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USA to cut money Ukraine while Russians win battles: possible reason

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Jos Boersema

Feb 4, 2024, 6:56:51 AMFeb 4
title: Tucker Carlson Arrived In Moscow. No Military Aid To
Ukraine. Military Summary And Analysis 2024.2.4
source: Military Summary


The Americans always have money for bloodshed, and they need World War
3 _like never before,_ because the National Debt is collapsing and they
are money printing like monkeys since 2008 (with much of the world, it is
all high treason and criminal). I do not believe the Americans suddenly
don't have the money. The Americans (ruling class) saw that the front
was too stagnant, the war was ending itself, just as it naturally did in
Donbass. In Donbass they also kept it going, until we have this now. The
Americans probably withdraw help for Ukraine, to make Ukraine loose and
make their E.U. / NATO system afraid and subservient, but the real goal
will always be to keep ordinary people in line with fear and death.

I guess the USA has three basic options: keep the front stable, let the
front move to the west, let the front move to the east. If it moves
to the east, western populations will have less fear, and more time
for Revolutions, which will increase in intensity as the economy goes
down due to ruling class looting and wealth centralization. The front
will move toward Moscow, until Russia will nuke USA out of existence
and selected targets in the rest of Europe. While it does help against
Revolution, it is a bit of a strategy of weakness at first (ironically),
and then suddenly a nuclear strike and counter strike. They can do that,
but I expect that it is not a strong enough political weapon in the
beginning. Why would farmers _not_ storm the E.U. treasonous parliament,
if the armies are dealing with the front in Ukraine just fine on their
own ?

Everything looks different if the front starts moving toward Poland,
Berlin, Paris, Rome, this is where the fear will set in, and also the
American people will be utterly consumed and obsessed with the events,
while probably launching a new war against another Nation every few
Months, basically being a part of it all (which they are, they started
the whole thing, offensively that is). If under such conditions the
people impoverish, not because of war but because of continued insane
monetary and financial policies by the ruling class, the people don't
even notice it, and will blame the war. If the risk of Revolution mounts,
the armies will be much more ready and willing to kill their own people,
for the bankers and the super rich, without even realizing that they
are working for organized crime.

Therefore I think the war will probably not end, the Americans will
try to keep it going by either more money, or fewer money, or whatever
works at that moment. To really strike fear into the western populations,
Russia needs to look strong and menacing. There are probably also side
goals, such as cutting off German production from Russian resources,
and of course stealing the oil of the middle east.

Now you think, great, this will avoid at least nuclear war. I don't think
so. They will do that anyway, even just for kicks and to see how it goes,
although it is also a last ditch strategy against being apprehended and
put on trial in a post Revolutionary environment. After the nukes, they
come out preaching peace to the shocked people of the world. The emotional
shock is what they want, and out of that they want to establish their
high technological Dystopian nightmare Tyranny over the entire world,
ideally overtly (all together now) or behind the scenes (like the Cold
War, which was exactly what USA wanted, and so they helped the Russians
stay strong to maintain the Divide & Conquer).

If the war in Ukraine really scares people enough, they might even just
leave it there, but I doubt it. It is still very far away, and not much is
happening, the weapons are also relatively small compared to what is in
the arsenal. The front is big bust stagnant, no huge troop movements at
speed, no completely bombing to hell big multi million cities. It is not
at the level of height of World War 2 it seems. It is not scary enough,
and we see the evidence: farmers are rioting, and people don't seem to
be overly afraid yet. I don't think this is enough fear for the western
ruling class, to deal with the consequences of their economic looting
and crimes and the predictable anger in the population who will suffer
the consequences. I could be wrong, it is merely an estimate.

The front will then probably move west for a long time, and the next
problem for the Americans is how to deal with the Russians taking all of
Ukraine and then wanting to stop the war, even giving parts of Ukraine
to Poland and Roemania. The war then reaches a natural stop, but the
USA wants it to continue and become much worse, so I expect them to
have worked out plans for how to escalate the situation if Russia gets
anywhere close to the end of Ukraine. Possibly the line is Kiev itself,
so that the USA will push their Vassals or if need be themselves into
western Ukraine, start resisting the Russians in a bigger way, and then
try to open a front somewhere else completely, such as in Finland or
Poland, somewhere to make the entire thing much much worse, and to make
sure a great many more people will die. This is what I expect, it is a
wild guess, keep that in mind.


There are other reasons I expect a huge war is what the ruling class
wants, such as that there hasn't been a big top level war since World
War 2, the American Empire is starting to fail and they will want to do
something about that, the weapons being developed during this next war
plus what they are already having is potentially a level of technology
which they feel is good enough to start repressing humanity *forever*,
the mentioned shock value they are after, and they want a lot fewer
people on Earth, and the environment is degrading quickly which might be
even another timer (too many people doing too much damage).

What to do about all this: see signature. People don't have much of a
clue about what to do about it, and seriously do about it for the long
term, therefore it all comes down on you personally. Do not expect help
from anywhere, at least at first.

You had been warned literally more than 10 years about this coming and
what to do about it. Much could have been achieved in this time, both
personally and politically.

Economic & political ideology, worked out into Constitutional models,
with a multi-facetted implementation plan.
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