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List of sleepers in Bush beds and their contributions

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Harry Hope

Sep 25, 2000, 3:00:00 AM9/25/00

The mansion administrator, Anne DeBois, confirmed to the Center for
Public Integrity that state employees, on salaried time, are
responsible for maintaining the rooms in which overnight guests stay.

The State of Texas General Appropriations Act of 1997, which
appropriated taxpayer funds to the mansion from August 1997 through
August 1999, contained a clause specifying that:

"No funds under the control of any state agency or institution,
including but not limited to state appropriated funds, may be used
directly or indirectly to hire employees or in any way fund or support
candidates for the legislative, executive, or judicial branches of
government of the State of Texas or the government of the United

Overnight Guests at Governor’s Mansion
Added $2.2 Million to Bush Campaign

List of guests who slept over at the Governor's Mansion in Texas:
Sorted by Name and their contributions.

The following list of guests to the Governor's Mansion is taken from
records released by the Office of the General Counsel in the
governor's office. Pioneer status -- fund-raisers who have brought in
more than $100,000 -- is based on records released by Bush for
President, Inc.

Those who slept over two times or more are listed only once.

1 Alexander, Lamar and Honey $0.00
2 Aluffi-Petini, Stefano $0.00

3 Andrews, Scott $2,000.00
4 Angelo, John $6,000.00
5 Ashcroft, Sen. John $0.00
6 Baldridge, Emy Lou $943.00
7 Bartholow, Sarah $0.00

8 Bennett, Bill and Elaine $1,000.00
9 Berman, Dennis and Claudia Hawthorne $178,500.00 $100,000.00
10 Betts, Roland, Lois, Maggie, and Jessie $17,000.00 $100,000.00
11 Boskin, Mike and Chris $4,000.00
12 Brock, Barbara $0.00
13 Bush, Jody $0.00
14 Bush, Lauren $0.00

15 Bush, Marvin, Margaret, and Marshall Walker $4,000.00
16 Bush, Neil, Sharon, Lauren, Pierce, and Ashley $680.00
17 Bush, Patty and Bucky $0.00
18 Bush, [Former] President and Mrs. George $16,000.00
19 Bush, Sarah $0.00

20 Bush-Nadeau, Kelsley and Kate $0.00
21 Carroll, Joan $0.00

22 Carter, Frances $0.00
23 Cheney, Dick $4,000.00
24 Cisneros, Jose and Irene $0.00
26 Clark, John, Jane, and Trillion $1,000.00
27 Clements, [Former Texas] Gov. [Bill] and Mrs. $44,106.00
28 Ellis, [Alexander] "Hap" $2,000.00
29 Ellis, John $1,000.00

30 Ellis, Nancy, Christopher, and Walker $2,000.00
31 Engler, [Michigan] Gov. John $0.00 $100,000.00
32 Ensenat, Amb. and Mrs. Donald $5,000.00
34 Evans, Cassie $0.00
35 Evans, Don and Susie $17,500.00
36 Evans, Jim and Betsy $0.00
37 Farhat, Leslie $0.00
38 Feste, Shannon (Intern project) $0.00
39 Forbes, Karen and Walter $0.00
40 Forbes, Steve $1,000.00
41 Forstmann, Ted $20,000.00
42 Francis, Jim and Debbie $14,000.00 $100,000.00
43 Freeman, Brad $87,000.00 $100,000.00

44 Giora, Erica $0.00
45 Goldsmith, [Indianapolis] Mayor Steve and Margaret $0.00
47 Greene, Richard and Sylvia $0.00
48 Hagel, Sen. Chuck [R-Neb.] $0.00
49 Harris, Barbara $1,000.00
50 Hernandez, Israel $0.00
51 Heyne, Janet and Fred $10,000.00
52 Heyne, Katherine $0.00
53 Hill, Bill and Candy $0.00
54 Hodges, Hamp and Buffy $1,000.00
55 Holland, Bob $12,000.00 $100,000.00
56 Hooton, Bill, Margaret, Lydia $1,000.00
57 Hubbard, Al and Kathy $7,000.00 $100,000.00
58 Huey, Mimi $0.00
59 Idsal, Kathryn $1,000.00
60 Jackson, Alfanso, Marcia, Leslie $1,000.00
61 Johnson, [New Mexico] Gov. and Mrs. Gary $0.00
62 Johnson, Johnny, Ann, Ruth $1,145.00
63 Johnson, Liz and Terry $0.00
64 Johnson, [Robert Woods] "Woody" $23,583.00 $100,000.00
65 Johnson, Terry $0.00
67 Jordan, Bob and Ann $1,000.00
68 Kasich, Cong. John [R-Ohio] $0.00
69 Kerr, John and Susan $13,400.00
70 Kinder, Anne $6,000.00
71 King, Luther and Teresa $32,000.00
72 Koch, Dorothy and Robert $1,000.00 $100,000.00
73 Lacy, Terri $3,000.00
74 Lake or Blake, Robert $0.00
75 Langdale, Patty, Mark, Paul, and Olivia $48,310.00
76 Lea, Tom and Sarah $0.00
77 Lindsay, Larry $0.00
78 Lollar, Kirsten $0.00
79 Margo, Adair and Dee $2,000.00
80 Marshall, Peggy $0.00
81 Martson, Bud $0.00
82 McLochlin, Pat (Mr. And Mrs.) $2,000.00
83 Miers, Harriet $23,628.00
84 Moseley, Sue $0.00
86 Munn, Bill and Lynn $2,000.00
87 Nelson, Pam and Bill $0.00
88 Nixon, Will $0.00
89 Oberweatter, Jim $1,000.00
90 O'Neill, Jan, Joe and Casey $19,500.00 $100,000.00
91 Overlock, Mike $0.00
92 Oxford, Robin $0.00
93 Parvin, Landon $0.00
94 Pataki, Gov. George [New York] $0.00
95 Patterson, Richard North $1,000.00
97 Paul, Jim and Connie $8,849.00 $100,000.00
98 Piccolo, Jack $0.00
99 Pursehanger, Marshall $0.00
100 Rabin, Idelle $2,000.00
101 Racicot, Gov. Marc $0.00
102 Reed, Ralph $1,000.00
103 Rice, Condi $0.00
104 Riggs family $0.00
105 Rose, Deedie and Rusty $41,805.00 $100,000.00
106 Rosenberg, Andrea $0.00
107 Royall, Penny and Brent Sawyer $0.00
108 Sarah and Emily $0.00
109 Scanlan, Melissa $0.00
110 Schackelford, Jody and Frank $0.00
111 Schackelford, Mary Jane and Will $0.00
112 Schieffer, Tom (Mr. And Mrs.) $11,000.00
113 Shultz, George and Charlotte $1,000.00
114 Shipley, Mary Gay $0.00
115 Stapleton, Craig, Debbie, Walker, and Jenny $13,000.00
116 Steen, John and Weesie $6,000.00
117 Summers, Emily $0.00
118 Tauke, Tom and Beverly $4,000.00
119 Tobolowsky, Laura $0.00
120 Untermeyer, Chase, Diana, and Ellie $3,000.00
121 Waldie, Shari $0.00
122 Waxman, Mollie $0.00
123 Weiss, Nancy and Mike (Kelly and Sean Weiss) $0.00
125 Welch, Mary and Mark $0.00
126 Welch, Mrs. Jenna $1,000.00
127 Welch, Robert $0.00
128 White, Linda $0.00
129 Williams, Roger and Patty $1,000.00 $100,000.00
130 Wood, Michael and Judy $14,000.00
131 Younger, Charlie, Frances, and Meredith $18,000.00



Sep 25, 2000, 3:00:00 AM9/25/00
But the Bushs were home at the time, unlike Hitlery which claims to have
been home.

If Hillary is so smart why does she get caught so often ;-)

"Harry Hope" <> wrote in message


Sep 25, 2000, 3:00:00 AM9/25/00
tsk, tsk. Scandalous. WOnder if this sort of
thing has ever happened before? Like in 1789?
the 1840's? How about Calvin Coolidge?

So both sides do this, huh? So it's a long-
standing practise, is it? When do we stop
whining about it and start *doing* something
about it?


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