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Which means that Hillary and Joe Biden should have been indicted

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Jan 22, 2023, 12:45:04 PM1/22/23

Because as President the President has DELEGATED POWERS in the
Constitution which make it impossible for the President to handle the
documents illegally, which is why TRUMP was never actually indicted for
a "crime".

And Secretary Hillary Clinton and VP Joe Biden who worked for a
President never had any Presidential powers that were DELEGATED POWERS
from the U.S. Constitution. Which is why they are guilty of violating
laws that all the people who are NOT THE U.S. President have no immunity
by having delegated powers to handle Executive Branch Documents...

Which means that Hillary and Joe Biden should have been indicted for
violations of the espionage act. And President Joe Biden needs to be
impeached for espionage and/or resign and be indicted.

-Reality Matters-

Raise taxes and it will STAGNATE THE ECONOMY and the realized "REVENUE"
will decrease as the economy falls into Depression.

If less money is being spent or invested, there is less income from
economic activity that can be taxed.

The secret sauce isn't in higher taxes, it's in increased economic
activity. And to achieve more economic activity, the government has to
be less greedy. And quit stealing from the Private Sector Economy.

Raising taxes is NOT a solution for failing GDP growth... economic
activity creates added "REVENUE" raising taxes created less GDP GROWTH
which results in less actual REVENUE for the U.S. Treasury.

Taxes are a way to collect the Revenue NOT create it.


Jan 22, 2023, 1:05:25 PM1/22/23

Because as President the President has DELEGATED POWERS in the
Constitution which make it impossible for the President to handle the
documents illegally, which is why TRUMP was never actually indicted for
a "crime".

And Secretary Hillary Clinton and VP Joe Biden who worked for a
President never had any Presidential powers that were DELEGATED POWERS
from the U.S. Constitution. Which is why they are guilty of violating
laws that all the people who are NOT THE U.S. President who have no
immunity simply by having delegated powers to handle Executive Branch
Documents... and are subject to.

Which means that Hillary and Joe Biden should have been indicted for
violations of the espionage act. And President Joe Biden needs to be
impeached for espionage and/or resign and be indicted.

-That's Karma-

*The first rule of SURVIVAL CLUB* is we talk about it, we hate
censorship. Never trust what Democrats or Marxists tell you. Make them
prove it with actual verifiable facts and science. And if you didn't
find the duplicitous lies in what the Marxist-Democrats told you then
you didn't dig deep enough. The *Gruber* *Doctrine* is the
Marxist-Democrat plan that says it's "to the Democrats advantage to have
a lack of transparency and then lie about everything".

*The next rule of SURVIVAL CLUB* is
115 - Expanding government means shrinking the private sector economy.
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