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Preparations for World War 3 & Tyranny ? PVV wins in NL

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Jos Boersema

Nov 26, 2023, 12:26:37 PM11/26/23
P.V.V. / Geert Wilders: Fascists ? (yes)

P.V.V. / Geert Wilders became the largest of many small parties in the
recent election in the Netherlands, with 23.6% of all votes.

It should be understood that the ruling class can influence the
elections to such a degree, that in the long term they get what they
want. The populations watches such a degree of television and reads
the usual dishonest newspapers, that there is no way they are still
able to see reality or stand up for their own interests. They just
cannot see through the propaganda. It is too sophisticated for them.

To analyze the failed political psychology of the masses is another
topic, but it is important to realize that this election is exactly what
the ruling class wanted. Personal note: the moment I heard about this
new split from right wing party V.V.D. in the Netherlands, and the bad
and rude things he has been saying, I knew that the ruling gangsters of
America had found their man, that they love this guy and want to make
him powerful. I guess they finally got around to doing it, at the
perfect moment. (V.V.D. gained 15.2% of the votes in 2023.)

V.V.D. is a right wing party, but out of opportunism for power they
shifted their rethoric to the center left. They could take advantage of
the deterioration of the PvdA center left party, the great Labor class
party of the social-democrats, under sellout and traitor Wim - the snake
- Kok, who later became a greedy obnoxious banker (!). I guess that was
his reward for serving the ruling criminals. V.V.D. is basically *the*
party for the non-religious right, connected to big business, finance,
The Empire. They pretend to stand for freedom, except of course when you
need them to stand for freedom such as during Corona.

P.V.V. is a split from this party V.V.D., in the direction of the right.
It is a far right party. This raises the question, thanks to the rude
and childish behavior of it's leader Geert Wilders and their xenophobic,
sometimes ridiculous political proposals such as to ban people wearing
head scarfs: can this party be characterized as Fascist ? Can it be
compared to the early days of the Nazi-Fascists, who also had quite a
social program for their people - all of that of course later went quite
literally, to hell. Beautiful promises for the poor: are they heartfelt
reasons to go into politics, or are they made to gain votes, later to be
traded in for a wealthy check from the top criminal bankers of the
world. Promises come cheap in this political system. It takes something
to make this believable.

Historically for example, the Socialist Party of the Netherlands has
made this aim of their believable. They constantly help poor people,
they completely positioned their party on the far left (sadly they went
for Communism, later retracted it and never got back into serious
ideology), and the representatives give money back also. All of this is
rather hard to believe from a party who traces it's roots not to the far
left for whom this was always an important if not the most important
part of their politics, but to the right wing V.V.D. party, with its
history of laissez faire Capitalism. In this sense, a populist but
ultimately not believable social program, can even be a marker of a
future Fascist movement, since we saw the Nazis do the same. We remember
here during the time the P.V.V. started, how he made rude comments to
people who where sick and needed welfare because they could not work.
This is exactly what we expect from a far right split from the already
right wing V.V.D. party.

Geert - de Kleine - Wilders (to contrast with Geert de Grote, who
started a movement which may have lead to the birth of the Netherlands
later, ) it's main political
platform seems to be anger against immigration and Islam.

Geert de Kleine used to have full control over his party. He did not
want it to be democratic. The party was also plagued by social
internal instability. This single handed control over a party, is a
fascistic element, because the "fasces" are a symbol of the Roman
Republic and it meant the singular unity of the ruling class against all
forms of dissent / rebellion. The Imperator (IIRC) wielding the Fasces
(a bundle of rods with an ax in it) was an absolute dictator in the
unruly Province he was send to, with the power of the death penalty.

A brief search on the Internet reveals the following worrying statement:
Geert beliefs in conflict as such, as a way of making progress, rather
than in consensus. He shares this belief with ... Hitler. The Nazi party
believed in a fight for survival of the fittest. Not debate,
understanding and consensus, but conflict.

We see here an array of Fascistic elements in connection with the
P.V.V., the party of Geert - the wild one - Wilders. A contraction of
what is to be allowed in the Netherlands, a cultural doctrine of
uniformity, a repelling of foreigners ... and how about this: the P.V.V.
says in it's current political program that they want to put the Army on
the street against "street terrorists", with which the P.V.V. presumably
means small gangs of people, typically foreigners or of foreign origin,
who hang out on the street and may be a nuisance and/or commit small
crimes. Law and order ... but by the Army ? This is a strong indicator
of Fascism. This is the Netherlands, we are not talking about actual
terrorist groups here who throw bombs and attack people with machine
guns - at least not yet. Their use of the word "terrorist" is rethoric.
You can create a Police Unit with a lot of force behind them, in terms
of weapons, training, size and vehicles. Why this brazen step to use the
Army ?


* Zero tolerance voor straattuig, waar nodig inzetten leger tegen
straat- terroristen

Translated (by undersigned):

o Zero tolerance for street scum, where necessary deploy the army
against street terrorists.

If this sentence had read: "In cases where the police is no longer able
to subdue a suspect due to the suspect being armed with overpowering
weapons and all normal police efforts are likely insufficient to
maintain the safety of the general public, the police may request
assistance from a specially trained anti-terrorism Battalion of the
Armed forces." I would not mind a law like this, but if a loitering
group of "street scum" is some teenager with their scooters being
a nuisance today, is "street scum" tomorrow a demonstration for a just
cause, or a gathering of upset citizens who want their Constitutional
rights respected, and if so can the Army then be deployed against them ?

There is a big difference between 30 armed police officers, and 30
armed soldiers. I don't know what the limit is of how many unarmed
people can be controlled by 30 soldiers, but the limit might simply be
how much ammunition they have. 30 police officers on the other hand,
they will be overwhelmed quite quickly by a large mass of people, and
they also allow themselves to be overwhelmed. They are not likely going
to use deadly force, just because a very large mass of people wants to
demonstrate through some street. The Army could act very differently.
They are trained to obedience and to kill, because that is how you wage

Unbelievable that this still has to be explained after all this history
on Earth. Sigh.

We also found out, perhaps predictably, that the P.V.V. is not really
against the European Union (the USA control grid for their Vassals over
here, which ends our democracy). We read this:

* Introductie tewerkstellingsvergunning voor EU-onderdanen

o Introduction of a work permit for European Union subjects.

Who uses even the word "European Union subjects", if you are against
this Empire. We have always been citizens of the Netherlands. The word
"onderdanen" in Dutch is also somewhat demeaning. It was originally used
in the times of the Monarchy.

* Geen EU-bemoeienis met Nederlandse sociale zekerheid en arbeids-

o No European Union interference with Dutch social security and the
labor market.

The point is, they are not fundamentally against the E.U., despite some
rethoric, it seems. In my personal political program, I am completely
against the European Union because I believe it to be far too large, and
therefore I want a complete removal of the European Union in every way
shape or form, including all it's laws and it's currency, and a law that
this kind of supra-national Imperial entity may not exist, and
politicians may not partake in it (it would potentially be high treason).

On the other hand, the P.V.V. is claimed to want a Referendum against
the European Union. How real is this ? There is also the problem of
posturing by the "enfont terrible" (the one everyone hates), so that if
Geert / P.V.V. is against the European Union, most people will like to
go against the P.V.V. so as not to be associated with them, and then end
up pro European Union. Is this a game being played here ? Notice how the
P.V.V. has nothing even close to a majority vote. They merely became the
largest party of many.

We also saw a similar political device with notorious loud mouth Trump,
who supposedly was against NATO at some point, and then later he wants
the Vassal States in Europe to pay more to NATO. Was NATO ended or did
USA leave NATO when Trump was president: no. You could claim that this
is because of political opposition, or it was a calculated propaganda
piece knowing he would be stopped by someone else. How do we know ? I
guess it all has to fit somewhere with the Nationalistic "our own people
first" rethoric, and this is why they are against or pretend to be
against these supra-national organizations of the USA Empire. Are they
really against it, even when they can later line their pockets in those
organizations, or will they have one of their usual changes of mind at
the last moment "because ... _whatever_ ...". There is a chance they
actually believe it, but unfortunately this is more about making a
smaller territory become the new Empire of Evil over the subjugated
slaves, rather than withdraw from corrupt and uncontrollable Imperial
organizaions for the sake of internal democracy and peace.

Some more points by the P.V.V. I randomly chanced into. This is not a
complete review, sorry. (I feel such a disgust for Dutch politics, for
all of it, all sides from center to radical, that it just makes me so
angry that I'll be angry the whole day such as today when I looked into
some of this infantile politics already. It is *all* bad, all of it, not
just the P.V.V.. The other parties their corruption, greed and stupidity
just creates this problem of Fascism, and that is exactly what the ruling
class wants.)

* De Nationaal Coördinator tegen Discriminatie en Racisme moet weg

o The national co-ordinator against Discrimination and Racism has to

* Excuses voor het slavernijverleden en de politionele acties worden

o Apologies for the history of slavery and the war in Indonesia are

* Einde aan de linkse haat tegen helden uit onze geschiedenis

o End to the left wing hatred against heroes from our past.

This one may be of interest for the Jewish and Muslem people:

* Verbod op ritueel slachten

o Prohibition on ritual slaughter [of animals].

Etc. etc. I think we have established credibly and with substance,
having briefly looked into the meaning of "Fascism", which is also
closely connected to Plutocracy (Mussolini: Fascism is Corporatism, the
rule of the Corporations), that indeed the P.V.V. and Geert Wilders are
an early days Fascist party. They are comparable to the NSDAP, the
Nazis, in their early days. It is important to realize that we are also
now again in the early days of this entire political shift. There was
not already a decade or more of a Fascist party in power, and there has
not yet been a World War in our territory either, which is all still
(possibly) to come. We see a similar political moment in the USA, where
the ruling class is also working on their Fascist puppet Trump (which
doesn't mean that Obama or Joe Biden are not their puppets also, they

Preparations for World War 3 ?

The political preparations for World War 3 seem to be reaching their final
form, because there is a push of Fascist movements in both the USA and
also at least in the Netherlands. It is interesting to see the
similarities between Trump and Wilders. They both portray some
sympathies for Russia, and they both support the current Zionist war
against Hamas. It is like they are all part of the same group, which is
certainly possible, even likely in todays world full of conspiracies
(yes, full of conspiracies - welcome to reality where criminals and
corruption exist) and fast communications. Fascism ultimately is set up
and serves the super rich, who have global size corporations, banks and
criminal syndicates.

Why they both have this light stance on Russia remains to be seen. It
didn't seem to mean anything. Trump took over from Obama, who was
politically responsible for the Nazi coup in Kiev 2014. Trump did
nothing for Donbass, the war just kept going and now has become a much
larger war. Hence I assume that this all means nothing. You cannot rely
on what in particular Fascists say anyway. They have their hot tempers
and mood swings, and we are supposed to accept that (no, I don't accept
that; in serious matters it is voter fraud and should be illegal, but I
want a democracy, something quite different from the current
Propaganda-cracy). This failure to live by principles and ideals is
another facet of a Dictatorship. The Dictator decides. It does not matter
if we understand the reasons why.

With a severe downturn waiting in the wings because the currency is
being looted into destruction, and war to control the masses with not
just fear but actual mass death, Fascist regimes are the obvious choice
for the ruling class to deal with an angry population. An emotion driven
far right Dictatorial Government, who blames immigrants for all that goes
wrong, is a proven concept. The rest will be smoothed out by the war and
the great dying.

There is just one element missing in the above: we would expect hatred
against left wing politics from the Fascists. Above all, the Hitler
Nazis wanted to murder out the entire democratic and labor class movement.
Everyone who gave trouble to the big land owners, big corporations and
banks, with their demands for livable wages, demonstrations, strikes and
at times full scale Revolutions. Fascism is a historical counter Revolution
against angry land labor, who found itself discarded and abused in the

"But they want freedom and democracy ?" If you believe that. I do not.
They seem to believe in the freedom and democracy of everyone who agrees
with them, and beyond that: I simply don't believe that they are honest
enough to say what they really want, I do believe that they are dumb
enough to believe their own lies, and I also believe that they are
devoid of the character necessary to make good on their words. This may
be my personal interpretation, but is also based on the centralized
power in this party, and how emotional and unstable they are, and then
we have statements like this ...

Absurdly, we can read this in the P.V.V. program:

* Onze democratie werkt niet. Steeds weer krijgt dezelfde groep mensen z’n zin:
hoogopgeleid Nederland. Die is in overweldigende mate georiënteerd op D66 en
GroenLinks en andere links-liberalen.

o Our democracy does not work. Time and again the same group of people
get what they want: highly educated [people in] the Netherlands.
These people are overwhelmingly represented on D66, GroenLinks and
other left-liberals.

Simply absurd, because the Netherlands has been ruled for a long time
now, by the P.V.V. it's mother party, the V.V.D, who are of course a
right wing party. D66 is also more and more right wing and against
democracy (!). GroenLinks can at least be called center left, for the
most part.

This idea that "the establishment is left" is American propaganda, which
is being used in the Netherlands, and from which we can see that the
Netherlands is a Vassal State of the USA, and subject to it's propaganda
methods and cliques.

There is some hope the other parties will reject the P.V.V. and form a
different Government. Another bad sign of the P.V.V. party program: they
want to eliminate the Senate (1st chamber). More power centralization is
what they want. The Senate in the Netherland is important, as a brake on
the madness and demagoguery of the 2nd chamber, to have a hard second
look at legislation. The 1st chamber must stay.


It doesn't *have* to happen this way, that they will install Fascism in
as many Governments as they can and then use that to rule the Nations
during a time of economic deterioration and war to cover for it, but I
think it is likely. It is at least likely that they would like to get
things to that point, because it is a proven method. The Nazis proved
that it works, and so they want to repeat it. They generally get what
they want, because the population doesn't matter - they are too dumb to
notice how it all works. Yes, too dumb. Truth is truth, and I'm not
going to be a populist and lie. Everyone knows the population is dumb,
I'm only the one who is dumb enough to say it ;-).

Hence what we could likely expect is the ruling class plan:

- Have World War 3 on a hair trigger, when the economy goes down, the
currency evaporates. Rule by cookie becomes rule by fear.

- Initiate this war and depopulate the planet. Full out nuclear global
war: YES !

- Have Governments willing to mass murder any section of the population
which gives trouble to the ruling class. Governments need to be ruled
by criminals at this point, or easily controlled madmen who can be
relied upon to shed a lot of blood, but who admire the Power of the
Moneyed few. (If necessary, kill them if unruly, and replace.)

-> USA, this would be Trump. In the Netherlands, perhaps this will be
Wilders ? Other countries will have their attempt at Fascism ?

- After the war and the economy has been sufficiently restructured and
enough damage has been done, and the target of people dead has been
reached, then take the head of a strong and naturally emerged
rebellious movement or initiate some sort of counter political movement
of lesser strength, who can succesfully put blame on the previous
Fascist / criminal regime, while continuing to serve the Moneyed Few.

-> In USA (master of Vassal States), this could be Obama, perhaps
through the United Nations.

We then have a World War 3, already developing according to Albert
Pike's letter so that Zionism (which is now allied with USA/EU overt
politics) versus Islam (which is now allied with Russia, and China),
would destroy each other. It seems that the entire issue in Israel is
rather inconsequential in the real world, however in the propaganda they
have connected the enormous western power (USA-EU) with one side, and
several provinces of the USA global Empire called Russia and China have
been pretentiously cut out to form the anvil for this war, and this
enormous eastern power is now connected to the other side in the tiny
territory of Israel / Palestine. Even though it makes no sense to have a
world war over this, whatsoever, they seem to be moving in that

For the Jewish people, all this is of course not good. While the
western side is now connected to the Zionists, a move toward Fascistic
regimes in the world is naturally dangerous for people who want Justice
(who want the Torah). History speaks for itself here ? The Nazi
holocaust, also with help of IBM, an American company, and Hitler being
financed by the Bush crime family as henchmen in the plot ?

Even if Trump having Jewish family connections and the western power now
allied with the Zionist rebel regime (who are also against the Torah, by
the way, and therefore oppose the essence of the Jewish Nation also and
so this alliance does make deeper sense: Zionism against Torah and Nazis
against Torah, allied), then later there is potentially going to the
danger that a post war regime flips back to the (fake) left with Obama,
who then favors the side of the Muslems and Palestinians, against
generally all of Israel.

If they make it so that this World War *seems* to have been originated in
Israel/Palestine (which is absurd in my opinion, completely fabricated,
these territories don't matter for much or all of the world in a secular
sense at least), then this could end up being a set up for a post war
anti-Fascist reaction regime to blame the Jewish people for the World

It all seems to be highly speculative, and it is, but it is merely a
sort of copying over of what happened during the second world war,
because those are proven crimes by the ruling class. After the second
world war, they pretended suddenly to be against Fascism. There was this
political shift to the opposite, and under this seemingly anti-Fascist
regime they then stabilized the Empire for many decades. A benefit they
derive from this Obama like shift, is that they get all this global
Empire rethoric back out on the table, so that they can use that to
entrench their global Empire with anti-nationalistic politics.


(This section best skipped for secular people.)

In terms of the Tanach and the Prophets ... and interesingly
"" having mentioned that Obama literally is "Gog" and would
hence conduct this global war against Israel at some point ... maybe you
could then have things develop in such a way that once you get to Obama
and the world starts uniting under this fake left global Empire with the
Obama type rethoric of peace and whatnot, then you have Israel being
blamed for World War 3 all over the world, and hopefully Israel is
dissenting from this World Empire also.

You could then potentially have this war of a united world because it
all became one big Empire similar to how the USA conquered so much of the
World thanks to World War 2 and the Fascists they financed, the economic
crisis they dealt with by using Fascism and war. They use their own policy
of division to create war, and then the war to argue and create an even
greater unity under their control. It worked before, and *that* is why
I think they will try it again. It doesn't have to be exactly similar,
and maybe they don't get their way, but I think they will *try*. Typically
they do get their way, and that is how it becomes predictable.

If Israel is Redeemed already at that point, which would be amazing and
awe inspiring indeed, then it is likely that Israel will not want to be
part of this global Empire. This in turn could mean that the ruling
class of the global Empire could want to brand Redeemed Israel as a
terrorist state and all that, and come to bring peace and order to the
poor Jewish people there - that is how their propaganda would probably
work out in that case. The reality would be an attempt at a war of
annihilation against Redeemed Israel. If the Prophets of Israel are
right, then the world will loose this war, and Israel will live.

Perhaps Israel is not yet Redeemed at that point, it seems there is
uncertainty (sorry, I should read up on the Prophets ;-). There may be
another reason however that there could be an attempt at takeover in
Israel after this World War 3 scenario, because Yerushalayim is such a
central place in enormously large religions, and it also happens to be
central in the world geography anyway, that it is quite possible that
the rumors (rumors?) are true about the ruling class wanting to set up
their Capital in Yerushalayim. If they could somehow convince Islam and
the Jesus idolators that they have a Messiah for them in Yerushalayim,
this could get them a lot of obedience which would otherwise be hard to
get. Why wouldn't they at least try ? It seems to be a possibility that
they will at least want to try it. You play the odds I guess, you can
always try.

Keep in mind that after World War 3, New York City is probably nuked
out of existence, together with many USA and Russian big cities. USA is
culturally completely decayed at this point also. It may be time for
the world criminal ruling classes to move to a new spot. London and
the Vatican might also be nuked, who knows. After all this hell on
Earth, religious people are more ready than ever to accept any sort of
symbol of hope. Perhaps they can even crown Obama to be the Messiah,
right in Yerushalayim.

I guess these are sort of the themes of things which will likely happen
in the coming years and decades. If not Trump, then they will try
another Fascist I guess. If not Obama, then maybe another for the
reaction regime. If for some weird reason the Russian nukes get stuck
and USA Fascism under Trump proves fantastically succesful in World War
3, perhaps they will dispense alltogether with a reaction regime after
the war and just keep going with the far right from New York City.

This is not an argument saying "it must happen", but more like what are
the ruling class probably planning and hoping for that they can do it.
If realities change, their plans also change with it. However, if
realities and unexpected events are not serious enough, they will
probably push for the known proven crimes, to repeat them.


You can argue like this: Oh, but they will hyperinflate the currency,
and probably Wall Mart will survive it and then people will be fine
because they have potatoe chips and TV shows, and therefdore we'll
probably just get another boring President but now from the Republicans,
and this little thing now going on in Israel or Ukraine, that is all as
good as spend energy already.

The problem with an argument like this is: it isn't how history
developed itself. The anger in the labor masses was extreme before World
War 1, Revolutions happened at the end of that war. When the Netherlands
rebelled against Spain in 1566, that was caused by just another taxation
on the people, and they had had enough. The rebellion was so strong,
that the Netherlands exists to this day, and Feudalism is now largely
defeated around the world (!). The Russian Revolution ended the Czar
regime, and was also based on the poverty of the masses and their anger.

The US currency has been made artificially worth much more than it
really is, by conquering oil wells which belonged to other Nations and
then forcing the trade in oil in dollars. Now the US ruling class is
hyperinflating the US dollar, while manufacturing has gone from the USA,
making it structurally weak in terms of an economy. Why would Chinese
producers send in all their products to Wall Mart, if the dollar is
worth next to nothing anymore because of hyper inflation ? Would
Americans accept a severe downturn in their spending power, just like
that ? What if the game of the petro-dollar is just over for some
reason, because it went on long enough and the world got tired of it,
and are seeking other ways to deal with their energy.

However, in all of this, I think one of the biggest things is: they just
want war, for the sake of war itself. They would even create situations
in which parts of the ruling class who don't want war, see no way out
anymore either. They could be dealing with super rich people who are
fine without war because they have a lot of fun with their money, and
just confront them with a situation of hyper inflation and therefore an
angry poplutaion, saying to them: these people who are now suffering are
going to "eat the rich", and that's you, unless we throw them at some
crazy war - are you with us now ?

Anyway, anyone believes what they want. If someone has a counter
argument, that would be nice to see. While anything is possible, we are
dealing whith the same ruling class who also ruled the European and
American countries in the 1900-1950 era. Same families, same cliques,
etc. Therefore I expect similar. Similar is not centuries of peace.
Similar is more war and hell on Earth, with periods of stagnant Empire
in between. In 1900-1950 people generally where more decent and
intelligent than they are now. The Empire is now a lot more decayed and
more immoral, probably mainly thanks to Hollywood and it's cultural
poison. Therefore I would expect similar, but even worse. There is also
the aspect of massively increased technology. The goals are the same,
the methods broadly are likely the same inasmuch they proved succesful,
but the technologies are much better, making these people probably more
efficient and precise.

Yes you are dealing with a ruling class who created the Holocaust, who
murdered millions in World War 2. It is the same people. But things
changed after the war ? No, they did not ! They made you believe that,
if you do.

Uncertainties are great, but criminals are also predictable. The key (I
think) is to get into their minds and know what they *want*. Who knows
what will actually happen ? That's another thing. But you can get into
their minds and see what they want, and how they used to get it. They
may fail at times, but they will try and keep trying. Is there a force
to stop them ? Not really, not completely or even half way. (Sorry to go
on about it.)

Conclusion: Fascism and war are rising, predictably following the mad
printing of the currency for the private pockets of the super rich.
This is by design. The tool to get it done is the mass media, which they
have bought. They play on peoples shallow perceptions and emotions.
Geert Wilders, seemingly at least an early-days Fascist group, winning
in the Netherlands, is another sign of where things are going: to hell.

Economic & political ideology, worked out into Constitutional models,
with a multi-facetted implementation plan.
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