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Bill Richardson has plans for Hispanics

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Tavita Manumaleuna

Jul 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/25/99
Energy chief vows to boost opportunities for Hispanics

Richardson outlines plans at LULAC convention


By Tony Plohetski / The Dallas Morning News

CORPUS CHRISTI - U.S. Energy Secretary Bill
Richardson vowed Friday to
increase the number of Hispanic employees in his
agency through increased
outreach and retention efforts.

"We need more Hispanics in science and
energy," Mr. Richardson told
reporters after making his announcement during a
luncheon at the 70th annual
convention of the League of United Latin American

Mr. Richardson said he plans to increase the
applicant pool for entry and
mid-level positions, promote participation of Hispanic
employees in career
development programs and improve representation of
Hispanics in senior
positions during his next 17 months in office. He said
he hopes leaders of
other government agencies will follow his lead.

According to Energy Department statistics, Hispanics
represent 5.4 percent
of the department's 14,525 employees. Nearly half of
the department's
Hispanic employees - 46.9 percent, or 372 workers -
are in the Sandia
national laboratory in Albuquerque, N.M.

Mr. Richardson said he wants his department's
workforce to mirror the U.S.
population, which is 11 percent Hispanics. If
successful, he would hire about
1,600 Hispanic employees in the next 17 months.

The energy secretary was one of two Cabinet
members to speak to the
conference in Corpus Christi this week. The
conference began Sunday and
ends Saturday.

U.S. Education Secretary Richard Riley called
Wednesday for more bilingual
teachers and more scholarships for college-bound

An estimated 6,000 organization members from 700
chapters nationwide are
attending the conference. LULAC, founded in Corpus
Christi in 1929, is the
oldest and largest Hispanic organization in the nation.

"We [Hispanics] are a growing power," Mr.
Richardson, a former New Mexico
congressman who is the highest ranking
Hispanic official in the Clinton
administration, told the conference. "We are a
community of people, but we
are a community that still has challenges and
needs to create an agenda for

The state LULAC director in New Mexico welcomed
Mr. Richardson's plan.

"Hispanics have gotten educated, been in the
workforce but are still having to
challenge the federal government for job
advancements," Connie Martinez
said, noting that the Energy Department operates two
labs in New Mexico -
Sandia and Los Alamos National Laboratory.

The Energy Department's only facility in Texas, the
Pantex Plant near
Amarillo, has about 2,900 employees, 325 of whom
are Hispanics, said Tom
Walton, spokesman for the plant.

Earlier Friday, Hispanic civil rights advocates called
for fairer treatment from
officials from the Immigration and Naturalization
Service and the Border Patrol.

Maria Jimenez, director of the American Friends
Service Committee for the
Immigration Law Enforcement Monitoring Project, said
immigration law
enforcement is "selectively applied" in communities
that are predominantly

To fight discrimination, Hispanics should form
coalitions in their communities
and pressure local law enforcement officials not to
work with INS officials,
panelists said. They should also ask their local law
enforcement officials to
keep statistics on the number of Hispanics arrested
and the charges, they

No INS or Border Patrol official participated in the

Tavita Manumaleuna

Jul 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/25/99
Bill Richardson was featured in CCIR's "Takeover of America" audio tape (taped
live) and booklet. He stated,
....."illegal and legal immigration are being unfairly attacked.....we have to
put aside party and think of ourselves as Latinos".

Apparently expertise and ability are no longer necessary and the only
qualication for a "position off power" is that the candidate or applicant is

Also note the Maria Jiminez statement that coalitions should pressure local law
enforcement officials not to work with INS!

What better expresses the ultimate goal of "takeover" and the resulting ethnic

Tavita Manumaleuna

Jul 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/25/99
<<U.S. Energy Secretary Bill Richardson vowed Friday to increase the number of
Hispanic employees in his agency through increased outreach and retention
"We need more Hispanics in science and
energy," Mr. Richardson told reporters Mr. Richardson said he plans to increase

applicant pool for entry and mid-level positions, promote participation of
employees in career development programs and improve representation of
Hispanics in senior positions during his next 17 months in office. He said he
hopes leaders of other government agencies will follow his lead. .....>>

Which begs the age old question: will Latin Americans look around the USA and
see themselves in high positions and try to claim that the USA must be a
prosperous nation because of them and that we would be destitute and poverty
stricken without them. They will then demand privileges unheard of in the
historty of the USA. They will demand that we change all Anglos on our currency
to Hispanics and change our oficial language to Spanish.
Or, will they acknowledge that they owe their good luck to the USA and admit
they would be nothing if the USA had not allowed then to come to the USA and as
a result be the proudest Americans you will ever see. They will wave USA flags,
accept English as our language and give their kids American names?
sau kisi la'u muli


Jul 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/25/99
Maria Jimenez, director of the American Friends
Service Committee for the Immigration Law Enforcement
Monitoring Project, said immigration law
enforcement is "selectively applied" in communities
that are predominantly Hispanic.


COMMENT: More typical Hispanic BS. No wonder they like
Bill Clinton their fellow liar so much.

The overwhelming majority of illegals are Hispanic you idiot.
That is why most illegal aliens who are booted out are Hispanic.

As it is this nation is way too tolerant of all types of illegals
Hispanics included. Consider yourself fortunate to be here
and shut up you bleeping moron.

ken berg

Jul 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/25/99
You are worrying about nothing - worse than some old lady. You act like the
sky will fall when Whites lose the majority in California. It will not.
Sure, things will change and we will have more Latinos elected to office,
but so what?

Your hand-wringing is as foolish as the South worrying about Blacks taking
over after the Civil Rights Movement. The South is alive and well, and
business down there is better than ever.

Your 'concerns' are baseless. Far from actually being concerned and
worried, I suspect you actually prefer commotion, and just like to stir up
trouble and worry people.


rrcrumb wrote in message ...


Jul 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/27/99
to ken berg
Great reply.   Don't forget that Hispanics are not a  race.  They may be White, Black, Indian, Asian and mixed.

ken berg

Jul 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/27/99
Hey hable espanol? Arrrrrrriba!

Ha, ha, ha!

Ken Berg
PS: Smile once in awhile instead of complaining all day long :)

Tavita Manumaleuna wrote in message

>Protocol says:
><<Don't forget that Hispanics are not a race. They may be White,
>Black, Indian, Asian and mixed.>>

>Hispanics is one of 12 distinct races found in this world. They only say
>because they want to bring as many people as they can into the Spanish
>world. That way they can say "You don't have to be of Spanish heritage to
be a
>Hispanic, you only have to accept Spanish as your language." The are
>with making the entire world native Spansih speakers. Beware indigenous

Tavita Manumaleuna

Jul 28, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/28/99

Thomas Mohr

Jul 28, 1999, 3:00:00 AM7/28/99
Tavita Manumaleuna wrote:
> Protocol says:
> <<Don't forget that Hispanics are not a race. They may be White,
> Black, Indian, Asian and mixed.>>
> Hispanics is one of 12 distinct races found in this world.

Samoa, look into his highschool textbooks, keyword "races". BTW, how
does it feel if he claims that 2 and 2 are five when this is obviously
wrong ?

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