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Israel-Palestinian war, timing suggest for western reasons

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Jos Boersema

Oct 9, 2023, 5:51:16 AM10/9/23
In recent months/weeks, the reporting of the long expected financial
collapse of the western system has been increasing, even to the point of
reaching the common media.

Gregory Mannarino (a trader on the New York exchange, who also reports
on the events in the markets) said the markets where headed for large
bank failures, the stock market was also going down strongly. Important
markers for the financial markets which have been talked about since
many years (basically since 2008 when the system was set up for a worse
crash than in 2008) have been occuring, such as the "inversion of the
yield curve". G.Manarino's own risk indicator also crossed an important

inversion of the yield curve

The "inversion of the yield curve" means that short term Government
debt certificates pay a higher interest rate (are more profitable)
than long term Government debt certificates. I suppose this signals
a fear in the markets about the ability of the Government to redeem
debt in the long term (10 years). A Government could for example hyper
inflate the currency, collapse alltogether, face Revolution or other
radical policy changes, threatening the repayment in the long term. It
is harder to foresee what is to happen in 10 years, than in 3 months.
On 22 Sep 2023, the 3 month "bond" seems to yield 1.1% more interest
than the 10 year bond (source: google).

G.Mannarino reported that prior to the attacks of Hamas in Israel, money
was suddenly pouring into the stock market. According to him this shows
existing knowledge of the coming attacks. The war is "stock market
positive" according to G.Mannarino

It is probably best to see the video yourself.

MARKETS A LOOK AHEAD: Prepare NOW! Expanding WARS, Liquidity CRISIS,
$300 Crude. Mannarino

The attacks happened also to deal with the consequences of domestic
financial mismanagement.


Personally I follow the hypotheses that big events can and often do have
multiple causes, because there are so many people involved, some of whom
have enough power to have an influence, but their interests might be

For example in this case (purely hypothetical), if you have Palestinians
suffering in the Gaza strip just waiting for the chance to commit
suicide by terrorist attack against Israel, then that is one group with
an influence. Another group might be the western ruling class, including
that of Israel itself, who may want to make a tool out of these people
for their own ends. These latest could say to the former: we support you
and will make your attack more succesful, but wait for now and train,
then we will equip you. Needless to say the Palestinians do not have to
know whom they are dealing with, for example they can even get the
support from Iran, and the Iranians could be paid to do this for the
Americans. This is of course pure speculation, but with the amount of
power and money the USA has, and how easy it is to bribe people who
where already bad enough against their own people to begin with, it is
within the realm of possibilities.

In this simple example, you then have something which will happen sooner
or later anyway (attacks on Israel by Palestinians), but a second factor
comes into play, with an ability to shape that attack to their liking.
They may not even be able to stop it entirely, because the patience of
the Palestinian "Militants" would run out, but they get a handle on it.
This is just an example of two factions of people, who are involved in
creating a bigger event, and both can have different objectives with it.
I think it is useful to keep this kind of mechanisms in mind, so as not
to fall into the simplistic trap of thinking that "the bankers did it"
means they control everything to the maximum. Nevertheless, "money
talks" and they have an insane amount of it. In the end this gives them
a great control over many things. There is also other mechanisms, such
as for example (purely hypothetical) if the Palestinian Militants grew
restless and threaten to attack anyway, the Israeli Government could do
a few consessions to calm them down. If the Palestinian Militants are
not angry enough to go to war, Israel could attack Gaza or tighten some
laws, and the anger would go back up. In these kinds of ways, there are
many controls possible on groups and the population at large.

All in all, I think it is unrealistic to believe that the Israeli
Government and/or Military at the highest levels, did not know of the
coming attack. The Israelis are too smart, they are too close to Gaza,
the poverty in Gaza is too great so that bribing is easy, the mass
killing of people always results in some opposition who can become
spies, the installations of Hamas are right in between homes it seems,
and from the top level: who even says USA and Iran aren't basically
dividing the pie between them, and wasn't Russia on the side of Syria
and siding more against the USA supposedly while the USA full out
supports Israel ... but then we learn how Putin is good friends with
Kissinger (!), and came to power as a replacement for western controlled
Yeltsin after having been his protector. This doesn't mean the top
people couldn't stab each other in the back. They do when they think
it benefits them. The issue is: we don't know what they are doing, but
things in reality can be *very* different from what they are being
portrayed as in the mass media - who then often make some mistakes, like
not hiding that Putin is friends with Kissinger, or the Bush family is
friends with the Bin Laden family. I think there are enough cracks in
the official story to see something else is going on.

In any case, here we have it: severe weakness and threat of a very
serious crisis in the economy, worse than 2008, and suddenly Hamas
attacks Israel. By the way, the footage I saw about the Hamas attacks,
it appeared to be casual unstructured small mobs just rampaging around
based on luck. Perhaps I missed it, but it seems to be basically
nothing ? No columns of thousands of well equiped and trained,
disciplined troops, supply convoys, etc. While I realize that making
footage of things like this, you might just see the people around you
only, but it seems to be quite disorganized. More like soccer hooligans
with machine guns ? Does anyone know how large the Palestitian forces
are, and what their command structures are like ?

Against this is the well trained massive army of Israel, so it will
probably end up being either nothing, or more serious powers in the area
get involved.


In a religious sense, if you believe in the Torah: Israel is still
doomed as a State. They have broken with their God and their Torah,
indeed this State never even was part of that to begin with.

If the program as I had suggested it had been carried out, I think it is
possibly or even likely that this attack/war would not be happening, or
in a reduced manner. There would be a new line of agreement between
Judaism and Islam on the point of laws surrounding loans, which happens
to be an important thing in Islam. It is an important vector over which
Muslims disagree with and are angry about Jewish practices, which indeed
are corrupt (prosbul, heter iska, although they never seem to mention
those specifically, possibly because Muhammed himself couldn't read or
write to investigate in detail what was the problem).

You could do away with a level of corruption inside Israel, although
this may be quite difficult. Making the economy more fair and less
centralized so that the poor have more and the extreme rich have less,
can overall help. Distributing the soil to all will help, but if this
includes Gaza or not is another decision.

The Palestinians can not be compared to people who many thousands of
years made a habbit of throwing their children alive into the fire for
some kind of sick god statue of theirs, and other horrifying behavior
which legitimately could suggest that they needed to be wiped out to the
last person, including their animals and the total destruction of
everything they build or left behind, so that their horrors would never
resurface. How this is supposed to be worked out however, I don't know.
Perhaps making a number of good steps first, will then show what could
be done next.

I suppose the question at the root is: how moral are the people, on both
sides. What will it result in if they live in one Nation, or separately,
and where. The better the people, the more land they should have. While
this may be an easy rule, it might be near impossible to make practical,
unless the differences are great, obvious and well delineated.

Needless to say: it is best to stop fighting immediately from both sides
if possible, and both sides try doing something positive (like my
suggested program, but I realize this might be unrealistic). It is also
valid to defend against violence, which both sides claim. In any case,
it is good to realize who the war is benefitting: the criminal global
super rich, the enemy of all.

World War 3 is getting bigger again ? Will this new front also just keep
going and going, just like it did in Donbass ? It is easily possible. It
just takes one big attack by Israel on some Palestinian homes, and
various Nations around Israel could declare war on Israel for given casus
belli, possibly pushed into that direction by their own angry people (?).

This is what you get when you don't take care of politics and your
economic system. For a while you can party because you are not doing
your duty. Time to spare, but the rot sets in, and that rot is in your
head: a lack of knowledge and understanding, a lack of care. Everything
seems fine, and then suddenly it breaks and you don't even understand
why. You where out partying, while the criminals did their thing. Soon
you may answer differently to the question: was the party worth it ?
Perhaps then something can be achieved.

People still don't seem to want to face reality. Real war in the modern
age is brewing, but it something on a completely different scale than
what we see now. Compare this footage of 10-15 Palestinians running
through some parking lot shouting "Aluah Akbar", to a serious nuclear
bomb being dropped on that parking lot. It is a whole other dimension of
warfare, but that is where it is going (in my opinion, many times I
listed why I think this, so I won't do it again here).

Sorry to go on about it.
Economic & political ideology, worked out into Constitutional models,
with a multi-facetted implementation plan.
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