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The USA Government revenge rate is one thousand+ dead for one

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Jos Boersema

Oct 9, 2023, 8:23:51 AM10/9/23

An estimated 3.6-3.8 million people have died indirectly in post-9/11
war zones, bringing the total death toll to at least 4.5-4.7 million
and counting.

End quote.

The September 11 attacks of 2001 caused the deaths of 2,996
people, including 2,977 victims and 19 hijackers who committed

2,977 : 4.5 • 10⁶ = 1 : 1,545

For every one who died, 1,545 where killed by the USA in the Middle
East, even though the USA did the attacks themselves on their own
people. It seems however that this is not the final revenge rate of the
USA, but rather it seems that the USA just wants to keep murdering
people forever. There are undoubtedly many people in the USA Army today,
who signed up because of 9/11. It was a known thing that people signed
up because of 9/11, and the lies they believed. They continue to be
part of this revenge operation. They ended up working for the people who
caused 9/11, becoming murderers for these criminals.

This level of revenge is vastly more than what for example an Italian
Vendetta looks like. Even if in some Vendetta someone managed to murder
out another whole family to revenge one death, who even has 1,545
family memebers ? Who even can manage to kill this many people, being a
single person or a small group of a few or even 10 people ?

It seems that civilization is now, according to some statistics like
this, worse than the Middle Ages in terms of insane and unrestricted
brutality. This includes torture, openly. The USA has ratified torture in
recent years, by electing Trump, who is in favor of torturing people (!).


Jewish people: do you feel safe and snug, being allies with this insane
Empire the USA, full of people who bow down to the ancient Roman idol,
in whose name so much Jewish blood has been spilled, and all the lies
that come with this absurd cult ?

I suggest you put your safety with your Torah, and see if your God will
help you if all else fails. The Torah is already your God saving you, if
you want to put it that way, due to the natural consequences of keeping
those laws. Your Justice and honor would be great if you did these laws,
also in the eyes of many Muslems who live around you. Perhaps Egypt,
Jordan, Syria, those peoples might become your allies, who are now your
enemies. Probably not those ruling classes and criminal organizations,
but if a population respects you, that means something. This could make
war against you impossible.

Even if you do need to go to war, with so much justice, a dynamic
functioning economy where people who work well and are creative and
competent rise (which is also but not only happening in Capitalism,
where especially over time the worst element gains control through the
centralization of power), then your people and Army if you have one
will be all the more motivated, well run and equipped, etc.

Etc etc. It should be obvious from thinking about how these laws work in
the long term. Sadly it seems, people don't want to use their heads, and
so ... it gets blown off sooner or later. Use your head, and keep it on
your shoulders, is my advice. ;-)


The revenge rate of the USA reminds me of Nazi terror justice. Wiping
out entire villages when there was some attack on their position from
some local people. Hundreds dead for a small attack, things like that.
USA is either similar or worse, and getting worse all the time as well.
This Fascist and crazy Empire cannot be a friend of civilized normal
people, and if you have this devil as your friend, you better put a
shield in your shirt, because being betrayed is a matter of time.

Economic & political ideology, worked out into Constitutional models,
with a multi-facetted implementation plan.
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