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Islamic nations' ingratitude to US

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1 ม.ค. 2549 11:04:071/1/49

and beyond-- 1963: as part of continuing secret obligation to Saudi
Arabia, JFK sends warplanes-- squadron of F-100s from South
Carolina--to protect Saudi Arabia from anticipated attack by Egypt.
Saudi arms-- June 1986: despite intense Reagan lobbying, incl. inviting
all 100 Senators to breakfast, Senate almost overrode veto of blockage
of Saudi arms sale--66-34 anti-sale vote-- Dole strongly supports
Reagan. June 1987: White House announces plans for sale to Saudis of
1600 Maverick-D anti-tank missiles; Congress erupts, as Saudis had
failed to intercept Iraqi jet that attacked USS Stark; sale gives US
nothing--no base rights, no landing rights; US has sold Saudis
billions-- White House drops plans, 3 weeks after shelving F-15 fighter
sale-- 2/3 of Senate signs resolution vs. the $360 million sale.
June 1992--Bush announces $1.88 billion deal--helicopters,
missiles, rockets, small vehicles-- days after hosting international
arms conference-- Congress has 30 days to block sale. Sept. 1990: Saudi
Arabia will not allow US troops to launch hostage rescue mission from
Saudi bases-- will only allow actions that are for Saudi defense. July
1996: 60 Minutes--5,000 US troops are in Saudi Arabia to enforce Iraq
no-fly zone; barracks bombed; US soldiers forbidden to fly US flag in
Saudi Arabia; Saudis declined to move back protective perimeter fence;
Saudi oil, regime, way of life protected by US-- Saudis pay for
military operation-- US is in effect mercenaries; airmen made to feel
very unwanted; Prince Bandar gives very unsympathetic reaction to
bombing; US bends over backwards to kowtow to Saudi sensibilities.
State Dept. regularly cites Saudis for human rights violations-- no
free religion, press, speech; prayers, sports, public executions are
only permitted public events; mullahs allowed anti-west rhetoric.
SAUDIS DISRESPECT THE US-- 3/98--US air base--display of US flag
forbidden--no alcohol allowed, US servicewomen cannot drive on Saudi
roads, computers monitored to make sure no porno downloaded. Most
troops are restricted to base. 5000 US troops enforce Southern Iraq
no-fly zone--UN mission-- though Saudis would likely have barred use of
US combat jets based in kingdom in any Iraq action by Clinton.
Widespread Saudi public opinion support for Iraq-- Iran has made much
political capital vs. Saudi regime for basing the infidels.
The tragic barracks bombing in Saudi Arabia and Prince Bandar's
arrogant reactions are only the latest incidents that must make us ask:
Is this a regime the United States should be propping up? Saudi Arabia
is an absolute monarchy run by feudal rules. Women are subject to
Islamic law in the courts, are barred from smoking, driving, joining
organizations, or conducting business. Criminals publicly have limbs,
including heads, chopped off. The Saudis were leaders of the 1973 oil
embargo which plunged our nation into severe recession. Saudi Arabia
is a leader of world anti-Israel diplomacy and the Arab economic
boycott of Israel and refuses to accept passports that bear an Israeli
stamp. Though accepting our most sophisticated armaments, funded by
Western petrodollars, the Saudis long refused basing of American
troops. Saudis have long funded spread of fundamentalist Wahabi Islam.
During the Gulf War and currently, U.S. soldiers risking their
lives for oil sheiks have been barred from conducting visible Christian
and Jewish rituals. During our 1996 operation, designed to prevent
Saddam Hussein from air raids on enemies internal and external, the
Saudis have prohibited display of the United States flag.
12/98-Air Force may change Gulf operations base from Saudi
Arabia-Saudis are reluctant to approve bombing runs into Iraq by jets
based on their soil-they do permit those jets to enforce no-fly zone
over Iraq.

Reagan admin. and Arabs -- Libya-- Jan. 1989: upon leaving
office, Reagan lets 5 US companies resume operations--barred since
1986; bombed-1986: Netanyahu says Syria and Iran have stopped
sponsoring terror attacks in Europe as a result. PLO-- 1988: Shultz
continues 15 years of semi-secret US meetings with PLO: despite
assurances, law that US can't deal with PLO unless it recognizes
Israel's right to exist.
BUSH KOWTOWS TO THE ARABISTS-- Bush and other Arabs-- Aug. 1991:
Baker makes sixth trip to region, meets with President Benjedid to
encourage Arabs of North Africa to attend peace conference; Baker also
extends invite to Libya. Fitzwater says there's no reason to have any
special interest in Bush Admin to see Rushdie, who was in DC; May 1990:
Bush offers condolences to families of slain Palestinian intifada
protesters: offends many Israelis; Bush says he's deeply troubled by
unrest, death of children; that it will continue as long as there's no
hope of peace; Baker may call for UN observer force. PLO--Baker 1990
tells Congress that PLO has lived up to 12/88 promise to renounce
violence, disassociate from groups that commit violence vs. Israel,
discipline members who engage in terror; Baker report details
Palestinian violence, including by PLO affiliates: uses legalism --"PLO
is not to blame."
United States in bed with the Arab world:
US passports-- March 1991: Sen. Lautenberg needs new passport
while travelling with Senate delegation: Saudis, Kuwait refuse to honor
passport bearing Israeli stamp; Lautenberg files complaint with State
US military in Gulf--1/98--US controls sea lanes-- entire fleet
in Gulf--21 ships manned by 15,000 sailors--12 more ships with
equipment for ground troops; 10,000 US military personnel on ground in
Gulf: total cost of $50 billion/year; yet there remains deep
anti-American, pro-Iraq sentiment---aim of all this is to contain Iraq,
Iran--but even nations in immediate vicinity are skeptical, wary of US
presence, France, Germany, Russia, Japan prefer to trade with Iraq,
Iran rather than try to keep international order.

CLINTON KOWTOWS TO THE ARABISTS-- Clinton and the Arabs-- 1996:
as of election-- Clinton has found PLO in compliance with Oslo accords
and lobbied for continued aid, invited Arafat to Oval Office-- treated
him like a peace champion; accepted Arafat's assurance that PLO changed
its covenant; Clinton has met numerous times with the American Muslim
Council, fundamentalist US group; waived, relaxed economic sanctions
vs. Syria, continued to court Assad even after he refused to meet Sec.
Christopher. 1994-- US bought 1/3 of all Iran crude: key to its
continued terror; Clinton opposed moving US embassy to Jerusalem,
contrary to campaign promise--allowed it to become law without his
signature-- ordered abstention on UN resolution condemning Israeli
decision to impose its laws on Jerusalem. Sept. 1996: Jerusalem tunnel
opens, Palestinians riot: Clinton blames Netanyahu for the provocation.
1996: Rep. Gilman holds up $10 million for PLO--Christopher, Clinton
admin. seek aid release: State Dept. has certified PLO is abiding by
Oslo commitments; Gilman points out violations; $2.2 billion pledged to
PA by international community after Oslo, $500 million from US. Feb.
1997: State Dept. report claims P.A. has on the whole complied with
commitments made to Israel: thus it's eligible for $500 million in aid:
claims PA has renounced terror, confiscated weapons; also includes
chronology of Palestinian violence; pro-Israel groups say this is a
whitewash, we should use aid as leverage.
Democrats-- House whip Bonior is pro-Arab, 1 of 34 Congressmen to
oppose 1990 resolution affirming Jerusalem's status as united capital
of Israel; opposed Israel's Lavi fighter in 1980s, supported arms sales
to Arab states; Rep. Dellums--opposed Gulf War, loan guarantees to
Israel, 1987 legislation to close US PLO office.
TERRORISTS: 8/98--U.S. attacks sites in Afghanistan and Sudan to strike
at what Clinton said was a terrorist group led by Saudi exile Osama bin
Laden, a prime suspect in the embassy bombings in east Africa earlier
this month. 'There is convincing information from our intelligence
community that the bin Laden terrorist network was responsible" for
the bombings of the U.S. embassies in Nairobi, Kenya, and Dar es
Salaam, Tanzania, on Aug. 7, Clinton said-- In addition, there was
"compelling evidence" that the group was planning additional
attacks-- "I decided America must act." "Our target was the
terrorists' base of operation and infrastructure. Our objective was
to damage their capacity to strike at Americans and other innocent
people." Clinton said the U.S. attacked a terrorist base in
Afghanistan and a chemical weapons related base in Sudan-- U.S. had
"reason to believe that a gathering of key terrorist leaders was to
take place" at the Afghanistan site, "thus underscoring the urgency
of our actions," Clinton said in his second TV appearance of the day.
Cruise missiles were used. In addition, "Our forces also attacked a
factory in Sudan associated with the bin Laden network." The
"factory was involved in the production of materials for chemical
weapons." Clinton said the groups attacked were "fanatics and
killers" whose "mission is murder" and whose "history is
bloody." They have plotted to assassinate the president of Egypt and
the Pope-- They also gunned down German tourists in Egypt-- "The
United States does not take this action lightly," adding the attacks
weren't aimed against Islam-- this is part of "a long, ongoing
struggle between freedom and fanaticism, between the rule of law and
terrorism." Afghanistan and Sudan, he said, "have been warned for
years to stop harboring and supporting these terrorist groups."
Defense Secretary William Cohen said the U.S. had "compelling
evidence" that "future terrorist activities were planned, and we
anticipated future truck bombs, so we took these actions to interrupt
the training in these activities." Three years later, 9/11 would
A senior U.S. intelligence official said "rarely do numerous
sources converge so uniformly and persuasively as they have in this
instance" to point clearly to a suspect to the degree military
strikes could be launched in retaliation. Clinton notified leaders in
several nations of the attacks-- Gen. Hugh Shelton, chairman of the
U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, said the plant attacked in
Sudan-identified by the Pentagon as the Shifa pharmaceutical plant in
Khartoum-was involved in chemical weapons production, including
precursor chemicals for deadly nerve agents. Indications are that the
plant was severely damaged. Damage to the training camps in Afghanistan
is more difficult to assess. Sudanese Interior Minister Abdul Rahim,
interviewed by CNN, denied the plant was involved in chemical weapons
production. Republican congressional leaders, including Senate Majority
leader Trent Lott of Mississippi and House Speaker Newt Gingrich of
Georgia, expressed support for the attacks. Cohen rejected suggestions
that the Lewinsky matter influenced events and that the situation was
similar to the plot of a recent movie, "Wag The Dog," in which
White House advisers fake a military conflict to cover up a
presidential sex scandal.
NSA Advisor Berger says the attack was scheduled to aim at a
"terrorist convention" scheduled at an Afghan camp that
day-several of the Tomahawks targeted at camps carried cluster
munitions, designed to disperse shrapnel-like bomblets over large
area-to kill as many terrorists as possible. Clinton then freezes US
Bin Laden group assets via executive order-prohibits US firms,
individuals from doing business with them. Clinton says those who
traffic in terror must learn that they too are vulnerable. Clinton
shall appeal for help from world govts. to shut down financial pipeline
that subsidizes Bin Laden's terror, warns Americans to be prepared
for a long battle that might include additional military strikes.
Bin Laden and an Islamic coalition-Islamic Front for Jihad
against Jews and Americans-2/98 issued fatwa urging Muslims to kill
US citizens-co-signers included Egypt fundamentalists- carried out
Luxor attack, has Sheik Abdel Rahman, of WTC bombing, as its spiritual
guide; Islamic Jihad of Egypt, which killed Sadat; Pakistan
fundamentalists who attack Indian troops in Kashmir. World
reaction-Blair, Kohl support-nations hostile to US, Islamics
condemn US action. Yeltsin criticizes strongly-claims disputes must
be resolved diplomatically.
Prime suspect in Kenyan bombing brought to U.S.--in the Aug. 7
bombing of the U.S. Embassy in Nairobi-- has been brought to the United
States for trial-- FBI Director Louis Freeh said al-Owhali was trained
in explosives, hijacking and kidnapping in a number of camps in
Afghanistan, including camps affiliated with bin Laden. Al-Owhali was
quoted as saying he had attended conferences with bin Laden and was
''aware of a fatwah against the United States by the International
Islamic Front which was signed by bin Laden and the leaders of other
jihad groups, stating that it was proper to kill Americans worldwide.''
''Terrorists should understand that America will use every available
diplomatic, judicial, economic, and, when necessary, military tool to
protect our people. We will not be intimidated by terror,'' Sec.
Albright said.
2/98--For supposed pacifists, protesters against the American
national security team's town hall meeting were quite vicious.
Further, one doubts these liberals were such "pacifists" regarding
sanctions against apartheid South Africa, which, as with Iraq, caused
economic devastation to people under the thumb of an illegitimate
regime. These "pacifists" are reminiscent of peaceniks Charles
Lindbergh and America First, of anti-Bolshevik businessmen who believed
we shouldn't war against Hitler--so what if he was crushing some
dissidents? Perhaps some of today's "pacifists" admire a current
ruthless dictator who challenges Jews and snubs his nose at elites.
These "pacifists" are not students of history, or they would know that
belated use of force allowed Hitler free reign, and only force limited
advance of the Soviet sphere of repression. Saddam's known history of
using chemical weapons poses clear mortal danger to millions of
innocents. What sort of "pacifist" opposes preventing death of such
magnitude? Or perhaps these "pacifists" are indifferent to the
suffering of millions of non-whites under Saddam's yoke.

1992: US proposes sale of super-secret spy satellite to UAE: Israel
protests, for years US often refused Israel more detailed satellite
pictures, even when SCUDS fell on Tel Aviv; US also has denied Israel
help in building its own reconnaissance satellite.
2/99--UAE is on the verge of purchase of F-16s, hottest jet
fighter in the world--US formerly did not sell aircraft more advanced
than its own, not even to allies--friends can turn into foes-- such as
Iran, or supersecret technology can be captured. But--warplane makers
press for sales. 80 F-16s Lockheed-Martin wants to sell will have
equipment not expected to enter US arsenal for 5 years--advance radar,
infrared targeting system, new engine design, stealthy materials and
coatings. Pentagon approves sale, despite rejecting such sales in
years past. Air Force may want to secure UAE bases, keep Lockheed
Martin production lines open. UAE was considering rival French jet,
Admin. announced 30,000 workers would work on the project. UAE also
wants access to secret software codes never before given to a foreign
3/00-- Lockheed-Martin brags about its sale of top-of-the-line
F-16s to the United Arab Emirates-- the 80 F-16s will be better than
the Air Force fleet, as for instance a key radar system has three times
the range of US F-16s.

Joe S.

1 ม.ค. 2549 11:11:091/1/49
And why did you stop with Clinton?

Why no mention of the Bush family and their total entanglement with the Saud

Why no mention of the Carlyle Group?

"allijer288" <> wrote in message

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