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Deep Blue City Wants NATIONAL GUARD To Deal With Bad Kids

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Feb 20, 2024, 8:30:09 PMFeb 20

Massachusetts school requests National Guard to be brought in
to crackdown on students running amok

Violence and security concerns have been raised at Brockton
High School, with 11 students arrested and charged just last
week after a brawl in the school

Committee members Joyce Asack, Tony Rodrigues, Claudio Gomes
and Ana Oliver requested immediate assistance last week
'to prevent a potential tragedy'

In a letter from last week, the four have asked for the
assistance of the National Guard to 'assist in restoring
order' at the school

. . .

WELL .... let's SEE ......

Roughly five to one BIDEN voters ... DEEP Blue.

Wikipedia shows only six percent registered as GOP.

The "defund" craze also hit :


The national guard should tell 'em to just fuck
off and live with their horrible mistakes.

Oh, noted, there was a riot at the HS a little
while back where several were stabbed. Then
someone went TO the hospital and STABBED HIS
RIVAL EVEN MORE there. That's the kind of
mentality that's developed.

That blue/defund shit does NOT lead to any
Age Of Aquarius hippy-dippy utopia, it
leads to Mad Max - and we've been seeing
this in deep blue towns for a long time now.

David LaRue

Feb 20, 2024, 8:52:10 PMFeb 20
"68g.1509" <> wrote in

> requests-National-Guard-crackdown.html
> Massachusetts school requests National Guard to be brought in
> to crackdown on students running amok
> Violence and security concerns have been raised at Brockton
> High School, with 11 students arrested and charged just last
> week after a brawl in the school
> Committee members Joyce Asack, Tony Rodrigues, Claudio Gomes
> and Ana Oliver requested immediate assistance last week
> 'to prevent a potential tragedy'
> In a letter from last week, the four have asked for the
> assistance of the National Guard to 'assist in restoring
> order' at the school

Teach and enforce values (again) and the problem would go away. They did
it to themselves and don't understand why.

Trump - Inmate Number P01135809

Feb 21, 2024, 10:32:34 AMFeb 21

Trump Isn’t Merely Unhinged

Many of his recent statements illustrate a profoundly un-American set of

November 13, 2023, 7:30 AM ET

With apologies to a certain newspaper’s slogan, many of Donald Trump’s
most dangerous statements hide in the plain light of day.

The problem is not that they don’t get reported on—they do—but even so,
they are easy to tune out, perhaps because he’s been saying outlandish
things for so long that people simply can’t bring themselves to parse the
new ones; or perhaps because they’ve become accustomed, or at least numb,
to his utterances; or perhaps because they don’t want to let him occupy
their headspace; or perhaps because he got kicked off Twitter (now X) and
they had no interest in joining Truth Social. Or maybe it’s because the
more sinister material gets mixed up with his strange elocutions (“We’re
gonna have a great country—it’s gonna be called the United States of
America”), contrarian hot takes (“You know, Hezbollah is very smart.
They’re all very smart”), and gibberish (“All of these indictments that
you see—I was never indicted. Practically never heard the word. It wasn’t
a word that registered”).

From the November 2023 issue: How we got ‘democracy dies in darkness’

Whatever the case may be, Trump has continued to make plainly dangerous
and stunning remarks. Notwithstanding his rival Governor Ron DeSantis’s
recent claim that Trump has “lost the zip on his fastball,” the former
president continues to produce substantive ideas—which is not to say they
are wise or prudent, but they are certainly more than gibberish. In fact,
much of what Trump is discussing is un-American, not merely in the sense
of being antithetical to some imagined national set of mores, but in that
his ideas contravene basic principles of the Constitution or other bedrock
bases of American government.

They are the sorts of ideas that would have been shocking to hear from any
mainstream politician just a decade ago. And yet, today, Trump—arguably
the single most influential figure in the United States—says these things,
and they hardly register. Consider the following examples, all from just
the past few months:
1. Promised to destroy the federal government as we know it.

Trump has been promising in speeches to “demolish the deep state.” What he
means by that is to end the federal government as it exists today,
eliminating the civil-service jobs that have been in place since the late
19th century. This is clear because former Trump aides who are designing
the effort, part of a sort of shadow government housed at conservative
think tanks, are open about what they have in mind, as my colleague
Russell Berman reports: a federal workforce that can be fired by the
president at will and must follow his personal whims. That would be a
major departure from the current system, where employees are permanent
professionals who work for administrations of both parties and are meant
to focus on effective implementation, rather than political hacks chosen
for their loyalty.
2. Argued that a presidential candidate should be immune from prosecution.

While attempting to dodge the 91 criminal indictments against him, Trump
argued in a July 10 court filing that he shouldn’t have to deal with the
hassle of a federal trial, because running for president “requires a
tremendous amount of time and energy.” This goes directly against the idea
that no U.S. citizen is above the law.
3. Insulted and attempted to intimidate judges, prosecutors, witnesses,
and others.

Trump hasn’t just made arguments in court related to the criminal and
civil cases against him; he has also produced a steady stream of invective
directed at anyone involved in the cases, to the point of seeking to
intimidate witnesses, court staff, and even prosecutors’ family members.
Subjects of his threats include the federal judge Tanya Chutkan; New York
Justice Arthur Engoron; Engoron’s law clerk (for which Trump was slapped
with a gag order); New York Attorney General Letitia James, including his
inscrutable and maybe racist nickname for her; Mark Meadows, the former
White House chief of staff and a possible witness; Special Counsel Jack
Smith; and even Smith’s wife, a documentary filmmaker. Smith’s team
successfully convinced Chutkan that some of these infractions could
threaten the likelihood of a fair trial, and she ordered Trump to stop,
though she permitted him to attack her and President Joe Biden, among
others, and to call his prosecution political. Trump appealed the order
but lost, then promptly attacked another potential witness, former
Attorney General Bill Barr. (An appeals court has now paused the order
once more.)
4. Continued to claim that the election was stolen.

Trump continues to insist, despite presenting no real evidence and losing
every relevant court case, that he actually won the 2020 election. “I
don’t consider us to have much of a democracy right now,” he said on Meet
the Press on September 17. Perversely, Trump now has some incentive to
keep lying about the election rather than acknowledge that he lost: Part
of Smith’s case is premised on the idea that Trump knew he had been
defeated. A functioning democracy depends on the consent of the losers;
throughout U.S. history, losers of elections have sometimes grumbled
fiercely and other times taken losses gracefully, but none has ever tried
to stay in office and then continued to claim he was the rightful winner
in the manner Trump has.

Read: Democracy depends on the consent of losers
5. Excused the January 6 riot.

On Meet the Press and elsewhere, Trump has continued to excuse the riot on
January 6, 2021, and to argue that people charged in the riots are
political prisoners. He told the Meet the Press moderator, Kristen Welker,
that he might pardon people convicted of federal crimes for their
involvement in the assault on the seat of U.S. government: “Well, I’m
going to look at them, and I certainly might if I think it’s appropriate.
No, it’s a very, very sad thing. And it’s—they’re dividing the country so
badly, and it’s very dangerous.” He has since referred to these people as
“hostages,” a description that makes sense only if you find the very idea
of policing the insurrection illegitimate.
6. Entertained pardoning himself.

Trump also continues to flirt with the idea of granting himself a pardon,
typically saying he doesn’t see any need for it but refusing to rule it
out. Most mainstream scholars say a self-pardon is probably not
constitutional and certainly not something the framers intended.
7. Menaced American Jews for not voting for him.

During Rosh Hashanah, on September 17, Trump shared a meme that read,
“Just a reminder for liberal Jews who voted to destroy America & Israel
because you believed false narratives! Let’s hope you learned from your
mistake & make better choices going forward!” As my colleague Yair
Rosenberg wrote, Trump has often made such offensive remarks about the
loyalties—perceived or desired—of American Jews, but this was
“particularly ugly in the way it deliberately singled out a specific
constituency during that constituency’s holiest season.”
8. Suggested executing Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley.

Apparently outraged by the Atlantic editor in chief Jeffrey Goldberg’s
profile of General Mark Milley, whom Trump appointed chairman of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff, Trump on September 22 accused Milley of treason and
suggested that he deserved the death penalty. “This guy turned out to be a
Woke train wreck who, if the Fake News reporting is correct, was actually
dealing with China to give them a heads up on the thinking of the
President of the United States. This is an act so egregious that, in times
gone by, the punishment would have been DEATH!” Trump wrote. Trump’s loose
and sloppy treason accusations have always undermined the Constitution,
and many past comments like this have precipitated threats and even
attacks from Trump supporters.
9. Accused NBC of treason and threatened to pull it off the air.

Trump has never had any interest in upholding the First Amendment, but his
remarks on September 24 were unusually sharp. Trump wrote that NBC News,
and especially MSNBC, “should be investigated for its ‘Country Threatening
Treason.’ Why should NBC, or any other of the corrupt & dishonest media
companies, be entitled to use the very valuable Airwaves of the USA, FREE?
They are a true threat to Democracy and are, in fact, THE ENEMY OF THE
PEOPLE!” This sort of demonization of the press is dangerous per se—as
demonstrated by attacks on journalists—as are Trump’s casual accusations
of treason, but this one carries a clear threat to try to use the power of
the federal government to punish a news organization for reporting he
doesn’t like. This contradicts even the most limited, basic understanding
of the importance of a free press, as protected by the First Amendment.
(Set aside the dissonance of saying this shortly after granting an in-
depth interview to NBC News!)
10. Promised to lock up political opponents.

During a September 28 interview, Trump said he would imprison his
political adversaries if he is reelected. Glenn Beck asked Trump, “You
said in 2016, you know, ‘Lock her up.’ And then when you became president,
you said, ‘We don’t do that in America.’ That’s just not the right thing
to do. That’s what they’re doing. Do you regret not locking her up? And if
you’re president again, will you lock people up?” Trump replied, “Uh, the
answer is you have no choice because they’re doing it to us.” Because
Trump believes, or claims to believe, that he is being prosecuted for
purely political reasons, he’s vowing to go after his political opponents
for the crime of being his political opponents—a violation of both free-
speech and due-process protections.
11. Recommended extrajudicial executions.

At a rally two days later, on September 30, Trump once again advocated
going around the criminal-justice system to administer vigilante
punishment. “Very simply, if you rob a store, you can fully expect to be
shot as you are leaving that store,” he told the California Republican
Party, adding: “Shot!” (The Associated Press, either too nonchalantly or
with dry understatement, described it this way: “Trump animates California
Republicans with calls to shoot people who rob stores.”) This, too,
violates the basic concept of due process for accused criminals.
12. Called for a judge overseeing his case to be prosecuted.

Among Trump’s many fulminations against Justice Engoron, Trump told
reporters on October 2 not only that the judge should be removed from the
bench, but that he should face prosecution—for no apparent crime other
than being assigned to Trump’s case and ruling against Trump. “This is a
judge that should be disbarred,” he said. “This is a judge that should be
out of office. This is a judge that some people say could be charged
criminally for what he’s doing. He’s interfering with an election.”

David A. Graham: Donald Trump is any defense attorney’s nightmare
13. Told voters not to bother voting.

During an October 23 rally in New Hampshire, Trump told attendees, “You
don’t have to vote, don’t worry about voting. The voting, we got plenty of
votes, you gotta watch.” As is sometimes the case with Trump, it’s hard to
tell whether this is intended as a joke; or a statement that if all votes
were counted, he would win; or as some sort of intimation of stealing the
election himself. In any case, discouraging civic participation
contradicts the basic principle of a government by, for, and of the
14. Celebrated the antidemocratic strongman Viktor Orbán.

At the same rally, Trump talked about his love for one of the most
repressive leaders in Europe: “There’s a man, Viktor Orbán, did anyone
ever hear of him? He’s probably, like, one of the strongest leaders
anywhere in the world. He’s the leader of Turkey,” Trump said, adding that
he had a “front” on Russia. In fact, Orbán is the leader of Hungary (Trump
later corrected himself), and neither country shares a border with Russia.
More to the point, Orbán—who proudly describes himself as “illiberal”—is
an authoritarian who has become a darling of the Trumpist right, as my
colleague Anne Applebaum has explained.
15. Promised to indict Joe Biden.

The biggest headlines out of Trump’s October 29 rally in Sioux City, Iowa,
came from his confusing the city with Sioux Falls, South Dakota—the sort
of slipup that undermines his attacks on Biden as senile. But the more
substantively disturbing thing Trump said at the rally was that his own
indictments would give him permission to politically prosecute his
predecessor. “They brought our country to a new level, and, but that
allows—think of this—that allows us to do it to Biden, when he gets out,”
Trump said. “And that would be very easy.”

In a Univision interview that aired November 9, he added: “They have done
something that allows the next party—I mean, if somebody, if I happen to
be president and I see somebody who’s doing well and beating me very
badly, I say ‘Go down and indict them.’ They’d be out of business, they’d
be out of the election.” This goes beyond Trump’s suggestion of going
after his opponents in a general way. Few things could be more directly
counter to the idea of a democratic republic, and more redolent of a
failed state, than a pretextual prosecution of one’s predecessor.


Feb 21, 2024, 4:57:08 PMFeb 21
On 2/21/24 12:57 PM, pothead wrote:
> That is the solution.

But the Blues CAN'T. They have been programmed for 60+ years
to see 'ethics'/'morality' and 'values' and appreciation
for civ as something OPPRESSORS do. Added on more recently
was the BLM stuff - so only PART of the perp pop can be
held accountable for its actions or you're a RACIST
oppressor. Then ANTIFA made disorder and warping of
reality fashionable, obligatory - complain or actually
analyze and you're now a RACIST *FASCIST* Oppressor.

It's a mind trap they cannot seem to escape. Even if they
get robbed, raped and stabbed repeatedly it's not the
fault of THEIR politics - it's the FASCIST COLONIALISTS !
Rather like one of those cults - a ring of mirrors all
facing inwards - the alpha and omega of all.

So, is there anything to DO about this ? Not so much.
SOME will eventually wise up, but most won't. The best
we can do is peel off as many doubters as possible
and TRY to consolidate a majority of different-thinkers.
The further-left has been at this since the early 1900s
and they're GOOD at their work. Tailgunner Joe was just
a blip, a little speed-bump, and he did it so poorly
that it INCREASED the leftist ranks.

John Doe

Feb 21, 2024, 5:27:05 PMFeb 21
There sure seems to be a lot of resistance to the idea that all people
have value.

History has not been kind to the "master race" kind of folks.
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