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NOW, FoxNews Murdock's Wall Street Journal Publisher RESIGNS

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Jul 16, 2011, 4:17:06 AM7/16/11
Murdock's Global Brainwashing Enterprise is collapsing as quickly as
the Soviet Union or the economy under Dumbya Bush.

WSJ publisher quits in phone-hacking scandal
APBy JILL LAWLESS - Associated Press,ROBERT BARR - Associated Press |
AP – 5 hrs ago

LONDON (AP) — Rupert Murdoch accepted the resignations of The Wall
Street Journal's publisher and the chief of his British operations on
Friday as the once-defiant media mogul struggled to control an
escalating phone hacking scandal, offering apologies to the public and
the family of a murdered schoolgirl.

The scandal has knocked billions off the value of Murdoch's News
Corp., scuttled his ambitions to take control of a lucrative satellite
TV company, withered his political power in Britain — and is
threatening to destabilize his globe-spanning empire.

The controversy claimed its first Murdoch executive in the United
States as Les Hinton, chief executive of the Murdoch-owned Dow Jones &
Co. and publisher of the Wall Street Journal, announced he was
resigning with immediate effect.

Murdoch's British lieutenant, Rebekah Brooks, stepped down earlier

Hinton, 67, has worked for Murdoch's News Corp. for 52 years and is
one of the media baron's staunchest allies. He became head of Dow
Jones in December 2007.

He was chairman of Murdoch's British newspaper arm during some of the
years its staffers are alleged to have hacked cell phones, but
testified to a parliamentary committee in 2009 that he had seen no
evidence abuses had spread beyond a single jailed reporter, Clive

Hinton said Friday that "the pain caused to innocent people (by
hacking) is unimaginable."

"That I was ignorant of what apparently happened is irrelevant, and in
the circumstances I feel it is proper for me to resign from News Corp.
and apologize to those hurt by the actions of News of the World," he

Murdoch said he accepted Hinton's resignation with "much sadness." It
capped a difficult week for the embattled mogul.

Just a day after asserting that News Corp. had made only "minor
mistakes," Murdoch issued an apology to run in Britain's national
newspapers for "serious wrongdoing" by the News of the World, which he
shut down last week amid allegations of large-scale illegal hacking by
its staff.

"We are sorry for the serious wrongdoing that occurred. We are deeply
sorry for the hurt suffered by the individuals affected. We regret not
acting faster to sort things out," said the full-page ad, signed by
Murdoch and due to run in Saturday's editions of Britain's main
national newspapers.

Murdoch promised "further concrete steps to resolve these issues and
make amends for the damage they have caused."

Murdoch also met the family of murdered schoolgirl Milly Dowler, whose
phone was hacked by the News of the World in 2002. The revelation that
journalists had accessed her phone in search of scoops inflamed the
long-simmering scandal about illegal eavesdropping by the newspaper.

The 80-year-old mogul emerged from the meeting at a London hotel to
catcalls of "shame on you!" from hecklers. He said that "as founder of
the company I was appalled to find out what had happened and I

Dowler family lawyer Mark Lewis said Murdoch appeared humbled and had
offered "a heartfelt and what seemed to be a very sincere apology."

"I don't think somebody could have held their head in their hands so
many times and said that they were sorry," Lewis said.

Murdoch's tone was dramatically different from an interview published
Thursday in the Wall Street Journal — which is owned by News Corp. —
in which he said the company had handled the crisis "extremely well in
every way possible" and complained he was "getting annoyed" at all the
negative headlines.

The crisis claimed another senior scalp Friday as Brooks, chief
executive of Murdoch's British newspaper division, resigned.

The media magnate had defended the 43-year-old Brooks in the face of
demands she step down from British politicians — including her friend
and neighbor, Prime Minister David Cameron. After previously refusing
to accept her resignation, Murdoch made an abrupt switch as News Corp.
struggled but failed to contain the crisis.

Brooks said she was stepping aside because "my desire to remain on the
bridge has made me a focal point of the debate."

"This is now detracting attention from all our honest endeavors to fix
the problems of the past," she said in an email to staff.

Brooks said she would "concentrate on correcting the distortions and
rebutting the allegations about my record as a journalist, an editor
and executive."

A new chief executive untainted by the U.K. problems, Tom Mockridge,
was installed to replace Brooks at News International, the British arm
of Rupert Murdoch's global News Corp. Mockridge, a 55-year-old New
Zealander, joined News Corp. in 1991 and has been in charge of Sky
Italia since 2003. Dow Jones President Todd Larsen will maintain his
title but will temporarily be the top executive there.

The moves came after News Corp. brought in Edelman Communications to
help with public relations and lobbying — an admission, perhaps, that
its attempts to manage the crisis have so far been a disaster.

News Corp.'s critics say the company underestimated the public and
political anger. Media analyst Claire Enders said the company had cast
itself as a victim — "which is completely impossible for people here
to respond to and is making things worse."

Brooks' departure marks a reversal of fortune for one of Britain's
most powerful media executives, who rose from secretary to CEO during
22 years with News International.

Critics said she should have gone long ago. She was editor of the News
of the World between 2000 and 2003, when the paper's employees
allegedly hacked into 13-year-old Milly's phone as police searched for
her, potentially interfering with the police investigation.

Brooks has always said she had no knowledge of phone hacking, though
she did acknowledge in a 2003 appearance before lawmakers that her
paper had paid police officers for information — an illegal practice
that, along with hacking, is now the center of a criminal

Brooks had been in charge of News International's four — now three —
British newspapers since 2007, following a four-year stint as editor
of the market-leading daily tabloid, The Sun. Just a week ago, she
faced 200 angry employees at the News of the World who had lost their
jobs as she kept hers when Murdoch shut down the paper.

When shareholders began to call for her to go, Brooks' position became
untenable. Saudi Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal Alsaud, the second-largest
News Corp. stockholder, told the BBC on Thursday that if Brooks were
found to be implicated in wrongdoing by the newspapers, "for sure she
has to go."

Her resignation was greeted with relief by British politicians.

Cameron, who had called for Brooks to step down, said she made "the
right decision," said the prime minister's spokesman, Steve Field.

Allegations emerged last week that the News of the World hacked not
only celebrities, politicians and athletes but Dowler, the victims of
London's 2005 terrorist bombings and the families of dead British

The company first shut down the News of the World and then abandoned a
bid to take control of British Sky Broadcasting in an effort to limit
the damage to the greater News Corp. empire, which includes Fox News,
the 20th Century Fox movie studio, the Wall Street Journal, the New
York Post and the three remaining British newspapers — The Sun, The
Times and The Sunday Times.

Hinton has done much to build and steady the Murdoch empire in the
United States, where there were fears Murdoch would damage the
venerable Wall Street Journal brand.

New projects, including a beefed-up New York section and the lifestyle
magazine insert WSJ, helped the 122-year-old paper surpass USA Today
as America's top-selling daily during Hinton's 3-year tenure.

In a memo to staff Friday, Hinton defended Murdoch as a strong backer
of Dow Jones, "allowing us to invest and expand as other media
companies slashed costs."

Hinton, who was named to the AP board in April, had been scheduled to
attend his first board meeting next week, but it now seems certain
that his tenure will be brief.

"We've just heard this news, but the AP board of directors is made up
of current leaders of news companies," said AP spokesman Paul Colford.

Friday's dual departures of two key executives show Murdoch is "trying
to build a firewall between the past and the future of News Corp.,"
said newspaper analyst Ken Doctor.

It also suggests that Murdoch doesn't want the Journal, one of the
world's most respected newspapers, to get tarred in a scandal
involving the tawdry behavior of journalists at a British tabloid.

Protecting the Journal's reputation has become more important to
Murdoch now that the media mogul's political influence in Britain has
been diminished. Doctor believes it's likely News Corp. will sell all
of its British newspapers.

"He has lost his power in Britain and he is never going to get it back
in this lifetime, so there is no longer a reason for him to own News
International," Doctor said. "The movie studio and cable TV is what's
really important to protect now."

The crisis is far from over.

This week Cameron appointed a judge to conduct a sweeping inquiry into
criminal activity at the paper and in the British media.

British police have arrested nine people in their investigation of
phone hacking and alleged bribery of police officers, and have
uncovered a list of 3,700 names of potential victims. Next week
Brooks, Murdoch and his son James face questions from a British
parliamentary committee.

Most worrying for the Murdochs are signs the crisis could spread to
the United States, where the FBI has opened an inquiry into whether
9/11 victims or their families were targeted by News Corp. papers.

News Corp.'s main, nonvoting stock, which has rallied in recent days
after losses last week, increased 20 cents, or 1.3 percent, to close
Friday at $15.64. But the stock fell 19 cents and lost most of
Friday's gains in after-trading following the announcement of Hinton's


Raphael G. Satter, Danica Kirka and Cassandra Vinograd in London,
David Randall and Barbara Ortutay in New York, Michael Liedtke in San
Francisco and Ryan Nakashima in Los Angeles contributed to this
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108Please sign in to rate!Please sign in to rate!1
Dave 10 hours ago

RM will throw everyone not named Murdoch under the bus.
Corporate types regard subordinates as mere cannon fodder.

6 Replies
The Party of YES
90Please sign in to rate!Please sign in to rate!1
The Party of YES 10 hours ago

"Oh what tangled web we weave, when we first practice to
deceive..!" Sir Walter Scott

7 Replies
140Please sign in to rate!Please sign in to rate!3
Gregg 10 hours ago

Just a day from "minor mistakes" to "serious wrongdoing."
Translation from Aussie to English: "I'll say whatever I have to (and
throw under the bus whoever I have to) to save my sorry hind end.

3 Replies
S and B
155Please sign in to rate!Please sign in to rate!4
S and B 10 hours ago

My, my, how the rats run when you shine a light on them. Let
there be more light!

3 Replies
219Please sign in to rate!Please sign in to rate!7
caldude1010101 10 hours ago

If Hinton is stepping down then the FBI must be on to
something. The rats are jumping ship.

6 Replies
My Two Cents
125Please sign in to rate!Please sign in to rate!3
My Two Cents 10 hours ago

Let's see some indictments.

3 Replies
98Please sign in to rate!Please sign in to rate!2
Mike 9 hours ago

Oh, get caught breaking the laws and all you have to do is
resign??? Wonder what happens to us little people if it was the other
way around...

3 Replies
231Please sign in to rate!Please sign in to rate!14
Pedro 10 hours ago

How we let one foreign interest control so much of the media
in this country is insane...and has harmed our nation.

17 Replies
145Please sign in to rate!Please sign in to rate!7
Kazrog 10 hours ago

Shameful. Disgusting. Unconscionable. Subhuman. Criminal. And
those are their good qualities.

2 Replies
Big T
165Please sign in to rate!Please sign in to rate!9
Big T 10 hours ago

I am sure Murdoch was all torn up over the spying on that
family...tore up about his stock prices I mean.

2 Replies
101Please sign in to rate!Please sign in to rate!5
km 10 hours ago

Illegal phone hacking ?? Doesn't this mean that law
enforcement in Britain, the US and other involved countries should be
investigating the allegations and putting people, including Murdoch in
jail, if discovered they were aware of this.

An apology doesn't wipe away an illegal act..... More

3 Replies
76Please sign in to rate!Please sign in to rate!3
JL 9 hours ago

"He [Rupert Murdoch] said that 'as founder of the company I
was appalled to find out what had happened and I apologized.'"

Yeah, Murdoch is sorry... sorry that they got caught...

1 Reply
Othmar Striegel
21Please sign in to rate!Please sign in to rate!0
Othmar Striegel 5 hours ago

Murdooh is a example of the filthy rich not paying their fair
share of taxes, and using tax money to try to rule the world. Do any
of you really believe he is sincere,the only thing he really cares
about is his all mighty dollar.He doesn't really feel bad about
killing that little girl

3 Replies
39Please sign in to rate!Please sign in to rate!1
John 5 hours ago

The scandal has knocked billions off the value of Murdoch's
News Corp., scuttled his ambitions to take control of a lucrative
satellite TV company, withered his political power in Britain — and is
threatening to destabilize his globe-spanning empire.

See? There is a God after all...

3 Replies
114Please sign in to rate!Please sign in to rate!6
Thomas 10 hours ago

This is what happens when you start acting as if trash is
valuable. RM starting running trash news long ago and brought and paid
for politicians along the way. He gained access to some of the most
powerful people in the world but, at the end of the day, he's nothing
more than trash.

Who's Watching Who
32Please sign in to rate!Please sign in to rate!1
Who's Watching Who 4 hours ago

Funny how Fair and Balanced FOX doesn't want to cover this
story. Must be against company policy to tap their own lines.

3 Replies
Outraged in Omaha
110Please sign in to rate!Please sign in to rate!8
Outraged in Omaha 10 hours ago

Murdoch and his thugs hacked into at least 4,000 people's
phones and computers. All of them should be in prsion.

6 Replies
51Please sign in to rate!Please sign in to rate!3
Call_me_M 8 hours ago

It is unconscionable that a foreign entity can control so much
of the media in AMERICA! I wonder if people realize just how much of
America has been sold to foreign interests. It's time America became
AMERICA again. I say good riddance to Murdoch and hope an American
will purchase the Wall... More

5 Replies
13Please sign in to rate!Please sign in to rate!0
. 3 hours ago

Boycott all of Murdoch's media empire including Fox, Fox News,
The WallStreet Journal,
and all their Advertisers.

4 Replies
113Please sign in to rate!Please sign in to rate!11
barb 10 hours ago

How do we know WSJ wasn't hacking phones just like News of the
World? I think it very likely they were doing the same. Why else would
this Hinton crook resign?

11 Replies

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