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USA rules the world, the same psychos are on all ends

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Jos Boersema

Oct 15, 2023, 11:02:49 AM10/15/23
title: MARKETS A LOOK AHEAD: "ENDGAME." The Final Stage Has Begun.
by: G.Mannarino

Isn't this war all the false flag they would need for a while ? They
can expand this war a lot, which seems to be their aim. It looks like
Israel has gotten orders from the USA to antagonize basically the
whole world, but in particularly Arab Nations, so the war can become
bigger. I know there is this fable going around that Israel has any kind
of power. Obviously not, besides some local influence. It is an unstable
Principality, heavily funded and armed by the USA, which means it is
a _Vassal State_ of the USA. Since their lives depend on US funding,
who can after that fact withstand the demands of the USA ? Religious
Jews ? Those people are a small powerless minority. Israelis generally
are the same as Americans and Europeans.

The E.U. is also Vassals of the USA (conquered in WW2). At this point,
everything is the USA. They are the main Empire in the world, they have
bases everywhere. Who even has aircraft carriers ? USA is doing everything
around the world. Keep in mind that the control of the USA is so great,
that they are even responsible for creating the Governments they later go
to war against, such as in Iran and Iraq. USA created the Iranian regime
and created so much misery in Iran that we here in the Netherlands have
refugees who fled Iran. Iran was doing fine, until USA destroyed their
democracy. USA is fighting its own creations. Even Assad from Syria,
wasn't he an eye doctor trained in the west also ? It's all Vassals of
the USA, almost everywhere.

So the USA sets the tune, all the central banks all over the world are
equally insane and evil, they all do the Corona dance together, and now
they divide into some camps to have a big war and let the serfs kill
each other. I expect it to go nuclear, and then they will exploit the
events to come out with their One World Government propaganda all over
again. Why does any self respecting Nation accept being part of the
United Nations, especially when it is organized and housed in the USA
? It makes no sense. The reason is that they are _all_ Vassal States of
the USA. Which doesn't mean they cannot rebel, because Vassals do that,
but even Russia's Putin came to power thanks to the USA (as a protector
of Yeltsin), and is good friends with Kissinger (!). The wars are fake,
but the dying is real.

With USA I mean it's criminal ruling class, who also conquered the US
States and subverted those democracies. This was also their own fault,
because they did too much war, just like the old Greek city states. People
get lost in all these Nations and the propaganda, but we already are
under a One World Government and Super State. They merely don't have the
total control yet, but they are working on it slowly but surely. They
know they need the switch from one generation to the next, so that the
young don't comprehend anything anymore and accept the bigger Empire
because they have been brought up in it.

This is how they now are grabbing power with their European Union over
our Nations, completely subverting our Constitution and democracy, but
nobody even cares. It is too slow for them, and the propaganda is too
slick. They cannot see through it. EU does this good thing, UN does this
good thing, ohhh ! So stupid, but effective. Once the control is there,
the gloves come off. This is probably their plan with the U.N. Read
article 29 section 3 of the UDHR-UN, and comprehend what it means. Don't
be a fool. If we are not with the United Nations, we have zero rights,
or worse we are even obligated to die, be starved and tortured. That is
what the UDHR means. Who is responsible for article 29, in this document
created by delegations of many Nations ? You guessed it ... Everything
is fake, but it is an effective fake. Invest in gardening skills and
camping gear.

Once they have the absolutism of the United Nation single world
Government firmly entrenched, perhaps after another generation gets rolled
over because they know too much about popular influence over your own
politicians, the whole thing is so vast and insane and incomprehensible,
that it becomes easier than ever to have a repressive regime. You can
use troops from one Continent to run death squads on another, where
they understand nothing of the situation and feel proud of all their
killing and torturing. Nobody will be able to do anything with any sort
of voting on this global scale. It is simply too large. All sense of
human relations and scale is lost.

People barely care for others in their own street, let alone another
Continent. With the global control, there would be no more alternatives
in how to run Nations etc. The culture will become incredibly bare,
simple and therefore also depressing I think. Everything gets fixated due
to scale and monopoly culture (in more than one way). This is basically
their plan I think, and unfortunately it has a good chance of succeeding
for a while. Everything gets even worse if humanity where to seriously
get into space. The rise of technology could lock this Dystopia into
place for who knows how long. Until some aliens decide the suffering
on Earth is enough, and they will mercy kill humanity or put it back in
the Stone Age where it belongs ?

Isn't it amazing that they create the Divisions right now between their
own segments their own Vassals, and later after the nuke war they will
blame those Divisions they created themselves, and argue that total global
unity is needed under the U.N. or something like it so that it can never
happen again ... and people are probably going to love it. Maybe not, but
the chance is real. On all sides of this thing, you find the same psychos.

Economic & political ideology, worked out into Constitutional models,
with a multi-facetted implementation plan.
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