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Antifa infiltrator, doxxer, and FBI informant unmasked as autistic transsexual video gamer

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D. Ray

Dec 31, 2023, 11:02:29 PM12/31/23
This article was made possible in part by extremist Discord leaks
published by our friends at the William McKinley Institute. The leaks in
their entirety are now publicly available and can be accessed here:



Richmond, Virginia – A prolific Antifa infiltrator, researcher, and FBI
informant for multiple antifascist cells has now been positively
identified. Thanks to an anonymous tip and chat logs obtained from a
leaked Discord server, the individual behind the violent Antifa
pseudonym “6L3THAL” has been unmasked as an unemployed video gamer from
the suburbs of Richmond, Virginia.

The Justice Report was able to independently verify the chat logs first
obtained by the online activist groups Patriot Youth and the Appalachian
Archives to identify 6L3THAL as 19-year-old Atticus “Ashlynn” Baldwin of
Richmond, Virginia, an exceptionally violent male-to-female transsexual
and member of numerous antifascist organizations. According to the
leaked Discord, Baldwin would play a key role in the AIF’s doxxing
operation, collaborating with fellow Antifa to send the names,
addresses, and social media posts of so-called “fascists” to the FBI.

“Hello. My name is Ashlynn. I’m a trans woman from Richmond, VA, who has
had enough of the hateful lies and rhetoric the fascists in power
spread,” said Baldwin in an introductory post made in November of
2022. “I’ve been studying political extremism, especially on the right,
for about a year now.”

“I want to help make a difference in this country, to help unite as many
people against fascism as I can,” he continued.

Baldwin’s idea of “unity” against fascism would be underlined with
violence and overt calls for murder of his perceived political
opposition. According to statements made on Discord, Baldwin would
regularly call for right-wingers, ranging from members of the National
Socialist Movement to Conservative pundit Matt Walsh, to be “lined up
against the wall,” a euphemism widely understood as the extrajudicial
killing of political opponents.

“Line people like this up against the wall. I wanna dox this c–t,”
stated Baldwin in a March 5th, 2023 post. “If it were up to me, Walsh
would be one of the first to stand up against the wall,” he stated a few
days later before posting a scene from the Quentin Tarantino-directed,
Jewish revenge fantasy Inglorious Basterds.

On X, Formerly Twitter, Baldwin’s calls to violence would persist,
albeit in a more subdued form. Using his anonymous X account @6_thal,
Baldwin would post violent memes and gifs of war crimes committed
against German soldiers and air a personal desire to “smash some Nazi
skulls.” Like Discord, he would also use it to promote FBI collaboration
and share or “boost” the dox material of pro-White activists.

He would also use his account to boost and spread awareness of the
ill-fated “Trans Day of Vengeance,” a multi-day protest planned in
Washington DC that was ultimately canceled after a bloody spree-shooting
carried out by transgender mass murderer at around the same time made
the idea of Transgenderism intolerable for most Americans. The failed
rally even led to the shuttering of an entire chapter of the John Brown
Gun Club, whose anti-cop members ironically collaborated with the FBI
after a fellow trans member indicated he might commit violence on the
day of the protest.

While Baldwin’s violent rhetoric is deeply alarming, his desire to
silence, deplatform, and demonize working-class White people for their
political views is equally abhorrent, and appears numerous times on
social media. Using Discord, Baldwin would coordinate with his AIF
comrades to brigade and mass report the accounts of anyone he deemed a
“nazi” until they became permanently banned. Large right-wing accounts,
like those belonging to Red Ice TV or other groups, would be referred to
as “titans” for him to “bring down.”

A highly online individual, Baldwin would regularly document the likes,
shares, and mutual follows of right-wingers and use the information to
blackmail them during lengthy Twitter arguments. “If it were up to me,
and every Nazi account, no matter how subtle, would be immediately
banned,” he commented in a May 4th, 2032 post. “I’ll never let these
Nazi fucks win.”

Taking it one step further, Baldwin would orchestrate the doxes of
multiple individuals from across the right-wing spectrum. From September
2022 to November 2023, he would personally contribute 198 times to AIF’s
“Fascists Online” chat, a room where members would pool the names and
residential information of members of various right-wing activist
groups, including, but not limited to, Patriot Front, White Lives
Matter, Active Clubs, Proud Boys, and the now-defunct White civil rights
organization, the National Justice Party.

Baldwin was so effective at dredging up private information that he
would serve as a point of contact for many in the AIF looking to join
the groups’ illict doxxing operation, and was admired by admins for
being “highly effective” at “infiltrating fascist chats and revealing
their identities.” In a post dated February of 2023, Baldwin gave
further insight into his methods and admitted to manipulating photos to
dupe his opposition on Telegram, gaining access to their chats.

“I face swapped an AI-generated face from above with a picture of a dude
in a neo-nazi motorcycle club and added the nazi flag in the
background,” said Baldwin. “I decided to design a flag for my Nazi
Telegram infiltration profile pic… I tried to follow the example of
other nazi fuckers who had flags in their (profile picture) and ended up
with these.”

“All you gotta do is say whatever slurs they do, and they believe
you. They’re really dumb,” he continued in another.

While it’s long been understood that members of the anti-White extremism
movement, commonly referred to as “Antifa,” will lurk inside public
chatrooms in an attempt to agitate, Baldwin pushes the envelope,
breaking antifascist principles by sending names, addresses, and
personal statements made by his targets directly to the FBI via their
online portal.

In a post dated February 29th, Baldwin educates other members of AIF to
follow his lead and even provides a direct link to the Bureau’s website
used to solicit tips.

“For anyone who is interested in finding information on Alt-Right
extremists though Telegram or any other Alt-Tech sites…you can submit a
tip to the FBI with screenshots of the terroristic messages and the
identities of said extremists at (FBI website),” he said.

Baldwin’s willingness to collaborate with cops can be traced as far back
as December of 2022 when fellow AIF user Aces High suggested that
Baldwin report a “traitorous” White nationalist. When Baldwin sought to
clarify if the user meant reporting the person to the FBI, Aces High
replied, “Yup.”

“You got it,” replied Baldwin.

Eventually, Baldwin’s sadistic comments and near-constant drip of
private information into the AIF’s Discord server would illicit concern
from his fellow antifascists. One user would suggest that Baldwin make a
separate discussion before Discord admins “nuke the chat” for illegal
activity. The suggestion would be ignored.

While Baldwin would regularly demonstrate that he lives the majority of
his life in the online realm, he would occasionally take his antifascist
activities into the real world. In March, Baldwin would join dozens of
other Antifascists—including infamous antifascist agent Kristopher
Goad—in storming a pro-life lecture conducted by the Conservative
activist group Students for Life at Virginia Commonwealth
University. The incident would lead to violence and multiple arrests,
according to Fox News.

Baldwin would also fixate on the removal of pro-White stickers and
promotional materials found on light posts and surfaces in his city of
Richmond, Virginia. He eventually became so proud of his accomplishments
that he would conduct multiple threads on the /r/RVA subreddit and use
his newly gained e-clout in an attempt to recruit other Antifa in the

“I have been tracking and removing fascist sticker placements around
Richmond for a while now, and it’s time I made it clear how much of a
problem fascist propaganda is,” bemoaned Baldwin in a Reddit post dated
September of 2023. “If you are interested in joining the effort to
remove this propaganda, DM me and we can talk about it.”

In the threads, Baldwin would use the opportunity to propagate the
common myth that right-wingers deliberately place razor blades
underneath stickers to deter Antifa from taking them down. He also
admitted to placing up his own stickers, encouraging others to join him,
as well as promoting a local Antifa cell known as the RVA United Front,
in which he appears to be a member himself.

“Oh yea I’ve been removing a lot of those around Shockoe as well, most
of the Iron Front stickers were put up by me and some other members of
the United Front as well :),” he replied.

Identifying Atticus “Ashlynn” Baldwin as the man behind the antifascist
pseudonym “6L3THAL” was relatively easy. The Justice Report first became
aware of 6L3THAL after an anonymous tip was submitted via tipline from a
concerned local citizen of Richmond. As it turned out, the user was also
present in the AIF chat leaks made available via the William McKinley
Institute earlier this year. By cross-referencing Baldwin’s publicly
available social media accounts, most of which use the same combination
of letters and numbers for their usernames, investigators were able to
suss out Baldwin and make the connection.

Baldwin’s birthname of Atticus would be obtained by viewing his public
Facebook page, which still holds the original URL of atticus.baldwin.988
despite a public label of “Ashlynn” Baldwin. The same name also appears
on multiple web pages and accounts still operated by Baldwin.

Profile of anti-White hate: Atticus “Ashlynn” Baldwin, aka “6L3THAL”

Originally hailing from El Paso, Texas, Atticus “Ashlynn” Baldwin, aka
6L3THAL, is an autistic transgender “woman” currently living with his
biological mother in the suburbs of Richmond, Virginia. He describes
himself as an anti-racist Norse pagan, communist, and anarchist who
holds a seething hatred of the Christian faith. While he claims to have
once subscribed to a “white supremacist” ideology, homeschooling broke
him away from conservative politics in favor of progressive ideals.

In reality, Baldwin’s descent into anti-White extremism and a newfound
transgender identity appears to directly correlate with the tragic death
of his father, William “Bill” Baldwin, a talented barber from El
Paso. According to a GoFundMe set up by the family, Bill Baldwin
suffered from an advanced case of colorectal cancer. Bill, a devout
Christian and beloved family man would eventually lose the fight against
the illness, forcing Atticus to move in with his biological mother in
Richmond. In the aftermath of his father’s death, Atticus Baldwin would
blame God.

“My dad had cancer, was a Christian, went to church every Sunday, prayed
often. Did God remove that disease? Nope,” said Baldwin in a Twitter
thread discussing cancer. “That cancer killed him. I lost my father at
17 because your god refused to save him despite his devotion. Bunch of

Since then, Atticus has enrolled in the ranks of two different Black
Bloc antifascist organizations, including the aforementioned American
Iron Front and the local RVA cell of United Front Antifa. For income,
Baldwin is an agent for hire on the talent platform Fiverr, where he
offers digital arts services like photo editing and Virtual reality
avatars. Aside from this, Baldwin appears to be unemployed, spending
most of his time playing video games, doxxing white nationalists,
communicating with the FBI, and trolling on social media.

According to the PC gaming platform Steam, Baldwin would clock in a
tremendous amount of time on various titles. In a two week span, Baldwin
would put away over 117 hours of gaming, averaging about eight and a
half hours a day into games like Project Zomboid, and Grand Theft Auto,
among others. In addition, he has logged in over 3,196 hours in VR Chat,
a virtual reality program where his avatar appears as a female anime
character in a red dress adorned with his internet handle “6L3THAL.”

6L3Thal’s unmasking as a mentally disturbed, autistic transsexual is no
laughing matter in the modern day. Those in the transgender community
have increasingly been tied to horrific acts of hyperviolence committed
against an unwitting public. Just this month, a prominent activist for
transgender rights and visibility was arrested for the brutal rape and
sexual manipulation of multiple young boys. In June, a trans-identified
male was arrested for the violent stabbing of his own father, which led
to his demise.

When six people, including three nine-year-old children, were shot dead
in the halls of the Covenant School in Nashville, Tennessee, it was
Audrey “Aiden” Hale, a female-to-male transsexual, who ultimately pulled
the trigger. A leak of Hale’s political writings would later prove her
spree killing was entirely motivated by a hatred of White people, the
same values now held by Atticus “Ashlynn” Baldwin and his comrades

With a history of self-confessed collaboration with the FBI, violent
tendencies, and mental illness, Atticus “Ashlynn” Baldwin, aka 6L3THAL
of Richmond, Virginia, should be considered extremely dangerous. The
Justice Report urges readers to express caution when traveling through
this area, and when vetting users for their online chatrooms on
Telegram, Instagram, and other online platforms.

If anyone has additional information on Atticus Baldwin, feel free to
send an email to the Justice Report tipline.

Baldwin’s unmasking as a prominent doxxer and confidential human source
for the federal government comes amid a long series of former AIF
members whose identities have now been made public. In September, Nathan
Edward Shelley, a cybersecurity expert for the cloud management firm
Eviden, was revealed to have used his company’s propriety technology to
report January 6th dissidents to the FBI. That revelation came in the
wake of an earlier Justice Report investigation, which outed John Zack
Ortiz, a key AIF researcher, as an embedded agent for the
Anti-Defamation League. Ortiz sent dossiers and extremism reports to
fellow Antifa via the now-leaked Discord.

In September, Adam Macintyre-Ross, a militant antifascist ringleader
operating in Rochester, New York, was revealed to be a middle school art
teacher with a sadistic digital footprint. In December, Alex Blum, a
wealthy plastics tycoon who personally profited off of two different
global conflicts, was outed as an organizer, funder, and outfitter of
Antifascist terror. Blum—who is Jewish—admitted to having attended a
violent BLM riot that culminated in the death of left-wing extremist
Garret Foster.

Update 12/29/23: Atticus “Ashlynn” Baldwin, aka “6L3thal” of Richmond,
Virginia, has deleted their X, formerly Twitter account. Antifascists
who delete or scrub their social media profile in the wake of an expose
do so in an attempt to escape accountability or cover up their violent,
extremist views.

Baldwin’s deletion of his long-standing account only vindicates the
Justice Report’s credible investigation into his identity.


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