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Man of color faces 14 charges after New Years Eve arrest in Leon County

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Feb 21, 2024, 2:45:04 AM2/21/24
In article <t22tbd$3biv9$>
trumps bitch <> wrote:

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WCTV) - According to the Leon County
Sheriff’s office, 21-year-old Cridaorion V. Byrd of Bainbridge,
Ga, was arrested in Tallahassee on New Year’s Eve.

Court documents show he faces 14 charges, including grand theft
of an automobile, hit and run and burglary.

Records show that on Friday morning a Tallahassee judge ordered
Byrd to stay away from several residences in Bainbridge and to
have no contact with a handful of alleged victims.

WCTV is still waiting for the release of a probable cause
affidavit, which will provide more details on what led up to the

Byrd is currently booked at the Leon County Jail.

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