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The war in Ukraine is a scam: withdraw General, withdraw money ......

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Jos Boersema

Feb 5, 2024, 2:28:19 PMFeb 5
title: Avdeevka Defense Collapse As Russians Storm The City From The North!
source: Free Russian

The video claims the current General commander of the armed forces of
Ukraine is being fired by a politician, and how both Ukrainians and
Russians seem to agree that this General is a competent General, and
that this decision to fire him is a big mistake for Ukraine (!).


Think about this problem: under what scenario, what strategy, is it a
good idea to remove the most competent General of the Ukrainian army. A)
When is it a good decision. B) What is the war really about. Pause
reading here and think first. (........)

The decision to remove this apparently competent General by Ukraine
& USA organized crime otherwise knows as Governments, was the right
decision, or at least it confirms the hypotheses that the war is about
something completely different than most of you people seem to think. The
war is not about Russia or Ukraine. The war is about the bankers,
as always. It is about your anger when you see the bill at the shop,
prices going higher. It is about the looting of the central banks of
the entire currencies, the imploding National Debt pyramid scam. It is
about rioting farmers today, and rioting everyone at some point later.

For this to work, the ruling criminals need the front to move to the
more populated areas of Europe, so that they will get scared enough,
especially Germany, perhaps even France and the UK, although that may
not be necessary as the war by that time can be fought over the seas
and make those populations afraid that way. The Americans will suffer
the same fate, and later will probably be nuked. So you see, it was the
right decision. Russia need to look big and scary, but the front was too
stagnant and apparently the criminals have decided they needed more fear,
the debt market is weak. Do you see the similarity: USA withdraws funding
for Ukraine, and the superior General of Ukraine is removed ? What do
these issues have in common, just when we hear reports of the Russians
planning something bigger, and the war in the Middle East is worsening
quickly, also thanks to the USA. What does all this have in common: it
makes people worried and scared, it takes their minds off of the high
prices, the farmer protests. What else ? Fascists getting to power in the
west. The immigration policies are finally paying off, the populations
have been angered enough to go to the extreme of electing Fascists. Notice
something odd in terms of refugees ? Why is it the same problem in both
Europe and the USA ? It's the same ruling class, it's the same scam.

This is my hypotheses for you. I had this before, not just making
it up now. Now you see that within this hypotheses, it makes perfect
sense to mess with the Ukrainian army, make them loose, withdraw their
funding. People who cannot understand that the USA might go as far as
extending money to Russia to fight harder, don't have much of a clue
about reality on this planet. It is all criminals, get it ? They are all
at war with especially their own people. This is true in USA, Russia,
and Ukraine, etc. They are at war with you, they don't fight for you,
they fight against you, they literally are even at war with their own
troops, they are at war with the truth, they are warfare through and
through. Such is the ways of the evil ones. It's all a scam. Money is
the only thing which matters, money and power.


P.S. Yes, I am aware about political games for power, and that this may
be a reason to fire the General ... or it is a smokescreen to hide the
real reason. They are not going to say: we need populations to be scared
for World War 3, so that they won't get angry when the economy goes down
and the currency hyperinflates, and for that reason we need more death
in general, and for Russia to be moving the front toward western Europe.
Sorry, but that's just what we need right now.

They are of course not going to say that. If they did, the treason would
be obvious to everyone. While it can still be something else, it might
even be a political fight for power, it might be lots of things, I think
the very possible reason is that they want Ukranians to loose for the
moment at least, and it is possible (even likely) that they want Ukraine
to loose completely, because that creates a lot of fear.

They'll just let people make up their own invented reasons for it all,
knowing that too few people realize how criminal they all really are.
Maybe this top General wasn't criminal enough to play that game, ro
worried for his reputation in making Ukraine loose, etc.

Yes. All Your Top Politicians of the Big Empires are CRIMINALS, sorry.
You made it so, by allowing markets in land. I know most people do not
comprehend that. You created this, now you will suffer the consequences.
Try to learn. Do better next time.

Economic & political ideology, worked out into Constitutional models,
with a multi-facetted implementation plan.
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