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Russian Intelligence Behind Biden Burisma Smears

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Bradley K. Sherman

Feb 20, 2024, 11:36:28 PM2/20/24
Before propagating lies about Bursima and the Bidens, recently
arrested Trumpling, Alexander Smirnov, had extensive meetings
with Russian intelligence agents.

As charged in the United States District Court of Nevada:


Bradley K. Sherman

Feb 21, 2024, 12:02:28 AM2/21/24
>Before propagating lies about Bursima and the Bidens, recently
>arrested Trumpling, Alexander Smirnov, had extensive meetings
>with Russian intelligence agents.

| ...
| [T]the misinformation he is spreading is not confined to
| 2020. He is actively peddling new lies that could impact US
| elections after meeting with Russian intelligence officials
| in November.
| ...


Bradley K. Sherman

Feb 21, 2024, 2:36:27 PM2/21/24
>>Before propagating lies about Bursima and the Bidens, recently
>>arrested Trumpling, Alexander Smirnov, had extensive meetings
>>with Russian intelligence agents.

> | [T]he misinformation he is spreading is not confined to
> | 2020. He is actively peddling new lies that could impact US
> | elections after meeting with Russian intelligence officials
> | in November.

| For real, can we recap: Sitting members of Congress
| initiated IMPEACHMENT PROCEEDINGS against a U.S. President
| based on information passed to them by an agent of Russian
| intelligence. Same members refuse to pass aid to Ukraine.
| Same members defend Trump.


Robert Gowan

Feb 21, 2024, 4:40:10 PM2/21/24
We may need a second amendment solution for Republiscum/QAnon traitors in Congress.


Feb 21, 2024, 5:41:11 PM2/21/24
So this guy has been an FBI informant for a decade or more and all of a sudden as the walls are
closing in on the Biden crime family they deem him a Russian plant?
Are you that naive?
Tommy Chong For President 2024.
Crazy Joe Biden Is A Demented Imbecile.
Impeach Joe Biden 2022.

Blue Lives Matter

Feb 21, 2024, 5:52:17 PM2/21/24
On 2/21/2024 9:41 AM, pothead wrote:
> On 2024-02-20, Bradley K. Sherman <> wrote:
>> Before propagating lies about Bursima and the Bidens, recently
>> arrested Trumpling, Alexander Smirnov, had extensive meetings
>> with Russian intelligence agents.
>> As charged in the United States District Court of Nevada:
>> <>
>> --bks
> So this guy has been an FBI informant for a decade or more and all of a sudden as the walls are
> closing in on the Biden crime family they deem him a Russian plant?
> Are you that naive?

Are you that stupid, in addition to being naïve? Three words for you, "pothole":
Robert Philip Hanssen. How long was that Soviet spy in the FBI before being
caught? I'll tell you, you stupid shit-4-braincell moron: from 1979 to 2001.

You stupid fucking Trumpswab.

Siri Cruise

Feb 21, 2024, 11:55:37 PM2/21/24
Anything used to convict him will be put in the public record so
we will know some of his personal history.

Siri Seal of Disavowal #000-001. Disavowed. Denied. @
'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' /|\
The Church of the Holey Apple .signature 3.2 / \
of Discordian Mysteries. This post insults Islam. Mohamed

Governor Swill

Feb 22, 2024, 12:31:59 AM2/22/24
And here we go. Once again the right is sucking Russian cock.

Not left, not right,

"I don't want everybody to vote. As a matter of fact, our leverage in
the elections quite candidly goes up as the voting populace goes down."
- Paul Weyrich, co founder of Heritage Foundation and Moral Majority

Not left, not right,

Heroyam slava! Glory to the Heroes!

Sláva Ukrajíni! Glory to Ukraine!

Putin tse prezervatyv! Putin is a condom!

Go here to donate to Ukrainian relief.
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