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Larry Flynt To Publish Book about Bush Paying for an Abortion

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Jim Kennemur

Feb 17, 2004, 11:34:19 AM2/17/04
Larry Flynt To Publish Book about Bush Paying for an Abortion

Lloyd Grove, The New York Daily News, February 17, 2004

Activist rocker Moby raised Republican hackles last week when he advised
President Bush's enemies to engage in political mischief.

Moby told my fellow gossips Rush & Molloy: "For example, you can go on all
the pro-life chat rooms and say you're an outraged right-wing voter and that
you know that George Bush drove an ex-girlfriend to an abortion clinic and
paid for her to get an abortion."

Now the incorrigible Larry Flynt says he plans to market a Bush abortion
story as genuine - in a book to be published this summer by Kensington

"This story has got to come out," the wheelchair-bound Hustler magazine
honcho told the Daily News' Corky Siemaszko. "There's a lot of hypocrisy in
the White House about this whole abortion issue."

Flynt claimed that Bush arranged for the procedure in the early '70s.

"I've talked to the woman's friends," Flynt said. "I've tracked down the
doctor who did the abortion, I tracked down the Bush people who arranged for
the abortion," Flynt said. "I got the story nailed."

Flynt wouldn't disclose whether he plans to name the woman.

Republican National Committee Chairman Ed Gillespie - who in a speech last
week accused "Kerry campaign supporters," not just Moby, of hatching the
Internet chat room scheme - was unavailable for comment on Flynt's charges.

But RNC spokesman Yier Shi told me: "The Democrats will do anything in this
election, judging by their campaign tactics, to smear without any evidence
or background. This is just another one of those cases."

are welcome in my office John Gigalo Kerry & Intern Abuser

Feb 17, 2004, 12:15:56 PM2/17/04
Amazing how Liberasl like Clinton had to resort to the most despised woman
exploiter to defend Clinton after Monica , and now attempt to smear Bush
with more outrageous accusations.
No wonder liberasl keep losing elections.


Feb 17, 2004, 12:32:42 PM2/17/04

LOL!!!!!!!!! Translation; "If anything at all comes out about the phony
deserter, our plan to destroy America
will fail. Never mind that it is probably true, we will simply deny it, and
keep on spreading LIES about John Kerry."

are welcome in my office John Gigalo Kerry & Intern Abuser

Feb 17, 2004, 12:43:50 PM2/17/04

"AD" <> wrote in message
> =========================

Wesley Clark was the rumor starter . Please try and keep up with the news.

Clark falls prey to anti-Kerry rumor mill
By Thomas Oliphant, 2/15/2004


POLITICS ASIDE, the quick endorsement of John Kerry by presidential
candidate emeritus Wesley Clark might best be understood as an act of
contrition for two egregious sins that ironically serve as bookends for this
month's degrading detour into campaign slime.

The sin of commission occurred during an astonishing, even for a rookie,
judgment lapse with the gaggle of reporters covering his campaign on its
final day last week. Bantering with them at length under supposedly
off-the-record ground rules, Clark actually said he was still in the race
because he thought Kerry's campaign was going to implode over what he
inelegantly called an "intern" scandal.

The sin of omission occurred in January, when Clark stood mute while
filmmaker Michael Moore referred to President Bush as a "deserter" during
the Vietnam War era while endorsing Clark.

The first sin is part of a chain of truly weird events that has produced a
classic bit of modern media manipulation that has slowly but surely in turn
produced the following phenomenon -- published rumors about the possibility
of a story about Kerry fooling around with a young woman appearing despite
the absence of any allegation (much less purported information) to that

The second sin -- compounded by Democratic National chairman Terry
McAuliffe's equally irresponsible labeling, without evidence, of Bush as
having been "AWOL" during his National Guard service more than 30 years
ago -- has helped spawn a classic example of journalism by millimeter-length
"facts" that raise sinister questions without answering them.

In the first instance, a few days of absurd public behavior after a few
weeks of equally absurd undercurrents and rumor-mongering have resulted in a
new journalistic low -- a frenzy about a "story" that hasn't been written
concerning an "allegation" that hasn't been made.

In the second instance, the public is left with the choice of being tortured
by daily developments that add and subtract minutely from an overall picture
that is completely obscured. For the minority who prefer waiting for real
evidence, there is only one fact: President Bush promised last weekend to
release all of his service records and until Friday night had resisted doing

Clark's rumor-mongering with his press corps about Kerry was the visible tip
of an iceberg of rumor-mongering that had gone on for weeks, stirred not
only by some of his fund-raisers but also among the press by aides and
consultants that "something" was coming. This is how spin doctors feed
gossip mills without actually providing gossip.

His comments -- instantly passed on to home offices and then to others,
proving why nothing is off-the-record with more than one person in a
presidential campaign, and probably shouldn't be. They had the effect of
drawing unwarranted attention to a supermarket tabloid clip job on Kerry's
private life last week that rehashed the astonishing fact that the senator
appears to have been single when he wasn't married.

So where was the rumored "story"? Into the breach stepped the right wing --
Matt Drudge's website and associated radio shows, and right-wing and Rupert
Murdoch-owned British outlets, and their tried and true methods all for
getting trash into the standards-challenged mainstream press. The absence of
a story or even an allegation is no obstacle here; the technique is simply
to start a rumor that a story is about to appear.

It worked. By Friday morning, Kerry decided to answer a clear, direct
question from Don Imus on his radio program. Asked if there was anything
coming or anything to all this, anything at all, Kerry chose to be direct,
unequivocal, and on the record: "There is nothing to report, nothing to
say." The answer was No.

The chain of events from Moore in Clark's magnifying presence, through
McAuliffe, to the past week's water torture sequence of partial disclosures
is more complicated. The big difference is that both the irresponsible
statements and the minute, new developments have all been taking place in
public, based on what people have said and documents have shown.

In addition, Moore and McAullife notwithstanding, the president's decision
to make blanket statements last weekend and the White House's impolitic
decision to release selected records piecemeal have been much more important
engines pulling the frustrating story along.

However, the impression fostered more in the press than in politics that the
inevitable existence of questions and gaps permits inferences about the
answers and about what might be in the gaps is just as pernicious. The fact
remains that while Bush is on the record promising a full disclosure he has
yet to make, no one has the right to assume the answers to questions for
political purposes.

I suspect this campaign is too potentially close not to get ugly, which is
regrettable. What is more regrettable, however, is that my business is more
likely than not to be a willing participant in the ugliness -- again.

Thomas Oliphant's e-mail address is

Kalun D

Feb 17, 2004, 2:14:30 PM2/17/04

John Gigalo Kerry & Intern Abuser wrote:

> Amazing how Liberasl like Clinton had to resort to the most despised woman
> exploiter to defend Clinton after Monica

Amazing how conservatives had to resort to that paragon of
moral values Paula Jones, with her family values spread in
Penthouse, in their attempt to slur Clinton.

"I'm asking the court to defend my good name against the
despicable Clinton so after I get the publicity I can sell
photos of my NAKED CUNT in a national smut magazine."

> and now attempt to smear Bush
> with more outrageous accusations.

Larry Flynt actually investigates before he releases a
story, unlike Drudge. Flynt was responsible for the downfall
of several prominent repugs during the Lewinski scandals
including Gingrich.

When Flynt says he has the goods you know it's the real
thing, Gingrich quit without a fight to avoid the exposure.
The only thing Flynt doesn't have is the girlfriends
confirmation because she knows the bushies would kill her.

I guess with the Drudge Kerry slur coming out with no
evidence, Flynt realizes the standards have once again been
lowered by the repugs, so now the bush abortion story is
fair game.

> No wonder liberasl keep losing elections.

The bushies stole Florida and the mid terms. They stole
Florida with a complex system run by Jeb bush, and the
midterms with new touch screen machines sold by companies
owned solely by the repugs. They'll probable steal "04 also,
good-bye democracy, hello to the new fascist corporatism,
long live the 4th Reich.


Kalun D

Feb 17, 2004, 2:26:55 PM2/17/04

John Gigalo Kerry & Intern Abuser wrote:

Another NITWIT ditto monkey on the NG's can't even get the
spelling right on his name.

> "AD" <> wrote in message
>>John Gigalo Kerry & Intern Abuser wrote:
>>>Amazing how Liberasl like Clinton had to resort to the most despised
> woman
>>>exploiter to defend Clinton after Monica , and now attempt to smear
> Bush
>>>with more outrageous accusations.
>>>No wonder liberasl keep losing elections.
>>LOL!!!!!!!!! Translation; "If anything at all comes out about the phony
>>deserter, our plan to destroy America
>>will fail. Never mind that it is probably true, we will simply deny it,
> and
>>keep on spreading LIES about John Kerry."
> Wesley Clark was the rumor starter

According to who? Drudge? Did Clark make it up and then have
drudge report it without confirming it? Was Clark the
source, or was he just repeating something he heard? Did
Drudge confirm the story from the supposed individuals
involved, or did he just publish a rumor as fact?

>. Please try and keep up with the news.

Do you know the difference between opinion and news? Try
reading the link you provided, it says
"editorial_opinion/oped", do you think that means it's news?


Feb 17, 2004, 2:29:39 PM2/17/04
In article <>, OrionCA
<> wrote:

> On Tue, 17 Feb 2004 16:34:19 GMT, "Jim Kennemur" <>
> wrote:
> >Larry Flynt
> Flint has been shopping this story for 4 years. He tried to sell it
> in 2000 and couldn't come up with any verifiable facts to support it
> then. Now he's going to privately publish these unsubstantiated
> allegations in hopes of influencing the 2004 election. Didn't work
> then, won't work now.
> --
> After Kerry returned from Vietnam he became an antiwar
> activist. But was he really? In 1972 he threw his
> medals away to protest the war. Years later it turned
> out that he had thrown someone ELSE'S medals away and
> kept his.
> Ask yourself this: Would Patricia Ireland burn someone
> else's bra? Then doesn't this make Kerry a fraud?

George Bush snorted coke. Doesn't that make him a coke head?

"I'm not OK. You're not OK. But hey, that's OK."
William Gibson

Lucile Wilson

Feb 17, 2004, 2:31:51 PM2/17/04
It is Larry Flynt that is doing this not the Democratic party. But I say GO
LARRY!!!!!After eight years of Republian dirty tricks, they deserve all we can
give them.


Lucile Wilson

Feb 17, 2004, 2:33:23 PM2/17/04

We don't keep losing elections. We just had an eight year president. Bush is
out in four. Rpublicans have held the house only for about four or five
years...could be, the country will tire of them soon.

Lucile Wilson

Feb 17, 2004, 2:35:49 PM2/17/04
>After Kerry returned from Vietnam he became an antiwar
>activist. But was he really? In 1972 he threw his
>medals away to protest the war. Years later it turned
>out that he had thrown someone ELSE'S medals away and
>kept his.
>Ask yourself this: Would Patricia Ireland burn someone
>else's bra? Then doesn't this make Kerry a fraud?

Wrong. It happened in April of husband and I were there. He didn't
throw away his medals, only his ribbons. He has his medals in his home. I guess
he will have to bring them out to show the world. Then Republicans will say he
is just bragging.

Jim Warren

Feb 17, 2004, 2:39:03 PM2/17/04
On Tue, 17 Feb 2004 10:45:11 -0800, OrionCA <>

>On Tue, 17 Feb 2004 16:34:19 GMT, "Jim Kennemur" <>
>>Larry Flynt
>Flint has been shopping this story for 4 years. He tried to sell it
>in 2000 and couldn't come up with any verifiable facts to support it
>then. Now he's going to privately publish these unsubstantiated
>allegations in hopes of influencing the 2004 election. Didn't work
>then, won't work now

You don't understand, the prevailing sentiment is ABB anybody but
Remember ABC anybody but Clinton? It is going to be hilarious to see
your faith based appointee lose another election.

But sadly the supreme court will just reinstate him.

-- Remove word virus from return address

Life being what it is, seeks revenge.
Paul Gauguin (1848-1903)

GW Chimpzilla

Feb 17, 2004, 2:43:53 PM2/17/04
OrionCA wrote:

> On Tue, 17 Feb 2004 16:34:19 GMT, "Jim Kennemur" <>
> wrote:
>>Larry Flynt
> Flint has been shopping this story for 4 years. He tried to sell it
> in 2000 and couldn't come up with any verifiable facts to support it
> then. Now he's going to privately publish these unsubstantiated
> allegations in hopes of influencing the 2004 election. Didn't work

> then, won't work now.

Neocon denial. This is going to be fun.

are welcome in my office John Gigalo Kerry & Intern Abuser

Feb 17, 2004, 3:30:51 PM2/17/04

"Kalun D" <bush...@911.con> wrote in message

> John Gigalo Kerry & Intern Abuser wrote:
> Another NITWIT ditto monkey on the NG's can't even get the
> spelling right on his name.

ANother liberal furious at being unable to refute the facts presented so he
resorts to name calling like the playbook calls for.

Kalun D

Feb 17, 2004, 6:26:16 PM2/17/04

John Gigalo Kerry & Intern Abuser wrote:

> "Kalun D" <bush...@911.con> wrote in message
> news:3WtYb.49302$yE5.202594@attbi_s54...
>>John Gigalo Kerry & Intern Abuser wrote:
>>Another NITWIT ditto monkey on the NG's can't even get the
>>spelling right on his name.
> ANother liberal furious at being unable to refute the facts presented so he
> resorts to name calling like the playbook calls for.

That's why I answered all you points but you cut out all mine?

If your going to constantly post and use that name, you
should at least get it right. Your mis-spelling makes you
look like a doofwad.


Feb 17, 2004, 6:35:58 PM2/17/04
> Larry Flynt To Publish Book about Bush Paying for an Abortion
"They're here..."


Feb 17, 2004, 6:41:59 PM2/17/04
> But RNC spokesman Yier Shi told me: "The Democrats will do anything in this
> election, judging by their campaign tactics, to smear without any evidence
> or background. This is just another one of those cases."
This is all a result of the Drudge scam. We begged you RNC assholes to stop
after Clinton, but you just wouldn't. So now you get this and gay marriage to
chew on for awhile. Have a nice day.

Adam Albright

Feb 17, 2004, 10:07:43 PM2/17/04
On Tue, 17 Feb 2004 15:41:59 -0800, $Discount$ <$d$@glub.glub.glub>

The trouble is the once proud and respectable Republican Party has now
been taken over by ultra right wing idiots like those that infest the
newsgroup that consider WINNING paramont over ethics, principles or
decency. No dirty trick is too low, no lie too obscene.

You reap what you sow.

If you want drug snorting trash like Limbaugh and simple minded
arrogant dopes like Bush to stand for what its like to be
conservative, then watch the destruction of the party and a
groundswell of voters that haven't voted before or in many years to
sweep out the shunks currently elected to and installed in office that
are wrecking the country.

Mark my words.

Come November the right wing idiots are going to get the shock of
their lives when they see the outpouring that's going to push Bush out
of office in a landslide that's going to shock everybody.

Jim Warren

Feb 17, 2004, 10:14:32 PM2/17/04

The thing that scares me about Neo-Cons is the concept of destroying
America to save it.
Like Reagan running up the deficit to try and bankrupt social programs


Feb 17, 2004, 11:38:32 PM2/17/04
"Jim Kennemur" <> wrote:

Bush is a foul-mouthed drug abusing deserter who harms other people,
and the more people find out about him the better to be rid of him.


Feb 17, 2004, 11:38:33 PM2/17/04
AD <> wrote:


Kalun D

Feb 18, 2004, 4:17:12 AM2/18/04

OrionCA wrote:

> On Tue, 17 Feb 2004 16:34:19 GMT, "Jim Kennemur" <>
> wrote:
>>Larry Flynt

> Flint has been shopping this story for 4 years. He tried to sell it
> in 2000 and couldn't come up with any verifiable facts to support it
> then.

He has everyone but the pregnant woman on record, and she
won't say either way. He has verified the girlfriends and
the doctor.

So if stupid ass Drudge is going to lower the standard to
ZERO verification then Flynt should be able to fly with MOST
of the verification.

The Drudge fiasco is backfiring on the repugs, they are
losing what little credibility they have.

> Now he's going to privately publish these unsubstantiated
> allegations in hopes of influencing the 2004 election. Didn't work
> then, won't work now.

The AWOL issue is sticking a lot better than it did in 2000
and it's the same old story, the only difference is the
corporate media is reporting it differently this time, and
the abortion story is even more damning.

Face it repugs, the corporate media is against bush this
time around.

> --

> After Kerry returned from Vietnam he became an antiwar
> activist. But was he really? In 1972 he threw his
> medals away to protest the war. Years later it turned
> out that he had thrown someone ELSE'S medals away and
> kept his.

Kerry has shifted with the times, at the time it was
politically correct to disavow the government and it's war.

But times have changed and now veterans are getting more of
the support they deserve in spite of the military industrial
complex being as despicable as ever.

Sure Kerry has exploited his hero status from two different
directions at different times. Who are you to say he doesn't
deserve to do whatever he wants with that status?

> Ask yourself this: Would Patricia Ireland burn someone
> else's bra? Then doesn't this make Kerry a fraud?

Who is the greater fraud, someone who exploits even maybe
deceivingly a hero status, but was an actual hero, like Kerry?

Or, someone who deceivingly exploits an image of hero
status, when in fact he is a coward, like bushie boy?

Sure maybe Kerry is exaggerating his accomplishments, but
bush is outright lying about his.

In politics it's always the lesser of two evils, anyone that
can't see that Kerry is the lesser in this case is either
blind, deaf or a bushit eating ditto monkey.

William David Thweatt

Feb 18, 2004, 10:54:49 AM2/18/04
Jim Kennemur ( wrote:

: Larry Flynt To Publish Book about Bush Paying for an Abortion

If you want to see the measure of a leader, look not to his friends, for
all leaders attract followers. Look instead to his enemies. In the
character of a man's enemy, you'll see the root of his opposition.

With enemies like Flynt, who needs friends?

William "Dave" Thweatt
Robert E. Welch Postdoctoral Fellow
Chemistry Department
Rice University
Houston, TX


Feb 18, 2004, 3:08:12 PM2/18/04
"Jim Kennemur" <> wrote in message news:<forYb.3946$>...

Well, gee, I heard Rush proclaim just yesterday that even if the sex
scandle charges the VRWC cooked up for Mr. Kerry weren't true, that he
would continue to flog them anyway. It was a great moment in radio.
The woman said, in an obvious reference to Rush and his ilk, why they
persisted in disseminating lies, and did they know the pain these lies
were causing herself and her family, and Rush responded he didn't

Sort of like the moment Walsh asked McCarthey, "Have you no shame,
Sir, at long last, have you no shame." and Rush popped right up and
said, "No, none at all".

Now, what's the difference between the Bush abortion story and the
Kerry story? Well, we know the Kerry story isn't true, and, Rush
gives it three hours a day since he knows if he repeats it often
enough, it will become true (at least for dittoheads).

I would rather President Cheney, VP Lay and Cheerleader-in-Chief
Georgie-Boy not be harrassed with these kinds of charges. I want them
shipped to the International War Crimes Tribunal in the Hague for a
fair trial followed by all three of them, along with conspirators
Wolfowitz, Perle and enablers Limpballs, O'Lielly, Coulter, Hannity et
al., hanging together.

FredThe Fish

Feb 18, 2004, 4:05:33 PM2/18/04
> Now, what's the difference between the Bush abortion story and the
> Kerry story? Well, we know the Kerry story isn't true, and, Rush
> gives it three hours a day since he knows if he repeats it often
> enough, it will become true (at least for dittoheads).

I think we should finally give the repubs a taste of their own mediceine.
Remember Lee Atwater's deathbed apology to Michale Dukakis for the repub
campaign against him? I, for one, will do my best to smear the little lying
fuck Bush without apology. It's quite easy to do without lying, but why
limit ones options...

What's good for the goose, as they say............


Bush's lies killed G.I.'s
"Harry" <> wrote in message

Jim Warren

Feb 18, 2004, 4:11:49 PM2/18/04
On Wed, 18 Feb 2004 21:05:33 GMT, "FredThe Fish"
<> wrote:

>> Now, what's the difference between the Bush abortion story and the
>> Kerry story? Well, we know the Kerry story isn't true, and, Rush
>> gives it three hours a day since he knows if he repeats it often
>> enough, it will become true (at least for dittoheads).
>I think we should finally give the repubs a taste of their own mediceine.
>Remember Lee Atwater's deathbed apology to Michale Dukakis for the repub
>campaign against him? I, for one, will do my best to smear the little lying
>fuck Bush without apology. It's quite easy to do without lying, but why
>limit ones options...
>What's good for the goose, as they say............

Ohh Amen brother.
I hope the story, if true is provable?
Flynt did in all of those other low lives.

What's really funny is that for all their 24/7 screeching, Bill
Clinton and Hillary are still respected in America and all over the
Bush with essentially a free ride is not. Plus all of this stuff is
unfolding kind a on it own.
I actually think that God hates neo-cons.

-- Remove word virus from return address

Need new signature old one not good.


Feb 18, 2004, 4:29:58 PM2/18/04

You're a typical fascist liberal who wants to lock everyone who you
don't agree with.


Feb 18, 2004, 4:33:26 PM2/18/04
But FIRST, a book about women sticking common
household objects up their rectums for fun
and profit.

If the Dems can't find a better messiah than
Larry Flynt, well ...


Feb 18, 2004, 5:01:57 PM2/18/04
On Wed, 18 Feb 2004 16:11:49 -0500, Jim Warren
<> wrote:

>On Wed, 18 Feb 2004 21:05:33 GMT, "FredThe Fish"
><> wrote:
>>> Now, what's the difference between the Bush abortion story and the
>>> Kerry story? Well, we know the Kerry story isn't true, and, Rush
>>> gives it three hours a day since he knows if he repeats it often
>>> enough, it will become true (at least for dittoheads).
>>I think we should finally give the repubs a taste of their own mediceine.
>>Remember Lee Atwater's deathbed apology to Michale Dukakis for the repub
>>campaign against him? I, for one, will do my best to smear the little lying
>>fuck Bush without apology. It's quite easy to do without lying, but why
>>limit ones options...
>>What's good for the goose, as they say............
>Ohh Amen brother.
>I hope the story, if true is provable?
>Flynt did in all of those other low lives.
>What's really funny is that for all their 24/7 screeching, Bill
>Clinton and Hillary are still respected in America and all over the

Cough.... Bullshit

9-11 is what the world thinks of Clinton, without him they would have
never been emboldened to do it. Nice try

jose soplar

Feb 18, 2004, 5:04:36 PM2/18/04
"Jim Kennemur" <> wrote in message news:<forYb.3946$>...
> Larry Flynt To Publish Book about Bush Paying for an Abortion

Wow! Now there's a reliable source. A pornographer and
exploiter of women.

Jim Warren

Feb 18, 2004, 5:06:41 PM2/18/04
On 18 Feb 2004 14:04:36 -0800, (jose soplar) wrote:

>Wow! Now there's a reliable source. A pornographer and
>exploiter of women.

Kinda reminds me of Newyt


Feb 18, 2004, 5:16:22 PM2/18/04
On 18 Feb 2004 14:04:36 -0800, (jose soplar) wrote:

>"Jim Kennemur" <> wrote in message news:<forYb.3946$>...
>> Larry Flynt To Publish Book about Bush Paying for an Abortion
>Wow! Now there's a reliable source. A pornographer and
>exploiter of women.

A typical democrat leader.

Jim Warren

Feb 18, 2004, 5:20:10 PM2/18/04

We learned well from you folk's.
You folks can dish it out but you can't take it.

John Starrett

Feb 18, 2004, 7:55:07 PM2/18/04
Mike wrote:


> Cough.... Bullshit
> 9-11 is what the world thinks of Clinton, without him they would have
> never been emboldened to do it. Nice try

Sorry, but you don't know what you're talking about. Clinton is more
respected around the world than Bush.

Not only that, but if he could legally run against Bush, he would win.
He would *actually* win. Why? Because he has *charisma*, and in
politics, as in motion pictures, that trumps all.

John Starrett

-----= Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News =----- - The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World!
-----== Over 100,000 Newsgroups - 19 Different Servers! =-----


Feb 18, 2004, 10:52:29 PM2/18/04
Jim Warren <> wrote:

> (jose soplar) wrote:
>>Wow! Now there's a reliable source. A pornographer and
>>exploiter of women.
>Kinda reminds me of Newyt

Does Newt have a daughter accusing him of sexually
molesting her, like prominent Democrat Larry Flynt?

C I C Deceit

Feb 18, 2004, 11:54:22 PM2/18/04

James Monroe

Feb 19, 2004, 3:53:02 AM2/19/04
On Thu, 19 Feb 2004 04:54:22 GMT, I C Deceit <I C> wrote:

You almost got it right.

Actually, if the drunken lying AWOL bush made his girlfriend get an
abortion and then lies about it, it's Clinton's fault.

William David Thweatt

Feb 19, 2004, 7:51:22 AM2/19/04
John Starrett ( wrote:
: Mike wrote:

: <snip>
: > Cough.... Bullshit
: >
: > 9-11 is what the world thinks of Clinton, without him they would have
: > never been emboldened to do it. Nice try

: Sorry, but you don't know what you're talking about. Clinton is more
: respected around the world than Bush.

Wrong. Clinton is more LIKED around the world than Bush. Bush is FAR
more RESPECTED than Clinton could ever hope to be.

Jim Warren

Feb 19, 2004, 10:02:58 AM2/19/04
On Thu, 19 Feb 2004 12:51:22 +0000 (UTC), (William
David Thweatt) wrote:

>John Starrett ( wrote:
>: Mike wrote:
>: <snip>
>: > Cough.... Bullshit
>: >
>: > 9-11 is what the world thinks of Clinton, without him they would have
>: > never been emboldened to do it. Nice try
>: Sorry, but you don't know what you're talking about. Clinton is more
>: respected around the world than Bush.
>Wrong. Clinton is more LIKED around the world than Bush. Bush is FAR
>more RESPECTED than Clinton could ever hope to be.

How do you equate the world view that Bush is a couple of bricks short
of a full load to world respect?
I think that Bush is feared around the world because of his lack of
diplomacy and reckless regard for the saftey and well being of others,
but I don't see a lot of respect out there or here for that matter.

Jim Warren

Feb 19, 2004, 10:06:31 AM2/19/04

If it is true what Flint says, does the fact that his daughter accused
him of sexually molesting her make it irrelevant?
I think both Bush and Flynt have allot to account for, but apparently
neither of them care.
Did Flint's daughter turn out as bad as bushes?


Feb 19, 2004, 11:16:45 AM2/19/04
Mike <> wrote in message news:<>...

No, the appropriate penalty for war crimes isn't being locked up, it's
being hung. On the gallows. You approve of capital punishment, don't

Given all the lies and damage you folks have put in the old country, I
have to ask...Why do you hate America so much?

William David Thweatt

Feb 19, 2004, 11:25:39 AM2/19/04
Jim Warren ( wrote:
: On Thu, 19 Feb 2004 12:51:22 +0000 (UTC), (William
: David Thweatt) wrote:

: >John Starrett ( wrote:
: >: Mike wrote:
: >
: >: <snip>
: >: > Cough.... Bullshit
: >: >
: >: > 9-11 is what the world thinks of Clinton, without him they would have
: >: > never been emboldened to do it. Nice try
: >
: >: Sorry, but you don't know what you're talking about. Clinton is more
: >: respected around the world than Bush.
: >
: >Wrong. Clinton is more LIKED around the world than Bush. Bush is FAR
: >more RESPECTED than Clinton could ever hope to be.

: How do you equate the world view that Bush is a couple of bricks short
: of a full load to world respect?

Because they know he's not afraid to unload lots of bricks onto our
enemies if they threaten us now or may threaten us in the future.

: I think that Bush is feared around the world because of his lack of

: diplomacy and reckless regard for the saftey and well being of others,
: but I don't see a lot of respect out there or here for that matter.

Why should we worry about the safety of people who are trying to kill us?

FredThe Fish

Feb 19, 2004, 12:06:39 PM2/19/04
> Wrong. Clinton is more LIKED around the world than Bush. Bush is FAR
> more RESPECTED than Clinton could ever hope to be.

That is ridiculous. In the past years I have travelled in Europe and Bush
is a laughingstock there! GO to Germany or Italy and talk to people.
They'll laugh in your face!


Bush's lies killed G.I.'s

"William David Thweatt" <> wrote in message

jose soplar

Feb 19, 2004, 12:20:02 PM2/19/04
Jim Warren <> wrote in message news:<>...

> On 18 Feb 2004 14:04:36 -0800, (jose soplar) wrote:
> >Wow! Now there's a reliable source. A pornographer and
> >exploiter of women.
> Kinda reminds me of Newyt

Do you mean Newt? Ok if you want to go there then don't forget
the Democrat idol BJ Clinton.


Feb 19, 2004, 12:45:18 PM2/19/04
On 19 Feb 2004 08:16:45 -0800, (Bloom,Leopold)

>> You're a typical fascist liberal who wants to lock up everyone who you

>> don't agree with.
>No, the appropriate penalty for war crimes isn't being locked up, it's
>being hung. On the gallows. You approve of capital punishment, don't

I sure do. Especially for traitors like Clinton, and Hanoi Kerry.

>Given all the lies and damage you folks have put in the old country, I
>have to ask...Why do you hate America so much?

Unlike you I love and support America.

Michael Ejercito

Feb 19, 2004, 1:41:34 PM2/19/04
"Jim Kennemur" <> wrote in message news:<forYb.3946$>...
> Larry Flynt To Publish Book about Bush Paying for an Abortion
David Irving published books that deny the Holocaust.


GW Chimpzilla

Feb 19, 2004, 1:56:56 PM2/19/04
FredThe Fish wrote:

>> Wrong. Clinton is more LIKED around the world than Bush. Bush is FAR
>> more RESPECTED than Clinton could ever hope to be.
> That is ridiculous. In the past years I have travelled in Europe and Bush
> is a laughingstock there! GO to Germany or Italy and talk to people.
> They'll laugh in your face!

Bush is like an 8 year-old boy with a loaded revolver.

William David Thweatt

Feb 19, 2004, 2:53:44 PM2/19/04
FredThe Fish ( wrote:
: > Wrong. Clinton is more LIKED around the world than Bush. Bush is FAR

: > more RESPECTED than Clinton could ever hope to be.

: That is ridiculous. In the past years I have travelled in Europe and Bush
: is a laughingstock there! GO to Germany or Italy and talk to people.
: They'll laugh in your face!

Tell them the US Army is coming and they'll shit their pants. THAT'S the
difference. Under Clinton, they'd be looking to hook up with a homo.


Feb 19, 2004, 4:37:43 PM2/19/04
William David Thweatt wrote:
> FredThe Fish ( wrote:

> : > Wrong. Clinton is more LIKED around the world than Bush. Bush is FAR
> : > more RESPECTED than Clinton could ever hope to be.

> : That is ridiculous. In the past years I have travelled in Europe and Bush
> : is a laughingstock there! GO to Germany or Italy and talk to people.
> : They'll laugh in your face!

> Tell them the US Army is coming and they'll shit their pants. THAT'S the
> difference.

Fear isn't the same as respect. A slave may fear an overseer, a
worker may fear a capricious manager; that doesn't mean respect.


David Moffitt

Feb 19, 2004, 6:42:17 PM2/19/04

"FredThe Fish" <> wrote in message

> > Wrong. Clinton is more LIKED around the world than Bush. Bush is FAR
> > more RESPECTED than Clinton could ever hope to be.
> That is ridiculous. In the past years I have travelled in Europe and Bush
> is a laughingstock there! GO to Germany or Italy and talk to people.
> They'll laugh in your face!

%%%% We kicked both of their asses in the past at the same time---- BFD!!

David Moffitt

Feb 19, 2004, 6:42:17 PM2/19/04

"GW Chimpzilla" <> wrote in message

%%%% All of my children knew firearm safety by that age!! :o)

David Moffitt

Feb 19, 2004, 6:51:52 PM2/19/04

"William David Thweatt" <> wrote in message

> FredThe Fish ( wrote:
> : > Wrong. Clinton is more LIKED around the world than Bush. Bush is FAR
> : > more RESPECTED than Clinton could ever hope to be.
> : That is ridiculous. In the past years I have travelled in Europe and
> : is a laughingstock there! GO to Germany or Italy and talk to people.
> : They'll laugh in your face!
> Tell them the US Army is coming and they'll shit their pants. THAT'S the
> difference. Under Clinton, they'd be looking to hook up with a homo.

%%%% We are there------We never left. :o)

The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are
willing to work and give to those who would not.---- Thomas Jefferson

David Moffitt

Feb 19, 2004, 6:58:51 PM2/19/04

"chris.holt" <> wrote in message

%%%%b Hummmmmm--- Reminds me of what my father said when I was a
"horror"mone drunk teen. "If I can't have your respect----- Fear will do!!

"Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference.
The Marines don't have that problem." --Ronald Reagan

> --

Dave Lister

Feb 19, 2004, 7:21:17 PM2/19/04
to (William David Thweatt) wrote in news:c12bga$ld3$2

> Wrong. Clinton is more LIKED around the world than Bush. Bush is FAR
> more RESPECTED than Clinton could ever hope to be.

Who respects Bush, moron?

Bush Lied.

Anybody But Bush.

Regime change begins at home.

Dave Lister

Feb 19, 2004, 7:23:46 PM2/19/04
Mike <> wrote in

> On 18 Feb 2004 14:04:36 -0800, (jose soplar) wrote:
>>"Jim Kennemur" <> wrote in message
>>> Larry Flynt To Publish Book about Bush Paying for an Abortion
>>Wow! Now there's a reliable source. A pornographer and
>>exploiter of women.
> A typical democrat leader.

I voted for Flynt in the recall election. He might have really stirred
things up.

Adam Albright

Feb 19, 2004, 10:04:13 PM2/19/04

You mindless moron, what does that have to do with HOW PEOPLE FEEL
about Bush?

Clinton can walk around freely anywhere in the world. Bush needs to
hide his sorry ass behind an army of Secret Service.


David Moffitt

Feb 19, 2004, 10:14:10 PM2/19/04

"Adam Albright" <> wrote in message

> On Thu, 19 Feb 2004 23:42:17 GMT, "David Moffitt" <weaselkiller@
>> wrote:
> >
> >"FredThe Fish" <> wrote in message
> >news:z26Zb.59188$
> >> > Wrong. Clinton is more LIKED around the world than Bush. Bush is
> >> > more RESPECTED than Clinton could ever hope to be.
> >>
> >>
> >> That is ridiculous. In the past years I have travelled in Europe and
> >> is a laughingstock there! GO to Germany or Italy and talk to people.
> >> They'll laugh in your face!
> >
> >%%%% We kicked both of their asses in the past at the same time---- BFD!!
> >:o)
> >
> You mindless moron, what does that have to do with HOW PEOPLE FEEL
> about Bush?

%%%% It zzzzzzinged right over your head!! :o)

> Clinton can walk around freely anywhere in the world. Bush needs to
> hide his sorry ass behind an army of Secret Service.

%%%% He is the President. What would be accomplished by killing Clinton?
(beyond eliminating a rapist)

"We do not need to divide America over who served and how." - John Kerry,
Feb. 27, 1992

> LOL!

Adam Albright

Feb 20, 2004, 12:40:03 AM2/20/04
On Fri, 20 Feb 2004 03:14:10 GMT, "David Moffitt" <weaselkiller@> wrote:

You are drugs again?


Feb 20, 2004, 12:53:49 AM2/20/04
David Moffitt wrote:
> "chris.holt" <> wrote...

>>William David Thweatt wrote:
>>>FredThe Fish ( wrote:

>>>: > Wrong. Clinton is more LIKED around the world than Bush. Bush is
>>>: > more RESPECTED than Clinton could ever hope to be.

>>>: That is ridiculous. In the past years I have travelled in Europe and
> Bush
>>>: is a laughingstock there! GO to Germany or Italy and talk to people.
>>>: They'll laugh in your face!

>>>Tell them the US Army is coming and they'll shit their pants. THAT'S
> the

>>Fear isn't the same as respect. A slave may fear an overseer, a
>>worker may fear a capricious manager; that doesn't mean respect.

> %%%%b Hummmmmm--- Reminds me of what my father said when I was a
> "horror"mone drunk teen. "If I can't have your respect----- Fear will do!!

This is why Israel is such a safe place nowadays; they've
instilled fear into the Palestinians.


David Moffitt

Feb 20, 2004, 8:43:57 AM2/20/04

"chris.holt" <> wrote in message

%%%% They need to start dipping their bullets in pig blood and putting one
on each bus! :o)

> --


Feb 20, 2004, 12:08:21 PM2/20/04
Mike <> wrote in message news:<>...

You've already proven yourself to be a liar. We'll be the judge of
your patriotism, not you.

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