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Unapproved Thought Is Violence

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Joe Cooper

Sep 15, 2017, 2:32:41 PM9/15/17
Twitter cofounder Evan Williams has said: “I thought once everybody could
speak freely and exchange information and ideas, the world is
automatically going to be a better place, I was wrong about that.”

Yet, we cannot speak freely, can we? Say the wrong thing and the Southern
Poverty Law Center (SPLC) will label you a hatemonger. The nation’s
founders envisioned free speech as a guardrail against the republic
veering down an embankment, thinking that if speech were free, someone
would be there to call BS when the nation went places not intended or

Yet, today, every progressive (read Democrat, liberal, or leftist) has
his nose pressed into everybody else’s business lest someone think or say
something that might melt a snowflake. We can’t have anyone ever
offended, or embarrassed, or in any way made uncomfortable by unapproved

It is in this way, the language has changed. Whereas the word “violence”
has always meant actions that include actual physical violence,
progressives have transmogrified “unapproved thought” from a mere
difference of opinion into an integral component of the definition of

Therefore, the violence of unapproved thought can now be met with actual
violence because actual violence is not really violence if it is
committed against someone with the wrong ideas and the gall to speak
those ideas aloud.

It’s amazing how diversity is not really all that diverse in a world
composed of safe spaces and resegregation under a unitary set of
acceptable ideas where words no longer mean what we thought they meant.
Antifa, which is modern-speak for anti-fascist, is probably the most
fascist organization in America today and the same goes for the SPLC and
Black Lives Matter (BLM). All lives matter, but saying that is now hate-
speech and thus violence, which can be justifiably met with actual

Throughout the eight years of Barack Obama, I was afraid to speak out
against the man whom I thought was not who he purported to be. I thought
he was a horrible president without an ounce of honesty or humility,
pushing policies that were detrimental to every man, woman, and child in
America. To say so aloud, however, was not permitted, and when I started
writing about him, the windows in my house were broken, not once, but
twice. That was then; I wonder what’s in store now.

Today you can say anything you want about the current president -- talk
about killing him in the vilest of ways and it’s not a problem. I seem to
recall that a rodeo clown not only lost his job and livelihood but also
received a visit from the Secret Service, all because he wore an Obama
mask -- and that was before It killed the clown business, making them
into monsters that scare little children (and a surprising number of
grown men as well).

The progressive plan is to restrict what people can say. They have always
controlled the conversation, but that is not enough when you want to rule
the world. They need to make sure no one ever disagrees with them. That’s
the deal with the statues.

According to a recent NPR/PBS News Hour/Marist poll, 62% thought the
Confederate statues should remain, while only 27% wanted them removed,
and even among African-Americans, a 44% plurality of those polled said
they should remain.

You see, it has nothing to do with statues of dead Democrats erected by
dead Democrats a hundred years ago to reinforce the Democratic Party’s
white supremacist governance in the southern states. It is about making a
point. Don’t you dare oppose us no matter how ridiculous our demands, or
we will not only destroy you publicly and politically but physically as
well. Violence has always been an excellent tool for behavior

Democrats have staked their future on this strategy, along with the
media, their most loyal ally, Antifa, and BLM. They think that people
will be terrified by the two thousand or so white supremacists currently
active in the country, and not the very violent, very bloody and much
better organized hundred thousand Antifa, BLM, and sundry other anti-
white, anti-Trump, anti-Republican groups. Yet, didn’t the media claim
they were anti-racist and anti-fascist? That’s the story they try to sell
one broken head at a time, and Antifa/BLM loves them some broken heads.

There are no more moderate Democrats; the entire party consists of
progressives who have bought into the whole thought is violence that must
be met with violence strategy. It remains to be seen how successful this
will be in the end; the mere fact that they are successful now does not
transfer into success tomorrow.

Screaming the loudest often doesn’t make you the most popular, but it
does get you the most attention -- and it is surely a sign the nation is
in deep trouble.

Now, in a delusionary quest for eternal electoral supremacy, the
Democrats are in an onanistic frenzy, eating their future one statue and
one Antifa riot at a time. They are treating their future as a party as
if it was another comestible to be thrown into the gaping maw of identity

Respectful opposition to Democratic Party policies is no longer accepted;
it is reviled. Should one disagree with the Democrats even the slightest
on their latest progressive decree, you will be met with paroxysmal fits
of rage from spokesmen spewing spittle from their mouths while making
scatological charges of all manner of evil against that person. Paramount
among the accusations will inevitably be their favorite, racism.

Moreover, it’s no longer only their political opposition. In the regnum
that is the Democratic Party, there is no room for moderates, because the
Democrats have long stopped being a political party and have become a
movement. Welcome into that movement is both Antifa and Black Lives
Matter (BLM). Agree with their tactics and motives or else.

For the sake of America, and indeed, humanity as well, I have to believe
the populace at large will not buy into this version of Orwell’s 1984 the
Democrats are peddling as the future of the nation, but today, there is
real risk inherent in such unapproved thought.


"The Marxists, communists and fascists of the Democrat Party have
launched a strategy of deception, projection, and a new generation of
brown shirts who fanatically believe that their violence is honorable,
and necessary, to save America from some kind of a Fourth Reich
perpetrated by the GOP." (Douglas Gibbs )

None of the Above

Sep 17, 2017, 3:51:50 AM9/17/17
On Sat, 16 Sep 2017 15:59:14 +0100, PIBB <nos...@nospam.invalid>

>On 19:32 15 Sep 2017, Joe Cooper wrote:
>> Source:

Why does this frighten you?

New York Libertarians

Sep 17, 2017, 7:51:25 AM9/17/17
Violence is usually frightening to those who are victims of it. Are you different?
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