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McCain: "The American People Don't Want Niggers In The WHITE House"

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Horatio Fudruckerton

Sep 27, 2008, 10:50:25 PM9/27/08
He says that while nigger slave labor built the white house (because the
founders were too lazy to do any work on their own - slaves even whiped their
asses), nigger don't have no right to live there. The WHITE House ain't for
Catholics, Muslims or Christ Killers either.

That's why Kennedy took a bullet.

Get the niggers out of America and on a boat back to Africa where they

Vote McCain Keep Black racists out of Washington.

What Me Worry?

Sep 27, 2008, 11:44:51 PM9/27/08

"Horatio Fudruckerton" <> wrote in message

Here's a clue: Black Americans aren't going to leave. Ever. This is their
country, and they love it as much or more than you do (assuming you're
really an American). Despite the best efforts of racist pukes like yourself,
people of color are protected by the same civil rights as white people.
That's not going to change.

A dark-skinned man with an African father is about to become the 44th
president of the great United States. He's a brilliant man, and a born
leader who might just be able to help We the People repair the damage
wrought by 8 years of Neocon lawlessness. I suggest you get used to it, or
the next 8 years are going to be miserable for you.

If you're a Christian, start acting like it. Your histrionics are pathetic.

Sep 27, 2008, 11:48:28 PM9/27/08
On Sep 27, 10:50 pm, Horatio Fudruckerton <> wrote:

> McCain: "The American People Don't Want Niggers In The WHITE House" Options

Sounds like a LOT of white democrats say something similar.

Hope and change.


Sep 28, 2008, 9:33:56 AM9/28/08

"What Me Worry?" <____@__.___> pounded out brainwashed idiocy in his
worthless message

You Might Be A whigger If...

by Frank Shell

August 18, 2002

1) You think "diversity" is good. You think that your family being
forcefully mixed together with violent, V.D.-infected niggers is a
good thing. Add lots of alcoholic, perpetually-stoned mestizo
mexicans, vietnamese and job-stealing H1B indians and you have the
ideal mixture prescribed by our Khazar overlords. Just remember your
place Whitey: the bottom.

2) It never occurs to you that the world's finest manufacturers use
homogenous work forces. You'll see few, if any, niggers working in
plants in Japan, Sweden or Germany. American auto makers actually
brag about their anti-white, pro-nigger racial discrimination
policies. They just can't get enough blubber lipped, gold-toothed
coons. But they can't exactly brag about the pieces of junk produced
by Kimdisha and Deshawn, can they? The next time you see a car broken
down in the middle of the road causing a stand-still traffic jam take
a look at the make of the car. Almost always it's a product of

3) You think martin luther coon was a martyr for peace. You probably
don't know that its real name was michael king. It and other "civil
rights" chimps were funded and managed by the Russian KGB and their
American jewish communist operatives. I want you to squirm as you
discover that this is not conjecture but documented, patent fact.
King had an FBI file on it which includes surveillance tapes of it
beating White prostitutes during sex acts blubbering out "I'm not a
negro tonight" and "I'm fucking for God" the night before its
extermination. The tribal affiliates of the late "reverend" have
successfully pressured the government to keep michael king's FBI file
under seal for many years to come. Many other files on individuals
have been declassified from this era. Why won't they declassify

4) You don't know that nigger males comprise only 6% of the US
population and commit over 50% of all the rapes. Nigger males rape
over 20,000 White females every year. Care to guess how many female
chimps are raped by Whites? That's right, virtually none. The Bureau
of Justice statistics actually show about 100 of these incidents,
however, it's likely that most or all of these are committed by
Hispanics since the FBI classifies Hispanic-committed crimes as being
White-committed crimes. Only the most depraved wiggers would be into
such a bestial act as fornicating with an anthropoid. Oh, about the
20,000+ rapes of human females by apes, how would you like to have
$20,000 right now? 20,000 is a lot of anything isn't it? What does
this say about this 6% of the population, that they commit over 50%
of all rapes, 20,000+ of which are against White women and girls? Let
alone that they commit 57% of all homicides and 68% of all armed
robberies? How about the fact that niggers commit 90% of all violent
interracial crime in the US, approximately 1.7 million violent crimes
against other races? Want to guess which of these races they assault,
rape and murder the most, Whitey? Actually these numbers are under-
reported since large municipalities are typically run by lying,
covering-up nigger organized crime gangs. Large numbers of police
reports on murders, assaults and rapes are intentionally re-
classified or not filed at all to make the nigger-related violence
problem in America's once-great cities seem smaller than the anti-
White holocaust that it actually is. You are of the sickest type of
wigger if you believe that rape is a "crime of poverty" just like the
other violent crimes committed by niggers... and if you feel named
here then why don't you move to a nigger-infested 'hood to "help"
your precious apes instead of hiding in a suburban White enclave and
pontificating from your ivory tower like a co-dependent, excuse-
making, hypocritical, misanthropic piece of garbage?

5) You don't know that diversity among White ethnicities from the
1880s to 1920s in America's cities resulted in the melding of a
successful, productive society. And it wasn't mandated and controlled
by an Orwellian iron-fisted government like it is today. You are
definitely a wigger if you are too brainwashed to see the difference
between White immigration and third-world immigration.

6) You believe niggers deserve "reparations" for destroying America's

7) You are unaware that niggers in sub-Saharan Africa still practice
slavery today. It has never stopped. Niggers still abduct rival bands
of other niggers, use them as slaves then eventually resell them on
the secondary market. The only difference between the present nigger
slave trade in Africa and that of the 17th-19th centuries is the
buyers. Today they are primarily Arabs in North Africa who often use
little chimplets as sex machines. Jews played a major role in the
slave trade in past centuries but have progressed to other
machinations of slavery such as world communism and zionism. Of
course, jews do specialize in organized prostitution rings or "White
slavery" as they have since ancient times when they followed behind
conquering armies as brutal carpetbaggers and pimps.

8) You often patronize the anti-White drivel produced by the Khazars
who run Hollywood. How often can you turn on the TV and damned if the
first thing you see isn't a chimp dressed up playing the role of a
respectable position in society? Hasn't anyone told the jewish
writers and producers of the chimp-dung on America's idiot boxes that
1 out of 5 male chimps is either in prison, on probation or an ex-
con, or that 70% of niggers go through their demonic lives never even
knowing who their "father" is? How can you have "black family
sitcoms" when the term "black family" is practically an oxymoron?
Truth is the jews understand the nigger plight very well. Niggers are
purposely portrayed as equals to humans on TV and films to: a) Debase
and nurture an inferiority complex in Whites; b) Brainwash Whites
into accepting a sick, outrageous and racially lethal standard of

9) You look at a nigger and instead of seeing a gigantic cockroach
you see a wonderful human being with very "special" qualities.

10) You live in total denial of reality. In other words, you're a
chump. You don't mind being a slave by virtue of being grossly
overtaxed to fund midnight baxitball programs, White guilt institutes
(public schools), endless social engineering programs designed to
give your job to a more deserving "minority" and get your kids to
participate in bestiality with AIDS-infected niggers, or
homosexuality. And amazingly, chances are you've personally been the
target of nigger crimes, anti-White discrimination and racial
harassment yet you still believe it will all work out, it all
happened for "a reason," -- "I understand, I mean after all they've
been through..."; "They're not all like that, I mean the ones on TV
are so well spoken"; "What about the ones with the retardation-range
IQs who have been nice to me?"; "It could have been a White rapist
just as easily"; "This is the price we have to pay for slavery."
Basically at this point in your life you're either too weak, stupid
or incorrigibly brainwashed to break the shackles of denial about the
nightmare society is devolving into and why.


Sep 28, 2008, 11:57:01 AM9/28/08

"Horatio Fudruckerton" <> wrote in message
> He says that while nigger slave labor built the white house (because the
> founders were too lazy to do any work on their own - slaves even whiped
> their
> asses), nigger don't have no right to live there. The WHITE House ain't
> for
> Catholics, Muslims or Christ Killers either.
> That's why Kennedy took a bullet.
> Get the niggers out of America and on a boat back to Africa where they
> belong.

Obama is from Hawaii and I'd take a million of him over just one more of
someone like you.


Sep 29, 2008, 2:55:50 PM9/29/08

"Bugman" <> wrote in message

balack hussein o-sambo was conceived in africoon by a fecal colored nigger
animal and a white whore slut. The jury is still out on where the
mentally-ill nigger-loving white-trash slut actually shit the little basturd
out at.

No matter, the "one drop" rule dictates the little muslim commie is pure
nigger, through and through. Therefore, back to africoon where he belongs.
Enough said.

Oct 9, 2008, 8:31:57 AM10/9/08
On Sep 29, 12:55 pm, "me" <> wrote:
> "Bugman" <> wrote in message
> Enough said.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

I must say Blacks have caused ALOT of problems in the US It is
that the Black people who have made something of themselves have to
look at that pathetic race with their welfare sluts and loser baby
daddies non the less if this is how we feel we must unite and vote
Mcain in office and another thing I can not imagine that racist
Michelle Obama as first lady what a joke mind as well Put A Chimp

Oct 9, 2008, 8:34:24 AM10/9/08

OF coruse they are not going to leave we else but this dumass country
is going to give them all the freebies they get

Oct 9, 2008, 10:58:44 PM10/9/08

All you racists bastards are going to have to deal with GOD. You
demonic assholes. African Americans are here to stay. We built this
country and invented many things, something that your dumbasses
couldn't do.

Face the facts, Obama is going to win, so keep throwing your trantrums
just like that little small manic depressant bipolar ass McCAIN.

Black men don't have to rape your white trash women, they're such
freaks, they give it up at the drop of a hat. They are drawn to the
BLACK MAN because your dick's are too little to satisfy them.

Take this all in ASSHOLES!


Oct 10, 2008, 9:54:35 AM10/10/08

<> wrote in message

Put down the crack pipe, nigger.

Oct 10, 2008, 9:14:34 PM10/10/08
On Oct 10, 7:54 am, "me" <> wrote:
> <> wrote in message

Put down the meth asshole. I don't need drugs to survive. Blacks no
how to survive we've had to our entire lives. We don't get things
handed to us, we work for it. You're probably a pedophile to. Jerk!

I. M. White

Oct 11, 2008, 10:44:52 AM10/11/08

<> wrote in message

You just can't put the crack pipe down, can you NIGGER?

Here's a news flash for you, sambo;

1. Throughout all of history, NIGGERS have invented nothing of any value,
not one single thing.
2. Regardless of the type intellectual test given, NIGGERS always place dead
last, bar none.
3. Despite the fact whites have spent trillions of dollars trying to
humanize you shit-colored gorilla-faced sub-human animals, NIGGERS remain
the plague of the earth.

Your delusional crack induced outburts aside, I will concede that you vile
NIGGER beasts do not "need" drugs to survive. However, you DO need whitey
to survive. Therefore, bow down to your Massa' White and polish my boots

What NIGGERS are missing leaves the NIGGERS without an ability to think
about what NIGGERS are missing.

Therefore, NIGGERS need not respond.

I. M. White


Oct 11, 2008, 6:35:42 PM10/11/08

The above rant is demonstrable proof that as mankind evolved they came
down from the trees - obviously this occurred rather recently for the
author of the rant.

I. M. White

Oct 12, 2008, 11:11:29 AM10/12/08

"KStahl" <> wrote in message

.............and yet, you were unable to provided any credible statistical
data to counter what I posted. Could it be you can't, and as a result, you
are nothing more than a craven coward who seeks comfort hiding behind lame
non sequiturs in hopes of detracting attention away from the truth I posted?
Seems so.


Oct 12, 2008, 2:30:35 PM10/12/08

You are a wing-nut. That means nothing you say is valid so there is no
need to refute anything you say.

I. M. White

Oct 12, 2008, 5:35:57 PM10/12/08

"KStahl" <> wrote in message


"I have no credible arguement to counter the truth Mr. White purveys about
the NIGGER beast, and therefore, I surrender like the coward I am by spewing
my worthless biased opinion rather than own up to said truth."

As shown, another NIGGER-loving craven brainwashed wigger unable to debate
the facts about the NIGGER animal in an uncensored forum.


Oct 12, 2008, 6:46:44 PM10/12/08
I. M. White wrote:

You aren't smart enough to perform a translation. Perhaps you are good
at fabricating things out of thin air. Don't worry, there are some very
nice asylums for people like you who spew racial hatred due to mental

I. M. White

Oct 13, 2008, 9:51:20 AM10/13/08

"KStahl" <> wrote in message

1. Your unsubstantiated opinions don't constitute fact.

2. Post your proof where I "fabricated" anything I posted about the
despicable NIGGER

3. Speaking the truth is never hateful.

If you are unable to counter the facts I posted about NIGGERS head on, just
say so!!! There's no need for you to keep humiliating yourself in this


Oct 13, 2008, 1:59:28 PM10/13/08
I. M. White wrote:

They are not unsubstantiated. What planet are you living on? I know more
about this then you ever will.

> 2. Post your proof where I "fabricated" anything I posted about the
> despicable NIGGER
> beast.

The fact that you use morally objectionable words shows that you are a
radical racist and not fit to be part of civil society.

> 3. Speaking the truth is never hateful.

In your own private fantasy world.

> If you are unable to counter the facts I posted about NIGGERS head on, just
> say so!!! There's no need for you to keep humiliating yourself in this
> manner.

You're the one harboring extreme racist viewpoints - you are in a very
small but stupid and loud-mouthed minority. You are even proud of your
vast stupidity. Maybe you can describe the type of tree that you just
came down from recently so that you can drag your knuckles on the ground.

I. M. White

Oct 14, 2008, 10:40:19 AM10/14/08

"KStahl" <> wrote in message

>"They are not unsubstantiated." <cut for brevity>

So you agree they are indeed your opinions, just that they are "not
unsubstantiated" because, by your logic, they follow your feelings rather
than factual data. Thanks for clearing that up!

>"you use morally objectionable words" <cut for brevity>

IOW, it's not the truthfulness of the message you disagree with, it's the
language it which it was presented that offends you. And because that
language contradicts your feelings instilled by years of brainwashing, the
fact you have been unable to counter said message with any credible
statistical data whatsoever has you obediently going on liberal autopilot
showing yourself for the bleeding heart NIGGER-loving wigger that you are.
In summary, whenever you are unable to logically counter the vile despicable
truth about the NIGGER beast, you simply go straight to the liberal handbook
and label any realist you encounter a "nazi, fascist, racist, hatemonger,
etc." As such, it's obvious where the real hate lies here.

>"In your own private fantasy world."

You poor deluded mental cripple, you have been so brainwashed that you can
no longer distinguish fact from fiction. No doubt, you most likely also
believe "reality TV" is actually reality! Here's a news flash, wigger-boy;
it's never wrong to speak the truth, even in your social engineered world of
make believe.

>"You're the one harboring extreme racist viewpoints" <cut for brevity>

Oh look! More groundless hyperbole void of any substance. Why am I not
surprised?!!!! Why is it you have not provided one shred of credible
evidence to counter even one thing I have posted. Not one!! Can it be you
can't? Seems so.


Oct 14, 2008, 11:01:51 AM10/14/08
I. M. White wrote:

The difference is, the world is laughing at your stupidity. They merely
find me to be boring.

I. M. White

Oct 15, 2008, 10:30:10 AM10/15/08

"KStahl" <> wrote in message

Oh my!!!!!! More unsubstantiated OPINIONATED non sequiturs!!!! The reality
is that I stand on factual data while you and your ilk cower in the corner
circle-jerking each other in fantasyland. Let the record show you don't deny
being an opinionated brainwashed twit who spews hyperbole void of any
substance, who can't distinguish fact from fiction, who is terrified of the
truth about NIGGERS, and who is unable to provide one shred of credible
evidence to counter the horrid truth I post about NIGGERS.


Oct 15, 2008, 10:17:16 PM10/15/08
I. M. White wrote:

> Oh my!!!!!! More unsubstantiated OPINIONATED non sequiturs!!!! The reality
> is that I stand on factual data while you and your ilk cower in the corner
> circle-jerking each other in fantasyland. Let the record show you don't deny
> being an opinionated brainwashed twit who spews hyperbole void of any
> substance, who can't distinguish fact from fiction, who is terrified of the
> truth about NIGGERS, and who is unable to provide one shred of credible
> evidence to counter the horrid truth I post about NIGGERS.

The only thing you are is a racist and a miscreant throwback to times
when man's predecessors were swinging from tree to tree. As a result
your opinion simply doesn't count. But your job as a honey dipper fits
your personality.

I. M. White

Oct 16, 2008, 2:12:19 PM10/16/08

"KStahl" <> wrote in message

Often one that is labeled a racist is simply a realist who is winning a
debate with a brainwashed NIGGER-loving liberal. You prove that point once
again with your delusional off topic non sequitur.

If you have nothing of substance refuting what I posted about NIGGERS,
simply say so!!!!


Oct 16, 2008, 10:02:34 PM10/16/08
I. M. White wrote:

> "KStahl" <> wrote in message
>>I. M. White wrote:
>>>Oh my!!!!!! More unsubstantiated OPINIONATED non sequiturs!!!! The
>>>reality is that I stand on factual data while you and your ilk cower in
>>>the corner circle-jerking each other in fantasyland. Let the record show
>>>you don't deny being an opinionated brainwashed twit who spews hyperbole
>>>void of any substance, who can't distinguish fact from fiction, who is
>>>terrified of the truth about NIGGERS, and who is unable to provide one
>>>shred of credible evidence to counter the horrid truth I post about
>>The only thing you are is a racist and a miscreant throwback to times when
>>man's predecessors were swinging from tree to tree. As a result your
>>opinion simply doesn't count. But your job as a honey dipper fits your
> Often one that is labeled a racist is simply a realist who is winning a
> debate with a brainwashed NIGGER-loving liberal. You prove that point once
> again with your delusional off topic non sequitur.
> If you have nothing of substance refuting what I posted about NIGGERS,
> simply say so!!!!

Well we already know that you are a Republican sympathizer and that
means you are a communist and under educated that goes out of your way
to be offensive and a social miscreant.

I. M. White

Oct 17, 2008, 10:41:57 AM10/17/08

"KStahl" <> wrote in message

Do show absolute proof that I am a republican. If you are unable to do so,
you will be exposed for the liar you are showing yourself to be.

Furthermore, I note your continued cowardly evasive tactics to divert
attention away from your obvious inability to counter what I posted about


Oct 17, 2008, 7:10:03 PM10/17/08
I. M. White wrote:

It is pretty obvious that you are not a Democrat and anyone who is not a
Democrat is a Republican sympathizer and obviously adopts Republican
attitudes - such as extreme and offensive racism.

People who use the name White in Usenet are obvious defective sub-humans
who are leeches on society. Therefore there is nothing that they say
that is worth discussing because it isn't possible for meaningless
garbage to be significant for any other purpose then to demonstrate the
using White as a name indicates that the user is a worthless piece of
trash who doesn't deserve to be part of civil society. I suspect that
you also engage in Idrophrodisia and Chezolagnia.

I. M. White

Oct 20, 2008, 10:29:06 AM10/20/08

"KStahl" <> wrote in message

In other words, you are unable to back up your claims with any credible
evidence whatsoever and chose to evade that fact under the guise of even
more speculation and "feel-good" drivel. As such, you once again expose
yourself to be nothing more than a craven liar void of any substance. I
suppose asking you for your proof that my name is not White would be in vain
as well, right coward?

No proof, no merit, so noted.


Oct 20, 2008, 12:23:12 PM10/20/08
I. M. White wrote:

Yep, Idrophrodisia and Chezolagnia - I had you pegged from the start.

White is the name you are using. Therefore it is the name you are known
by. I use my real name because I have no need to hide my identity like
cowards are accustomed to doing.

I. M. White

Oct 20, 2008, 12:38:28 PM10/20/08

"KStahl" <> wrote in message

In other words, you are STILL unable to back up your claims with any

evidence whatsoever and chose to evade that fact under the guise of even
more speculation and "feel-good" drivel. As such, you once again expose
yourself to be nothing more than a craven liar void of any substance. I

suppose asking you for your proof that my REAL name is not White would be in

as well, right coward?

No proof, no merit, so noted.



Oct 20, 2008, 4:05:10 PM10/20/08
I. M. White wrote:

Get professional help! It is obvious that you are operating under some
type of delusion that I care what a good-for-thing racist thinks. Note
anything you want, you are still a scumbag.

I. M. White

Oct 20, 2008, 4:23:50 PM10/20/08

"KStahl" <> wrote in message

First and foremost, your worthless opinion does not constitute fact.

Second, you have exposed yourself not only as a lying coward, but a lying
coward who lacks the intestinal fortitude to back up what he says.

Third, I am not the one running from the obvious truth, you are. You have
evaded and dodged each and every one of your bold claims with more
unsubstantiated hyperbole.

In summary, you have not been able to refute one single item I have posted
about the NIGGER beast. In addition, all you have provided is speculation
and ASSumptions based on nothing more than your liberal brainwashed
feelings. To reiterate, you have shown yourself to be nothing more than a
lying, opinionated, spineless coward.

Once again, no proof, no merit, so noted.


Oct 20, 2008, 4:37:07 PM10/20/08
I. M. White wrote:

Get professional help.

I. M. White

Oct 20, 2008, 5:27:58 PM10/20/08

"KStahl" <> wrote in message



Oct 20, 2008, 6:50:22 PM10/20/08
I. M. White wrote:
> <drivel>

Get professional help.

I. M. White

Oct 21, 2008, 10:47:41 AM10/21/08

"KStahl" <> wrote in message

> I. M. White wrote:
> > <drivel>
> Get professional help.

The opinions of lying cowards are without merit and will be noted as such.

Enough said.


Oct 21, 2008, 12:19:08 PM10/21/08
I. M. White wrote:

> "KStahl" <> wrote in message
>>I. M. White wrote:
>>Get professional help.
> The opinions of lying cowards are without merit and will be noted as such.
> Enough said.

Get professional help.

I. M. White

Oct 22, 2008, 10:42:50 AM10/22/08

"KStahl" <> wrote in message

That's funny........coming from a PROVEN lying coward who's best defense
against the truth is lame "feel good" psycho babble built on delusional
fantasies. Priceless!!!!!

Your continued belly-crawling cowardly evasion of the following is duly

1. Absolute proof that I am a republican as you so boldly claimed.
2. Absolute proof that my name is not White as you so boldly claimed.
3. Absolute proof to counter what I posted about NIGGERS which you boldly
claim is incorrect.

Once again, no proof, no merit, so noted.



Oct 22, 2008, 11:52:24 AM10/22/08
I. M. White wrote:

> "KStahl" <> wrote in message
>>I. M. White wrote:
>>>"KStahl" <> wrote in message
>>>>I. M. White wrote:
>>>>Get professional help.
>>>The opinions of lying cowards are without merit and will be noted as
>>>Enough said.
>>Get professional help.
> That's funny........coming from a PROVEN lying coward who's best defense
> against the truth is lame "feel good" psycho babble built on delusional
> fantasies. Priceless!!!!!
> Your continued belly-crawling cowardly evasion of the following is duly
> noted:
> 1. Absolute proof that I am a republican as you so boldly claimed.
> 2. Absolute proof that my name is not White as you so boldly claimed.
> 3. Absolute proof to counter what I posted about NIGGERS which you boldly
> claim is incorrect.
> Once again, no proof, no merit, so noted.

Get professional help.

I. M. White

Oct 22, 2008, 2:43:54 PM10/22/08

"KStahl" <> wrote in message

Your continued plea for mental help is duly noted. However, I am not your
keeper and it is not my place to find you the professional help you seek.
Perhaps while you are on your knees in front of your beloved NIGGER messiah
you could "axe" him to help put you out of your misery.


Oct 22, 2008, 6:33:38 PM10/22/08
I. M. White wrote:

Get professional help.

Oct 23, 2008, 9:03:47 AM10/23/08
On Sep 27, 10:44 pm, "What Me Worry?" <____@__.___> wrote:
> "Horatio Fudruckerton" <> wrote in message

> > He says that while nigger slave labor built the white house (because the
> > founders were too lazy to do any work on their own - slaves even whiped
> > their
> > asses), nigger don't have no right to live there. The WHITE House ain't
> > for
> > Catholics, Muslims or Christ Killers either.
> > That's why Kennedy took a bullet.
> > Get the niggers out of America and on a boat back to Africa where they
> > belong.
> > Vote McCain Keep Black racists out of Washington.
> Here's a clue: Black Americans aren't going to leave. Ever. This is their
> country, and they love it as much or more than you do (assuming you're
> really an American). Despite the best efforts of racist pukes like yourself,
> people of color are protected by the same civil rights as white people.
> That's not going to change.
> A dark-skinned man with an African father is about to become the 44th
> president of the great United States. He's a brilliant man, and a born
> leader who might just be able to help We the People repair the damage
> wrought by 8 years of Neocon lawlessness. I suggest you get used to it, or
> the next 8 years are going to be miserable for you.
> If you're a Christian, start acting like it. Your histrionics are pathetic.


Governor Swill

Oct 24, 2008, 12:22:29 AM10/24/08
famous21 wrote:

>Hello Shaw10:
>Be careful with the heated language regarding "assination," especially
>making reference to President Kennedy. The FBI, CIA, and Secret
>Service moniters these newsgroups. Do not be surprised if the
>authorities knock on the door of your residence.

If you hadn't responded to that boob, I wouldn't have seen his post

Liberal: I like the puppet on the left.
Conservative: I like the puppet on the right.
Independent: Hey! There's one guy holding both puppets!
Centrist: I hope he knows which puppet's on which hand.
Picture of the Day

I. M. White

Oct 24, 2008, 10:05:33 AM10/24/08

"KStahl" <> wrote in message

Asked and answered; it's not my place to find you the help you keep pleading

Now, back to the topic;

1. You have been unable to disprove anything I have posted about NIGGERS.
2. You have been unable to provide credible proof to back up your
unsubstantiated claims.
3. You continue to evade the topic at hand by hiding behind lame non

In summary; you are a lying craven coward.

Respond if you agree with all of the above numbered topics and summary.


Oct 24, 2008, 2:12:53 PM10/24/08
I. M. White wrote:
> Asked and answered; it's not my place to find you the help you keep pleading
> for.
> Now, back to the topic;
> 1. I have been unable to prove anything I have posted about inappropriate racial remarks.
> 2. I have been unable to provide credible proof to back up my
> unsubstantiated claims.
> 3. You continue to point out that the topic at hand indicates my mental illness
> In summary; I am a lying craven coward.

> Respond if you agree with all of the above numbered topics and summary.

Get professional help.

I. M. White

Oct 28, 2008, 9:11:22 AM10/28/08

"KStahl" <> wrote in message

Your humiliating and utter defeat is duly noted.

Juan M

Oct 28, 2008, 9:47:10 AM10/28/08

"I. M. White" <> wrote in message

Thank you for your well-reasoned and articulate response. I'm sure the
conservative movement, as well as your mother, are proud of you, as a prime
example of the depth of their thought processes.

Perhaps you could go on television!

I. M. White

Oct 28, 2008, 10:05:04 AM10/28/08

"Juan M" <> wrote in message

Don't you just hate it when facts stand in the way of your

Juan M

Oct 28, 2008, 10:32:42 AM10/28/08

"I. M. White" <> wrote in message

It's a pity that your mother didn't give your father the blowjpb he wanted
on the night you were conceived.

Obama's Rattler

Oct 28, 2008, 11:25:42 AM10/28/08

"I. M. EMU" <> wrote in message

That incluses white-trash like yourself.

I. M. White

Oct 28, 2008, 12:31:37 PM10/28/08

"Obama's Rattler" <> wrote in message

"incluses"????? Your delusion aside, you type like a NIGGER.

Enough said.


Oct 28, 2008, 12:39:17 PM10/28/08
I. M. White wrote:
> "KStahl" <> wrote in message
>>I. M. White wrote:
>>>Asked and answered; it's not my place to find you the help you keep
>>>pleading for.
>>>Now, back to the topic;
>>>1. I have been unable to prove anything I have posted about inappropriate
>>>racial remarks.
>>>2. I have been unable to provide credible proof to back up my
>>>unsubstantiated claims.
>>>3. You continue to point out that the topic at hand indicates my mental
>>>illness In summary; I am a lying craven coward.
>>>Respond if you agree with all of the above numbered topics and summary.
>>Get professional help.
> Your humiliating and utter defeat is duly noted.
Get professional help.
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