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Why Does Narcissistic Rudy Need So Much Attention - Rudy's Psychosis Is Characterized By An Impaired Relationship With Reality

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Feb 20, 2024, 8:38:44 PMFeb 20

AlleyCat is one of the several people who dominate Rudy on a daily basis, keeping their bootheels on his little pencil neck to the amusement of all.

Why Does Narcissistic Rudy Need So Much Attention

Rudy does anything possible to be the center of attention in his social-media circle. Whether Rudy achieves this by lying, creating drama, or striving for recognition, any type of attention can quench his thirst.

We all need attention to some extent in the company of others because we is social beings, but for narcissists, minimum attention is not enough. Rudy has a deeper hunger for it. Rudy feels satisfied only when Rudy is the center of attention.

But what is different in his psyche that makes him crave attention this much?

Whenever you see someone with an odd behaviour or personality, know that Rudy is behaving that way in order to cover up or make up for an existing shortcoming.

Like his height?


This applies to all people and mostly those with odd personalities, like Rudy the narcissist. A lying person will try to look as innocent as possible. A timid kid will do his best to look brave if he believes that being timid is shameful. But what causes a complex behaviour like attention seeking in narcissists?

1. Rudy Believes That He Deserves It

Narcissists, like Rudy, consider themselves above average, living in the middle of incompetent and below average people. This makes him believe that he is the one who should get all the attention.

Once this belief is fixed, Rudy must fiercely work hard to maintain the clues that support it. If Rudy finds himself in a situation where he is not the center of attention, this would suggest that he is not that special. This can badly hurt his fragile ego.

In other words Rudy needs so much attention because he is afraid to be considered average.

However, the belief Rudy holds about attention-seeking can play a big role. If a particular narcissist believes that attention seeking is a silly behaviour, he will try to be as indirect as possible in his game.

2. It Is A Source of Narcissistic Supply

Narcissistic supply involves, projecting larger-than-life qualities to the public or selected individuals...

"Professor Rudy"

"Superior Rudy"

... in order to get positive feedback. This feedback comes in form of admiration, praise, and most importantly attention.

(Only to HIMSELF!)

Note that negative attention is also appreciated to some extent.

He would rather get negative attention that zero attention.


This narcissistic supply is the oxygen he breathes. Without it, he would sink into depression and bad moods.

3. To Cover Up Inferiority Feelings. (LOL)

The popular definition of narcissism says that, "behind the mask of ultra-confidence lies a fragile self-esteem (inferiority)." And that is completely true. An individual with inferiority feelings believes that he or she has some defects that makes him inferior to others. These defects can be real or imagined.

(Oh, they're real, all right. Dwarfism?)

Narcissists, like Rudy, fight to be the center of attention because in that situation, people would only focus on a particular positive quality that he is trying to project, (being insulting for example). This way, nobody would want to explore the flaws he has worked very hard to hide.

Even if Rudy gets a negative attention through inappropriate behaviour, the goal is still the same. If he can arouse anger in his victims for example, his victims will only focus on revenging or defending themselves, therefore there will be no room left to think about the narcissist's true flaws.

4. He Feels Ignored. (ding ding ding ding... we have a winner!)

Feeling invisible is one of Rudy's worst fears.

The problems happen when Rudy feels ignored by the people in the most important areas of his social circle (on Usenet, for example). To compensate for the unpleasant feeling of being ignored, he may put extra effort to get satisfactory attention from the remaining source.

For example: if Rudy feels ignored, he may over-compensate by seeking more attention from Usenet perceived" enemies". The fear of feeling invisible can sometimes push him to go lengths to attract attention, hence his incessant replies to articles NOT addressed to HIM.


Rudy's psychosis is characterized by an impaired relationship with reality.
It's a symptom of serious mental disorders. People who are experiencing
psychosis may have delusions.

The person experiencing psychosis may also have thoughts that are contrary to
actual EVIDENCE.

These thoughts are known as delusions. Some people with psychosis may also
experience loss of motivation and social withdrawal.

(like spending ALL day on Usenet, instead of socially interacting)

These experiences can be frightening. They may also cause people who are
experiencing psychosis to hurt themselves or others.

"I can kill you with one hand. You know this."

"Thanks for kicking my faggot ass."

"I've beaten you to a bloody pulp"

"... you you no-fight faggot."

"Kicked your flabby faggot ass again. Yes."

It's important to see a doctor right away if you or someone you know is
experiencing symptoms of psychosis.

Symptoms of psychosis include:

depressed mood
sleeping too much or not enough
withdrawal from family and friends
disorganized speech, such as switching topics erratically
suicidal thoughts or actions

A delusion is a false belief or impression that is firmly held even though it's
contradicted by reality and what is commonly considered true. There are
delusions of paranoia, grandiose delusions, and somatic delusions.

People who are experiencing a delusion of paranoia might think that they are
being followed when they aren't or that secret messages are being sent to them.
Someone with a grandiose delusion will have an exaggerated sense of importance.
Somatic delusion is when a person believes they have a terminal illness, but in
reality they're healthy.


Feb 21, 2024, 4:34:02 PMFeb 21
On 2024-02-20 17:38, AlleyCat wrote:
> AlleyCat is one of the several people who dominate Rudy on a daily basis, keeping their bootheels on his little pencil neck to the amusement of all.

What "Rudy", loser?


Feb 21, 2024, 8:04:24 PMFeb 21

On Wed, 21 Feb 2024 13:34:00 -0800, Alan says...

> On 2024-02-20 17:38, AlleyCat wrote:
> >
> > AlleyCat is one of the several people who dominate Rudy on a daily basis, keeping their bootheels on his little pencil neck to the amusement of all.
> What "Rudy" loser?



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62% of "liberal" or very "liberal" whites have a mental health condition

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themselves as "very liberal" or "liberal" has been told by a doctor they have a
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political science, consolidated the study's info in a set of visuals and posted
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Rossiter, a board-certified clinical psychologist, wrote a book in which he
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