> On 11/29/2023 9:32 PM, max headroom wrote:
>> Crazy Kraut <klaus.schadenfreude.lö
schen.@gmail.com> wrote in
>> message
>>> American gun loons arm Mexican cartels to the teeth. We American gun
>>> loons are vermin and scourge of the earth. I am damn proud. LOL.
>>> US-based Mexican Mafia gang members reveal how they're able to
>>> legally buy firearms in America and smuggle up to ONE HUNDRED across
>>> the border to Mexico every few days
>>> Members of the Mexican Mafia in Los Angeles revealed how easy it is
>>> to smuggle assault rifles and guns to Mexico
>>> The gang claimed they traffic at least 100 weapons every three to
>>> four days
>>> The weapons can be sold at three times the legal purchase price
>>> before they land in the hands of gangs and cartels in Mexico
>> I doubt the cartels will pay $50,000 to $60,000 for an assault
>> rifle when they can buy four or five dozen from their Chinese
>> partners for that price.
> AR-15 semi-automatic rifle could go for up to 9,000 pesos (around
> $1,800).
Don't flatter yourself.