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Kim Gu's Assassin, Ahn Doo Whi, was an American Agent

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Young Kim

Sep 8, 2001, 10:32:36 AM9/8/01
Kim Gu's Assassin, Ahn Doo Whi, was an American Agent
Right-wing Terrorist, Yum Ung Take, Master-minder.
Source: Yonhap News, 2001-09-04


Ahn Doo Whi, who shot and killed Kim Goo on June 26, 1949, was a key
employee of the US Counter Intelligence Corps (CIC) in Korea. This fact was
established on September 4, 2001. It was also disclosed that Yum Ung Taek,
aka Yum Dong Jin, may have master-minded Kim Gu's murder. Yum led an
ultra-rightist terrorist group, White Angels Association (Baik-yi-sah),
Yum's group was active in anti-communist terrorism.

These facts were uncovered by Prof. Bang Sun Ju, a Korean-American
historian, and Dr. Jung Byong Joon of the Korean History Compilation
Council. They uncovered a secret report on the Kim Gu assassination by
Major George E. Cilley, an intelligence officer the US Army 1st Corp. The
report was written three days after Kim Gu's assassination and sent to the
intelligence chief of the US Army General Staff on July 1st 1949. The Korean
researchers found this report at the US National Records Archives and the
Korean History Compilation Council made it public.

It had been suspected that the US was involved in Kim Gu's assassination and
Major Cilly's secret report that confirms Ahn Doo Whi's employment by the
US CIC tends to confirm this suspicion.

Dr. Bang Sun Ju's group filed FOIA for this report titled - "Kim Koo:
Background Information Concerning Assassination", a 3rd class classified
(confidential) document. Major Cilly wrote - "Ahn Tok Hi (sic) was a Korean
youth, an founding member of a secret organization (= White Angels Society)
and a member of its First Branch. I understand that Ahn was an informant
and later a key CIC agent."

Major Cilly went to write - "Ahn Doo Whi wrote in his blood that he would
carry out Kim Gu assassination if Yum Dong Jin ordered him."

Little is known of the White Angels Society. It is believed that it was
based on the Korean Provisional Government Special Mission in Seoul,
secretly established in Seoul by Sin Ik Hee in November 1944. After
liberation, it was engaged in terrorism against Korean leftists. This group
was responsible for the grenade attack on Kim Il Sung, Kim Chaik, Choe Yong
Gun, Kim Tu Bong and other communist leaders on the March First Movement
commemoration held on March 1, 1946. The mass meeting of 70,000 was held in
the Pyongyang Railway square. The group assassinated Hyon Ju Yuk, a key
leader of domestic communists in North Korea.

The group's leader, Yum Yong Taik, was a mysterious character. Major Cilly
calls him "the most malignant blind general" and stated that Yum had
engineered a number of political assassinations. Cilly's report states that
Yum's group was responsible for the death of Chang Duk Soo and Yuh Woon
Yong, two of the most renouned Korean nationalist leaders. The fact,
revealed in the Cilly report, that Ahn Doo Whi was a key member of Yum's
assassination squad makes it plausible that Yum was behind Kim Gu's

Yum's White Angels Society was modeled after Chang Kai Sek's Nam-yi Society,
a secret terrorist group against Japanese leaders. Sin Ik Hee and Yu Jin
San were the founders and Yum Yung Taek was put in command of its
operations. The Cilly report states that Kim Gu had Chinese communists
arrest Yum Ung Taek. The report says that Yum lost his sight from tortures
by his Chinese communist captors. Cilly goes on to suggest that it is
plausible that Yum had Kim Gu killed to avenge for personal vendetta.
However, Prof. Bang disputes Major Cilly's speculation and cites the fact
that Yum was arrested by Japanese (not by Mao's forces) and turned into
spying for the Japanese secret police.


White Angels commander, Yum Ung Taek

At about 11 AM, Narch 1, 1946, some 70,000 Koreans crowded into the stadium
in front of the Pyongyang Railway Station to commemorate the March First
Movement. Soviet Army brass, Kim Il Sung, Kim Chaik, Coe Yong Gun, Kim Du
Bong and other key Korean leaders occupied the stage. A young Korean threw
a grenade aimed at Kim Il Sung but the grenade fell short of its intended
target and exploded beneath the speaker's stand. The ceremony was
interrupted and Kim Il Sung was escorted out by Red Army security forces.

This incident followed the Siniju Students Incident of November 1945,
wherein hordes of students marched against Soviet occupation of North
Korea.. On December 27, 1945, foreign ministers of the Big Three, the US,
USSR and Great Britain, met in Moscow and announced a trusteeship of Korea.
Korean leaders were split into two camps - those supporting the trusteeship
and those dead against it. In general leftists were for trusteeship and
rightists were against it, and the left-right conflicted intensified in

Kim Gu, Kim Gyu Sik, Cho So Ahng, Sin Ik Hee and other members of the Korean
Provisional Government (KPG) in exile in China were opposed to the
trusteeship and went on a rampage to eliminate those who were for it. They
formed a special action group, under Sin Ik Hee, whose main objective was
assassination of communist leaders. This group contracted with the White
Angels Society to send an assassination squad to North Korea.

The White Angels were commanded by Yum Ung Taik (aka Yum Dong Jin). Yum was
born in South Pyongahn Province and graduated from Seoul Sun-rim School of
Commerce and Nakyang Military Academy of China. He was an officer in Chiang
Kaisek's army and worked closely with Sin Yik Hee and Kim Wong Bong (a
leftist terrorist leader) for Korean independence.

In 1943, Yum went to Pyongyang and established a secret anti-Japanese action
group, the Great Unity Corp. Upon liberation, Yum led anti-communist
activities in North Korea. The Soviets uncovered his activities and issued
an arrest warranty but Yum and some of his followers managed to escape to
Seoul in December 1945. Yum continued his anti-communist terrorism in South
Korea. He formed the White Angels Society in South Korea.

In mid-February 1946, Kim Gu's KPG commissioned a death squad consisting of
Cho Jung Suh, Kim Jung Yi, Kim Hyong Jip and Choe Ki Sung led by Lee Sung
Yul. Sin Ik Hee gave a watch and a hat to each member. Yum gave a pistol to
each member and ordered the to kill Kim Il Sung and other communist leaders
in North Korea. Lee Sung Yul's team managed to infiltrate the March First
celebration crowd and Kim Hyong Jip threw a grenade at Kim Il Sung, who was
about to start his speech. Kim Hyong Jip was arrested but others escaped.


Kim In Ho, a participant of the failed attempt at Kim Il Sung's murder wrote
a book on his exploit (Across the Line of Death, ISBN 89-7832-079-1,
Thinking People Press, 1999, Seoul, Korea.

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