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Yes, Rudy Canoza.... You Are Full of Shit... Part 1 of 2,628,521

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Feb 20, 2024, 11:24:18 PMFeb 20


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Watch (part 4, bottom of page)

"(On Barack Obama) Race relations in this country have taken a nosedive. And
they've taken a nosedive precisely because of our institutions that have been
overtaken by leftists who require racism, sexism, insert whatever ism or phobia
here to be alive in order for them to have a cause."

This Harvard econ professor, Roland Fryer, he made some waves in 2016 when he
released a study on sort of race and policing in America. Now, the results, and
I believe that we use this or we use one of his reference pieces, basically
disabuses people of the notion these popular narratives that black people are
shot at a higher rate by police officers.

Which is what we were told over and over and over. It's not true. Now, just to
be clear, all references are available at This man is no
conservative. He served as the education department's chief equality officer
under Michael Bloomberg.

Should tell you everything you need to know. It's not a dig at him, he's just
unlikely to be the guy delivering these results.

Exactly. This is not a Turning Point USA commentator. And he's black, so that's
fun. So, he spoke to Barry Weiss, and some people have kind of missed this, but
there's some context that I think is not only interesting but again, directly
affects you.

Spoke with Barry Weiss regarding the fallout that has taken place from his

I collected a lot of data. We collected millions of observations on everyday
use of force that wasn't lethal. We collected thousands of observations on
lethal force. And it was in this moment in 2016 that I realized people lose
their minds when they don't like the result.


So what my paper showed, you'll see tomorrow, like some of you, was that- Still
holding his microphone like a pimp. Yes, we saw some bias in the low level uses
of force everyday pushing up against cars and things like that. Yeah, Whoopie's
hair. People seemed to like that result.

But we didn't find any racial bias in police shootings. It was a 104 page dense
academic economics paper with 150 page appendix, okay? It was posted for four
minutes. When I got my first email, "this is full of shit!" Doesn't make any

And I wrote back, how'd you read it that fast? I had colleagues take me into,
to the side and say, don't publish this. You'll ruin your career. I said, what
are you talking about? I said, what's wrong with it? Do you believe the first
part? Yes. Do you believe the second part? Well, it's the issue is they just
don't fit together.

If the second part about the police shooting is just a literal conversation. I
said to them, if the second part showed bias, do you think I should publish it
then? And they say, yeah, then it would make sense. I lived under police
protection for about 30 or 40 days.

I had a seven day old daughter at the time. I remember going and shopping for
it. Cause you know, when you have a newborn, you think you have enough diapers,
you don't. So I was going to the grocery store to get diapers with the armed
guard. It was crazy. It was really, truly crazy.

Now think about that. Think about that for a second. A man who was effectively
telling people he should be the bearer of good news. Hey, this actually isn't,
you're not being shot in record numbers, right? Remember they were out there
saying it was genocide at one point. They use that for everything now. It's
trans genocide. If you don't want kids on puberty blockers, it's black genocide
with police officers. He's going out there saying, Hey, actually there's good
news here.

Not as many people hate you as you've been led to believe. And they're
certainly not shooting you in record numbers. Saying it's less violent than
you've been taught. And so he then has to suffer at the hands of violence. This
can never end. And this is where we talk about how Al Sharpton and people like,
and Barack Obama, and now Joe Biden, they're kind of all one in the same.
They're out of a job, if racism goes away, you need to know that race relations
are worse now in America than ever precisely because of what you just saw,
that's the academic process.

Now I know because I was published, or sorry not I, C Matheson. That's right C.
With a study on fat pride in the era of Donald Trump as a form of self-love,
that was accepted. When you say, hold on, it's not a scientific process when
you talk about the peer-reviewed process, when you talk about what is then
allowed to be taught in schools and higher education.

If you simply don't allow certain points of view to be taught, well then you
can say, well it just it just didn't fit, just didn't fit our parameters. Well
yeah, because you set them. And the parameters that are set right now require
that you believe in systemic racism and you believe a lie. The people setting
the parameters pro-actively lie by blocking the truth from their constituents.

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