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BLM/Antifa/Democrats Cause Billions In Damage and Actually KILLED People... Barely Anyone Arrested - Thought Police Arrest Counter-Protesters For THINKING About Doing Something

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Jun 12, 2022, 9:19:20 PM6/12/22

I find it amusing, how wittle wy wee, the Cuntnadian welfare Queen, went from
being a commie himself, (which he still is, but has to pretend NOT to be,
because of his false insistence that Trump and Russia are linked), to calling
right-wingers, Commies.

By the by, idiot... Russia is and was a SOCIALISTS State. U.S.S.R.? We just
called them "Communists", because the two are linked closer than you'll admit,
AND if you try and parse socialism from communism, you're just plain stupid.

If not Capitalism, Queenie, what then? SOCIALISM/COMMUNISM are NOT mutually
exclusive. Canada IS becoming Communist, because of its gay pink-socked leader.


Survivors of Communism Warn Canadians Not to Comply, Take Back Your ...


Canada Moves Toward Communism RAIR asked the women, as people who have lived
behind the Iron Curtain, what have they noticed in terms of the changes in
Canada that are becoming more and more similar to communism. Theresa is the
first to answer, wearing a white scarf adorned with red maple leaves.


Trudeau Moves Canada Toward Communism With Universal Basic Income


Will The Trudeau-Virus Transition Canada Into A Communist Nation?


"Which is why they want to get rid of it. Stupid right wingnuts here think
that capitalism actually succeeds and thrives solely on its own profits. Boy,
right wingnuts sure are stupid and the right wingnut Koch Bros. are pretty much
saying so themselves." - wy - Aug 2, 2015, 1:38:02 PM


Trudeau Government Attempt COMMUNIST-STYLE Canadian Media Crackdown


On Sun, 12 Jun 2022 05:18:17 -0700 (PDT), says...

> What's with these fucking right wingers who believe white, right wing, male
> and straight is the only way to be in America?

It's the only NATURAL way to be, you aberration of nature. To each his own, and
KEEP it that way.

> That's rather Commie-bent arrogant of them.

Yeah, like what BLM/Antifa/Democrat/RCP* members did to OUR country, not yours,

*The Revolutionary Communist Party, USA (also known as RCP and The Revcoms) is
a communist party in the United States founded in 1975 and led by its chairman
Bob Avakian. The party organizes for a revolution to overthrow the system of
capitalism and replace it with a socialist state with the final aim of world

Since the 2000s, Avakian's "new communism" is the RCP's ideological framework,
which it considers a scientific advancement of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism. Prior
to this, the party was a founding member of the Revolutionary Internationalist

The RCP is widely criticized on the left as having characteristics similar to
that of a cult, which it has repeatedly denied, in addition to a controversial
presence at protests and activist events.

Does that seem like what a right-winger would want for America? No... it's what
LEFT-wingers like YOU want for their country.

RCPUSA Endorses Biden


Colonial Canada Had Slavery For More Than 200 Years. And Yes, It Still Matters

More Canadians Say Racism Is A "Serious Problem" Today Than 1 Year Ago

Canada Urged To Open Its Eyes To Systemic Racism In Wake Of Police Violence

Racism In Canada Is Ever-Present, But We Have A Long History Of Denial

Majority (60%) See Racism as a Serious Problem in Canada Today, Up 13 points
Since Last Year

Nearly a Third of Canadians (28%) Say They Have Personally Experienced Racism
in the Past Year - 24 July 2020

Canada's Enduring Legacy Of Power, Politics And Racism

75 Per Cent of Canadians Polled, Say Royal Canadian Mounted Police Has Systemic
Racism Issue

Systemic Racism In The Royal Canadian Mounted Police Force

Racist Canada Kicks Indian Out of Parliament

Canada's Shameful, Modern-Day Slave Trade

Black Enslavement in Canada

Colonial Canada Had Slavery For More Than 200 Years. And Yes, It Still Matters

Canada's Slavery Secret: The Whitewashing Of 200 Years Of Enslavement

Canada Has Started Rejecting More Refugee Claims


Canada has begun granting refugee status to fewer irregular border crossers

"Trying to depict these people as welfare bums and security threats and
criminals is a racist attitude. Canadians hate when you say that we're racist,


The Reality of Anti-Black Racism in Canada | BCG

Anti-Black racism in Canada is worse than most Canadians want to believe. With
the COVID-19 pandemic amplifying the injustices against Black People, it is now
more important than ever for Canadians to take action.


Racism & the Canadian historical past ...

The Canadian response to racism south of the border will be described as an
Americanization of Canadian historical past. The media's lack of protection of
racism in Canada, in its traditionally correct context, is a trigger for
concern. Totally different histories of racism.


Racism in Canada | News, Videos & Articles

Canadian MPs vote to condemn Atlanta mass shooting, anti-Asian racism. The move
comes days after eight people were killed by a white gunman in Atlanta. Six of
the victims were Asian American women ...


Anti-Asian Racism Lead, The Canadian Race Relations ...

The Canadian Race Relations Foundation (CRRF) was created in 1996 to reaffirm
the principles of justice and equality for all in Canada. The CRRF's mandate is
to facilitate throughout Canada the development, sharing, and application of
knowledge and expertise to eliminate racism and all forms of racial
discrimination in Canadian society.


Is Canada a racist country? One-third of respondents in a ...

Jun 21, 2021

One-third of respondents in a new study say yes. Most Canadians agree that
Canada's diverse population makes it a better country. But on the question of
whether or not Canada is a racist country ...


Most Canadians Experience Racism ... - New Canadian Media

Canadian racism is sometimes called 'polite' and is characterized by
microaggressions, but that is a misnomer. Words like that are used to deflect
criticisms and differentiate Canada from the United States, says Henry, though
she does see similar ideologies and motivations.


Canada Must Withdraw From Racist Core Group - Yves Angler

The least Canadian antiracist activists should do is educate themselves about
racism in foreign affairs. There is no justification for Canada participating
in this nakedly imperialist alliance. All Canadians of conscience owe a debt of
solidarity to the people of Haiti. We must demand Ottawa immediately withdraw
from the racist Core Group.


Sikh Canadians Surge Politically In "Systemically Racist ...

"The reality is, our Canada is a place of racism, of violence." - NDP Party
Leader Jagmeet Singh, June 14th 2021. An unprecedented event occurred last
night in Alberta, Canada. Sikh-Canadian candidates won in both Calgary and
Edmonton mayoral elections.. Jhoti Gondek is the first Sikh-Canadian to become
mayor of Calgary. She will be taking over from Naheed Nenshi, three-time winner
as ...


Racism at IRCC could determine who gets in - New Canadian ...

IRCC employees are reporting racist workplace behaviour such as racially-
charged microaggressions at work, says survey. NCM reporter Isabel Inclan
reports on the deeper fallout. Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada
(IRCC) employees remain skeptical of the measures in place to tackle racism at
their workplace, according to a new report.


Jun 12, 2022, 9:19:32 PM6/12/22

Rudy Canoza

Jun 15, 2022, 11:49:40 AM6/15/22
On 6/12/2022 6:19 PM, ['can.politics' gratuitous bullshit crosspost removed]

On every date, the mental defective AlleyPussyBitch aka Neutered Pussy — *NOT* a
three letter athlete, was *NEVER* a bouncer, *NEVER* a golf pro, *NEVER* a
lifeguard, *NEVER* dunked a basketball, and has *NEVER* been laid, but just a
pole-puffing no-fight squat-to-piss shrieking estrogen-oozing fairy —
*capitulated* and *submitted* to Rudy:

> I find it amusing,

*We* find it amusing what a worthless zero-achieving fuckstain you are.


Jun 16, 2022, 7:00:43 AM6/16/22

I was a 3 sport letterman, a bouncer in THREE different restaurants / bars /
lounges / discos (Chan's, Victor's Jamaica Joe's), an assistant golf pro, a
lifeguard on the white sand beaches of Ft. Walton/Destin, (getting more pussy
in a week, than you did your whole life), dunked a basketball at 5'9" for first
time in 11th grade, played college baseball AND basketball (dual scholarships),
and dated the captain of the cheer-leading squad as a SOPHOMORE in high school.
(there was no freshman class)

Rudy was an IT guy... something a 12 year girl could do.

All Rudy gets is BSODs. [snicker]


AlleyCat is one of the several people who dominate Rudy on an almost
daily basis, keeping their bootheels on his little pencil neck to the
amusement of all.

When the Narcissist Fails

A Cautionary Examination of How Narcissists React To Failure

Rudy, The Insanely Jealous Narcissist

Rudy, the narcissist, usually has a deep need to be better than everyone else.
This makes him likely to become jealous of anyone he perceives as better than
him in any possible way.

Surprisingly, you don't have to be better in a real sense for you to trigger
his jealousy.

As long as you have any advantage he doesn't have, that's enough to make him
jealous. Sometimes jealousy can force Rudy the narcissist to act in ways that
defy normal human behaviour.

Jealousy is one of the emotions that makes Rudy, the narcissist, both hilarious
and sad.

A Sense of Competition:

A sense of competition, real or perceived can trigger jealous narcissists,
like Rudy.

Surpassing a narcissist, like Rudy, at anything that you are both involved in
or succeeding at something he failed at, can make him extremely jealous.

Rudy Has Low Self-Esteem:

Rudy, the narcissist, may not be jealous of someone on Usenet, who is better
looking, as long as he is confident in his looks.


But, he isn't, so he isn't confident in his ability to socialize. Rudy is
always jealous of his social and Usenet rivals, who make him look like the runt
child he is... daily.

Actually... Rudy, the narcissist, makes himself look like a child. We do not
need to help him in this realm.

Because Rudy, the narcissist has very low self-esteem behind the mask of ultra-
confidence, he becomes very jealous of anyone who has genuine confidence...
like those he pretends to be better than.

They Are Happier Than Rudy:

When a narcissist is depressed, he doesn't like to see someone happier and
excited, especially if that person makes him look stupid... which is usually

This is because he knows that a happy person is powerful. Powerful enough to
make him feel like a worthless turd... that is, until that person makes a
spelling or grammar mistake.

Rudy's self-esteem is so low, that even though HE'S fucked up so many times,
grammatically and spelling-wise, he still has to show his imaginary
superiority, by pointing out others' mistakes.

When you are happy, you became more confident, assertive and clear-minded. On
the other hand, when a person is sad or depressed, he usually feels weak and
vulnerable, like Rudy, who lashes out at those he sees as his superiors.

When a narcissist, like Rudy is depressed, feelings of vulnerability that
accompany depression make him see a happy person as a threat, especially when
it's a person that he doesn't get along with, which is 99.9% of Usenet, since
he's a homophobic racist, who insults everyone, because Rudy HATES everyone he
thinks is his superior.

Rudy Is Insecure:

Insecurities make a person doubt his ability to keep anyone interested.

If he is financially unsuccessful (well... YEAH!) and believes that his Usenet
rivals are MORE successful (well... duh!), he may be very jealous their

Rudy, the narcissist, hates it when people around him are better in every
possible way. He needs to be above everybody else in order to feel superior,
and have the ability to sleep.

For this reason, he becomes very jealous of anyone he sees as superior than
him, especially when there is a sense of competition.

We Are Stealing His Attention:

refutations. He only replies to say, "play with me!"

Rudy doesn't have the mental capacity to form his own opinions on subject
matters that are above his head, so he simply replies in the negative, even if
it's proven that the OP is correct in everything he says or quotes.

Because he thinks that he is better than common people, Rudy believes that he
deserves more attention than the average Usenet member.

Getting the attention that a narcissist believes HE deserves, can cause a lot
of jealousy.

Poor Rudy.

Rudy Canoza

Jun 16, 2022, 10:37:16 AM6/16/22
['can.politics' gratuitous bullshit crosspost removed]

[subject line vandalism by cocksucking narcissistic shrieker repaired]

On every date, the mental defective AlleyPussyBitch aka Neutered Pussy — *NOT* a
three letter athlete, was *NEVER* a bouncer, *NEVER* a golf pro, *NEVER* a
lifeguard, *NEVER* dunked a basketball, and has *NEVER* been laid, but just a
pole-puffing no-fight squat-to-piss shrieking estrogen-oozing fairy — praised Rudy:

> I was a 3 sport letterman, [snip remaining Walter Mitty-esque lies]

No, you weren't. You're a lifelong loser, and you were already one back then.
You were born with a silver shovel in your mouth and grew up in privilege, and
you did *nothing* with it. You've admitted it. This is settled.
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