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There is only one way out of this STAGFLATION

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Jan 16, 2023, 5:51:54 PM1/16/23

Worse than that, the efforts to slow the inflation will cause/create the
GDP and JOBS to to drop and create a deeper recession/depression.

As I said before it's kike a see-saw when they try to fix inflation then
the recession becomes worse and vise-verse...

There is only one way out of this STAGFLATION and Democrats will never
do what it takes, because it requires the Democrats capitulation and
they have to reduce government regulation and spending and taxes and
printing/Counterfeiting dollars and borrowing of that FAKE money.

And Democrats can't do that because they couldn't maintain their
organized corruption and afford to pay people to steal votes, and to lie
for them on TWITTER and FACEBOOK and CABLE TV.

-Reality Matters-

And TWITTER and the FBI lied about working together as a part of the
SHADOW GOVERNMENT to limit free speech.

They became the *Ministry of TRUTH* that was run by the *SHADOW*

For those out there that said *the SHADOW GOVERNMENT is tinfoil hat*
*territory* better stock up on tinfoil.


Jan 16, 2023, 6:04:52 PM1/16/23

Worse than that, the efforts to slow the inflation will cause/create the
GDP and JOBS to to drop and create a deeper recession/depression.

As I said before it's kike a see-saw when they try to fix inflation then
the recession becomes worse and vise-verse...

There is only one way out of this STAGFLATION and Democrats will never
do what it takes, because it requires the Democrats capitulation and
they have to reduce government regulation and spending and taxes and
printing/Counterfeiting dollars and borrowing of that FAKE money.

And Democrats can't do that because they couldn't maintain their
organized corruption and afford to pay people to steal votes, and to lie
for them on TWITTER and FACEBOOK and CABLE TV.

This is why it's called stagflation, and that rise in interest rates
will cool down the economy and it's already cold... so we slide from
inflation being the main problem, into a recession that the Democrats
are forcing to become a depression.


Jan 17, 2023, 8:55:26 AM1/17/23

Worse than that, the efforts to slow the inflation will cause/create the
GDP and JOBS to to drop and create a deeper recession/depression.

As I said before it's kike a see-saw when they try to fix inflation then
the recession becomes worse and vise-verse...

There is only one way out of this STAGFLATION and Democrats will never
do what it takes, because it requires the Democrats capitulation and
they have to reduce government regulation and spending and taxes and
printing/Counterfeiting dollars and borrowing of that FAKE money.

And Democrats can't do that because they couldn't maintain their
organized corruption and afford to pay people to steal votes, and to lie
for them on TWITTER and FACEBOOK and CABLE TV.


This is why it's called stagflation, and that rise in interest rates
will cool down the economy and it's already cold... so we slide from
inflation being the main problem, into a recession that the Democrats
are forcing to become a depression.


The things I have said in the past are all coming true... and this
points to another one... printing all that COUNTERFEIT CASH that has no
GDP growth to back it up and then borrowing it to expand government has
created a government that's too BIG/Expensive for the remaining private
sector economy to support. The cost is growing faster than the tax
revenue, because Democrats over tax and over regulate the private
sector. And they do that ultimately because the Democrats are GREEDY and
are stealing it and wasting it on useless government programs and
projects. Welcome to the bankruptcy treadmill where you never get off
the bankruptcy cycle of poverty, how very 3rd world of the Democrats.

As I said we've already discussed it and now all I can do is point at it
and chuckle... at the stupidity of the Democrats.


Jan 17, 2023, 12:26:44 PM1/17/23
On 1/17/23 11:05 AM, -hh wrote:
> On Tuesday, January 17, 2023 at 8:55:27 AM UTC-5, BeamMeUpScotty wrote:
>> [repeat]
> Scotty, Scotty, you really need to stop reading such insane drivel.
> Case in point, he claims: “As things stand, most Americans are
> watching their wages falling behind the price of goods.”

Meaning people can't afford the $8.00 eggs and their $8.00 Starbuck's
coffee together... and to stay within their earnings things will have
to be cut out... of their discretionary spending..., so yes there are
goods they were priced out of. But it's a question of priorities and
what is left behind when you have no money for the things you have been
buying or want to buy.

> Do you know _anyone_ who’s had their boss tell them that they’re
> having their hourly rate reduced?

Or they don't have a job there tomorrow? Didn't a bunch of people lose
their jobs just days before Christmas?

> Because the Fed’s QT won’t do that. It’s main effect is to cut the
> market valuations of stocks, which reduces paper wealth of those
> with a significant brokerage account, not you & Joe Sixpack.

I've been Joe S Ixpack, it's NOT looking good for that guy. Government
is trying to stomp on inflation to reduce it, by increasing interest
rates, and Joe S Ixpack pays interest on much of what he owns... so it
does effect him. More going to paying interest means less going to
groceries or gas or kids educations or retirement... and retirement
accounts are in the Stock Market. The economy slows and they cut more
people... Joe S Ixpack is liable to lose his health and house and cars
and retirement and more.

McDonald's cutting 20,000 workers and Amazon cutting thousands and many
many more are cutting workers and their wages were from a minimum of
about $16 K/year up to the so called well paid jobs of the corporate
middle management... with even an occasional CEO being replaced like
Disney and Victoria Secret CEO's

Yes the jobs are downsized, as the economy contracts.

And I read a lot of stuff, even some of the Democrats drivel that really
is drivel and while I don't believe most of it, I usually am NOT
agreeing with a lot of it either... be it a so called "REPUBLICAN" and
so far not ANY Democrats.

Democrats just seem to post streaming lies... and I'll easily toast them
as well as anyone but the Libertarians and some Republicans I actually
agree with. And while I wasn't scratching the context of article's I
read on my walls as if it were the zealotry rantings of a God, I did
launch my own rant about these subjects and I didn't see it as
particularly agreeing with anyone but rather, I consider most to be
pissing into the wind, and a few catching up to my point of view as they
suggest that all that spending and borrowing and FAKE ZERO interest
rates while they borrowed and used it to grow government... as the cause
of this StagFlation.

Democrats told us there was NO mortgage crisis.

The ObamaRegime lowered interest rates to ZERO and printed money.

When they raise interest or cut the money supply to stomp on "their"
INFLATION, it creates more STAGNATION... as the economy puts on the
brakes, and Vise-Verse when they open the fire hose of printing dollars
and create FAKE interest rates of ZERO so the Government can then borrow
those dollars almost interest free (except for a few percent for money
laundering charge, it was free).

Hiding from reality didn't fix that reality, and it hasn't fixed its
self. We're still going up and down on the StagFlation see-saw.

My thought was that we need to go back to being a savings economy rather
than a credit economy, dollars based on gold rather than dollars based
on a printing press that can add zeros to the dollar bills for less than
a pennies worth of ink.

Democrats PRINT MONEY and borrow it to use to steal elections... the
stolen elections track back to having a dollar that can be used by
Democrats to steal from the pockets of any person holding a dollar in it.

Like the criminals who try to skim a penny or the "fractional" amounts
when rounding transactions... only the Democrats do it on a grand scale
and now they inch their way up towards it being noticeable by the
smaller cash holding Joe S Ixpack as a single beer will cost almost
$2.00 for a mass produced tasteless beer brand after the Inflation and
taxes and the rest of corruption is paid. Democrats are pissing Joe S
Ixpack's boots and laughing...


Jan 17, 2023, 3:13:06 PM1/17/23

-That's Karma-

*The first rule of SURVIVAL CLUB* is we talk about it, we hate
censorship. Never trust what Democrats or Marxists tell you. Make them
prove it with actual verifiable facts and science. And if you didn't
find the duplicitous lies in what the Marxist-Democrats told you then
you didn't dig deep enough. The *Gruber* *Doctrine* is the
Marxist-Democrat plan that says it's "to the Democrats advantage to have
a lack of transparency and then lie about everything".

*The next rule of SURVIVAL CLUB* is
19 - You can't have Social Justice and Equal Justice at the same time,
they're 'mutually exclusive'. -BMUS-


Jan 18, 2023, 9:58:18 AM1/18/23
On 1/17/23 11:05 AM, -hh wrote:
> On Tuesday, January 17, 2023 at 8:55:27 AM UTC-5, BeamMeUpScotty wrote:
>> [repeat]
> Scotty, Scotty, you really need to stop reading such insane drivel.
> Case in point, he claims: “As things stand, most Americans are
> watching their wages falling behind the price of goods.”

Meaning people can't afford the $8.00 eggs and their $8.00 Starbuck's
coffee together... and to stay within their earnings, things will have
to be cut out of their discretionary spending..., so yes there are goods
they were priced out of as their wages don't increase at the real
inflation rate. But it's a question of priorities and what is left
behind when you have no money for the things you have been buying or
want to buy. Usually you care for kids and old people first and the
reduce your own discretionary spending and cut out entertainment and
things that are not necessary to stay alive and keep what little you have.

Rising prices without rising wages is called "losing ground" and getting
poorer. And if they do raise wages to keep-up with the current
inflation, it maintains the inflation in the system due to Government
spending going up and needing to borrow more money at higher interest
rates... sucking up more GDP growth that can't be used by the PRIVATE
SECTOR GDP to keep the economy growing, so they can afford that
government growth. Debt isn't growth, debt is the loss/theft of growth,
debt is an anchor that drags the PRIVATE economy to a halt. With no
growth there is no way to pay for the expanding government except more
debt that reduces the Private sector's economic growth even more. It's
as the Democrats like to say... *A FEEDBACK LOOP* that makes the
problem even worse, they tell us that as they waste money on Government
Global Warming projects because they say the CO2 creates a FEEDBACK LOOP
of warming? Meanwhile the Democrats ignore the feedback loop of fiscal
decline and the economic bottomless pit that they created.

> Do you know _anyone_ who’s had their boss tell them that they’re
> having their hourly rate reduced?

Or they don't have a job there tomorrow? Didn't a bunch of people lose
their jobs just days before Christmas?

Those with a job, now see their hourly rate won't buy as much today as
it did yesterday, no wonder you're a Democrats you aren't very bright
are you, yes your pay has gone down relative to what it bought last year
it's why there was a (COLA) Cost Of Living Adjustment given to
government and military and welfare and Social Security earned pay and
parasite transfer payments.

> Because the Fed’s QT won’t do that. It’s main effect is to cut the
> market valuations of stocks, which reduces paper wealth of those
> with a significant brokerage account, not you & Joe Sixpack.

I've been Joe S Ixpack, it's NOT looking good for that guy. Government
is trying to stomp on inflation to reduce it, by increasing interest
rates, and Joe S Ixpack pays interest on much of what he owns or will
own... so it does effect him. More of his earnings going to paying
interest and inflated costs means less going to groceries or gas or kids
educations or retirement... and retirement accounts are in the Stock
Market. The economy slows and they cut more people... Joe S Ixpack is
liable to lose his health and house and cars and retirement and more.

McDonald's cutting 20,000 workers and Amazon cutting thousands and many
many more are cutting workers and their wages were from a minimum of
about $16 K/year up to the so called well paid jobs of the corporate
middle management... with even an occasional CEO being replaced like
Disney and Victoria Secret CEO's

Yes the jobs are downsized, as the economy contracts.



And I read a lot of stuff, even some of the Democrats drivel that really
is drivel and while I don't believe most of it, I usually am NOT
agreeing with a lot of it either... be it a so called "REPUBLICAN" and
so far not ANY Democrats.

Democrats post streaming lies... and I'll easily toast them as well as
anyone else, but the Libertarians and some Republicans that I do
actually agree with are few and far between. And while I wasn't
scratching the context of article's I read on my walls as if it were the
zealotry rantings of a profit of God, I did launch my own rant about
these subjects and I didn't see it as particularly agreeing with anyone
but rather, I consider most I comment on to be Democrats pissing into
the wind, and a few catching up to my points of view as they suggest
that all that spending and borrowing and FAKE ZERO interest rates while
they borrowed and used it to grow government... as the cause of this

Democrats told us there was NO mortgage crisis.

The Obama/Biden Regime lowered interest rates to ZERO and printed money
to expand government Creating an expanded government that needed to keep
borrowing after the interest rates rise. And since there was no economic
growth to pay for that government expansion, they need to borrow the
money again next budget to keep that bigger government going. ONLY now
it isn't at ZERO PERCENT interest rates. SO the government prints more
money to borrow at the higher interest rates to keep all that bloated
government in place and to NOT give up the power and regulations that
costs the private sector NOT just in taxes but in interest rates and
Inflation. The economy starts a nose dive and because government is
stealing the discretionary money and has so many new regulation, there's
nothing in the discretionary pile for people to invest in new homes or
in stocks or in ways to make money for themselves and raise the GDP at
the same time.

When they raise interest and/or cut the money supply to stomp on "their"
government INFLATION, it creates more STAGNATION, as the economy puts on
the brakes, and Vise-Verse when they open the fire hose of printing
dollars and create FAKE interest rates of ZERO so the Government can
then borrow trillions of dollars... borrowing those dollars almost
interest free (except for a few percent for money laundering charge, it
was free of being at the real market values).

Hiding from reality didn't fix that reality, and it hasn't fixed its
self. We're still going up and down on the StagFlation see-saw.

My thought was that we need to go back to being a savings economy rather
than a credit economy, dollars based on gold rather than dollars based
on a printing press that can add zeros to the dollar bills for less than
a pennies worth of ink.

Democrats PRINT MONEY and borrow it to use to steal elections... the
stolen elections track back to having a U.S. dollar that can be used by
Democrats to steal from the pockets of any person holding a dollar in
it. If you hold U.S. dollars in a bank or in your pocket or any where
even when they're just in a computerized system to buy or hold.

Like the criminals who try to skim a penny or the "fractional" amounts
when rounding transactions and be un-noticed... only the Democrats do
it on a grand scale and now they inch their way up towards it being
noticeable by the smaller cash holding Joe S Ixpack as a single beer
will cost almost $2.00 for a mass produced tasteless beer brand after
the Inflation and taxes and the rest of corruption is paid. Democrats
are pissing in Joe S Ixpack's boots and laughing...
139 - Those that seek mediocrity won't win in a contest that rewards


Jan 18, 2023, 10:18:56 AM1/18/23


Jan 18, 2023, 1:41:54 PM1/18/23


Jan 20, 2023, 10:24:32 AM1/20/23
On 1/19/23 10:51 AM, -hh wrote:
> On Thursday, January 19, 2023 at 9:54:46 AM UTC-5, -hh wrote:
>> On Thursday, January 19, 2023 at 9:12:15 AM UTC-5, -hh wrote:
>>> On Wednesday, January 18, 2023 at 11:22:29 PM UTC-5, wrote:
>>>> On Wed, 18 Jan 2023 17:13:33 -0800 (PST), -hh wrote:
>>>>>> Yes the jobs are downsized, as the economy contracts.
>>>> This is 2023, not 1983.
>>>>> "Latest data is still 3Q22, which had an annualized rate of +3.2% GDP.
>>>>> Current estimate for all of 2022 is a real GDP growth of +2% YoY."
>>>>> So where's this contracting economy? Because with continued rock-bottom unemployment
>>>>> (latest: 3.5%) and GDP growth, the Fed's going to continue to push rate increases to damp down
>>>>> inflation .. and those higher interest rates are good for old Joe Retiree and Joe About-To-Retire.
>>>>> Overall, it seems that your main complaint actually isn't about the Economy, but rather that
>>>>> the inflation from Trump stimulus payments with CoVid supply chain disruptions is being
>>>>> brought into line without crashing the economy or other drama...and that's despite additional
>>>>> economic monkey-wrenches thrown in with China's CoVid surge and Russia's war in Ukraine.
>>>> All the more remarkable that the economy is doing as well as it is.
>>> Simply illustrating that Economists have learned at lot over the past 40 years.
>>> And not just in the US:
>>> "UniCredit CEO Andrea Orcel joins the chorus of cautious optimism among the global elite in
>>> Davos, saying Europe may see slightly positive growth this year even as risks remain..."
>>> <>
>>> The main hitch that we've had recently with economic policy for recession reduction occurred
>>> in 2011, when US Republican-lead 'Austerity' measures choked off the recovery, nearly causing
>>> a double-dip recession. Europe learned from this too, particularly in Spain & Greece where they
>>> did have strong Austerity cuts from their Right and did have a double-dip. YMMV on how long
>>> we'll remember this lesson, but for now, we've not forgotten it yet.
>> And in today's business news:
>> New unemployment insurance claims fell last week (to 190,000); no evidence yet of layoffs rising.
>> <>
> Oh, and found this comment made on egg prices today:
> "#1 - 50,000,000 chickens have died in the U.S. due to Avian flu.
> #2 - Supply and demand made egg prices increase.

Are regulations part of supply and demand? Regulations are what is known
as the government putting their thumb on the scale of supply and demand.

Which means all the regulations are a cumulative ship the size of the
Titanic weighing on the scales against WE THE PEOPLE. Release the
government BOOT HEEL of regulation from the throat of the people and the
price of eggs will seek their NATURAL value.

> #3 - That's classic capitalism, which y'all love...until you pay $5 for a dozen eggs.
> Then you want the government to do something about it. That's socialism."

I suggested what we do about it is to, NOT destroy the Capitalism with
Regulations and laws, this is the Government causing StagFlation and
eggs to cost $5.++ to $8.++ And we know because it's NOT just eggs it's
economy wide.

> <>

Fiat currency created from ZRO INTEREST RATES and thin air and spent by
Democrats... That's called economic suicide NOT Capitalism, and I
suggest that it is also Unconstitutional.

But it's NOT classic Capitalism.

What part of Capitalism says you can steal from one person to give to
another using TRANSFER PAYMENTS or a "tax law" ?

Remember that laws are NOT superior to the U.S. Constitution. No tax
law can do what a clause of the U.S. Constitution does NOT delegate the
power to do... and that's the same for taking money from WE THE PEOPLE
as it is for Spending the money with appropriations laws. Which is why
the U.S. Constitution tell Congress what they can pay for wit tax
dollars... anything NOT listed can't be paid for using tax dollars.

Just adhering to the Constitution should reduce the wasteful spending
and improve the inflation problems as well as reduce the regulations to
help the STAGNANT ECONOMY GROW. As I have been saying for well over 12
years is that the only way to defeat stagflation is to reduce the size
and the growth and regulations of GOVERNMENT.

We even added a Constitutional Amendment making it illegal and
unconstitutional for Government to steal money(labor) from one person
and give it to another.

*Amendment XIII*
Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a
punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted,
shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their

This applies to the States and the Federal Government Fascism as well as
the PRIVATE SECTOR economy of Capitalism.


Jan 20, 2023, 10:46:45 AM1/20/23
On 1/19/23 10:51 AM, -hh wrote:
> On Thursday, January 19, 2023 at 9:54:46 AM UTC-5, -hh wrote:
>> On Thursday, January 19, 2023 at 9:12:15 AM UTC-5, -hh wrote:
>>> On Wednesday, January 18, 2023 at 11:22:29 PM UTC-5, wrote:
>>>> On Wed, 18 Jan 2023 17:13:33 -0800 (PST), -hh wrote:
>>>>>> Yes the jobs are downsized, as the economy contracts.
help the STAGNANT ECONOMY GROW. As I have been repeating it for well
over 12 years "that the only way to defeat stagflation" is to reduce the
size and the growth and regulations of GOVERNMENT. And it's still the
TRUTH, just as it was the first time I said it.

We even added a Constitutional Amendment making it illegal and
unconstitutional for Government to steal money(labor) from one person
and give it to another person except as part of due process in a court
and is sentenced as punishment for that person.

*Amendment XIII*
Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a
punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted,
shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their

This applies to the States and the Federal Government Fascism as well as
the PRIVATE SECTOR economy of Capitalism.


Jan 20, 2023, 11:37:41 AM1/20/23


Jan 20, 2023, 12:33:47 PM1/20/23
On 1/20/23 12:09 PM, -hh wrote:
> On Friday, January 20, 2023 at 10:24:33 AM UTC-5, BeamMeUpScotty wrote
> (1 of 3):
> Irrelevant, because you’re complaining about a price increase without showing
> that there’s been regulatory changes for the price change to possibly be causal.

Energy costs more so the chicken feed costs more so eggs cost more and
who's closing coal and killing jobs and pipelines? It's Democrats. And
who says it's Bird Flu the lying CDC or lying FDA? Maybe they're
killing the chickens so they don't starve.

Or they see a decline in sales due to the coming economic collapse
caused by the Black Hole of StagFlation... we're in the horizon and
there is no escape from the Stagflation except to make massive cuts to
Government growth and spending growth and stifling Regulations.

>>> #3 - That's classic capitalism, which y'all love...until you pay $5 for a dozen eggs.
>>> Then you want the government to do something about it. That's socialism."
>> I suggested what we do about it is to, NOT destroy the Capitalism with
>> Regulations and laws, this is the Government causing StagFlation and
>> eggs to cost $5.++ to $8.++ And we know because it's NOT just eggs it's
>> economy wide.
> Show us where there’s been an increase in egg regulations in this time period
> which could have caused higher business expenses to caused an egg price change.

NO... but I will tell you about the energy regulation that is sucking
the life blood out of the economy... and grains and egg production as
it's what they feed the chickens and as the numbers of bushels of wheat
and corn and barley decrease or cost more to match the FERTILIZER COSTS
due to Fertilizer being made from fossil fuel like NATURAL GAS... and
the DEMOCRATS and ONE WORLD CULT are trying to ban farmers from using
AMMONIA/NITROGEN made fertilizer due to their CULT, that drives up the
cost of eggs as the grains to feed chickens and costs more and the
closing of egg farms makes them less available... and it's REGULATIONS.

Why would they tell you that they're going bankrupt or down sizing and
see their stock prices collapse when they can lie and tell you it's just
a temporary bird flu issue for one season... and they'll have new birds
next year, except that they'd still have nothing to feed new egg laying
birds would they?

But the inflation is set in and last year it was 8.7%, we all know it
was worse, and the year before was around 5% and that's almost 14% for
the past 2 years that's locked in... did your working pay rise by 14% in
the past 2 years and if it did then you still lost because they lie to
us about the real inflation. Just as they lie about everything else.
Prove to me they didn't lie, because it's proven that the Democrats do
lie about most everything.

Tell the truth with all the evidence to back it up.
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