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Dec 21, 1999, 8:00:00 AM12/21/99
My Loompanics catalog has arrived, I am making a rather large list of books
that would be of value to a new nation project, and there are so many to
choose from. Everything from providing medical care, growing food, national
defense, in ADDITION to the book How To Start Your Own Country. One book I
recommend, it has excellent location suggestions, The Last Frontiers On
Earth. Also one that may have some applicable sections is Sailing The Farm,
although it is about homesteading on a small boat it can be equally
applicable to an artificial island, floating platform, etc.. Just scale
everything up. This just goes to prove that with proper research there is
actually a large amount of information out there to help those who want to
form a country of their own. This info will probably be a great help to me
in forming my micronation, and I thought since there have been requests made
concerning books I'd bring up those titles and Loompanics.

HRM Jeremy I

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