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Democrats! Relax!

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RS Axtell

Aug 28, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/28/96

A word of advice to all the Democrats within range of my voice: RELAX!

No need to worry. No need to get all excited and risk embarrassment. No
need to expend energy unnecessarily. No need to get angry. Sit back and
relax. The "Con" is on. Let the formula take its course. Wining is all
that matters. Dick Morris has it right! Being right, being correct, being
"moral",...tish tosh...that and 50 cents will get you on the bus.

Don't take offense, now! Don't get all huffy and defensive. Don't you
realize that it doesn't make any difference what your opponents may say.
If you win, ... so what! If you win, you control events, if your smart
enough to take advantage of the situation. If you win, you can say what
you please, ... and be confident that the news media will largely repeat
it. If you win, you can re-write history. If you win, you will control
the future! That's what matters!

Put yourself in a position to benefit from victory. Become a paid
political consultant. Become a political media pundit. Become a civil
service worker. Become a trial lawyer. Become an electronic media
journalist. Become an environmental bureaucrat. Become a health care
policy bureaucrat. Become an educational policy bureaucrat. Become an
electronic surveillance specialist. Become a special interest lobbyist.
Become a union organizer. Become a "targeted" pension fund investment
policy analyst. Become an NEA member. Become a Democratic party member!
Become a person that takes advantage of opportunities that are presented
to him or her!

Avoid small business. Avoid middle management. Avoid upper management,
unless its in the entertainment industry. Avoid the rich, unless they're
in the entertainment industry. Avoid the military. Avoid religious
affiliations. Avoid most small towns and western states, except
California. Avoid Orange County. Avoid the South. Avoid the inner city,
to live in, I mean. Most of all, avoid anything that is not sanctioned by
the DNC.

You have to accept the reality of what is going on. The Democratic party
is being undermined. At least the "old" party is. The new order is taking
over. Be careful who you make alliances with. Be careful who you
spend time with. Be careful who you have affairs with. Be careful who you
work with. Be careful who you talk to. Be careful what you say. Be
careful, but relax.

"Compassion" is the watchword. You know what that means, and I know what
that means, but that doesn't matter anymore. Remember to talk about
"values." Remember to talk about "protecting families." Remember to talk
about "balanced budgets." Remember to talk about "deficit reduction."
Remember to talk about "job creation." Remember to talk about
"Compassion." Remember, "talk, just talk"

Warn the voters about the mean spirited Republicans. Warn them about
their evil plans to scrap Medicare! Warn them about the Republican plan
to destroy Education! Warn them about their tax cuts for the rich!
Warn them about "corporate welfare", and here's a new one, "military
welfare!" Warn the voters about the racists! Warn them about the
xenophobic right-wing extremists! Warn them about the militias! Warn them
about "hate" radio! Warn them about "... intolerance!"

Mention "welfare reform", but don't worry,... we'll fix it later! Mention
educational reform, but don't worry, "Goals 2000" is safe. Mention
"fiscal responsibility", but don't worry, it won't affect you. Mention
"tax cuts for the middle class", but don't worry, that won't happen. We
can't take that chance. Too reckless.

We need a civil discourse, we need to talk together as equals, we need to
stop the hateful rhetoric, but those racist Nazis won't let us!

Forget the past. Forget your ideological principles. Forget "liberalism."
Forget about "facts." Forget about "honesty." Forget about "Whitewater."
Forget about "broken promises." Forget about "Vince Foster." Forget about
"Robert Strauss." Forget about "Ron Brown", unless you're writing a
speech for the dedication ceremony to his Washington Mall memorial.
Forget you ever heard the word "Mena." Forget about "The Constitution",
unless you can use it for something. Forget about "truth", because all
truth is relative. Forget that you are entering a pact with the devil
himself, because there is no "devil."

What matters is that you will win. Wining isn't everything, its the only
thing. It doesn't matter what you need to do or say to get there. "Lies"
are in the eyes of the beholder. Besides, they will be called "mean
spirited" if they point out your "lies." And they can't stand being known
as "mean spirited." That's their weakness. Their morality won't let them
turn your tactics back on you. That's your strength, you've gotten rid of
that kind of morality. Relax. Don't spend your time defending your
arguments with bibliographical references. Relax Democrats! The polls say
it all. You CAN fool them this time. And there won't be a "next time."

R.S. Axtell


Aug 29, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/29/96

Good but too long. You have to remember the attention span of those you
wished to address.


Aug 30, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/30/96

On Thu, 29 Aug 1996 17:18:47 -0700, JEB <>

>Good but too long. You have to remember the attention span of those you
>wished to address.

Yep, it's all over, now the only a question is of the margin of

F. Prefect
"Bob Dole never met a tax he didn't hike. When Bob
Dole talks about leadership for the future, he's the
man who led the fight for five major tax increases in
the past five years."

Jack Kemp, 2/11/88...Chief Designer of the Kemp/dole
Economic plan.

Are we seeing a new born again Bob?

Rich Johnson

Aug 30, 1996, 3:00:00 AM8/30/96

ZB ( wrote:
: On Thu, 29 Aug 1996 17:18:47 -0700, JEB <>
: wrote:

: >Good but too long. You have to remember the attention span of those you
: >wished to address.
: >_____________________________________________________________________JEB

: Yep, it's all over, now the only a question is of the margin of
: victory.

: F. Prefect

I suppose you could call the Clinton presidency a victory for the
Dems if you look at it right. On the other hand when you consider
that health care reform was defeated and the President signed a
bill reforming welfare you might claim that the last four years
were a major victory for the Repubs. You may well be right that
Clinton will win the presidency but that will only be a battle
won for the Dems in the midst of a war being lost.

Have a nice day,

Dole/Kemp 96

Sep 1, 1996, 3:00:00 AM9/1/96

They'll have plenty of time to relax after Nov.



Sep 2, 1996, 3:00:00 AM9/2/96
to (Rich Johnson) writes:

>ZB ( wrote:
>: On Thu, 29 Aug 1996 17:18:47 -0700, JEB <>
>: wrote:

>: >Good but too long. You have to remember the attention span of those you
>: >wished to address.
>: >_____________________________________________________________________JEB

>: Yep, it's all over, now the only a question is of the margin of
>: victory.

>: F. Prefect

>I suppose you could call the Clinton presidency a victory for the
>Dems if you look at it right.

I suppose that you could call the sun an immense ball of gas
burning in outer space, providing energy for our world if you look at it
Jim in Boulder

Rich Johnson

Sep 3, 1996, 3:00:00 AM9/3/96

ELMORE DANIEL JAMES (elm...@rastro.Colorado.EDU) wrote:
: (Rich Johnson) writes:

: >: F. Prefect

Oh great, a Boulderite. For those of you that are not familiar with Boulder it
is a sort of ultra liberal oasis in the midst of a mostly moderate state. Home
to all sorts of elitest snobs. To be fair, they do a good job of protecting the
environment with all those growth restrictions. It is only a coincidence that
those same restrictions drive the property values up so high that only the
well-heeled can afford to live there. A cynic might say that Boulderites are
happy to champion the cause of the poor and downtrodden just as long as they
don't have to live with them.

P.S. I understand that Paul Kelly was in the hospital longer than his attackers
were on probation. Its good to have connections.

Craig Dowell

Sep 4, 1996, 3:00:00 AM9/4/96

>>I suppose you could call the Clinton presidency a victory for the
>>Dems if you look at it right.
> I suppose that you could call the sun an immense ball of gas
>burning in outer space, providing energy for our world if you look at it

Of course, the sun is not an immense ball of gas burning in outer space, but
in any case:

The Clinton presidency of late seems to me to be far more Replublican than
Democrat. If I believed the guy would actually continue down this track
after November, hell, I'd vote for him. Unfortunately, I think there are a
lot of people who believe this Dick Morris-engineered marketing spiel and
associated dramaturgy is real. Yow, are they in for a surprise come next
year when all of the props are torn down and the Democrats get back to
saying those words they love so much: "Hello, I'm from the government and
I'm here to help you."

After all, why aren't the far left-wing extremists in the Democratic party
howling? It's because they know this version of Clinton is not real. They're
already talking about how they're going to "fix" what was done to secure
the president's re-election. They seem to be counting on re-taking the
congress though, which is not a done deal.

This is a very interesting election.

I'm secretly (just between you and me) hoping that things stay exactly as
they are right now. A do-nothing president and a do-nothing congress fighting
over which version of nothing they want to do. A perfect government. :-)

-- Craig


Sep 4, 1996, 3:00:00 AM9/4/96
to (Rich Johnson) writes:

>ELMORE DANIEL JAMES (elm...@rastro.Colorado.EDU) wrote:

>: >I suppose you could call the Clinton presidency a victory for the

>: >Dems if you look at it right.

>: I suppose that you could call the sun an immense ball of gas
>: burning in outer space, providing energy for our world if you look at it
>: right.

>: Jim in Boulder

>Oh great, a Boulderite. For those of you that are not familiar with Boulder it
>is a sort of ultra liberal oasis in the midst of a mostly moderate state. Home
>to all sorts of elitest snobs. To be fair, they do a good job of protecting the
>environment with all those growth restrictions. It is only a coincidence that
>those same restrictions drive the property values up so high that only the
>well-heeled can afford to live there. A cynic might say that Boulderites are
>happy to champion the cause of the poor and downtrodden just as long as they
>don't have to live with them.
>P.S. I understand that Paul Kelly was in the hospital longer than his attackers
>were on probation. Its good to have connections.

Sir, you wouldn't know a fair though if it bit you in the ass.
First of all, rather than say anything constructive about my post you just
dismiss me a Boulderite. Big into stereotypes are we? Second, your
understanding of Boulder is incomplete to say the least. Note that my
e-mail address ends with .edu. What does that mean? That I am part of the
university here, probably a student. Quiz: do most of the 25,000+ students
here come from within Boulder or from without? If you answered "without"
gove yourself a point. Thus, while I live in Boulder currently, odds are
(and the truth is that) I come from elsewhere (I in fact come from the
suburbs of Seattle, only having been in Boulder for three years, all of
which I have spent studying economics at the graduate level, not a
discipline inclined to promote liberalism, especially here where the New
Classical school dominates). Third, Boulder isn't so ultraliberal as it is
ultrapolarized. Yes, there are many liberals here, but this town is also
the founding place of Promise Keepers, a very conservative Christian
organization. Boulder isn't missing the right end of the political
spectrum, it's missing the center!
As for housing prices and the concern in town for the poor, let me
say a few things. First, while it is undeniable that BUYING a house is
ruinously expensive here, I find that renting is little, if any worse than
back in the suburbs of Seattle. I share a room in a nice condo for $275 a
month, and the place I am staying has another such berth available which
has gone unrented for weeks. I've worked at fast food places here anf
found that many (if not most) of my coworkers were hispanics with mediocre
language skills who still manage to live here in town.
Take your anti-Boulder snobbery elsewhere.
Jim in Boulder


Sep 4, 1996, 3:00:00 AM9/4/96

Be sure to get your bumper stickers at

Rich Johnson

Sep 5, 1996, 3:00:00 AM9/5/96

ELMORE DANIEL JAMES (elm...@rastro.Colorado.EDU) wrote:
: (Rich Johnson) writes:

... and so on ..

: has gone unrented for weeks. I've worked at fast food places here anf

: found that many (if not most) of my coworkers were hispanics with mediocre
: language skills who still manage to live here in town.
: Take your anti-Boulder snobbery elsewhere.
: Jim in Boulder

Did I mention how pissy they get when you criticize their little utopia.

Tell it to the transients that they booted up to Netherland.
Oh, that's right. You weren't here in the 80s.

Rich Johnson

Sep 5, 1996, 3:00:00 AM9/5/96

: gove yourself a point. Thus, while I live in Boulder currently, odds are

: (and the truth is that) I come from elsewhere (I in fact come from the
: suburbs of Seattle, only having been in Boulder for three years, all of
: which I have spent studying economics at the graduate level, not a
: discipline inclined to promote liberalism, especially here where the New
: Classical school dominates). Third, Boulder isn't so ultraliberal as it is
: ultrapolarized. Yes, there are many liberals here, but this town is also
: the founding place of Promise Keepers, a very conservative Christian
: organization. Boulder isn't missing the right end of the political
: spectrum, it's missing the center!
: As for housing prices and the concern in town for the poor, let me
: say a few things. First, while it is undeniable that BUYING a house is
: ruinously expensive here, I find that renting is little, if any worse than
: back in the suburbs of Seattle. I share a room in a nice condo for $275 a
: month, and the place I am staying has another such berth available which

: has gone unrented for weeks. I've worked at fast food places here anf
: found that many (if not most) of my coworkers were hispanics with mediocre
: language skills who still manage to live here in town.
: Take your anti-Boulder snobbery elsewhere.
: Jim in Boulder

A few more thoughts. If you are not a Boulderite then why do you call yourself
"Jim in Boulder"? Its true that coach McCartney founded Promise Keepers but
they are much bigger in the Springs than they are in Boulder. If I understand
you it is expensive to buy a place in Boulder but cheap to rent one. That makes
no sense to me but I'm not an Econ major. (275 to SHARE a room?) And finally,
did those coworkers of yours live in Boulder or (more likely) did they live in
Louisville or Lafayette or Broomfield and just work in Boulder?

I understand Boulder only too well.


Sep 5, 1996, 3:00:00 AM9/5/96

>: >Oh great, a Boulderite. For those of you that are not familiar with Boulder it
>: >is a sort of ultra liberal oasis in the midst of a mostly moderate state. Home
>: >to all sorts of elitest snobs. To be fair, they do a good job of protecting the
>: >environment with all those growth restrictions. It is only a coincidence that
>: >those same restrictions drive the property values up so high that only the
>: >well-heeled can afford to live there. A cynic might say that Boulderites are
>: >happy to champion the cause of the poor and downtrodden just as long as they
>: >don't have to live with them.
>: >Rich
>: >P.S. I understand that Paul Kelly was in the hospital longer than his attackers
>: >were on probation. Its good to have connections.

>: Sir, you wouldn't know a fair though if it bit you in the ass.
>: First of all, rather than say anything constructive about my post you just
>: dismiss me a Boulderite. Big into stereotypes are we? Second, your
>: understanding of Boulder is incomplete to say the least. Note that my
>: e-mail address ends with .edu. What does that mean? That I am part of the
>: university here, probably a student. Quiz: do most of the 25,000+ students
>: here come from within Boulder or from without? If you answered "without"

> ... and so on ..

>: has gone unrented for weeks. I've worked at fast food places here anf

>: found that many (if not most) of my coworkers were hispanics with mediocre
>: language skills who still manage to live here in town.
>: Take your anti-Boulder snobbery elsewhere.
>: Jim in Boulder

>Did I mention how pissy they get when you criticize their little utopia.

>Tell it to the transients that they booted up to Netherland.
>Oh, that's right. You weren't here in the 80s.

At no time did I get pissy because you criticized the town. I got
pissy because you stereotyped everyone in town the same way. Now I see
again that you have no taste for facing the facts that I site about
Boulder, and choose instead to continue your stereotyping. Figures.
Jim in Boulder

Ann M. Schroeder

Sep 12, 1996, 3:00:00 AM9/12/96


We Democrats are very relaxed. Comfortable with the fact that President
Clinton will guide our great country to the next century with a strong
economy and educational OPPORTUNITY for all!

Clinton/Gore '96
Ann Marie From Texas

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