That news doesn't fit the *NEWS NARRATIVE MATRIX* that the Shadow
Government wants you to see.
The Psy-Ops program is attempting to bury the economic news and if you
lose money in your personal investing or your Retirement Fund loses
money and you become poorer, they don't care.
If they did care about you and keeping you as a viewer of their "news"
they tell you the truth and not feed you FAKE NEWS, NOT any FAKE NEWS
because be it political or economic or science it all costs you in some
way. And if they cared they would go the extra mile to get you the REAL
INFORMATION and stop lying to you like they have been.
And TWITTER and the FBI lied about working together as a part of the
SHADOW GOVERNMENT to limit free speech.
They became the *Ministry of TRUTH* that was run by the *SHADOW*
For those out there that said *the SHADOW GOVERNMENT is tinfoil hat*
*territory* ...you better stock up on tinfoil.
-Reality Matters-
Raise taxes and it will STAGNATE THE ECONOMY and the realized "REVENUE"
will decrease as the economy falls into Depression.
If less money is being spent or invested, there is less income from
economic activity that can be taxed.
The secret sauce isn't in higher taxes, it's in increased economic
activity. And to achieve more economic activity, the government has to
be less greedy. And quit stealing from the Private Sector Economy.
Raising taxes is NOT a solution for failing GDP growth... economic
activity creates added "REVENUE" raising taxes created less GDP GROWTH
which results in less actual REVENUE for the U.S. Treasury.
Taxes are a way to collect the Revenue NOT create it.