass for the next 4 (?) years. You
kookbats will be scratching around like three legged cats covering up
shit. It'll be a hoot!!

Arizona Bushwhacker

Nov 21, 2008, 3:01:45 PM11/21/08

"Paulie Walnutts" <> wrote in message

On Nov 21, 8:34 am, "Arizona Bushwhacker" <>
> "Liberal Whisperer" <> wrote in message
> > But,but,but,but,but,but,but,but,but,but,but,but,but WHADDABOUT
> > BUSH??!!!
> As in Bush the sitting president and the same fuck-wit who
> has been president for the last 7 years and 10 months?
> Yep, lets talk about George Bush and the ignorant fucks
> who worship his worthless ass!

> What'll you do when the euphoria of getting a marxist elected

> POTUS wears off and you realize the Messiah is nothing but another
> lying empty suit

Hey Bimbo...
I'm a libertarian, not a democrat.

I'm a REAL conservative, not a war mongering
religious fanatic who's only goal is to fuck over
the working class like you!

Get your head out of your ass bitch.
Get a good butt plug and find another use for
your head!

Liberal Whisperer

Nov 21, 2008, 3:12:52 PM11/21/08
On Nov 21, 8:50 am, "Sid9" <> wrote:
> "Liberal Whisperer" <>
> wrote in
> vanished.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Is that a "fact"? Can you provide proof of that sidney since you're
such a stickler for "facts"? Btw, I'm not a Republican but I am a
Conservative. I don't plan on going anywhere. Your Messiah and his ass
licking sycophants in Congress are going to provide waaaaay too much
material for me to leave usenet. I'll be here when your buyer's
remorse sets in sidney. I PROMISE not to say "I told you so".( wink-

Liberal Whisperer

Nov 21, 2008, 3:15:46 PM11/21/08
On Nov 21, 9:01 am, "Arizona Bushwhacker" <>
> "Paulie Walnutts" <> wrote in message

Libertarian??<snicker> Well, that explains it. Hell, you even make old
man sid9 look sane. (not really)

Libertarian= person that doesn't have the brain power to support a
cough reflex.

Arizona Bushwhacker

Nov 21, 2008, 3:17:45 PM11/21/08

"Liberal Whisperer" <> wrote in message

> Libertarian??<snicker> Well, that explains it. Hell, you even make old
> man sid9 look sane. (not really)

> Libertarian= person that doesn't have the brain power to support a
> cough reflex.

Coming from a brain dead Bush worshiping fuck
like yourself, I'll take that as a complement.

No doubt you idiot fucking republicans think
fiscal conservatives are nuts. No doubt you
idiot fucking republicans think keeping jobs
in America is nuts. No doubt you idiot fucking
republicans think less government spending is
nuts. No doubt you idiot fucking republicans
thinks smaller government is nuts. No doubt
you idiot fucking republicans think less big brother
is nuts.

Your thinking these ideas I have suck tells me
without any doubt just how fucked in the head
you really are!

Liberal Whisperer

Nov 21, 2008, 3:25:58 PM11/21/08
On Nov 21, 9:17 am, "Arizona Bushwhacker" <>
> "Liberal Whisperer" <> wrote in message

You are one SERIOUSLY CONFUSED individual. Btw, you don't work for the
USPS do you??


Nov 21, 2008, 3:29:35 PM11/21/08

"Liberal Whisperer" <>
wrote in message

The last conservative presidents were Jimmy Carter
and Bill Clinton.

All the others, Reagan, HWBush, and bush,jr, the
incompetent, were irresponsible borrow and
spenders running up huge deficits.

Now we need to dump conventional economics:

November 14, 2008

Op-Ed Columnist

Depression Economics Returns


The economic news, in case you haven't noticed,
keeps getting worse. Bad as it is, however, I don't
expect another Great Depression. In fact, we
probably won't see the unemployment rate match its
post-Depression peak of 10.7 percent, reached in
1982 (although I wish I was sure about that).

We are already, however, well into the realm of
what I call depression economics. By that I mean a
state of affairs like that of the 1930s in which
the usual tools of economic policy - above all,
the Federal Reserve's ability to pump up the
economy by cutting interest rates - have lost all
traction. When depression economics prevails, the
usual rules of economic policy no longer apply:
virtue becomes vice, caution is risky and prudence
is folly.

To see what I'm talking about, consider the
implications of the latest piece of terrible
economic news: Thursday's report on new claims for
unemployment insurance, which have now passed the
half-million mark. Bad as this report was, viewed
in isolation it might not seem catastrophic. After
all, it was in the same ballpark as numbers
reached during the 2001 recession and the
1990-1991 recession, both of which ended up being
relatively mild by historical standards (although
in each case it took a long time before the job
market recovered).

But on both of these earlier occasions the
standard policy response to a weak economy - a cut
in the federal funds rate, the interest rate most
directly affected by Fed policy - was still
available. Today, it isn't: the effective federal
funds rate (as opposed to the official target,
which for technical reasons has become
meaningless) has averaged less than 0.3 percent in
recent days. Basically, there's nothing left to

And with no possibility of further interest rate
cuts, there's nothing to stop the economy's
downward momentum. Rising unemployment will lead
to further cuts in consumer spending, which Best
Buy warned this week has already suffered a
"seismic" decline. Weak consumer spending will
lead to cutbacks in business investment plans. And
the weakening economy will lead to more job cuts,
provoking a further cycle of contraction.

To pull us out of this downward spiral, the
federal government will have to provide economic
stimulus in the form of higher spending and
greater aid to those in distress - and the
stimulus plan won't come soon enough or be strong
enough unless politicians and economic officials
are able to transcend several conventional

One of these prejudices is the fear of red ink. In
normal times, it's good to worry about the budget
deficit - and fiscal responsibility is a virtue we'll
need to relearn as soon as this crisis is past.
When depression economics prevails, however, this
virtue becomes a vice. F.D.R.'s premature attempt
to balance the budget in 1937 almost destroyed the
New Deal.

Another prejudice is the belief that policy should
move cautiously. In normal times, this makes
sense: you shouldn't make big changes in policy
until it's clear they're needed. Under current
conditions, however, caution is risky, because big
changes for the worse are already happening, and
any delay in acting raises the chance of a deeper
economic disaster. The policy response should be
as well-crafted as possible, but time is of the

Finally, in normal times modesty and prudence in
policy goals are good things. Under current
conditions, however, it's much better to err on
the side of doing too much than on the side of
doing too little. The risk, if the stimulus plan
turns out to be more than needed, is that the
economy might overheat, leading to inflation - but
the Federal Reserve can always head off that
threat by raising interest rates. On the other
hand, if the stimulus plan is too small there's
nothing the Fed can do to make up for the
shortfall. So when depression economics prevails,
prudence is folly.

What does all this say about economic policy in
the near future? The Obama administration will
almost certainly take office in the face of an
economy looking even worse than it does now.
Indeed, Goldman Sachs predicts that the
unemployment rate, currently at 6.5 percent, will
reach 8.5 percent by the end of next year.

All indications are that the new administration
will offer a major stimulus package. My own
back-of-the-envelope calculations say that the
package should be huge, on the order of $600

So the question becomes, will the Obama people
dare to propose something on that scale?

Let's hope that the answer to that question is
yes, that the new administration will indeed be
that daring. For we're now in a situation where it
would be very dangerous to give in to conventional
notions of prudence.

Arizona Bushwhacker

Nov 21, 2008, 3:26:49 PM11/21/08

"Liberal Whisperer" <> wrote in message

I sure got you pegged.
Don't I!

What ever it takes to fuck over America you
and every Bush worshiping fuck like you
supports. No damn doubt about it!

Bush is your one true God.

Jeff George

Nov 21, 2008, 5:09:42 PM11/21/08
"Arizona Bushwhacker" <> wrote in

> .. On Nov 21, 9:17 am, "Arizona Bushwhacker"

> <> wrote:
>> Coming from a brain dead Bush worshiping fuck
>> like yourself, I'll take that as a complement.
>> No doubt you idiot fucking republicans think
>> fiscal conservatives are nuts. No doubt you
>> idiot fucking republicans think keeping jobs
>> in America is nuts. No doubt you idiot fucking
>> republicans think less government spending is
>> nuts. No doubt you idiot fucking republicans
>> thinks smaller government is nuts. No doubt
>> you idiot fucking republicans think less big brother
>> is nuts.
>> Your thinking these ideas I have suck tells me
>> without any doubt just how fucked in the head
>> you really are!
>> You are one SERIOUSLY CONFUSED individual. Btw, you don't work for
>> the USPS do you??
> I sure got you pegged.
> Don't I!

Notice that she completely ignored the points you outlined about your view
of the government. She had to, as any Chimpler supporter is too cowardly to
come out and admit that their Monkeydent is such a loser.

Patriot Games

Nov 21, 2008, 6:28:29 PM11/21/08
On Fri, 21 Nov 2008 06:35:24 -0800 (PST), Liberal Whisperer
<> wrote:
>On Nov 21, 8:18 am, Patriot Games <Patr...@America.Com> wrote:
>> On Fri, 21 Nov 2008 08:01:48 -0500, "Kent State"
>> <> wrote:
>> >When Bush took office in 2001 the national debt was 5.7 trillion dollars. it
>> >has more than doubled since that time
>> >and may reach 12 trillion by years end.
>> >no other president in recorded U.S history has ever managed to double the
>> >national debt while in office.
>> >in the six years the Republicans controlled congress the debt soared by more
>> >than $3 trillion
>> "...we are committed to pay as you go. No new deficit spending."
>> Pelosi, 01/08/07
>> "We want to have pay-go, no new deficit spending."  Pelosi, 01/08/07
>> Pelosi said "no new deficit spending" then the Dems voted to FULLY
>> FUND the War in Iraq, FOUR TIMES IN A ROW.
>> Pelosi said "we are committed to pay as you go" then tried to raise
>> taxes, again, and again, and again.
>> Pelosi is a LIAR.
>> Democrats are LIARS.
>But,but,but,but,but,but,but,but,but,but,but,but,but WHADDABOUT
>BUSH??!!! And,and,and,and,and,and,and,and WHADDABOUT CHENEY??


>Are the uberlib Obamunistas going to try and bullshit everyone into
>thinking they'll actually pay one red cent towards this "debt" they
>always carp about?? PUUULLLLLLLEEEEEAAAASSSE !!! Buckwheat is about to
>hand the keys to the kingdom to the U.N when he gets his Global
>Poverty Act passed and gives them the ability to tax the American
>people to the tune of over $80 billion a year to send to Africa.

But NOT before he TAXES the Middle Class and ALL Small Business!

>to mention signing on to the phoney assed Kyoto Treaty and drives what
>few industries we still have here overseas to China and India. He's
>already vowed to bankrupt the coal industry and utility bills will

Didn't he already warn us that we can't eat as much as we want and
keep our homes as warm as we want?

>The arrogant big eared empty suit will totally DESTROY this
>country. Thank you black Americans.

But the good news is he's gonna make us all learn Spanish and
Niggerish and I figure when we are called to arms being able to tell
the Beaners and the Nappy Power Rangers what we think so they can
understand it is a good thing.

Kevin Cunningham

Nov 21, 2008, 9:19:01 PM11/21/08

This is the kind of filth you get from repugs. A virulent racist

Kent State

Nov 21, 2008, 9:38:38 PM11/21/08

"Kevin Cunningham" <> wrote in message

On Nov 21, 1:28 pm, Patriot Games <Patr...@America.Com> wrote:
> On Fri, 21 Nov 2008 06:35:24 -0800 (PST),
>> But the good news is he's gonna make us all learn Spanish and
>> Niggerish and I figure when we are called to arms being able to tell
>> the Beaners and the Nappy Power Rangers what we think so they can
>> understand it is a good thing.

>This is the kind of filth you get from repugs. A virulent racist

one reason the GOP is in disaray is because it's core base is now made up
of White "Christian" Coallition types and Racist idiots like Patriot Games.

the GOP will go by the way of the Whig Party.

Patriot Games

Nov 21, 2008, 11:52:03 PM11/21/08

Enjoy your tax INCREASE, chump!

Oh, don't worry about me...

I already know how to speak Spanish:
"Ola?" BANG!

I already know how to speak Niggerish:
"Wassup?" BANG!

Yes, you are correct, I'm a kinda cosmopolitan sorta sporting guy!

And I'm an equal opportunity hater. I hate ALL Democrats, red, brown,
yellow, black, pink, don't matter to me!


Nov 22, 2008, 8:07:14 PM11/22/08
On Fri, 21 Nov 2008 07:12:52 -0800 (PST), Liberal Whisperer
<> wrote:

>Btw, I'm not a Republican but I am a
>Conservative. I don't plan on going anywhere. Your Messiah and his ass
>licking sycophants in Congress are going to provide waaaaay too much
>material for me to leave usenet. I'll be here when your buyer's
>remorse sets in sidney. I PROMISE not to say "I told you so".( wink-

You're not a Conservative - you're a syncophant for the Bushies and
the rest of the neocons. There are about 2 real Conservatives in this
entire group. The intellectual right has realized that the current
incarnation of Republicanism has devolved into the "kooks" of the
right as Bill Buckley loved to state. Sucks to be you, doesn't it?

WB Yeats

Next time truth knocks at your door, don't answer. It just might go
away of its own accord. And then again.......

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