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9 Right Wing Devil Dodgers Arrested in Plot to Overthrow the Government

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Mar 30, 2010, 12:12:17 AM3/30/10
Does anybody think that maybe, just maybe, that the Republican
politicians, Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, and Sarah Palin, etc., have gone
a little to far in stirring up the lunatics?

"Christian militia accused of plotting to kill cops

By COREY WILLIAMS and DEVLIN BARRETT, Associated Press Writers Corey
Williams And Devlin Barrett, Associated Press Writers – 1 hr 45 mins
DETROIT – Nine alleged members of a Christian militia group that was
girding for battle with the Antichrist were charged Monday with
plotting to kill a police officer and slaughter scores more by bombing
the funeral — all in hopes of touching off an uprising against the
U.S. government.

Seven men and one woman believed to be part of the Michigan-based
Hutaree were arrested over the weekend in raids in Michigan, Indiana
and Ohio. The ninth suspect was arrested Monday night after a search
in rural southern Michigan.

FBI agents moved quickly against Hutaree because its members were
planning an attack sometime in April, prosecutors said. Authorities
seized guns in the raids but would not say whether they found

The arrests have dealt "a severe blow to a dangerous organization that
today stands accused of conspiring to levy war against the United
States," Attorney General Eric Holder said.

Authorities said the arrests underscored the dangers of homegrown
right-wing extremism of the sort seen in the 1995 Oklahoma City
bombing that killed 168 people.

In an indictment, prosecutors said the group began military-style
training in the Michigan woods in 2008, learning how to shoot guns and
make and set off bombs.

David Brian Stone, 44, of Clayton, Mich., and one of his sons were
identified as ringleaders of the group. Stone, who was known as
"Captain Hutaree," organized the group in paramilitary fashion and
members were assigned secret names, prosecutors said. Ranks ranged
from "radoks" to "gunners," according to the group's Web site.

"It started out as a Christian thing," Stone's ex-wife, Donna Stone,
told The Associated Press. "You go to church. You pray. You take care
of your family. I think David started to take it a little too far."

Donna Stone said her ex-husband pulled her son into the movement.
Another of David Stone's sons was arrested Monday night about 30 miles
from the site of the weekend raid at a home where he was found with
five other adults and a child.

Joshua Matthew Stone surrendered about 8 p.m., said Andrew Arena, head
of the FBI's field office in Detroit. Stone's friends and relatives
had recorded messages, urging him to surrender, that the FBI played
over loudspeakers outside the home before he and the others came out
willingly, Arena said.

"We're guessing he's been in there at least a day," Arena said.

Arena said the other adults at the home were taken into custody and
will be interviewed. A determination will be made later about whether
they might face charges, he said. The child was 1 or 2 years old,
Arena said.

Other details, including whether those in the house had weapons or
were affiliated with Hutaree, weren't immediately released.

Prosecutors said David Stone had identified certain law enforcement
officers near his home as potential targets. He and other members
discussed setting off bombs at a police funeral, using a fake 911 call
to lure an officer to his death, killing an officer after a traffic
stop, or attacking the family of an officer, according to the

After such attacks, the group allegedly planned to retreat to "rally
points" protected by trip-wired explosives for a violent standoff with
the law.

"It is believed by the Hutaree that this engagement would then serve
as a catalyst for a more widespread uprising against the government,"
the indictment said.

The charges against the eight include seditious conspiracy — plotting
to levy war against the U.S. — possessing a firearm during a crime of
violence, teaching the use of explosives, and attempting to use a
weapon of mass destruction — homemade bombs.

Hutaree says on its Web site its name means "Christian warrior" and
describes the word as part of a secret language few are privileged to
know. The group quotes several Bible passages and declares: "We
believe that one day, as prophecy says, there will be an Anti-Christ.
... Jesus wanted us to be ready to defend ourselves using the sword
and stay alive using equipment."

The nature of the organization's alleged grudge against law
enforcement and the government was unclear. The Web site does not list
specific grievances.

The site features a picture of 17 men in camouflage, all holding large
guns, and includes videos of armed men running through the woods. Each
wears a shoulder patch that bears a cross and two red spears.

David Cid, executive director of the Oklahoma City-based Memorial
Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism, said there has been a
resurgence in the past year or two of "domestic militancy" similar to
what was seen before the Oklahoma City bombing.

"It's issues like eminent domain and immigration, and apparently
national health care in some quarters," said Cid, a former FBI
counterterrorism agent. "It's increasing these people's ire and their
discomfort with their own government."

The wife of one of the defendants described Hutaree as a small group
of patriotic, Christian buddies who were just doing survival training.
"It consisted of a dad and two of his sons and I think just a couple
other close friends of theirs," said Kelly Sickles, who husband,
Kristopher, was among those charged. "It was supposed to be a
Christian group. Christ-like, right, so why would you think that's
something wrong with that, right?"

Sickles said she came home Saturday night to find her house in
Sandusky, Ohio, in disarray. Agents seized the guns her husband
collected as a hobby and searched for bomb-making materials, she said,
but added: "He doesn't even know how to make a bomb. We had no bomb
material here."

She said she couldn't believe her 27-year-old husband could be
involved in anything violent.

"It was just survival skills," she said. "That's what they were
learning. And it's just patriotism. It's in our Constitution."

One of the defendants expressed anti-tax views during his Monday court

Thomas W. Piatek, a truck driver from Whiting, Ind., told a federal
judge he could not afford an attorney because he was "getting raped on
property taxes."

The mother of another defendant, 33-year-old Jacob Ward, told police
in Huron, Ohio, last summer that family members took away his two guns
— an AK-47 rifle and a semiautomatic pistol — because she thought he
needed mental health treatment.

Ward told police he needed to protect himself from members of a crime
family that was keeping him from his girlfriend, according to Huron
police records obtained by the AP. He also said he was going to meet
with the CIA.

Seven of the defendants in court in Michigan asked to be represented
by public defenders. The eighth had a public defender appointed in

f. barnes

Mar 30, 2010, 12:53:16 AM3/30/10
On Mar 29, 11:12 pm, mg <> wrote:
> Does anybody think that maybe, just maybe, that the Republican
> politicians, Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, and Sarah Palin, etc., have gone
> a little to far in stirring up the lunatics?

Which of those people planned this? There was nothing in the news
about their involvement. I think maybe those arrested were admirers
of and had studied the writings of Obama's pal, William Ayers. That
seems much more likely to be the case since Ayers condones violence as
opposed to the people you mentioned.


Oath Keeper

Mar 30, 2010, 1:20:10 AM3/30/10

Don't forget the word alleged. Mayber Obama's goon squads think you
are guilty until proven innocent.
What a crock this is. They should arrest Obama for lieing.


Mar 30, 2010, 1:57:43 AM3/30/10

f. barnes wrote:
> On Mar 29, 11:12 pm, mg <> wrote:
> > Does anybody think that maybe, just maybe, that the Republican
> > politicians, Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, and Sarah Palin, etc., have gone
> > a little to far in stirring up the lunatics?
> Which of those people planned this? There was nothing in the news
> about their involvement.

Are you comatose or something? Oh you mean fox didn't tell you what to

I think maybe those arrested were admirers
> of and had studied the writings of Obama's pal, William Ayers. That
> seems much more likely to be the case since Ayers condones violence as
> opposed to the people

Hmm, didn't the FBI and 'homeland security' warn about home grown
terrorists, while you people were crying about the Obama government
picking on 'you?'

Ayers is completely irrelevant today. This is the issue today.
Republicans fox, limbaugh etc, are problems today and the issue.


Mar 30, 2010, 2:21:43 AM3/30/10
On Mar 30, 1:57 am, monkeywintest <> wrote:
> f. barnes wrote:
> > On Mar 29, 11:12 pm, mg <> wrote:
> > > Does anybody think that maybe, just maybe, that the Republican
> > > politicians, Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, and Sarah Palin, etc., have gone
> > > a little to far in stirring up the lunatics?
> > Which of those people planned this?   There was nothing in the news
> > about their involvement.
> Are you comatose or something? Oh you mean fox didn't tell you what to
> think.
>   I think maybe those arrested  were admirers

RE: 9 Right Wing Tea Party Army Members Arrested in Plot to
Overthrow the Government
Locked and Loaded as per instructions from Anarchist Leader Sister
Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann.
( She’s Sarah Palin without the funny accent.)

Anarchy in the USA

Michele Bachmann can talk as stupid and crazy as she wants to talk.
That’s her right as an American and her duty as a Republican. But is
it too much to ask that she provide angry wingnuts with a little adult
supervision? Apparently so. Here she is at a weekend rally giving
them permission to disobey the law:

“But mark my words, the American people aren’t gonna take this lying
down,” Bachmann later said. “We aren’t gonna play their game, we’re
not gonna pay their taxes. They want us to pay for this? Because we
don’t have to. We don’t have to. We don’t have to follow a bill that
isn’t law. That’s not the American way, and that’s not what we’re
going to do.”

She goes on to “explain” why the health care bill will be
“illegitimate”, but her explanation makes no sense, and it makes my
head hurt. (Take an Extra Strength Tylenol and watch it yourself.)

Michele Bachmann is a very influential Republican these days. She’s
Sarah Palin without the funny accent. And her irresponsible rhetoric
is going to get more planes flown into federal buildings — or worse.

“Though those that are betray'd Do feel the treason sharply, yet
the traitor Stands in worse case of woe”
William Shakespeare quotes (English Dramatist, Playwright and Poet,


Mar 30, 2010, 8:38:56 AM3/30/10

"Oath Keeper" <> wrote in message

> On Mar 29, 8:12 pm, mg <> wrote:
>> Does anybody think that maybe, just maybe, that the Republican
>> politicians, Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, and Sarah Palin, etc., have gone
>> a little to far in stirring up the lunatics?
>> "Christian militia accused of plotting to kill cops
>> By COREY WILLIAMS and DEVLIN BARRETT, Associated Press Writers Corey

>> Williams And Devlin Barrett, Associated Press Writers � 1 hr 45 mins
>> ago
>> DETROIT � Nine alleged members of a Christian militia group that was

>> girding for battle with the Antichrist were charged Monday with
>> plotting to kill a police officer and slaughter scores more by bombing

>> the funeral � all in hopes of touching off an uprising against the

>> The charges against the eight include seditious conspiracy � plotting
>> to levy war against the U.S. � possessing a firearm during a crime of

>> violence, teaching the use of explosives, and attempting to use a

>> weapon of mass destruction � homemade bombs.

>> � an AK-47 rifle and a semiautomatic pistol � because she thought he

>> needed mental health treatment.
>> Ward told police he needed to protect himself from members of a crime
>> family that was keeping him from his girlfriend, according to Huron
>> police records obtained by the AP. He also said he was going to meet
>> with the CIA.
>> Seven of the defendants in court in Michigan asked to be represented
>> by public defenders. The eighth had a public defender appointed in
>> Indiana."
> Don't forget the word alleged. Mayber Obama's goon squads think you
> are guilty until proven innocent.
> What a crock this is. They should arrest Obama for lieing.

What has Obama said about this Loony?

Tim Crowley

Mar 30, 2010, 9:21:54 AM3/30/10
On Mar 29, 10:20 pm, Oath Keeper <> wrote:

> What a crock this is.  They should arrest Obama for lieing.

hint: take an English class. Why are you terrorist loving scum so
fucking stupid?

Chocolate Marble Caek.

Mar 30, 2010, 12:03:10 PM3/30/10
mg <> wrote:

>Does anybody think that maybe, just maybe, that the Republican
>politicians, Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, and Sarah Palin, etc., have gone
>a little to far in stirring up the lunatics?

These Republidiots fully expected to murder a group of people and
them "fall back" to prepared positions and have stand-offs while the
rest of the American people rose up and came to their aid as the
start of some revolution.

Why? Because these rightarded terrorists think that they and their
Republican insanity is in the majority thanks to Beck, Limbaugh,
Palin, Cheney, and all the other traitor loons at FOX.

The right wing hate echo chamber convinced these Republidiots that
they could get away with terrorism and the country would consider them
to be heros.

Does belief in astrology cause insanity?
This is Islam:
Pedophile dating service:

Lamont Cranston

Mar 30, 2010, 12:41:01 PM3/30/10

They wouldn't have made the arrests without having a substantial amount
of evidence, dumbfuck.

> What a crock this is. They should arrest Obama for lieing.

You should be arrested for being a terrorist sympathizer, Queefer.

f. barnes

Mar 30, 2010, 1:43:25 PM3/30/10
On Mar 30, 11:41 am, Lamont Cranston <>

Right, why have juries, "The police arrested him therefore he's

> > What a crock this is.  They should arrest Obama for lieing.

> You should be arrested for being a terrorist sympathizer, Queefer.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Lamont Cranston

Mar 30, 2010, 4:25:23 PM3/30/10

Wrong, dumbfuck. What I said was, "They wouldn't have made the arrests
without having a substantial amount of evidence."

Message has been deleted

Chocolate Marble Caek.

Mar 31, 2010, 12:57:51 AM3/31/10
Lamont Cranston <> wrote:

>Butt Licker wrote:
>> What a crock this is. They should arrest Obama for lieing.
>You should be arrested for being a terrorist sympathizer, Queefer.

There always seem to be a small percentage of extremists who will applaud
and defend terrorism against America, even though they live in the very
country that they hate.

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