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Yes, Rudy Canoza.... You Are Full of Shit... Part 2 of 2,628,521

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Feb 20, 2024, 11:24:52 PMFeb 20


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Now let me read you this actual study. This is prior study. It says, even when
officers report civilians have been compliant and no arrest was made, blacks
are 21.2% more likely to endure some form of force in an interaction. And this
is something we've talked about, you can go back to our Change My Mind videos.

As far as unarmed people, there are quite a few years where more unarmed white
men were shot. And depending on the year, there can be armed versus unarmed. So
that's a number that they'll use to kind of tweak it, where they'll select one
in any given year. Now there are more, I guess you should say violent police
interactions, but what they don't tell you is statistically, black Americans
are far more likely not only to resist arrest, but assault officers.

So then when you equalize it, and you say, okay, hold on a second, the perp has
a gun. So at this point, it's not just a judgment call, there's a protocol.
Guess what? The numbers are a wash, at best. So this context matters. He goes
on to say, yet on the most extreme use of force, officer involved shootings, we
are unable to detect any racial differences, ANY racial differences, either the
raw data or one accounting for controls.

And he went on in his conclusion to say, it is plausible that racial
differences and lower level uses of force are simply distraction, and movements
such as Black Lives Matter should seek solutions within their own communities
rather than changing the behaviors of police and other external forces.

Pause it right there for one second. What do you mean? What do you mean by
that? You should seek solutions within your own community. Maybe behavioral
standards when a cop approaches you, because by the way, when he said some
level of force, he's not talking about violence. He could be talking about
instead of just talking with you, putting you up against the car and frisking
you. Could be a form of some type of force even when no arrest is made. So
behavior matters is what he's saying. And Black Lives Matter is distorting that
part of it. He's like, hey, look at yourself first before saying the cops need
to change.

Yeah, yeah. And again, this guy was a head of a diversity board under
Bloomberg. So let's just be really clear here. Equality board, equality.
Equality board, I don't care. Whatever.

If for instance, Blacks use their lived experience with police as evidence that
the world is discriminatory, then it is easy to understand why Black youth
invest less in human capital or Black adults are more likely to believe
discrimination is an important determinant of economic outcomes.

Black dignity matters. He said, now let me give you some quick stats on
policing. And then I want to go back to Barack Obama after the Dallas police
shooting because the race relations in this country have taken a nosedive. And
they've taken a nosedive precisely because of our institutions that have been
overtaken by leftists who require racism, sexism, insert whatever ism or phobia
here to be alive in order for them to have a cause.

They don't have a war to fight. They're not digging a trench. And so now we're
at the point where it's puberty blockers for children. And if you don't support
that, you support trans-genocide. Well, hold on a second. Hold on a second. Not
only have we done away with slavery, but not only have we gone through the
Civil Rights Act, but there's actually affirmative action in these halls of

No, no, no. Systemic racism is worse than ever. More money, please. A grant for
me to study systemic racism. It happens all the time. How do I know? Published.
Didn't even finish college.

So black people in the United States resist arrest four times more than whites.

I know you'll say, oh but that's just from the police report. All right. You
can't only use statistics when it's convenient for you and you know you can
also believe your lying eyes. Have you been to World Star?

Police officers are actually 18 and a half times more likely to be killed by a
black suspect versus killing a black suspect.

Now this man, Fryer, has a study. Okay and this is kind of some of the news
that some of you folks may not know. The Harvard president then launched a
sexual harassment investigation into Fryer. He was suspended for two years with
no pay, lost access to his lab where I would imagine he conducted some

Guess who the Harvard president was?

Well she was the president. She was a dean at the time. She was a dean at the
time. She was a dean at the time so she had limited ability. Then she became

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