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Even knowing the truth, western idolators remain inactive & confused

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Jos Boersema

Jan 12, 2024, 6:54:41 AMJan 12
Even knowing the truth, western idolators remain inactive & confused.
What else is new, I guess. It is surprising (to me at least) how strong
the rejection and understanding of the enemy operations are, from a
source so high up in the western idolatry religion. The problem here is:
what is the solution.

The solution seems to boil down to: do nothing besides denouncing the
enemy, wait for the total control over the world by the western idolators.
Numbers added for notes below by undersigned.

Archbishop Vigano: Yes, thank you for giving me this opportunity to
address you on this occasion.


Today the perpetrators of these crimes have a name and a face,
their accomplices in governmental institutions are guilty of high
treason and very serious crimes.

All come from the World Economic Forum and were students of his
program called Young Global Leaders for Tomorrow.

Others like George Soros supported them by means of philanthropic
foundations that fuel social strife, Civil War and colour revolutions
around the world.

This Global coup d’état must be denounced and those responsible
must be tried and judged by an international Court.

But above all it is necessary for all of us to understand that this
all-out war against humanity is not motivated only by their lust
for wealth and power but mainly by a religious motive, a theological
reason. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

This reason is Satan’s hatred: hatred of God, hatred of God’s
[1] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
creation and hatred of man who is created in the image and likeness
of God.

Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, George Soros and their hundreds of servants
whom they blackmail in government all hate God, and they hate life,
which only God can give.

They hate love which comes only from God.

They hate peace, which can reign only where Christ reigns.
[2] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

As Tucker Carlson said a few days ago, we are facing people who
serve Satan and the Demons of hell.

Just as the normal people worship and serve God.

This is a battle in which body and soul, matter and spirit, are made
the objects of mortal attack by men and spiritual powers.

But let us not forget that if our enemy avails himself of the help
of infernal Spirits we have on our side the Lord God of all armies
arrayed, Dominus Deus about and all the hosts of angels and Saints
infinitely more powerful.

God is Almighty.

Let us never forget that.

He is father. He does not abandon his children in time of crime.

And therefore, I exhort you dear friends to fight this battle with the
spiritual weapons that God places at your disposal: prayer, trust in
[2] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
the Lord and the awareness that this enemy will not be defeated where
it is most organized and fearsome but by striking it where it is weak.

This weakness comes from his corruption, from his being subservient
to evil from the (toll) of all sins that it has committed and still
commits: sins against God’s little children.

Because the men and women who in these four years have submitted to
[3] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
enduring lockdowns, violation of their rights, job deprivation and
social segregation are not willing to tolerate the crimes that this
[3] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
cursed network of perverts and paedophiles commits against children.

Therefore, bring to light and courageously denounce the network of
[2] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
complicity and crimes of politicians, bankers, actors, journalists,
prelates and famous people who are united by their blood pact.

And the whole castle of lies and deceptions that they have hatched
[2] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
will collapse, dragging with it the entire Globalist plan, woke
ideology, gender theory, the fake climate emergency and fraud and
digital currency.

“Simul staben, simul caden” says the Latin maxim: “just as
they stand together, so also they will collapse together”.

Stay strong therefore under the banner of Christ and in the army
of God, who is Almighty and who won the cross, has already won the
world that is now entering in his final stages.

Gather around the Lord, call His holy name and this will give impetus
[2] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
to your battle.

Remember the words of Saint Paul: “I can do all things through
him who strengthens me”.

May God bless you all.


End quote. Comments:

[2] The program boils down to:
a) Not being silent but declaring your opinion against the crimes
of the ruling class.
b) Pray to the western idols, presumably this means going to the
Vatican church and listening to them, perhaps also paying them ?
They, certainly someone in this office, like to pretend to stand
for heaven and the Creator, hence going to what they call "god",
means going to *them*.
c) Ah there is no c, that was it.

[3] The plan above detailed can of course only work, if a vast majority
of the people do at least that, and another majority (probably) will
do more than that, because talk is just talk. This action part is
completely omitted.

To make something like this more believable, or paint the conditions
under which it could succeed, it is claimed the people do not accept
the crimes of the ruling class. I don't see any evidence of that.
The population accepts almost everything, although there are a few
demonstrations here and there. It is nothing serious, and is
basically the usual labor unrest for problems with money. The
population enthusiasticly supports the wars, and will plunge
themselves wholeheartedly into murdering on a massive scale, people
they never met and with whom they had no trouble until the ruling
class made them think they did. Control is total, the population is
mindlessly doing as ordered, to their deaths. If this keeps going,
the enemy may well succeed in their plan for a global Tyranny.

How will the Catholic church deal with ... the Catholic church ?
The Catholic church itself is another attempt at world domination,
and a Tyranny if they can get there. Their solution to what are now
the power elite (which undoubtedly includes also the Catholic Church
itself), is to replace one global Tyranny with another. No, thank
you, how about I don't want Tyranny, or global domination by one
clique, thanks but no thanks. It cannot work. The Catholic church
itself is of course a big criminal in the world itself, notoriously

[1] Then we have this idolatry, where heaven is divided in two sides who
supposedly are fighting each other. This is a violation of the


There you have it, a plan for resolving the issues as apparently
supported by a website like 'global research'. An Arch Bishop may
propose his plan, which amounts to giving them back their totalitarian
power, to talk about the other globalists such as Bill Gates, and
worship the western idol. That's the plan ! In it's rudimentary
simplicity, unsophisticated design and arguments, it reminds me of the
recently posted parts of the Communist Manifesto.

There is a commonality between these two plans: extreme simplicity,
don't think about anything, support the bosses whose work you are
reading right now, and do as you are told ! That is it !

This is how lost humanity is. To contrast the plan I am proposing, but
also the Torah of Israel. You see lots of laws and mechanisms being
proposed as law, and you can do all that yourselves. You can use your
head, debate things, and get things done. Real things like Jehoshua ben
Nun did after the conquest of the land: distribute it to all, down to
the individual family, according to previously given laws (by Moshe
Rabbeinu). In the case of my program: pretty much the same, but you will
also elect and staff a Government, while keeping them under control, and
reforming your economy so that it remains open, free and dynamic

In the case of Moshe Rabbeinu, or later King David, complete war was
involved to free the people. Not fold your hands to some random idol,
pay your dues to the priesthood thereof, and await further orders. No:
judges where installed, ideology was studied extensively, wars where
fought, and so on. In the case of my plan, you also see a possibly
necessary armed uprising against Tyranny, from the base up. In the
plan as I propose it, you do even more than ever, you do it all by
yourselves. You may wage war, establish Sovereign power in a Government
you Constitute, and so on, and so on. It is all active programs, things
get done, historical events take place.

In the case of the plan as I propose it, you also get eventually a Great
Hunt for the criminals of the current Tyrannical global domination and
war attempt. This is why I do not want people to start killing these
'globalists', but we need to catch them alive and under the correct
Sovereign National Court and police procedures. We need them alive
because we need to catch as many of them as possible, so that we can
know what happened and can punish them. You would do that yourselves,

A way to think about this stark difference in planning, how similar the
Communist plan is compared to this western idolators plan, is that in
the case of the Torah and what I propose, you know in advance what it is
all about. You get all the details before anything has happened yet. It
is presented to you to think about it, as a debating piece if you will,
and there is more than enough to think about. Then when it gets done, it
is that which has been proposed. It is that, and not something else.
It is done by agreement, knowledge understanding and agreement.

With plans such as Communism and this Vatican plan (I assume an 'arch
bishop' cannot just act outside of the influence of the Vatican ?), it
is as if the details remain hidden, because you cannot have a Nation
based on "fold hands, the idol already died for your sins", it makes no
sense, it is absurd. You cannot run a Nation based on a program reading
"Abolition of [bourgeois] property", and that's all you say about it.
You toss the word "plan economy" and "council Government" around, and
that is indeed saying a lot and helps a lot, but what does it really
mean ? "Council Government" how exactly, and it went out of control. A
"planned economy", well ... there was at least some clarity on it that
this was the plan, unfortunately it is a bad plan. Overall the detail
was low, which ends up meaning that once the power is in the hands of
the new crew, they will make up their own details as they see fit.
This will often end up benefitting them personally.

If you propose a plan for a Nation, a Revolution or serious reform,
but it is exceedingly low in detail, that doesn't mean the detail is not
necessary. Nations are huge and complicated, the detail will exist, like
it or not. There is good reason to distrust a rough and simple program,
because you don't know what you get. The details are hidden. The details
which remain unspecified, equal the amount of free room those who end up
in control will have to do as they please. We have seen where that ends
up: often not in a good way.

It isn't necessarily a crime to have a plan with little detail. It can
simply be an underestimation of the difficulty of organizing a Nation.
The problem is: if you couldn't figure things out in detail ahead of
time, then when you are in the rough and tumble of the real events, if
the power ended up in your lap, things will be so complicated and
needing answers immediately, that you will figure it out even less well.
If you cannot figure it out beforehand, you will probably not figure it
out when the answers need to roll out on many issues literally by the

You can compare it to so many other things, where people do have the
good sense to plan ahead. Somehow when it comes to fundamental politics
and Revolutions, some people think that it doesn't matter if you have a
good plan. They just dive forward, thinking their good hearted nature
makes up for everything. Imagine you want "a nice house, with big
windows and 3 floors", and that is the entirety of your plan. No
structural plan for how the floors will be held up by the walls, no
plumbing plan, no electricity plan, no investigation into the foundation
and the soil. You determine a place, and order everything you need,
including the concrete trucks. Will that work out ? Not a chance, except
if you are a highly experienced builder and by instinct know what to do.
However, Revolutions and serious Reform happens seldom in Nations. There
are no people anywhere who run a succesful Revolution of Justice and
Peace 10 times in as many years, or twice in their life time for that
matter. What happens if you have a big pile of stuff together for your
house, is that you will be suddenly overwhelmed with decisions which
should have been prepared long in advance. You should for example not
have ordered everything at once, but rather only some digging equipment
for the foundation.

You see a plan like that in my proposal. It is a big plan for a big job.

You could counter argue: okay, but the Vatican church is an existing
power structure, and they have plenty of laws on the books to order a
society around them. This is true, they have had Tyrannical power in
many Nations before. Perhaps that is the point of not listening to them
;-). It didn't go too well, did it. We are talking about the remainder
of the ancient Roman Empire, in particular from its Imperial post
Republic time. The western idolatry Church is the cult of the Roman
Emperor, who was a bloody Tyrant hellbent on controlling the world.

"But ... we do have Nations, there are elections, we have already an
economy, we don't need any new plan." ? Ah okay then, I said nothing.
Things are going as you want ? Good luck with World War 3 and your
increasingly corrupt Governments and centralized economies. If things
are fine according to you, then by all means, keep going full steam

Economic & political ideology, worked out into Constitutional models,
with a multi-facetted implementation plan.
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