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New Huma Abedin E-mail Address Discovered ahead of Benghazi Committee Appearance

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Martha Stewart Went To Jail For Much Less

Jan 18, 2016, 8:44:00 PM1/18/16
A previously unknown e-mail address used by Huma Abedin was
discovered on Thursday, just hours before the top Hillary
Clinton aide prepares to testify in front of the House Select
Committee on Benghazi.

Conservative watchdog group Citizens United discovered the
address in an e-mail exchange that shows Clinton Foundation CEO
Robert Harrison forwarding a speaking invitation for then-
Secretary of State Clinton to both Abedin’s State Department
account and an unfamiliar Abedin address on November 6, 2012. “I
tried to send this to your ‘’ address, but it
bounced back as undeliverable, so here it is again,” Harrison

The new address is titled “humamabedin,” and appears to be a
private e-mail account. The State Department redacted the
account’s domain name, citing a personal-privacy exemption. A
spokesman for the Benghazi Committee did not immediately respond
when asked if the committee was aware of the e-mail account, and
if it is under investigation for possibly containing official or
classified government information on the September 11, 2012
attack on U.S. compounds in Benghazi, Libya. In August, the
State Department admitted to a federal judge that Abedin and
others close to Clinton used private accounts to conduct
government business, and that they were unable to search those
accounts for official records.

Technical issues seemed to plague Clinton’s private e-mail
server at times, driving State Department aides and Clinton
Foundation employees to use government or private accounts to
reach Clinton and her top staff. “Is your e-mail working?”
Abedin wrote to Clinton Foundation executive director Stephanie
Streett on October 10, 2012. “Mine has been down [since] last
night.” Abedin later added that she “can’t even get into my
Clinton e-mail.”

The news of an unknown e-mail account and additional technical
troubles will likely factor in to Abedin’s closed-door testimony
before the Benghazi Committee on Friday. In Abedin’s first
appearance before the committee, lawmakers are expected to focus
on work she did for the private, Clinton-connected consulting
firm Teneo while she was still employed at the State Department.
Senator Chuck Grassley (R., Iowa) has expressed concern that
Abedin acted as a conduit between Clinton and well-heeled Teneo
clients. In one spring 2012 e-mail highlighted by the senator,
Teneo’s president asked Abedin to convince Clinton to back
Judith Rodin, the head of the Rockefeller Foundation and a Teneo
client, for an Obama administration appointment.

Martha Stewart Went To Jail For Much Less

Jan 20, 2016, 1:29:33 AM1/20/16
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