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REPOST: Voice-to-skull microwaves: Air Force patents

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Allen L. Barker

Dec 23, 2004, 7:27:54 PM12/23/04

Voice-to-skull microwaves: Air Force patents
Allen Barker, Nov. 3, 2004

"Voice-to-skull" devices are devices which can send a voice to a
person that only he or she can hear, as a "voice in the head." It is
sometimes abbreviated V2S, and the Army uses the abbreviation V2K
( The term generally
refers to the operational capability of the devices; there are
several different technologies by which such functionality can be
implemented. For example, the FBI considered using an acoustic
version of such a device against Koresh at Waco, to send the fake
"voice of God" to him. There are ultrasonic devices available on the
open market which can project a voice or other sound, and implanted
devices can also be used to achieve the V2S effect. This article
deals with the use of modulated microwaves to implement V2S devices.
Microwaves have the "advantages" of being targetable and of being able
to penetrate walls and barriers.

Below I have included links to and excerpts from two patents. Based
on those patents it is clear that the Air Force Directed Energy
Directorate has an interest in microwave voice-to-skull devices. That
is not really new news, but that bit of obviousness tends to be kept
very quiet. Such devices are mentioned in a few public documents, but
not many. There is no doubt that such devices exist, in several
forms, and that such weapons are in the hands of at least some groups.

The patents below aren't just any patents. Notice that the assignee
is "The United States of America as represented by the Secretary of
the Air (Washington, DC)." Both the inventors work at the Air Force
Research Laboratory's Directed Energy Directorate at Kirtland Air
Force Base in New Mexico [emphasis added on their names, below]. Both
are experienced and worked on the design and testing of the
millimeter-wave "active denial" technology which recently came out in
the news. (See, for example,
and note that the demo mentioned was at the Kirtland base.) One of
the inventors even won an award for helping to save that program from
being a technical failure by redesigning several components, as one of
the Air Force web pages excerpted below indicates.

It is interesting to note that the patents reference earlier patents
by Henry Puharich. This is the same Puharich of voice-to-skull
tooth-implant fame (another of his patents, filed in the late 50s). I
posted some stuff about him a while back; he's a real character -- or
was, before he fell down some stairs and died in Jan., 1995.

The patents below pertain to AM voice modulation of a pulsed
microwave, unlike the essentially FM voice modulation that other
methods use (for example, the method reported by Justesen in his 1975
_American Psychologist_ paper at and attributed to Sharp
and Grove). The receiver is the human head, based on the microwave
hearing effect.

These are real devices, and have serious potential for abuse. More
than that, some such devices *are* being abused (though the devices in
use are not necessarily microwave-based). Credible citizens all
across the US have been complaining for years about forms of
harassment which just happen to match exactly what these devices are
capable of. Just like with the human radiation experiments that the
propaganda press wouldn't report for years, citizens in the US (and
other countries) are being sadistically tormented with such
technologies. Beyond just experimentation, these weapons make for
perfect political KGB-style cointelpro harassment devices. In the
current culture, the secrecy surrounding these devices, the widespread
ignorance of their very existence, and the fear of speaking openly
about them allows for their deniable use under the Soviet-style cover
of psychiatry.

Make no mistake, these devices can be and are used to literally
torture. It is not just a "prank" to violate people's minds and try
to manipulate them by sending voices to them -- especially when such
operations are conducted over long periods, in people's own homes, in
conjunction with surveillance, and as a means for inflicting sleep
deprivation. There is a whole world of psychological experimentation
and manipulation that can be "explored" on human beings as if they
were gibbons in Jose Delgado's laboratory.

For example, we know that certain intelligence groups consider
humiliation techniques to be an acceptable way to treat human beings.
These weapons can be used to sadistically and incessantly taunt victims
in an attempt to humiliate them. The victims cannot get at the
torturers and cannot escape, which only provides more fodder for the
tormentors. The US *is* a culture of torture. Human rights activists
and other concerned citizens need to be aware of these technologies
and the new torture techniques they make possible.

Cliched tin-foil hat jokes aside, these really are existing devices.
The cover of ridicule and phony mental illness has been one of the
main factors in facilitating ongoing human rights abuses against
citizens all across the US (and around the world). If the government
-- the FBI, the Justice Department, etc. -- won't do its job and end
these human rights crimes, then citizens are going to have to do it.
We should all know by now that some groups, including some groups of
Americans, *will* sink to torture if they have the opportunity, the
means, and a perceived impunity.


Method and device for implementing the radio frequency hearing effect
Inventors: O'Loughlin; James P. (Placitas, NM); Loree; Diana L.
(Albuquerque, NM)
Assignee: The United States of America as represented by the Secretary
of the Air (Washington, DC)
Filed: December 13, 1996


What is claimed is:

1. A method of encoding an input audio signal a(t) to produce a double
sideband output signal having a .omega..sub.c carrier frequency, which
when transmitted to the head of a receiving subject, will by the radio
frequency hearing effect induce a thermal-acoustic signal in the
bone/tissue material of the head that replicates the input audio
signal and is conducted by the bone/tissue structure of the head to
the inner ear where it is demodulated by the normal processes of the
cochlea and converted to nerve signals which are sent to the brain,
thereby enabling intelligible speech to be perceived by the brain as
any other nerve signal from the cochlea, the method comprising:



Apparatus for audibly communicating speech using the radio
frequency hearing effect
Inventors: O'Loughlin; James P. (Placitas, NM); Loree; Diana L.
(Albuquerque, NM)
Assignee: The United States of America as represented by the Secretary
of the Air (Washington, DC)
Filed: April 24, 2002


Finally the Spherical Demodulator 45 is the brain as discussed above,
or an equivalent mass that provides uniform expansion and contraction
due to thermal effects of RF energy.

The invention provides a new and useful encoding for speech on an RF
carrier such that the speech will be intelligible to a human subject
by means of the RF hearing demodulation phenomena. Features of the
invention include the use of AM fully suppressed carrier modulation,
the preprocessing of an input speech signal be a compensation filter
to de-emphasize the high frequency content by 40 dB per decade and the
further processing of the audio signal by adding a bias terms to
permit the taking of the square root of the signal before the AM
suppressed carrier modulation process.

The invention may also be implemented using the same audio signal
processing and Single Sideband (SSB) modulation in place of AM
suppressed carrier modulation. The same signal processing may also be
used on Conventional AM modulation contains both sideband and the
carrier; however, there is a serious disadvantage. The carrier is
always present with AM modulation, even when there is no signal. The
carrier power does not contain any information but contributes
substantially to the heating of the thermal-acoustic demodulator,
i.e. the brain, which is undesirable. The degree of this extraneous
heating is more than twice the heating caused by the signal or
information power in the RF signal. Therefore conventional AM
modulation is an inefficient and poor choice compared to the double
side-band suppressed carrier and the SSB types of transmissions.



Directed Energy Engineers Win Air Force Awards

September 27, 2004
DE RELEASE NO. 2004-44
CONTACT: Eva D. Hendren
PHONE: (505) 846-1911

KIRTLAND AIR FORCE BASE, N.M. -- Two employees with the Air Force
Research Laboratory's Directed Energy Directorate here have been
selected for Air Force-level scientific awards.

2nd Lt. Jeffry P. Heggemeier received the Air Force Research and
Development Award winner and *James P. O'Loughlin* won the 2004 Air
Force Engineering Award for Engineering Achievement. Both work in the
directorate's High Power Microwave Division.


O'Loughlin's nomination cited his work on Active Denial Technology
(ADT). As a primary developer of ADT, he was nominated for his efforts
leading to a successful demonstration of the technology. Included in
his contributions to the technology were redesigned cooling and power
systems, which kept the technology from being shelved as a technical

Active Denial Technology is a non-lethal technology that can be used
in peacekeeping, humanitarian missions, and for basic protection and
police keeping. The technology uses millimeter-wave electromagnetic
energy to stop, deter, and turn back an attacking adversary. The
energy, when directed at a person, penetrates the surface of the skin
and heats the skin's surface, creating a sensation of pain without
causing damage.

O'Loughlin received his bachelor's degree from University of Maine in
Orono, and his master's from Northeastern University in Boston, both
degrees in electrical engineering. He has authored 28 papers and has
patents on 22 technology items.



Directed Energy People Receive Awards

April 25, 2002
DE RELEASE NO. 2002-17
CONTACT: J. Rich Garcia
PHONE: (505) 846-1911

KIRTLAND AIR FORCE BASE, N.M. - Five medals and 13 certificates were
presented during a ceremony at the Air Force Research Laboratory's
Directed Energy Directorate here earlier this month.


Certificates of Achievements were also presented. Dr. Kirk E. Hackett,
*Dr. Diana L. Loree* and Capt. Roderick Swift of the Active Denial
Technology Test Team for their work with a non-lethal, anti-personnel
directed energy technology, for which they also received the Giller
Award. Also receiving certificates was the Prototype High-Power
Microwave Source Evaluations Team consisting of Dr. Kyle Hendricks,
Dr. Thomas Spencer, Dr. John Luginsland, Capt. Jay Foil and Lester
Bowers. Their work was in support of a high-power microwave source
that was deemed critical to national security.


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