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Banks may never be bailed out without useful restructering

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Jos Boersema

Oct 19, 2023, 9:46:10 AM10/19/23
Note: G.Mannarino urges everyone to take their money out of the banks
right now. I have never seen G.M. so upset as in the last week
or two or so, despite having followed him somewhat for years.

Note: The severe autists on have warned: all Jews should
return to Israel *before the banks fail*. We see another sharp
rise in hatred against Jewish people thanks to the current war
situation, right ? I wonder if the situation will be created so
that the masses will start blaming Jewish people again for
everything, or even for starting World War 3. How do you buy a
plane ticket by the way, if your money doesn't exist anymore,
hidden in a bank which seems permanently closed. Just
speculating. Remember the Jews who stayed in Germany, the "home
away from home", because they couldn't believe how bad it was
going to get ?

Trump has ratified torture in the USA. Take stock of where you
are. You live in a Fascist Empire if you live in the USA. This
cannot be save for good people. Secondly, with all the Jews
living in Brooklyn New York, how does that work during a nuclear
war, in which NYC may well be a target. Your God will protect
you, while you have broken the Torah ? You cannot admit you
have broken the Torah, ah ok, I guess that makes you safe
then ? Obviously not. It seems to me there are enough reasons
to get out of the USA, and maybe it really is time to go to
Israel, if you want to do the Torah at least, which implies:
distribute the holy land to all and stop with the prosbul,
stop the baseless hatred which is embodied in the prosbul and
elevated to law by Rabbinical Judaism (!).

Someone wrote the rethorical question: "imagine what would happen if the
banks failed".

Okay, but can you imagine what it would cause if the banks get bailed
out ? The mess should never have been allowed, State debt is insane
if not evil, and banks should never have been allowed to become this
big. Mistake should have been accepted and price been paid let's say
in 2008. As soon as they failed, that was the foot in the door to deal
with those sick people. If that had caused a 10 year depression and the
need for a new currency, it doesn't matter. It takes what it takes to
get back to any sort of working economy.

It takes what it takes. Establish an emergency fund for the poor, open up
the food kitchens, create a housing and rent fund, go easy on the people
and nationalize a new Pension system, keep the hospitals working one way
or the other. To hell with the super rich and those parasites, who caused
it all, to hell with them. Their cashbook is completely irrevelant because
they got too much already. They can take care of themselves already.

You know this is exactly the problem: child politicians. Children who
don't dare to cut the knot when they have to. It is the people their own
fault though. They are probably never going to accept serious policies
because they don't care about the long term. It is always going to be
some psycho winning the elections, promising heaven for all in 1 day. I
guess the masses are going to get what they asked for. The fix was in
when the Government issued debt when they didn't need to. The people
should have reacted with "we do not want to put our problems on the next
generations". They should have shown a level of adult politics, but they
couldn't do it. It was all "me me me !" non stop, short term gains, to
hell with the future. I guess that hell is coming around the corner soon.

To answer my own question, what is going to happen if you bail out
the banks ? It means these sick people are going to own the Treasury,
the money system, everything. It rewards them. They perfectly well knew
what they where doing. They are bankers, they understand everything about
debt. You reward them, so they will do it again, and that's what they are
doing now. They will go on until they are forced to a stop. I don't mean
forced by an implosion, that's all a calculated part of where this is
going. I mean stopped by jail time. The banks fail ? Perfect ! Open the
investigations, make room in the prisons for the criminal bankers, issue
emergency economic policies for the poor, order a group to investigate
curing the currency or even making a new one. Whatever it takes.

If you don't do this, you leave the power in the hands of the worst
people in the world. They are using all that money and power to establish
their global tyranny, and that is not to be taken lightly. These people
have long been selected for in the Capitalist market and the criminal
underworld to get where they are. They are proven to be cunning and evil
enough to get where they are, and they are therefore more equipped than
most to take that next step. These people are dangerous, evil and cunning;
they are high end organized crime, and worse if there is a word for it.

Sorry to belabor the point. Have a nice day. I have been taken my money
out ever since 2008 by the way, and just never stopped converting it
into useful goods.

P.S. What is useful restructering (IMHO): first of all, a special group
takes charge of failed bank, people who can in the immediate term take
care of the worst problems which real people might face who have
accounts in that bank. Not (super) rich people whining about their
excessive savings and greed, but real people with businesses and lives,
jobs, families, serious issues in their lives.

It may be useful to keep the culprits, the psycho criminal banking
elite class, in a form of communication with this group, if there are
any issues of understanding. There may be a lot going on which is not
legal, and it may also all be quite complicated. While it is not clear
if the psychos will work with the (finally somewhat useful) Government
to actually provide the necessary insights, the threat of legal action
for their liabilities them might help. Of course it is not even clear if
they are yet guilty of anything, since this requires a court case.
Working well with the Government will make them look better in a court case.

The banks then need to basically be destroyed, but slowly to avoid
causing more pain than necessary. Destroyed and broken up into many
small banks. They should never have been allowed to become as big as
they are. New law is needed against these businesses which are far too

I think it is probably wise to make a law where the size of businesses
(which you can calculate using different metrics, such as Capital,
employees, etc) at first will be at the biggest now existing size, but
then it automatically steps down. Slowly it squeezes the businesses
down. You could either do that with a predetermined timeframe, for
example to scale them down over the course of 10 years, or you could do
it step by step based on a decision, or a combination of both.

It will be quite difficult to do this with precision and honesty,
because the greedy and dishonest are going to hide their control.
However even if for example a crazy large business gets broken up into
250 small businesses, while secretly still being controlled by one
entity, at least in an overt sense you now got 250 businesses. Even if
one person ends up profiting and controlling them all, it should still
put a form of a firewall in between all these components in the case of
a bankruptcy.

It is what it is, we will only be able to achieve what we can for the
moment. Not everything will go perfect. However from there on,
businesses would be smaller, mergers will not be allowed as much or at
all. Older business Empires will hopefully slowly grind and fade away in
the economic competition. The pressure upon secretly unified businesses
can be kept up, to see if they can be better separated to prevent
Cartel, Monopoly and unfair competition practices.

Needless to say, the distribution of land as an inalienable right to all
should make the economy much more fair on a fundamental level, and also
a maximum on personal wealth (I would set it quite high to allow play
room for the economy), eventually will hopefully lead to a more stable,
open, dynamic and free economy. More meritocracy, less Plutocracy.
Finally a strong mechanism in the market which decentralized power in
it, while the Capitalist system as it is has too many elements which
drive the centralization of power, which is what we see today and which
should eventually lead - if unopposed - to a Tyrannical Plutocratic regime.

Title: FINAL WARNING! Get Your Cash OUT OF THE BANKS. The Debt Market
Is MELTING DOWN... Mannarino
(Mannarino didn't make the comment the above is a reply to.)

P.S. Funny how I suddenly am a bit bored in private life, just before
this whole mess starts in Israel. Something changed so I have all
the time in the world now to rant and rave on Usenet to my hearts
content ;-). Sorry about that. I guess I don't mean bad at least.
Have a good day.

Economic & political ideology, worked out into Constitutional models,
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