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Australia Globalism Gone Mad.

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Jul 4, 2017, 7:38:38 AM7/4/17
Dusty you old racist not welcoming the planet as a whole... learn from the Yanks mend your ways...

Jul 4, 2017, 7:50:48 AM7/4/17
I posted this (re the recent publication of the last Census results) - and made a comparison with the rest of the world - I said Britain was the next in line , but WAY less fucked than Australia and that Greece - where many invaders are in transit has had NO cultural destruction, NOR and professional jobs taken. Our schools, including government selective schools (like Grammar Schools) are often 95% Chinese).

Failing a miracle, she's just about fucked. Too many from everywhere. The Israelis (notwithstanding the fact that many in the crowds in the video supporting total bans on a single African "immigrant", look like a kind of darkish Gypsy - have the right idea. The only show in town worthy of being emulated. They have highly developed bullshit meters and a government loyal to its own. Good on them for that. Palestinian "Question" to one side of course.


Jul 4, 2017, 9:20:51 AM7/4/17

Jul 4, 2017, 7:56:00 PM7/4/17
WHO owns Aegean these days?


Jul 4, 2017, 11:24:27 PM7/4/17
I don't see how you can reasonably deny having a racist position. This kind of posturing (by innuendo) is disingenuous. You guys fear the DERACINATION of Western culture. I appreciate that it is a gatekeep tactic to throw around the word "racism" as a political criticism. But as a matter of linguistic precision your position *is* racist - straightforwardly.



Jul 5, 2017, 2:35:31 AM7/5/17
6m limit still applies on paper.
Belongs to Greece.


Jul 5, 2017, 2:38:28 AM7/5/17
If only Europe became like the USA and embarked on anti racism. Not simply multiculturalism in every EU city but in every town and village.
Blow ins of the world unite you have everything to gain...
Message has been deleted

Jul 5, 2017, 6:12:25 AM7/5/17
On Wednesday, July 5, 2017 at 6:28:12 PM UTC+10, wrote:
> And you are a dirty little NWO Jew. PERIOD. Die you dirty lying little cunt. Go back to your Zio front, ACLU. Keep off this site you aren't fit for it.
> You STINK.

No one regrets this more than I do. I actually WANTED Jew allies. Nothing I would have wanted more. And I was prepared to give a decent degree of latitude for differences, commensurate with human difference and dignity. But you are beyond the Pale, buddy boy. I'll never trust you again. Now fuck off. Get out of my sight.

Jul 5, 2017, 6:23:09 AM7/5/17
On Wednesday, July 5, 2017 at 1:24:27 PM UTC+10, srd wrote:
> I don't see how you can reasonably deny having a racist position. This kind of posturing (by innuendo) is disingenuous. You guys fear the DERACINATION of Western culture. I appreciate that it is a gatekeep tactic to throw around the word "racism" as a political criticism. But as a matter of linguistic precision your position *is* racist - straightforwardly.
> srd

Wouldn't want to get in the way of Jew commerce, would we?

Jul 5, 2017, 6:25:53 AM7/5/17
Paddy Tarleton - Shut Your Lyin' Jew Mouths

No wonder there was resistance in the 20's & 30's to Hebe "Migration"!

All this also makes "Weimar" ABC.

Jul 5, 2017, 6:44:13 AM7/5/17
Another number...

Paddy Tarleton - Globalist Bastards (Will The Wetbacks Be Deported?)

Funny how the Globalist Left don't produce anything so spiritually generous as this

Jul 5, 2017, 8:39:34 AM7/5/17
Paddy Tarleton - Antifa is Finished

Jul 5, 2017, 8:15:51 PM7/5/17
Vn...feel free to use Australia, the 50% nation, soon becoming 40% and less, as the exemplar of what not to let happen to your country.

The bastards let in a million over the last 5 years (that's the official figure, be assured that the real one is at least half as big again). In the next 5 years it will be more.

The stream of Sub-Saharan Africans increased proportionately in that period and the criminality associated with this group is over the top. Some dumb bastards are just waking up to it.

If I was PM, I'd re-locate the lot to the silvertail suburbs for 5 years and then deport them all.

Jul 6, 2017, 5:55:29 AM7/6/17
'Diversity is (((our))) greatest strength'
All of us on this blog are in no doubt as to the origins and purpose of the 'diversity is strength' meme. It's part and parcel of the globalist agenda to atomise, mongrelise and weaken White society, especially straight White men. It's been spectacularly successful, to the point where its purported merits are now being beyond question. This is astonishing because it's hard to imagine a more difficult proposition to sell than diversity.

Diversity means forcing incompatible people to mix with one another, means the best persons doesn't get the job or college place, requires a panoply of laws and regulations with an army of bureaucrats to enforce them, which in turn leads to endless costly and disruptive disputes, court cases and appeals. Meanwhile billions get spent training people to appreciate that which is supposed to be self-evidently wonderful.

A look at diversity in practice should be enough for it to be rejected out of hand. Just up the road from me Catholics and Protestants have been going at it for centuries. Inter-communal violence always breaks out wherever and whenever Muslims reach sufficient numbers in a 'community'. Tutsis and Hutus, Chinese and Tibetans, Turks and Armenians, blacks and Whites, blacks and Hispanics, Jews and gentiles and so on ad infinitum serve to bear out the Chateau Heartise aphorism 'Diversity + Proximity = War'.

Even university professors have been forced to swallow their prejudice and concede ground on the issue. Robert Puttnam concedes that "in racially and ethnically mixed communities, not only do people not trust strangers, they do not even trust their own kind. They withdraw into themselves, they support community activity less, they vote less. People living in ethnically diverse settings appear to 'hunker down,' that is, to pull in like a turtle, They tend to "withdraw even from close friends, to expect the worst from their community and its leaders, to volunteer less, give less to charity and work on community projects less often, to register to vote less, to agitate for social reform more but have less faith they can actually make a difference, and to huddle unhappily in front of the television."

After conducting several research projects in the business environment MIT Professor Thomas A. Kochan declared the diversity industry to be "a racket built on foundations of sand.”

Consider it another way. What would the USA have been like without the joys of diversity? For a start there'd have been no Civil War, none of the race riots that beset the country to this day, no KKK, no black ghettos or White flight, the staggering cost in terms of money and effort expended trying to 'bridge the (unbridgeable) achievement gap' would have been saved, welfare and law enforcement costs would be a fraction of what they are now, while American math students would not be languishing in the low thirties of the PISA international rankings. Which incidentally are dominated by diversity-free countries such as Japan, Iceland, Finland and Korea.

But the mantra never ends - 'diversity is our greatest strength'. Or more accurately, 'diversity is (((our))) greatest strength'.
Irish Savant:

Jul 6, 2017, 6:18:36 AM7/6/17

Jul 6, 2017, 6:38:54 AM7/6/17
The supply of Sub-Saharan Africans is surely never ending..."welcome aboard the sinking ship SS Europa!".

Excellent. crucial article by Steve Sailor...

U.N. "World Population Prospects 2017:" the Coming Sub-Saharan Tsunami
Steve Sailer • July 3, 2017

Jul 8, 2017, 4:41:28 AM7/8/17
Report slams Australian media and politics for being 'too white' - as race discrimination commissioner says our society is a 'sadistic cesspool of racism'

Read more:


Jul 9, 2017, 6:17:17 AM7/9/17

Jul 9, 2017, 8:43:09 AM7/9/17
On Sunday, July 9, 2017 at 8:17:17 PM UTC+10, Vngelis wrote:

As I reported here several times, Australia had the strongest minerals boom (associated with Chinese industrialisation/Globalism) in its history.

This played a big role in allowing governments to get away with unprecedented rates of "immigration" (mainly Turd World). Plenty made a lot of money from it. Many borrowed (still are) on highly inflated property prices which have only really corrected so far in the apartment segment of the market. The boom was associated with immigration and mass speculation and "insurance investment" from China (reflecting lack of trust in the government there).

The guys who wrote the article aren't geniuses. I'll explore it and get back on it.

BTW...there are other reasons (apart from the mining boom coinciding with, facilitated by Globalisation) why Australia is the most "immigrated" nation on Earth... (1) the young culture; (2) the overdone PW immigration from Europe, particularly the less compatible Mediterranean and Balkan lands and consequent softening of the culture, particularly of the long established immigration policy which severely restricted Third World "migration"; (3) the fact that the recent migration hit us like stunned mullets, though the warning had come from the Vietnam "refugees".

Of course the rightward drift of the ALP and TU bureaucracies have meant that these became enforcers of Globalist migration and the rest of the Agendas (they even sold the Commonwealth Bank, Australia's once publicly owned and by far biggest and most popular bank), along with all the numerous state owned banks.
So the very people who would have resisted this volume of "immigration" were totally disarmed, only finding resistance among the older ALP MP's.

Jul 10, 2017, 5:28:24 AM7/10/17
No, the author of ""It's Too Late" - 7 Signs Australia Can't Avoid Economic Apocalypse" is a lightweight.

There is a huge consumer credit build up, however, and the mining boom has receded.

House prices will correct (maybe "go sideways" for a long time, and this has already happened, and more so with apartments which are in severe over-supply.

If there was enough substance in the mongrelised, human zoo that is now Australia, a severe economic decline might swing the troops into action against the ridiculous rates of "immigration", but there probably isn't.

It's an appalling negative feedback system with each new wave from the Turd World, creating the base for more of the same.


Jul 12, 2017, 6:17:43 AM7/12/17

Jul 12, 2017, 9:32:02 AM7/12/17
Melbourne is (or used to be) the second largest Greek city.

The Greek community organisation backs up the leading role of the "Jewish community" in supporting the drafting of and opposing the repeal of Section 18c of the Racial Discrimination Act which criminalises free speech.

Anti-Australian. How would Australians (or the growing Muslim Community) go in trying to do the same kind of thing (eg secularising Greek ID cards) in Greece? They'd be detested and run out of town. And rightly so.

Greeks ought to behave themselves when guests in (once) Anglo Celtic Australia.


Jul 12, 2017, 7:21:32 PM7/12/17
Only because Greece is Athens and every other place is less than 300k...

But 500k out of 20m is small if you have Asian invasion...

Recent figures speak of 70k Greeks in UK

Jul 12, 2017, 7:36:20 PM7/12/17
On Wednesday, July 12, 2017 at 8:17:43 PM UTC+10, Vngelis wrote:
That's large, seeing it is nearly all Post War. But very articulate (like the Jews) and - apparently - less connected to Australia than the founder Anglo-Celtic population.
Why? Probably for a number of reasons:
(1) Greek role in property development
(2) Many ordinary Greeks probably not even aware of this important role in propping up anti "hate speech" legislation (important if you can imagine the political effect of the large Greek community OPPOSING such legislation). The former is assimilation.
(3) The leftism in Greeks has likely undergone the same kind of transformation as leftism in general...been transformed from some vague Internationalism into cosmopolitanism.

Every time a Greek sticks his head up, he pushes one aspect of Globalism or another.

BTW, no Greek patriot should be sanguine about the loss of such a high proportion of Greeks from their native land. English migrants relate how they were encouraged to leave England for Australia, only to be replaced by "Commonwealth immigrants".


Jul 13, 2017, 4:35:31 AM7/13/17
It was an Aussie Greek who wrote the Slap...
I doubt many are PC if they are they aint Greek...
Most must be post war generation 1950s onwards...
The left mostly stayed behind anyhow. Building jobs were least discriminatory.

Jul 13, 2017, 7:53:08 AM7/13/17
Probably true.

The earlier Greeks (and their is at least one Greek family in every country town in Eastern Australia, were fine people, as were most of those in the PW migration.

We could handle millions of Greeks. They are "assimmilable" and have a lot to offer culturally and of style...

What irony...the left worked in the building industry because it wasn't discriminatory. But later they became subies and made a motser out of hiring...Albanians in preference to...Greeks. So they didn't discriminate on politics...but on RACE!

Don't get me wrong, Vn, I have more in common with Greeks - in Greece - than I do with any other "race". The very best people. When I am reborn, I hope it will be as a Greek. If I wasn't able to be "buried" in my native land, I would hope it would be in a part of Greece.

Jul 13, 2017, 8:02:55 AM7/13/17
Flailing about...

Perth man found guilty of assaulting Muslim woman after throwing beer bottle at her.

Adam David Peters was drinking beer while with his children outside a shopping centre in Beeliar last December when 34-year-old Huyla Kandemir walked by.

He told her "merry Christmas" and she replied "no, happy holidays" and he yelled the obscene description at her.

The Fremantle Magistrates Court was told Ms Kandemir then swung her shopping bag at him and he responded by throwing a beer bottle at her and threatening to kill her.

Peters denied yelling the obscenity and assaulting Ms Kandemir by claiming his actions were justified and reasonable because he had been provoked.

However, Magistrate Peter Malone found him guilty, describing his behaviour as "disgraceful".

While Mr Malone said Ms Kandemir had been a "terrible witness" at the trial because she had shown "some arrogance" and "adopted a very combative approach", he found that her evidence about the beer bottle was credible.

During the trial, under cross-examination from Peters' lawyer, Ms Kandemir lashed out calling him "bogan white trash" and calling what he did a race hate crime.

Jul 20, 2017, 6:15:47 AM7/20/17
England: Mothers Born Abroad Now Account for 28.2 Per Cent of Births

Jul 24, 2017, 6:46:01 AM7/24/17
Take a look at this piece of irritation...

Jewish Propaganda in Australian Schools Exposed

The Protocols might have been a "fabrication", but how prescient they are...

Jul 24, 2017, 6:58:58 AM7/24/17
What a piece of irritation. Not a trace of introspection. Sprang from the loins of prizewinners in that department.

No prize for guessing how Marx would portray it, given his (carefully hidden by his ostensible followers) written description of Lasalle.

Companion piece...
Israel's New Racism- The Persecution of African Migrants in the Holy Land

Israel's New Racism- The Persecution of African Migrants in the Holy Land

Jul 24, 2017, 7:30:29 AM7/24/17
It's the Jew Way:

“Islamization of Europe a good thing”
Kevin MacDonald on November 10, 2015 — 68 Comments

A 2012 article on a rabbi who approves of the Islamization of Europe is of interest because such thinking is widespread among Jews. Rabbi Baruch Erfrati, a yeshiva head and West Bank settler, wrote that

the Islamization of Europe was better than a Christian Europe for ethical and theological reasons – as a punishment against Christians for persecuting the Jews and the fact that Christianity, as opposed to Islam, is considered “idolatry” from a halachic point of view.

“Jews should rejoice at the fact that Christian Europe is losing its identity as a punishment for what it did to us for the hundreds of years were [sic] in exile there,” the rabbi explained as the ethical reason for favoring Muslims, quoting shocking descriptions from the Rishonim literature (written by leading rabbis who lived during the 11th to 15th centuries) about pogroms and mass murders committed by Christians against Jews.

“We will never forgive Europe’s Christians for slaughtering millions of our children, women and elderly… Not just in the recent Holocaust, but throughout the generations, in a consistent manner which characterizes all factions of hypocritical Christianity…

“And now, Europe is losing its identity in favor of another people and another religion, and there will be no remnants and survivors from the impurity of Christianity, which shed a lot of blood it won’t be able to atone for.”

Such opinions would be of little note except that there are indications that such attitudes are widespread among Jews. I wrote an article on this a while ago, motivated by the statement of another rabbi, Joshua Hammerman, commenting on football player Tim Tebow’s strong Christian faith:
Read on at:

Jul 25, 2017, 8:15:07 PM7/25/17
Islamic Invasion of Queensland driven by the University of Southern Queensland funded by leftist Labor
July 21, 2017

Islam is a foreign evil barbaric cult that worships an ancient pedophile prophet, Muhammad. Islam wickedly adheres to a prescriptive hate-filled text The Quran to unleash a sharia law dictatorship of absolute control, torture, segregation, patriarchal sexism/rape/honour killing and halal-funded jihad, and other wicked shit.

Pure Hate

Islam has no place in democratic free civilized Australia. Islam must be banned immediately throughout Australia, all muslims deported and the mosques and islamic centres decommissioned, leveled and relegated to history. Simple.

Yet blind eyed Greens, foreign Labor, Turnbull’s ‘moderate’ Liberals (think moderate Muslims), and lapdog Barney’s Nats are all in cahoots in promoting muslim multicultism. It’s about population growth regardless.

In Queensland’s beautiful Currumbin, Maroochydore and Harvey Bay, Ordinary Aussies are a wake up to the islamic invasion permeating north and westward out of Brisbane. Locals read what is happening elsewhere when the muzzies muscle in and they are increasingly vocal about keeping the barbaric and evil islamic cult out of their decent communities.
Read rest of well illustrated article at site:


Jul 29, 2017, 2:38:09 AM7/29/17

Jul 29, 2017, 7:06:32 AM7/29/17
On Saturday, July 29, 2017 at 4:38:09 PM UTC+10, Vngelis wrote:

dusty Sat 29 Jul 2017 04:39:28 pm

‘Australian women need Muslim men to fertilize them,’ says halal food chief in Facebook rant
Published time: 28 Jul, 2017
Ruprick Sat 29 Jul 2017 04:51:52 pm

Muslims smell like Dynamic Lifter.
ejada Sat 29 Jul 2017 04:56:13 pm

What a revolting thought. If such a rediculous thing was to happen it would lower the IQ of humans to the point that the Planet of the Apes would become a reality.
Tony H Sat 29 Jul 2017 05:33:14 pm

We saw that yesterday Dusty, but thanks for reposting it as it seemed to drift by with barely a mention! I cannot understand that. 2GB gave it a good crack and Ben Fordham smashed the prick. So too did Cory Bernardi. If an Anglo said anything remotely similar to this against Wogs/ Muslims the world would cave in! I am sick and tired of all this BS and hypocracy, double standards etc! I have had a total gutful. No comment from the illustrious leader? Imagine if a leading Anglo Commerce leader say Dick Smith said anything similar?? Old Turd would be up on his soap box defending Islam and Muslims!!!
Eric Hunt Sat 29 Jul 2017 05:41:23 pm

"old hat" dusty . . .
saiIor Sat 29 Jul 2017 05:43:40 pm

Our grandchildren will be fighting these scumbags like our ancestors have for the past 2 millennia.

Thanks you traitorous born elsewhere political grubby maggots.
dusty Sat 29 Jul 2017 05:50:23 pm

Get fucked "Hairy Cunt" (hahaah!!!! the irony doesn't escape me..."Map of Tasmania", indeed!). Give us a reference - apparently according to Tony H who one could most certainly trust..."it seemed to drift by with barely a mention". What was your worthless contribution????? "Dynamic Lifter" is certainly no exaggeration, Ruprick. I've traveled in Muslim Lands and can vouch for it. But live and let live. Leave them alone...and by no means bring them here for they are both culturally and genetically incompatible.
saiIor Sat 29 Jul 2017 06:00:00 pm

Haha, a Tasmanian inbred hairy cunt...bwahaaa...

Tasmania is full of inbred senators...cousins of cousins....
dusty Sat 29 Jul 2017 06:08:11 pm

Too true sea man! To quote a distant bard.."I'm just average common too I'm just like him...the same as you...I'm everybody's brother and son...I ain't different to anyone...No use talkin' to me...Just like talkin' to him!!!!!!!" And so it goes....
wheelie bin laden Sat 29 Jul 2017 06:09:08 pm

What a shame "WE" didn't leave them alone in their shitholes.What a shame little johnny took us all there.
dusty Sat 29 Jul 2017 06:09:31 pm

Of course a man "likes a bit of hair"...but this cunt is beyond the Pale.
dusty Sat 29 Jul 2017 06:13:24 pm

"Planet of the Apes" indeed ejada!
Eric Hunt Sat 29 Jul 2017 07:58:23 pm

Isn't it rich?
They are a pair.
Dusty’s first on the ground,
Sailor 2nd to appear.
Here come the clowns.

In taking the piss,
I ask to remove,
One whose drivel abounds,
Whilst the other hates jews.
Who are these clowns?
Please banish these clowns.

Just when “The Hat” seemed to pause,
Possibly knowing all here at PP he bores,
He makes his entrance again (there goes the fresh air).
Non-sensical posts,
No poster cares.

Don't you love farce?
It’s on display here.
I thought that you'd want what I want,
But I know it’s not clear.
So who are these clowns?
Larry kick-out these clowns.
Too late, they're already here.

Isn't it rich,
That they are both queer?
Dusty and Sailor,
Who enjoy each other’s gear.
So who are these clowns?
Please banish these clowns.
Then we’ll give Larry a cheer.

If you feel so inclined, you can sing along here . . .
dusty Sat 29 Jul 2017 08:14:40 pm

Piss weak Hairy. Try, just try being original for once you stool pigeon.
dusty Sat 29 Jul 2017 08:20:43 pm

BTW, Hairy, just out of much does the greasy Melbourne king making Property Developer Alan Dagon pay you for your "creative" attempts at political carpetsalesmanship?


Jul 29, 2017, 7:48:15 AM7/29/17

Jul 29, 2017, 8:13:03 AM7/29/17
On Saturday, July 29, 2017 at 9:48:15 PM UTC+10, Vngelis wrote:

This is all that came up:

Understandable anger': Local MP Diane Abbott defends rioters who hurled petrol bombs at police in Hackney over death of man as he was arrested but calls for calm amid fears of new London riots

Read more:

D-i-r-t-y bitch...

Tells us all we need to know about the weasel Corbin's tastes. How could he do anything good for the British working people with tastes like that!

Jul 31, 2017, 10:55:44 PM7/31/17
Cultural Marxism now mainstream in Australia.

Why don't you "enlighten" me...TIFFANY!

All the germs of this are in the writings of the Frankfurt School Jews.

Aug 2, 2017, 2:24:10 AM8/2/17
There was a major terrorist round up in Australia, but I won't bother relating it because it's bound to have been a frame up or false flag-in-the-making.

Aug 4, 2017, 11:04:20 PM8/4/17
Excellent Red Ice TV production...

Asian Colonization of Australia

Published on Aug 4, 2017
Gorgo an Australian Identitarian YouTuber explains how Asians are colonizing Australia.

Aug 6, 2017, 8:32:55 PM8/6/17
Look at this smelly little effeminate PC DOG (on the video) trying to stop people smoking OUTSIDE. Give this scum an inch and they'd take your life...ought to be pummeled.

'They just want a coffee and a cigarette': Melbourne's Greek-Australians unhappy at smoking ban

Very Greek, civilised behaviour. That's the same as they do it in Greece. When they retire from work, that's their life.

Aug 7, 2017, 3:31:40 AM8/7/17
Sub Saharan African "immigrants" at it again...

Seven + Nine News. Black Gang Spree.(Media Didn't Hide This One)(Laverton)


Aug 7, 2017, 9:33:23 AM8/7/17
Should repatriate back to a village. Swear, smoke, and drink to your hearts contents...
Reaction is closing in everywhere...

Aug 7, 2017, 7:17:20 PM8/7/17
This is a pretty current one, dealing more completely with a problem no one is allowed to name. It's the working people who are hit hardest by this explosion of - invited - invaders...their typically gentle reaction is heartbreaking.

ACA. Australia's No Go Zones.(Multicultural Nightmare)(Muslim+Apex Gangs)

As if Indians and Chinese etc etc etc aren't enough, now they have Africans inflicted on them (on us all)...

Sub-Saharan Africans never assimilated into the USA. They should have been generously repatriated from there as Lincoln and some blacks proposed and certainly the US experiment should not have been repeated in other nations.

Oct 24, 2017, 2:39:19 AM10/24/17


'Matt Lowe grew up in Bankstown (DT: a large Sydney -once - working class suburb) and witnessed the negative changes over the decades as more Muslims and Middle Eastern refugees moved to Bankstown. Bankstown is just one of many Western Sydney suburbs that has made the unfortunate transition to a dangerous third world ghetto riddled with crime, welfare dependency, violence and intimidation. Matt moved his family out of Bankstown due to the threats made on his life by Muslims. This is the sad reality of modern life in the suburbs where Australians are fast becoming a minority due to Labor and Liberal policy of mass third world immigration. Audacious traitors like Turnbull live in their gated and segregated communities away from the dangers of cultural and racial diversity. It is time for the political elite to share the burden and open their homes to African and Muslim refugees.'

Oct 24, 2017, 5:11:34 AM10/24/17
Link of Australian unions funding Soros GetUp...

Australian Workers' Union offices in Sydney and Melbourne raided by AFP over donations made to activist group Get Up

The Australian Worker's Union offices in Sydney and Melbourne are being raided
It is allegedly over donations made to activist group Get Up
They're deciphering whether the donations where authorised under union rules

By Matilda Rudd For Daily Mail Australia

Published: 17:15 AEDT, 24 October 2017 | Updated: 19:06 AEDT, 24 October 2017

Read more:

Oct 26, 2017, 11:11:35 PM10/26/17

News, very bad news, comes that 8 percent of new homes in Queensland sold between September 2016 and June 2017, were purchased by “non-residents,” mainly Chinese. Non-residents gobbled up 25 percent of new homes in New South Wales and 17 percent in Victoria over the same period:

Then we have the next wave of colonisation, harking back to the MFP Japanese city proposal of the 1990s,of a $ 1 billion Chinese city:
“Chinese hands have snatched up sprawling sugar cane fields on the northern tip of Queensland’s Gold Coast with the intentions of turning the rural landscape into a new city. Songcheng Performance Development, owned by a Chinese theme park entrepreneur, is the company striking a deal to develop the Norwell Valley, which is located smack bang between Brisbane and the Gold Coast. The Norwell Valley is one of the last remaining undeveloped patches of land between Brisbane and the Gold Coast so it is not surprising that it was snatched up to be developed into a $1 billion mega hub for domestic and international tourists.
Songcheng Performance Development is currently laying the foundations for a full blown city which includes residential, commercial, health, and educational precincts. It is currently proposed that the development would take place over the next 25 years, to coincide with a spending spree on highway infrastructure between Brisbane and the Gold Coast. This mega development isn’t Songcheng Performance Development’s first foray into South East Queensland. Last November they unveiled plans for a $400 million ‘cultural theme park’ on a riverfront Nerang Site. The farmers who currently own the land are not letting slip any details regarding the land grab but it is expected that when the deal is finalised in mid-2018 it could amount to Australia’s largest land sale.”

How will this benefit Australia, with all the profit going straight back to China? Australia would have surrendered part of its territory. The political class are deeply concerned about the constitution being used as a political weapon, in the case of dual citizenship. But, the issue of ‘foreign ownership’ goes even further, showing that politicians and the political class are willing to simply “surrender Australia”.

Nov 29, 2017, 8:16:18 AM11/29/17
Sri Lanka Takes Back Fake Refugees from Manus Island

(Manus Is is an island, part of NG in which the "boat people" trying to use the UN refugee convention to gatecrash Australia. The decision was made by Abbott of the Liberal Party to fight an election on ensuring that these fake refugees would get a "safe place", not in Australia, but in another Third World nation. It has worked, except Manus has now become a focus for "the Left" (hahahahhahahah) to undermine the decision (except around election time) using every trick in their book. This pulls the rug from under them, but hasn't been reported in the mainstream media.
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