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American gun loons arm Mexican cartels to the teeth

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Klaus Schadenfreude

Nov 29, 2023, 6:54:26 PM11/29/23
American gun loons arm Mexican cartels to the teeth. We American gun
loons are vermin and scourge of the earth. I am damn proud. LOL.

US-based Mexican Mafia gang members reveal how they're able to legally
buy firearms in America and smuggle up to ONE HUNDRED across the border
to Mexico every few days

Members of the Mexican Mafia in Los Angeles revealed how easy it is to
smuggle assault rifles and guns to Mexico

The gang claimed they traffic at least 100 weapons every three to four days

The weapons can be sold at three times the legal purchase price before
they land in the hands of gangs and cartels in Mexico Published: 16:18 EST, 29 November 2023

JE Corbett

Nov 29, 2023, 7:49:31 PM11/29/23
We are spreading democracy to Mexico through the barrel of our guns.
Praise 2nd Amendment. Long live gun loons!!! LOL

Joe Biden

Nov 29, 2023, 7:52:56 PM11/29/23
[Default] Wannabe typed:

>> US-based Mexican Mafia gang members reveal how they're able to legally
>> buy firearms in America and smuggle up to ONE HUNDRED across the
>> border to Mexico every few days

>We are spreading democracy to Mexico through the barrel of our guns.
>Praise 2nd Amendment. Long live gun loons!!! LOL

Come on, man! The border is secure!

😎 Mighty Wannabe ✅

Nov 29, 2023, 8:09:57 PM11/29/23
We are arming the Mexican cartels. We want cocaine and fentanyl. LOL

We are inspired by Chairman Mao - Political power grows out of the
barrel of a gun.

JE Corbett

Nov 29, 2023, 8:28:10 PM11/29/23
Second Amendment forever!!! Praise Mao!!!

max headroom

Nov 29, 2023, 9:41:13 PM11/29/23
Feeble Wannabe <klaus.schadenfreude.lö> wrote in

> American gun loons arm Mexican cartels to the teeth. We American gun
> loons are vermin and scourge of the earth. I am damn proud. LOL.

> US-based Mexican Mafia gang members reveal how they're able to
> legally buy firearms in America and smuggle up to ONE HUNDRED across
> the border to Mexico every few days

> Members of the Mexican Mafia in Los Angeles revealed how easy it is
> to smuggle assault rifles and guns to Mexico

> The gang claimed they traffic at least 100 weapons every three to
> four days

> The weapons can be sold at three times the legal purchase price
> before they land in the hands of gangs and cartels in Mexico

I doubt the cartels will pay $50,000 to $60,000 for an assault rifle
when they can buy four or five dozen from their Chinese partners for
that price.

Klaus Schadenfreude

Nov 30, 2023, 11:13:48 AM11/30/23
[Default] super70s <supe...@super70s.invalid> typed:

>In article <179c3d369b51b65e$24876$105354$>,
> Klaus Schadenfreude <klaus.schadenfreude.lö> wrote:
>> American gun loons arm Mexican cartels to the teeth. We American gun
>> loons are vermin and scourge of the earth.
>Bad santa klaus finally does a mea culpa, who knew.

Super70's is too fucking stupid to recognize a forged post.

Who knew.


JE Corbett

Nov 30, 2023, 7:20:31 PM11/30/23
On 11/29/2023 9:32 PM, max headroom wrote:
> Crazy Kraut <klaus.schadenfreude.lö> wrote in
AR-15 semi-automatic rifle could go for up to 9,000 pesos (around $1,800).

Mexican cartels don't use AKs.

You must be stupid.

Mighty Wannabe's Co-Owner

Nov 30, 2023, 7:32:19 PM11/30/23
[Default] JE Corbett <> typed:
Looks like you're the stupid one. But we knew that already.

What makes you so stupid? Are you drinking that Flint tap water again?

The US military could take Russia and rape it over a kitchen table at will.

[This post is a direct and flagrant violation of the Russian Criminal Code prohibition on Russophobic statements.
Russian Criminal Code (article 280.3)
Code of Administrative Offences (article 20.3. 3)]

JE Corbett

Nov 30, 2023, 7:57:47 PM11/30/23
On 11/30/2023 7:32 PM, Mighty Wannabe's Co-Owner wrote:
> [Default] JE Corbett <> typed:
>> On 11/29/2023 9:32 PM, max headroom wrote:
>>> Crazy Kraut <klaus.schadenfreude.lö> wrote in
>>> message
>>>> American gun loons arm Mexican cartels to the teeth. We American gun
>>>> loons are vermin and scourge of the earth. I am damn proud. LOL.
>>>> US-based Mexican Mafia gang members reveal how they're able to
>>>> legally buy firearms in America and smuggle up to ONE HUNDRED across
>>>> the border to Mexico every few days
>>>> Members of the Mexican Mafia in Los Angeles revealed how easy it is
>>>> to smuggle assault rifles and guns to Mexico
>>>> The gang claimed they traffic at least 100 weapons every three to
>>>> four days
>>>> The weapons can be sold at three times the legal purchase price
>>>> before they land in the hands of gangs and cartels in Mexico
>>> I doubt the cartels will pay $50,000 to $60,000 for an assault rifle
>>> when they can buy four or five dozen from their Chinese partners for
>>> that price.
>> AR-15 semi-automatic rifle could go for up to 9,000 pesos (around $1,800).
>> Mexican cartels don't use AKs.
>> You must be stupid.
> Looks like you're the stupid one. But we knew that already.

You must be stupid. Mexican cartel members don't dress like guerrillas.
Those people in your photo are Colombian rebels who cannot afford ARs.

Governor Swill

Dec 1, 2023, 4:56:29 AM12/1/23
On Thu, 30 Nov 2023 16:32:08 -0800, Mighty Wannabe's Co-Owner <>

>[Default] JE Corbett <> typed:
>>On 11/29/2023 9:32 PM, max headroom wrote:
>>> Crazy Kraut <klaus.schadenfreude.lö> wrote in
>>> message
>>>> American gun loons arm Mexican cartels to the teeth. We American gun
>>>> loons are vermin and scourge of the earth. I am damn proud. LOL.
>>>> US-based Mexican Mafia gang members reveal how they're able to
>>>> legally buy firearms in America and smuggle up to ONE HUNDRED across
>>>> the border to Mexico every few days
>>>> Members of the Mexican Mafia in Los Angeles revealed how easy it is
>>>> to smuggle assault rifles and guns to Mexico
>>>> The gang claimed they traffic at least 100 weapons every three to
>>>> four days
>>>> The weapons can be sold at three times the legal purchase price
>>>> before they land in the hands of gangs and cartels in Mexico
>>> I doubt the cartels will pay $50,000 to $60,000 for an assault rifle
>>> when they can buy four or five dozen from their Chinese partners for
>>> that price.
>>AR-15 semi-automatic rifle could go for up to 9,000 pesos (around $1,800).
>>Mexican cartels don't use AKs.
>>You must be stupid.
>Looks like you're the stupid one. But we knew that already.
>What makes you so stupid? Are you drinking that Flint tap water again?

Brembo Racing is in the drug business?

>The US military could take Russia and rape it over a kitchen table at will.

It already has.

"I don't want everybody to vote. As a matter of fact, our leverage in
the elections quite candidly goes up as the voting populace goes down."
- Paul Weyrich, co founder of Heritage Foundation and Moral Majority

Not left, not right,

Heroyam slava! Glory to the Heroes!

Sláva Ukrajíni! Glory to Ukraine!

Putin tse prezervatyv! Putin is a condom!

Go here to donate to Ukrainian relief.

Governor Swill

Dec 1, 2023, 4:57:28 AM12/1/23
Actually it's the Brembo Racing pit team.

Mighty Wannabe's Co-Owner

Dec 1, 2023, 7:06:21 AM12/1/23
[Default] JE Corbett <> typed:

>On 11/30/2023 7:32 PM, Mighty Wannabe's Co-Owner wrote:
>> [Default] Wannabe typed:
>>> On 11/29/2023 9:32 PM, max headroom wrote:
>>>> Crazy Kraut <klaus.schadenfreude.lö> wrote in
>>>> message
>>>>> American gun loons arm Mexican cartels to the teeth. We American gun
>>>>> loons are vermin and scourge of the earth. I am damn proud. LOL.
>>>>> US-based Mexican Mafia gang members reveal how they're able to
>>>>> legally buy firearms in America and smuggle up to ONE HUNDRED across
>>>>> the border to Mexico every few days
>>>>> Members of the Mexican Mafia in Los Angeles revealed how easy it is
>>>>> to smuggle assault rifles and guns to Mexico
>>>>> The gang claimed they traffic at least 100 weapons every three to
>>>>> four days
>>>>> The weapons can be sold at three times the legal purchase price
>>>>> before they land in the hands of gangs and cartels in Mexico
>>>> I doubt the cartels will pay $50,000 to $60,000 for an assault rifle
>>>> when they can buy four or five dozen from their Chinese partners for
>>>> that price.
>>> AR-15 semi-automatic rifle could go for up to 9,000 pesos (around $1,800).
>>> Mexican cartels don't use AKs.
>>> You must be stupid.
>> Looks like you're the stupid one. But we knew that already.
>I must be stupid.

Oh, of that there is no doubt.

max headroom

Dec 1, 2023, 3:55:18 PM12/1/23
In news:179c8d376732fdbe$25557$105354$,
Feeble Wannabe <> typed:

> On 11/29/2023 9:32 PM, max headroom wrote:
>> Crazy Kraut <klaus.schadenfreude.lö> wrote in
>> message

>>> American gun loons arm Mexican cartels to the teeth. We American gun
>>> loons are vermin and scourge of the earth. I am damn proud. LOL.
>>> US-based Mexican Mafia gang members reveal how they're able to
>>> legally buy firearms in America and smuggle up to ONE HUNDRED across
>>> the border to Mexico every few days
>>> Members of the Mexican Mafia in Los Angeles revealed how easy it is
>>> to smuggle assault rifles and guns to Mexico
>>> The gang claimed they traffic at least 100 weapons every three to
>>> four days
>>> The weapons can be sold at three times the legal purchase price
>>> before they land in the hands of gangs and cartels in Mexico
>> I doubt the cartels will pay $50,000 to $60,000 for an assault
>> rifle when they can buy four or five dozen from their Chinese
>> partners for that price.

> AR-15 semi-automatic rifle could go for up to 9,000 pesos (around
> $1,800).

At $0.0582US to the peso, that's $523.80US.

But it's irrelevant.

> Mexican cartels don't use AKs.

Why not?

> You must be stupid.

Don't flatter yourself.

JE Corbett

Dec 1, 2023, 4:54:46 PM12/1/23
ARs use US standard ammo. You must be stupid.

Mighty Wannabe's Co-Owner

Dec 1, 2023, 5:36:53 PM12/1/23
[Default] Wannabe wishing he was JE Corbett <>

Oh no, Max! We got us a firearms expert here!


max headroom

Dec 3, 2023, 11:31:32 PM12/3/23
Mighty Wannabe's Co-Owner <> typed:
Merciful heavens! How can we ever refute his expertise?

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