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Buy Alice Cherry Gummy (1g Golden Teacher) | Kaupa Alice Cherry Gummy (1g Golden Teacher)

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Homeland Pharmacy

Aug 20, 2023, 2:33:40 AM8/20/23
Buy Alice Cherry Gummy (1g Golden Teacher) | Kaupa Alice Cherry Gummy (1g Golden Teacher)

Alice Cherry Gummy (Golden Teacher) 1g

Treat yourself, live in the moment, and chase that white rabbit. You never know where it might take you. Our Cherry gummies sell out as we make them available, because they’re so damn good!

GENERAL DOSAGE GUIDE:Microdose – 0.1g – 0.3g
Beginner – 0.3g – 1g
Average – 1g – 2.5g
Experienced – 2.5g – 3.5g+Effects begin between 10 to 40 minutes after ingestion and can last between 3 and 6 hours, depending on the dose and the individual.Like all tryptamines, psilocybes often cause what have been called “the mushroom yawns” which increase markedly as one begins to peak, however, the feeling in the rest of the body is energetic, not tired.

Users can expect a wide variety of possible effects and sensations, from the mystical, euphoric and revelatory to the hyperspatial and mind-alteringly observational. At doses over 2 grams, some users report experiencing warping of the visual field, and Dali-esque melting objects, and other possible effects include time distortion, hallucinations both when eyes are closed or open and synesthesia (i.e. “seeing” sounds and “feeling” colours).

Remember to stay hydrated, especially if you’re outdoors or doing activity like dancing, and try sipping some honey ginger tea to counteract any possible nausea during the come-up. Do not use if pregnant and do not mix with other drugs or alcohol.Please Note: This is a general dosage guide and the effects may differ from product to product and person to person.

The effects from 0.1g – 1g of psylocibin are generally quite mild. Be sure to try the minimum dosage you would normally take for each new product and increase the dosage accordingly after waiting for the recommended time.*Some anecdotal reports show that medications such as MAOI’s and SSRI’s can weaken or potentially nullify the effects of psylocibin. Please be sure to check with your physician before taking any of these products.*

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Kaupa Alice Cherry Gummy (1g Golden Teacher)

Alice Cherry Gummy (Gullkennari) 1g

Dekraðu við sjálfan þig, lifðu í augnablikinu og elttu þessa hvítu kanínu. Þú veist aldrei hvert það gæti tekið þig. Kirsuberjagúmmíin okkar seljast upp þegar við gerum þau aðgengileg, því þau eru svo fjandi góð!

Almennar skammtaleiðbeiningar: Örskammtar – 0,1g – 0,3g
Byrjandi - 0,3g - 1g
Meðaltal - 1g - 2,5g
Reyndir – 2,5g – 3,5g+Áhrif byrja á milli 10 til 40 mínútum eftir inntöku og geta varað á milli 3 og 6 klukkustundir, allt eftir skammti og einstaklingi. Eins og öll tryptamín valda psilocybes oft því sem kallað hefur verið „sveppurinn geispi“ sem aukast verulega þegar maður byrjar að ná hámarki, hins vegar er tilfinningin í restinni af líkamanum orkumikil, ekki þreytt.

Notendur geta búist við margs konar mögulegum áhrifum og skynjun, allt frá dulrænu, vellíðan og opinberun til ofurrýmis og hugabreytandi athugana. Í skömmtum yfir 2 grömmum, segja sumir notendur að þeir hafi upplifað skekkju á sjónsviðinu, og dali-líka bráðnandi hluti, og önnur hugsanleg áhrif eru tímaskekkja, ofskynjanir bæði þegar augu eru lokuð eða opin og skynleysi (þ.e. að „sjá“ hljóð og „tilfinning“ " litir).
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