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Book Review: Deliver Us From Evil

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Crazy Bastard

Jun 16, 2004, 2:07:21 PM6/16/04
Deliver Us from Evil:
Defeating Terrorism, Despotism, and Liberalism

New York Times bestselling author Sean Hannity's book is set to explode on
the national scene.
FREE OFFER - Get "Deliver Us from Evil" FREE, Click Here

In Deliver Us from Evil Hannity holds little back, including:

a.. how liberal Democrats have abetted "evil" doers - including terrorist
b.. new disclosures about John Kerry - including a letter Hannity has
unearthed written by John Kerry which advocated appeasement of Libya's
Qadafy - and sharply attacked Ronald Reagan for his policies to contain
c.. the true story of how the Clinton administration made America
vulnerable to Sept. 11
d.. outrageous tales about the country's worst liberals like Ted Kennedy
e.. and much, much more.
Sean Hannity's first blockbuster book, the New York Times bestseller Let
Freedom Ring, cemented his place as the freshest and most compelling
conservative voice in the country.

As the host of the phenomenally successful Hannity & Colmes on the Fox News
Channel and The Sean Hannity Show on ABC Radio, Hannity has won a wildly
devoted fan base. Now he brings his plainspoken, take-no-prisoners style to
the continuing War on Terror abroad - and liberalism at home - in Deliver Us
from Evil.

"Evil exists," Hannity asserts. "It is real, and it means to harm us."

And Hannity is unafraid to place the blame for America's woes where it
belongs: with the liberal establishment.

And in Deliver Us from Evil, Hannity revisits the harsh lessons America has
learned in confronting evil in the past and the present, to illuminate the
course we must take in the future. Tracing a direct line from Adolf Hitler
and Joseph Stalin through Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden, he reminds us
of the courage and moral clarity of our great leaders. And he reveals how
the disgraceful history of appeasement has reached forward from the days of
Neville Chamberlain and Jimmy Carter to corrupt the unrepentant leftists of
the modern Democratic Party - from Howard Dean and John Kerry to Bill and
Hillary Clinton.

As Americans face the ongoing war against terrorists and their state
sponsors around the world, Sean Hannity reminds us that we must also cope
with the continuing scourge of accommodation and cowardice at home. With his
trademark blend of passion and hard-hitting commentary, he urges Americans
to recognize the dangers of putting our faith in toothless "multilateralism"
when the times call for decisive action.

For only through strong defense of our freedoms, at home and around the
world, can we preserve America's security and liberty in the dangerous
twenty-first century.


Jun 16, 2004, 7:09:00 PM6/16/04
Crazy Bastard wrote:
> Deliver Us from Evil:
> Defeating Terrorism, Despotism, and Liberalism
> New York Times bestselling author Sean Hannity's book is set to explode on
> the national scene.

Someone better warn the FBI that Sean Hannity (a.k.a. gay dancer) is
using setting his books to explode on the national scene.

Crazy Bastard

Jun 16, 2004, 9:10:35 PM6/16/04
"Superdude" <> wrote in message

How would YOU know about gay dancers?????

Tell the truth, Bruce.


Jun 16, 2004, 9:15:02 PM6/16/04
His books, like his shows, are tripe.

Crazy Bastard

Jun 17, 2004, 1:25:22 PM6/17/04
"My2Cents" <> wrote in message

> His books, like his shows, are tripe.

Your opinion, like your dunghole, stinks.


Jun 17, 2004, 4:32:48 PM6/17/04
Crazy Bastard wrote:

Nothing, but I know that Sean frequents gay bars in New York. Ask him.

> Tell the truth, Bruce.

My name is not Bruce, perhaps a freudian slip on your part?

Crazy Bastard

Jun 17, 2004, 5:42:40 PM6/17/04
"Superdude" <> wrote in message

> Crazy Bastard wrote:
> > "Superdude" <> wrote in message
> >
> >>Crazy Bastard wrote:
> >>>Deliver Us from Evil:
> >>>Defeating Terrorism, Despotism, and Liberalism
> >>>New York Times bestselling author Sean Hannity's book is set to explode
> > on
> >>>the national scene.
> >>Someone better warn the FBI that Sean Hannity (a.k.a. gay dancer) is
> >>using setting his books to explode on the national scene.
> > How would YOU know about gay dancers?????
> Nothing, but I know that Sean frequents gay bars in New York. Ask him.

You're hiding the truth, Bruce, c'mon... Out with it...

> > Tell the truth, Bruce.
> My name is not Bruce, perhaps a freudian slip on your part?

Perhaps a silk and lace slip on YOUR PARTS?????


Jun 17, 2004, 7:05:37 PM6/17/04
"Crazy Bastard"
> Your opinion, like your dunghole, stinks.

BWAAAAHHHHH....You hurt my feelings you big bully.

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