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Hospital bombing seems to be propaganda, but it doesn't matter.

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Jos Boersema

Oct 19, 2023, 3:49:46 AM10/19/23

Title: The Hospital Strike In Gaza Looks Fishier By The Minute... 18
OCT Unbiased Israel Hamas Daily Update
Source: Combat Veteran Reacts
Title: UPD: Point Of No Return: Israel Struck Al-Ahli Hospital Full Of
Civilians In Gaza Strip (18+)
Source: South Front
Note: At about ¹/₃ down is a video of the parking lot referenced in
above videa, burning. No other destroyed buildings seem to be
shown in the article, which seems to suggest the above article is
correct: the Hospital bombing may be a propaganda stunt, a lie.


Short version (heh): Most people will not care to find out what really
happened, the few who do will be ignored, it doesn't even matter because
both sides focus on their own suffering exclusively. The ruling class
just keeps building the hate step by step, until they have their big
war. They need the war to maintain control due to the global debt
crisis, which the ruling class themselves created to get rich and
centralize power.

Hi. This will be a bit loose, but okay ... I think it is important to zoom
out of this conflict, which is relatively small isn't it, and look at the
entire world: a massive unsustainable debt crisis of the highest order,
probably (I think 100%) it is.going to lead to a World War. The choice
was made in 2008. Banks should have been bankrupted & State Debt should
have been massively restructured & eliminated (it is a pyramid scam,
you cannot pay old debt with new debt and yaddayadda yes for a while,
but not after it goes beyond the point of no return - it is a gliding
scale, but we are past it). I saw another military person commenting on
the conflict, and everything was very interesting and probably it was
a great analyses. Except it was zoomed in.

It may all be true, but there is something bigger with much more power
than either Palestine or Israel or even the entire Middle East. Israel
& Palestine are both heavily funded by foreign countries. They are
not independent entities. If you missed years of Greggory Mannarino
commenting, that's unfortunate, but to me he seems credible, so check
that out. I realize that forever people have been screaming that the
economy will crash ... but the truth is, sooner or later the debt game
has to lead to some sort of crisis, and this is likely to be inflation,
like hyper inflation. I don't know if there are ultimately ways around
that, but it didn't work for the Germans in the 1920s, and that lead
to World War 2.(commonly accepted), so it is absolutely of interest I
would think what a debt of this magnitude can do to an economy, to the
politics, and then the result can be war on a world wide scale.

Why war: war created order, it is a way to keep control, it is a way to
prevent Revolution. The fear, the hysteria, the dying, the sheer effort
needed to wage the war, the drafting of the unemployed who are potentially
the Revolutionaries, the way war creates secrecy & distraction, the
heroes the drama and then afterwards the rebuilding the mourning and
the exploitation of the suffering. It is a system. It worked great for
the USA, who also funded Hitler in his early days (well, US ruling class
cliques did that). A classic tactic of creating war between you enemies,
deplete them, and then conquer them as peacekeepers. The conquered Vassals
pay Tribute and send their sons to fight for the new Empire, aka NATO.

Wake up people: no self respecting Nation can be part of the United
Nations when this thing is always housed in New York and USA. We already
have this One World Government, with a one world highly interconnected
economy. The debt games are the same all over, etc. Why did they all
do the same thing during the highly debatable Corona thing ? Because
they are not independent countries anymore. There is no more of this
"chaos" or say diversity of decisions. However, they need a war between
the various components of this global Super State. The side of the west
needs to see that it was merely a Palestinian parking lot mistake (looks
like that could be true, I don't know but ok), and the other side will
simply be told it was a horrible massacre (I saw Russian oriented media
doing that), and this helps drive both camps into a collision course for
the necessary World War 3 scenario, to deal with the more & more out of
control debt crisis.

Another thing which was of course obviously fake: Does Biden care about
dead people ? No. Does the Iranian president ? I doubt it. Putin ? Of
course not, friends with Kissinger after all, so no. These people don't
care for the homeless in their own city, do they ? No. They don't care
about dead Palestinians either. Does USA care about 1+ million dead in
Iraq, of course not. This is also completely fake. It is cold blooded war
propaganda, to motivate their own peoples and armies to follow orders
so that we all start killing each other, for the benefit of the few
ultra rich.

Personally I already thought that the response by Israel was _designed_
to make the conflict larger. I thought, all they need to do is bomb
civilians to such an extend, and just keep going, until the Arab / Muslem
Nations get angry and start attacking them. They just need the war,
but it has to look real for the people, for the masses. The masses need
to believe in the war, this is critical. Slowly but surely they get the
anger of the masses to the boil, the officers and troops also, so that
they follow orders. If in 2010 Putin had told his Army to attack USA,
I suspect he would have been deposed, and the same may have occurred if
USA had ordered the US Army to bomb Moscow. I may be wrong but you cannot
just order point blank, without any preparations to get the hatred to
where they need it to be, order a massive war. The troops will not be
motivated. So I think that is what this is all about. Step by step to
create the hatred. It takes time, but they simply never relent.

Let's say the whole thing is fake. I guess it is fine for Russian
propaganda if the whole thing is a lie. Who is going to check ? If 1% of
the population is going to check on this one thing, the rest will just
shrug their shoulders and say "we don't care about what you say" right
? Isn't that reality ? Let's say the whole thing is true and _you_ are
showing us propaganda (I don't assume that, but for argument sake). Who
of the people spend the hours necessary to look at maps and statements,
try to hunt down historical pictures ? 1% of who saw this video ? I
already didn't, it is impossible to deal with every single case to the
depth necessary. That is reality. After the magic bullet for JFK, Pearl
Harbor, 9/11, on and on and on ... truth doesn't seem to matter. But the
hate grows, the dying will be real. (Sorry to go on about it, it is an
incurable disease I have.)

Economic & political ideology, worked out into Constitutional models,
with a multi-facetted implementation plan.
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