[all references cited in chronological order in paragraphs below]
Nowhere else in the United States is homosexuality so freely accepted
as in San Francisco. In fact, they almost run the city and dictate the
policies of political correctness, while practicing their religion of
sexual anarchy. However San Francisco, with 25% of all homosexuals
living there, always ranks among the highest in suicide, STDs,
HIV/AIDS, promiscuity, domestic violence, drug abuse, alcohol abuse and
child molestation involving homosexuals.
The number of couples in San Francisco was amazingly low with 5,669
male and 1,461 female. Source: U.S. Department of Commerce, 1990
Census of Population: Social and Economic Characteristics (September
1993), volumes by state; California.
From 1969 through 1970, the Kinsey Institute surveyed homosexuals in
San Francisco. Although they recruited respondents in eight different
ways, only 23% of male homosexuals and only 18% of lesbians were over
the age of 45, despite the fact that the investigators tried for 25%
from this age group. Their initial decision to draw only a quarter of
their sampling from homosexuals over 45 indicates they already knew the
problem existed, and they ended up omitting figures on age distribution
from their report.
Shigellosis - Shigella ia a bacterium that commonly infects the
intestinal tract of homosexual men. Infection of this bacterium is
marked by diarrhea, fever, nausea, and cramps. In the early 1970s,
public health officials noted it as a problem. "The San Francisco
Department of Public Health has recognized a venereal outbreak of
enteritis due to Shigella Flexneri 2a during the first half of 1974,"
Dr. Selma Dritz noted in The New England Journal of Medicine. "Of the
more than 50 cases reported, almost 60% occurred in young adult men, a
majority of whom were habitués of the city's gay community. Source:
Dritz SK, Back AF, " Shigella Entertis Venereally Transmitted," The
New England Journal of Medicine, 1974; November 28, page 1194.
In 1970 the Kinsey Institute interviewed 565 white gays in San
Francisco: 25% of them admitted to having had sex with boys aged 16 or
younger while they themselves were at least 21. Source: Bell, A.P.,
and Weinberg, M,S, Homosexualities: A Study of Diversity Among Men and
Women, NY: Simon and Schuster, 1978.
In San Francisco, there is a park known as the "Golden Gate Park"
where groups of homosexual men gather in the bushes according to their
deviant specialty. Source: K. Jay and A. Young, The Gay Report ( New
York, Summit, 1979 ), p.501, see also Gay yellow Pages.
The San Francisco Department of Public Health sees " 75,000 patients
per year, of whom 70 to 80% are homosexual men...An average of 10% of
all patients and asympotimatic contacts reported... because of positive
fecal samples or cultures for ameba, giardia, and shiella infections
were employed as food handlers in public establishments: almost 5% of
those with Hepatitis A were similarly employed. In 1976, a rare
airborne scarlet fever broke out among gays and just missed sweeping
through San Francisco. Source: Dritz, S., " Medical aspects of
homosexuality," The New England Journal of Medicine, 1980; Vol. 302,
pp. 463-464.
The 1980 CBS-TV documentary, " Gay Power, Gay Politics " reported that
about 10% of the accidental deaths among young men in San Francisco
resulted from sadomasochistic gone awry. During the first decade that
gay rights laws were in effect in San Francisco, the annual rate of
infectious Hepatitis A increased 100%; infectious Hepatitis B, 300%,
and amoebic colon infections increased 2,500%. Venereal Disease clinics
in the Bay area saw 75,000 patients every year during the same decade,
of whom close to 80% were homosexual males. 20% of them carried rectal
gonorrhea. Source: San Jose Mercury News, 24,April, 1980; " Sharp
Increase in Hepatitis and Dysentery in San Francisco," San Francisco
Chronicle Examiner, 23, April, 1979, see also, The Advocate " Guide to
Gay Health," ( 1983 ).
A 1970 study in San Francisco found that 9% of male heterosexuals and
24% of gays, 2% of female heterosexuals and 11% of lesbians reported
having been homosexually raped. Source: Bell, A.P., et. al., Sexual
Preference: Statical Appendix Bloomington: Indiana University Press,
Approximately one out of ten homicides in San Francisco is the result
of sadomasochistic sex among homosexuals. Source: " Coroner Battles
Sado-masochistic Injuries," Associated Press, 12, March 1981. See Also
Blade, 11 September 1981.
During the first decade that "gay" rights laws were in effect in San
Francisco, the Sexually Transmitted Disease (STDs) rate in San
Francisco was 22 times higher than the national average. Source:
Enrique Ruede, The Homosexual Network ( Old Greenwich, Conn., The Devin
Adair Co., 1982 ), p. 53.
In 1984, 9,000 homosexuals gathered to protest the release of Dan
White, the San Francisco city council member who shot to death George
Moscone, the mayor, and an openly homosexual city council member,
Harvey Milk. The crowd passed out buttons saying " Dan White Hit Squad
" and chanted deaths threats without any remorse or hesitation to carry
out those threats. Source: Equal Time, 25, January 1984, p. 3.
Diseased homosexual food handlers in public restaurants have been
responsible for major outbreaks of amebiasis and Hepatitis A infections
in San Francisco. Homosexuals have a rate of infections Hepatitis B 20
to 50 times greater than heterosexual males, and significantly higher
rates of Hepatitis A. Source: P. Buchanan and J. Muir, " Gay Times
and Diseases," The American Spectator, August 1984, pp. 15-18.
Even at the beginning of the developing AIDS crisis in 1985, 69% of
homosexual men in San Francisco reported having 3 or more sexual
partners the previous month agreed with the statement: " It is hard to
change my sexual behavior because being gay means doing what I want
sexually." The study interviewed 655 gay men, only 24% claimed to have
been monogamous in the past year. Even among these monogamous gays, 5%
drank urine, 7% practiced fisting, 33% ingested feces via anal/oral
contact (rimming), 53% swallowed semen, and 59% received semen in their
rectum during the previous month. Source: L. McKusick et al., " AIDS
and Sexual Behavior Reported by Gay Men in San Francisco," American
Journal of Public Health 75, (1985); pp. 493-496.
A 1989 San Francisco study of the homosexual population compared
results from 1983 and found little change in the history of drug use:
89% used marijuana ( 87% in 1983; 25% of the heterosexual control
group), 50% used cocaine ( 69% in 1983; 6% of heterosexuals, 72% used
poppers ( 73% in 1983, 2% of heterosexual ), 33% used barbiturates (
38% in 1983, 9% of heterosexual ), and 50% used LSD ( 29% in 1983, 3%
of heterosexuals ). Source: E.A. Holly et al., " Anal Cancer
Incidence: Genital Warts, Anal Fissure or Fistural, Hemorrhoids and
Smoking," Journal of the National Cancer Institute 81 (1989): p. 1728,
table 2.
San Francisco has a rate of infectious Hepatitis A twice the national
average and a rate of infectious Hepatitis B three times the national
average. Source: Paul Cameron, Kirk Cameron, and Kay Proctor, "
Effect of Homosexuality Upon Public Health and Social Order,"
Psychological Reports 64, 1989, pp. 1167-1179.
A Canadian flight attendant who, until his death at age 32, shared his
body and infection of AIDS with 250 men every year. From the late
1970s through the early 1980s he was personally responsible for at
least 40 of the 248 American cases of AIDS and told public health
officials in San Francisco it "was nobody else's business but his own."
Source: History of AIDS Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1990,
p. 19.
In 1990 despite a blizzard of information on so-called "safe sex"
practices, some homosexuals still frequent Bay area bathhouses and 46%
of young homosexuals in San Francisco admitted that they had
unprotected anal intercourse during the proceeding month. Source:
Dick Thompson, " A Losing Battle with AIDS," Time, July 2, 1990.
A San Francisco telephone survey showed that 44% of "gay" men under the
age of 30 had engaged in unprotected anal intercourse during the
previous year, compared to 18% of men over age 30. Source: Stall R,
Barrett D, Bye L, et. al., " A comparison of younger and older gay
men's HIV risk-takinf behaviors: the Communication Technologies 1989
Cross-Sectional Survey," Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency
Syndromes, 1992; vol.5: pp. 682-687.
" In a cross-sectional study of homosexual or bisexual men in San
Francisco, only 4.6% of the 735 men were positive for anti-HCV
[Hepatitis C virus] antibody while 81% were positive for any HBV
[Hepatitis B virus] serologic marker..." Source: Osmond D, Charlebois
E, Sheppard HW, Page K, Winklestien W, Moss AR, Reingold A., "
Comparison of Risk Factors for Hepatitis C and Hepatitis B Virus
Infection in Homosexual Men." The Journal of Infectious Diseases,
1992; vol. 167, pp. 66-71.
A study of young homosexual men by the San Francisco Department of
Public Health reported that 33% of "high-risk youth" admitted to
engaging in unprotected anal intercourse during the previous 6 months.
The study also revealed that 70% of the gay men studied were unaware
that they were HIV positive. Source: George Lempand others, " HIV-1
Seroprevalence and Risk Behaviors Among Young Homosexual Men," ( San
Francisco Department of Public Health, Berkley Department of Health and
Human Services, Atlanta: Division of HIV-AIDS, Centers for Disease
Control, 1992-93 ).
A survey conducted in San Francisco revealed that 31% of the
homosexual population were either addicted to drugs or overused them.
Indeed drug overdoses account for a disproportionate numbers of deaths
in the homosexual community. Source: Dr. Paul Cameron, " The Gay 90s;
What the Empirical Evidence Reveals about Homosexuality," Franklin,
Tennessee, Adroit Press, 1993, p. 56.
"Gay Bowel Syndrome" in San Francisco increased 8,000% in less than a
decade ( 1980-1990). Source: Joe Goulden, quoting Randy Shilts in "
And the Band Played on: Politics, People, and the AIDS Epidemic ( New
York: Viking Penguin, 1993 ).
A study from the San Francisco City Clinic helped illustrate the
spread of the HIV/AIDS disease among a sample of men having sex with
men. In the late 1970s, more than 6800 gay men were recruited to
participate in a longitudinal research project to track the spread of
Hepatitis B. After AIDS emerged and HIV was identified as the causative
viral agent, the accumulated blood samples from the Hepatitis B study
were reanalyzed for evidence of HIV with the following results: 1978 -
4.5% infection rate of HIV, 1979 - 12%, 1980 - 24%, 1984 - 67%, and
1985- 73%. Source: King, E., (1993), Safety in numbers: Safer sex and
gay men, New York: Routledge.
A 1993 report by the San Francisco Department of Health found that
HIV-infection rate among homosexual men ages 17 to 22 has not changed
in 3 years, in part because they are still frequenting the bathhouses
and still engaging in dangerous sex practices. Source: Washington
Times, May 20, 1993, section A8.
In a study of young men who have sex with men (MSMs) conducted by the
San Francisco Department of Health, 28.7% of 17-to-19-year-olds and
34.3% of 20 to 22 year olds reported unprotected anal intercourse
during the last 6 months. Source: US conference of Mayors. Safer sex
relapse: a contemporary challenge, AIDS Inform Exchange 1994; vol.11
(4); pp. 1-8.
A study of San Francisco young "gay" men which sampled homosexual men
aged 17-22 from public venues such as bars, street corners, dance clubs
and parks found 9% of the men to be HIV positive. Source: Lemp GF,
Hirozawa AM, Givertz D, et al., " Seroprevalence of HIV and risk
behaviors among young homosexual and bisexual men. The San
Francisco/Berkeley Young Men's Survey," Journal of the American Medical
Association 1994: vol. 272: pp. 449-454.
Another study in 1994 of 425 "gay" men aged 18-29 in San Francisco
found that 18% were already infected with HIV, with a serioncidence
rate of 2.6% per year: among 27-29 year olds, 29% were HIV+. Source:
Osmond DH, Page K, Wiley J, et al., " HIV infection in homosexual and
bisexual men 18-29 year of age," The San Francisco Young Teen's Health
Study. American Journal of Public Health, 1994; vol.84, pp. 1933-1937.
Homosexual author Simon Levay wrote " In a study in the San Francisco
Bay area in the 1970s...almost 50% of the white-gay men and 33% of the
black men claimed to have had at least 500 different male sex partners.
Source: Simon Lavay, Oueer Science ( Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1996 ),
p. 159.
Author Frank Browning, a homosexual, noted " the racial divisions in
San Francisco gay life," are tremendous. Source: Frank Browning, A
Queer Geography ( NY: Crown Publishers, Inc., 1996 ), p. 167.
38% of the girls and 23% of the runaway boys in San Francisco reported
engaging in homosexual oral sex. Group sex was more common in San
Francisco than in other cities. Source: A.H. Kral, B.E. Molnar, and
J.K. Waters, " Prevalence of sexual risk behavior and substance use
among runaway and homeless adolescents in San Francisco, Denver, and
New York City," International Journal of STD and AIDS, vol. 8 (1997),
pp. 109-117.
In a study of 337 homosexual men in San Francisco who were initially
HIV negative, 39% "seroconverted" by the third year. Source: Margaret
A. Chesney, Donald C. Barrett, and Ron Stall, " Histories of Substance
Use and Risk Behavior: Precursors to HIV Seroconversion in Homosexual
Men," American Journal of Public Health ( January, 1998 ), p. 115.
The San Francisco Men's Health Study which began in 1984 found that
37.6% of homosexual men who engaged in that activity within the
previous five years had Herpes 8 (HHV-8). Whereas, 195 exclusively
heterosexual men not one (zero) had the virus. The seroprevalence also
correlated well with the number of male intercourse partners in the
previous 2 years, demonstrating that HHV-8 is sexually transmitted in
this (gay) population. Source: JN Martin, DE Ganem, DH Osmond, KA
Page-Shafer, D Macrae, DH Kedes, " Sexual Transmission and the Natural
History of Human Herpes Virus 8 Infection," The New England Journal of
Medicine, April 2, 1998 - Vol. 338, No. 14
In San Francisco, data from annual behavioral surveys among MSM
(1994-1997) and from the sexually transmitted disease (STD)
surveillance program (1990-1997) were analyzed to characterize changes
in HIV risk behaviors of MSM and changes in incidence of male rectal
gonorrhea. This report indicates an increase in unsafe sexual behavior
and increases in rates of rectal gonorrhea among MSM. From 1994
through 1997, volunteers in The Stop AIDS Project, a San Francisco
community-based organization, conducted standardized annual surveys of
21,857 MSM. Demographic and sexual behavior information was collected
annually. Male rectal gonorrhea data reported to the San Francisco
Department of Public Health, Sexually Transmitted Disease Control
Section, were reviewed. The annual incidence from 1994 through 1997
reported the following: the proportion of surveyed MSM who reported
having had anal sex increased from 57.6% in 1994 to 61.2% in 1997.
Among MSM who had had anal sex, the proportion reporting "always" using
condoms declined from 69.6% in 1994 to 60.8% in 1997. The most
pronounced decline in consistent condom use occurred among men aged
26-29 years. The proportion of men who reported having had multiple sex
partners and unprotected anal intercourse (UAI) sex increased from
23.6% in 1994 to 33.3% in 1997. Decreasing consistent condom use and
increasing proportions of MSM reporting UAI with multiple partners
occurred in all racial/ethnic groups. Male rectal gonorrhea incidence
declined from 1990 through 1993. From 1994 through 1997, the incidence
increased from 21 to 38 per 100,000. This increase in incidence was
observed in all racial/ethnic and age groups but was highest among men
aged 25-34 years. Because the prevalence of HIV infection among MSM
in San Francisco is high, small increases in unsafe behaviors in this
population may result in increases in HIV infection. Substantial
numbers of men interviewed in 1997 reported not knowing the HIV
infection status of all their partners. MSM of all ages and
races/ethnicies in San Francisco continue to engage in behaviors that
put them at high risk for HIV infection, and HIV prevalence is highest
among the MSM populations compared with heterosexual populations.
Source: CDC, "Increases in unsafe sex and rectal gonorrhea among MSM -
San Francisco, Calf., 1994-1997," Morbidity and Mortality Weekly
Report, January 29, 1999; vol. 48, no. 3.
In a text book on human sexuality in 1999, it was estimated that "
60% of homosexual men in San Francisco are infected (HIV), probably the
highest density of infection anywhere in the developed world. ' it
colors everything we do out here,' says a gay activist, ' the gay
community, to a large extent, is about addressing AIDS. It has to be,
because it's literally a war: your entire community is under siege.'"
Source: Human Sexually, "Epidemiology and transmission of the the
Human Immunodeficiency Virus," Chapter 8, 1999, p. 213.
" In San Francisco, behavioral surveys among men who have sex with men
indicate that there have been increases in unsafe sexual behavior and
rectal gonorrhea from 1994 to 1997, according to a weekly report
published last month (January 1999) by the Centers for disease
Control." Source: Lynda Richardson, " Study finds HIV infection is
High for Young Gay Men," The New York Times, February 16, 1999.
In May of 1999, the San Francisco Chronicle ran a story about a forged
letter that try to openly promote "gay" bathhouses in San Francisco.
Dr. Robert Kohn, senior epidemiologist in the San Francisco health
department's Division of STD Control, said he believes the falsified
letter was an effort by the AIDS protest group ACT UP! The two-pager
letter, dated May 11, appears to be printed on official stationary used
by the city and county of San Francisco's Department of Public Health
and was written to the CDC to encourage them to openly support opening
"gay" bathhouses. Another Doctor, Mitchell Katz who is openly gay, was
quoted in the article as saying " there are still about 500 new HIV
infections each year in San Francisco." Source: Rhonda Smith, "
Forgery tied to bathhouse issue; Letter claims AIDS, STDs are not a
threat in San Francisco," The Washington Blade, May 28, 1999.
San Francisco - Oral sex, long regarded by many gay men as low-risk
practice, appears to be a frequent way of spreading AIDS as reported by
the Associated Press. A study released yesterday found that oral sex
was probably the cause of 8% of the recent HIV infections among a group
of homosexual men examined in San Francisco. Health investigators have
had difficulty confirming transmission of HIV orally since gay men who
have oral sex also may engage in other, riskier sex practices, such as
anal intercourse. The work was conducted by the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC) and the University of California at San
Francisco. "While oral sex may still be safer than anal intercourse...,
it is not without risk and perhaps has higher risk than we would have
expected otherwise," said Dr. Helene Gayle, the CDC's AIDS chief. All
of the (gay) men apparently caught the virus by giving oral sex, rather
than receiving it, and none used condoms. Dr. Anthony Fauci, head of
the National Institute of Allergy and Infections Diseases, said: " A
lot of us in the public health field have been saying all along to be
careful of unprotected fellatio. People think the risk is low, but
what's low? " Source: Associated Press, "AIDS study indicates
significant risk of infection resulting from oral sex," The Baltimore
Sunpaper, February 2, 2000.
The San Francisco Department of Public Health found that new HIV
infections among gay men went from a low of 1% in the second half of
1997 to a high of 2.8% by June 1999. By October 1999, the percentage of
men coming to the testing sites in the early stage of infection had
increased to almost a third, compared with 20% previously. " I think
the weight of incidence is going up [ San Francisco]," says Dr. William
McFarland of San Francisco's health department. " But we find it
worrisome that the most recent years of data have the highest incidence
of (HIV) infection, [especially] in light of other recent data on
rectal gonorrhea and high-risk sexual behavior," says McFarland about
San Francisco. Source: Karin Halperin, " STARHS Trek, How quickly is
HIV spreading? " HIV Plus, Feb./Mar. 2000, No. 7, page 9.
In an interview with Reuters Health, Dr. Maureen Miller of the
National Development and Research Institutes in New York said, " In San
Francisco, [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] found an
increase in anal rectal gonorrhea. Over the past decade there has been
a real dramatic decline in gonorrhea incidence and prevalence, and now
that is on the rise, indicating that people are having sex without
condoms." Source: Reuters Medical News, " HIV-infected Gay Men on
Protease Inhibitor Therapy Likely to have Unprotected Sex," Westport,
Conn., April 4, 2000.
In June 1998, Dr. Craig R. Waldo of the AIDS Research Institute, in
San Francisco, California, and associates conducted on-the-street
interviews of 295 "gay" men. Of those familiar with post-exposure
prevention (drug treatment right after high-risk sexual encounters),
24% reported having had unprotected anal intercourse in the previous 3
months, compared with 26% of those unaware of the intervention. In
January 1999, following a community-wide campaign to publicize the
availability of post-exposure prevention, the research team surveyed
234 "gay" men. This time, the rate of high-risk sexual behavior
reported was 37% for those familiar with the treatment and 26% for
those who had not heard of it, a significant difference. The data was
reported in the May 26th issue of AIDS, pp. 1035-1039. Source:
Reuters Medical News, " Knowledge of HIV Post-exposure Prevention
Unrelated to Sexual Risk-Taking," June 14, 2000.
Whether it's called meth, crystal. speed, crank, or ice,
methamphetamine has become the party drug of choice in the gay
community. "Gay men who use crystal are more likely than any other
group of gay men to have HIV and to be engaging in sexual behavior that
is likely to transmit HIV," said Micheal Siever, PhD, who is gay
himself. At a recent conference, health officials addressed the
growing problem of meth abuse in the the (San Francisco) Bay Area. Not
only have emergency room admissions for speed-related problems
increased, but also law enforcement officials say they're finding a
growing number of methamphetamine labs in the area. Meth is a highly
addictive stimulant that grew popular in the 1970s. The drug's
reputation for enhancing libido has particular appeal for certain gay,
bisexual and transgender communities, experts say. "For gay men, in
some way the definition of who we are is defined by the sex that we
have," says Siever. "That's an integral part to our self-identity. San
Francisco happens to be the epitome of gay urban centers. A lot of
(gay) people come here to discover themselves, and go wild and crazy.
Unfortunately, part of the welcome wagon seems to be about crystal." he
stated. Unprotected anal sex is on the rise among young gay men in San
Francisco - From 37% in 1992 to 51% in 1997. Micheal Crosby, PhD, MPH,
a psychologist for the San Francisco's Center of AIDS Prevention
Studies, points out that sex isn't the only reason speed resonates with
gay men. "The use of meth provides a sense of connection between two
men," he tells WebMD. "It blocks feelings of loss, loneliness, and
isolation," feelings that are perhaps triggered by the death of a
friend or lover with AIDS. Source: Sarah Yang, "HIV resurgence seen
in meth users," WedMD Medical News, June 19, 2000.
San Francisco health authorities are reporting a sharp jump in new
HIV infections, marking the start of what many doctors fear is a
dangerous new stage in America's AIDS epidemic...new HIV infections in
San Francisco doubled to 900 in the past year. Health officials blame
the rise in part on the success on earlier AIDS prevention and
treatment efforts, which have combined to make the disease seem less
threatening for many gay men. San Francisco known around the world as a
gay capital, became one of the centers of the AIDS epidemic in the
early 1980s', when as many as 50% of the gay men in the city were
believed to be infected with HIV. Since 1981, more than 18,000 San
Franciscans have died of AIDS. More alarming still, the percentage of
HIV positive cases...tripled between 1997 and 1999 to reach 3.7% - a
level comparable to some areas of sub-Saharan Africa. Rates of rectal
gonorrhea in the city have risen from 20 per 100,000 in 1994 to 45 per
100,000 in 1999. " the statistics very clearly point to a well-defined
target population (gay men), and a particular behavioral pattern...San
Francisco has not seen a notable rise in HIV infections among women,
and its needle-exchange program has helped to keep new infections among
intravenous drug users relatively low," said Rene Durazzo, director of
programs at San Francisco AIDS Foundation. Source: Reuters Medical
News, " HIV cases soar in San Francisco," June 30, 2000.
The HIV infection rate is about 6 times greater among inmates tested
at the San Francisco County Jail than in the general heterosexual
population of San Francisco. The CDC conducted anonymous HIV testing
in 3721 inmates seeking screening for STDs between June 1999 and April
2000. About 2750 inmates were men that ranged in age from 18 to 30
years old. The rate of HIV infection was highest (20%) in men who
reported having sex with men (MSM). Males inmates who reported having
sex with HIV-positive men showed a 21-fold increased risk of HIV
infection. Source: Reuter Medical News, " HIV infection rate higher
among San Francisco inmates than general population," Durban, South
Africa, July 12, 2000.
After years of progress, recent figures show a disturbing turnaround,
with increase in risky behaviors and growing infection rates (in the
gay community). In San Francisco, the number of gay men who reported
having anal sex with multiple partners increased to 43% in 1999, up 23%
just 5 years earlier. At the same time, the number of gay men who
reported always using condoms was 54% in 1999, down from 70% in 1994.
City health officials also say the estimated number of new HIV
infections increased from an average of 500 cases per year to 900 last
year. For many health experts, these numbers point to nothing less
than the specter of an HIV and AIDS resurgence - in a drug-resistant,
deadlier form. High-risk behaviors include having six or more sexual
partners in the previous year; having sex with people known to be
HIV-positive; exchanging sex for money or drugs; using crack cocaine;
injecting drugs during the past 3 years, and men having sex with men.
Experts say the reasons for this shift include the fact that more
patients are living longer with HIV thanks to new AIDS drugs, creating
a larger community of those who are HIV positive. While more effective
than prior AIDS drugs, studies indicate that the newer therapies fail a
significant number of patients (20 to 50%), and that effectiveness
begins to wear off for many patients after long-term use. Source:
Sarah Yang, "As complacency rises, so do HIV cases," WebMD Medical
News, July 21, 2000.
In grapping with the disturbing rise of HIV infections in San
Francisco, public health officials have had to confront the role
methamphetamine (meth) plays in the gay community. Methamphetamine -
also called speed, crystal, ice, go, and crank - has been a dominant
part of the gay club and party scene. The drug's reputation for
enhancing libido is the primary factor in its appeal, experts say.
"When high on speed, many (gay) people engage in essentially sex
marathons, because they can, because they're high," said Micheal
Siever, PhD in a WebMD interview. According to findings in a study of
1,781 gay men, meth users "are more likely to go to sex clubs and
bathhouses and public cruising areas," say Micheal Crobsy, PhD, MPH for
the San Francisco Center for AIDS Prevention Studies. He continued,
"They are more likely to have one-night stands, to have more sex
partners in the past year, and they are twice as likely to have
high-risk sex." Other Studies have shown that gay men who use speed
are 3 to 4 times more likely to be infected with HIV. Meth also is
associated with rougher sex, increasing the risk for bleeding and
abrasions for AIDS. Experts say the problem with speed is that it is
exacerbated in San Francisco because many men feel comfortable living a
more open gay lifestyle there that often includes frequent sex. Kieth
Folger, an HIV-positive gay man in San Francisco, says he can
understand the growing popularity of meth as more gay men live longer,
healthier lives. "People think, 'Now that I'm feeling good, I can go
out and party again."' Folger told WebMD. Source: Sarah Yang,
"'Speed' use by gays linked to rise in HIV," WebMD Medicial News, July
24, 2000.
An Outbreak investigation conducted at the San Francisco Department
of Public Health (SFDPH) in June-August 1999 of 7 cases of early
syphilis among gay men linked to an online chat room was reported in
the Journal of American Medical Association issue dated July, 26th,
2000. The article begins by stating that in the past - partner
notification has been accomplished by sending disease intervention
specialists to (gay) bars, sex clubs, bathhouses and other
establishments to inform partners that they have been exposed to a
sexually transmitted disease (STD). A recent syphilis outbreak in San
Francisco, California, challenged existing models of partner
notification and community education. The outbreak occurred among gay
men who met their sexual partners through an Internet chat room.
Because the partners had met in cyberspace, partner information was
usually limited to handles (screen names). In June and July of 1999,
the SFDPH received 2 reports of new cases of early-stage in gay men.
It was learned that both men met a majority of their sexual partners
within the past year in an Internet chat room named San Francisco M4M
(SFM4M). The results revealed 5 related cases were identified,
including a previous case from January, 1999 and 4 new cases, meaning 7
SFM4M chat room - related cases among gay white men. The number of
unique named (sexual) partners divided by the number of cases was 12.4.
Source: J. D. Klaunser, Md., MPH, W. Wolf, MPA, L. Fischer-Ponce,
MPA, I. Zolt, BA, M.H. Katz, MD., " Tracing a Syphilis Outbreak
through Cyberspace," Journal of American Medical Association, July 26,
2000; pp. 447-449.
San Francisco, easily recognized as the most "gay" affirming city in
America, is a disaster for active homosexuals. If we looked at a large
group of 100 randomly selected homosexual men living in San Francisco
in their mid-30s', the group would produce the following demographics:
40 of the 100 men are currently in relationships, but only 10% of those
are faithful to his partner, and they will not be within a year. 40%
have never had any relationship last more than a year, and only 10% has
had a relationship that lasted more than 3 years. 60% are having sex
regularly with strangers, and the group averages almost 2 partners per
person per month. 30% of them occasionally take part in orgies. 10%
are sadomasochist. 10% prefer boys to men!
30% of the men are currently alcoholics, 50% have a history of alcohol
abuse, 40% have a history of drug abuse. 30% currently smoke
cigarettes, 50% regularly use at least one illegal drug, and 30% have
seriously contemplated suicide, and 20% have attempted suicide. 80%
have a history of sexually transmitted diseases, 80% currently carry
infectious pathogens and 30% currently suffer from digestive or urinary
ailments caused by these pathogens. At least 30% are HIV-positive, and
10% has AIDS.
Some may argue that the studies cited are not representative of
homosexuality as they have observed it or have experienced it, to which
we can only appeal to the evidence: hundreds upon hundreds of sources
documented on this website, multiple sources at key points covering
different geographic areas, different times, samples both clinical and
non-clinical, random and recruited, and finally many times sited from
homosexual publications. We love homosexuals by trying to get them out
of this destructive lifestyle and never affirming them in it under the
name of safety, tolerance or diversity. How cruel is that when you
know the facts? The truth will set you free!!!
> Do Gays Engage in Unhealthy Behavior Because Society Rejects Them?
So, it's *YOUR* fault, Rob?
Enkidu AA#2165
EAC Chaplain and ordained minister,
ULC, Modesto, CA
Over the years I've met a handful of people who regularly talk with God,
but they usually do so only when they're off their medications.
-- Harley Sorensen
Great trolls RoB...
I'll byte - No, they do not.
It's a choice, not a reaction.
>Do Gays Engage in Unhealthy Behavior Because Society Rejects Them?
Name one "unhealthy behaviour" of gays that is not also practiced by
Come on, the only 'practice' Rob gets is with his right hand
> Do Gays Engage in Unhealthy Behavior Because Society Rejects Them?
Why do you make other mens' rectums *your* business? Are you a wannabe?
Uncle Vic
Supervisor, EAC Department of little adhesive-backed "L" shaped
chrome-plastic doo-dads to add feet to Jesus fish department
"The world is only 5-6 thousand years old does not mean the planet
earth is only 5-6 thousand years old. There have been many worlds
created and destroyed on this planet. The creation of the planet is
described in Genesis 1. The creation of the world is described in
Genesis 2. Two different kind of creations." --Eric Brze
Men Ass Fucking Other Men aka The most effective means of spreading
Wrong. Men can Ass Fucking other men until they are blue in the face
never get aids because they are not infected with the disease and
is the other person and they are monogamous or practice safe sex or
On the other hand, there is a sports hero who beame infected and may be
passing it on to a number of women not because they are or are not ass
but because one of them is HIV positive and the other person or
person(s) may be
may be practicing unsafe sex.
He'd fit into a *psychiatric institution* pretty well, too! I mean, just
consider what's going on:
(i) There's plenty of death and suffering in the world -- but he focuses
entirely on the death and suffering that gives him the chance to obsess
about men's rectums;
(ii) There are plenty of diseases in the world -- but he focuses entirely on
the disease that gives him the chance to obsess about men's rectums;
(iii) There are plenty of countries and communities in the world where AIDS
*isn't* mostly spread by homosexual intercourse -- but he focuses entirely
on the country and community that gives him the chance to obsess about men's
What would you say, Doctor...?
Nope. HIV spreads quite effectively through heterosexual penis-in-vagina
sex. Just look at sub-Saharan Africa. In Zimbabwe, it is estimated that
24.6% of the adult population carries the HIV virus; in Swaziland, an
estimated 38.8% (using 2003 estimates; see
http://www.avert.org/subaadults.htm) In Thailand, an estimated 1.3% of
the adult population is infected; in Myanmar, 1.2% and in Cambodia, 2.6%.
In the United States, by comparison, barely 0.14% of the adult population
carries HIV.
Gregory Gadow
"[W]e have never held that moral disapproval, without any other asserted
state interest, is a sufficient rationale under the Equal Protection
Clause to justify a law that discriminates among groups of persons."
- Sandra Day O`Conner, _Lawrence v Texas_
A homosexual whines "Oh heteros don't accept my "lfestyle", therefore
I'll have unprotected sex with multiple
partners at a nearby city park as a form of protest."
A "minority" group states "This countries majority doesn't pay equal
attention to my culture, therefore I'm justified
in rioting and random violence."
Did you just spew that same idiotic rant on C-SPAN?
And, as luck would have it, YOU are the ONLY ONE MAKING THEM!
LOL, assclown!
May the Blessings of Gong Gong rain ubiquitously and reign supreme!
Rev. Bonnie Bitch, Universal Life Church
I would note that he seems to be particularly interested in "rimming"
said rectums. Perhaps he has a vitamin deficiency?
> On Fri, 18 Nov 2005 11:02:28 GMT, "Katt" <kahgf...@t.com> wrote:
> >"Woden" <wo...@charter.net> wrote in message
> >>>
> >>>>on 17 Nov 2005 in alt.atheism, dear sweet RoB WAde
> >>>>(rob_c_...@yahoo.com) made the light shine upon us with this:
> >>>>
> >>>>> Do Gays Engage in Unhealthy Behavior Because Society Rejects Them?
> >>>>
> >>>>Why do you make other mens' rectums *your* business? Are you a
> >> wannabe?
> >>>
> >>> Consider this, FUCK-WIT; Homosexual males ass fucking one another is
> >>> the No.1 means of AIDS transmission in the US. Bisexuals who have sex
> >>> with these homosexual men act as a bridge for AIDS to pass into the
> >>> heterosexual community. All male homosexuals and bisexuals should be
> >>> removed from society. What to be done with the few makes little
> >>> difference because it for the benefit of the many.
> >>>
> >>
> >> You would fit in well with Hitler or the Taliban.
> >
> >He'd fit into a *psychiatric institution* pretty well, too! I mean, just
> >consider what's going on:
> >
> >(i) There's plenty of death and suffering in the world -- but he focuses
> >entirely on the death and suffering that gives him the chance to obsess
> >about men's rectums;
> It's the homosexual male's obsession with ass holes that spreads AIDS
> in the US.
Speaking as a gay man, I can unequivocably state that I do not "obsess" about
rectums, my own or anyone elses. Mr. Wade on the other hand... men's butts is a
topic about which he is very... dare I say it... anally retentive.
> >(ii) There are plenty of diseases in the world -- but he focuses entirely on
> >the disease that gives him the chance to obsess about men's rectums;
> Homosexual males have a variety of STDs that "Hit Them In The Ass."
As do heterosexuals. Surveys on sexual behavior show that some 35% of
heterosexuals have engaged in anal sex. You might find this 2002 study prepared
by the United States Center for Disease Control to be illuminating:
http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/ad/ad362.pdf (The report was published this year.)
Further, it is common in many Catholic countries for heterosexual couples to
engage in anal sex as a form of birth control. And then, there is the large
variety of sexually transmitted diseases that affect vaginas.
> >(iii) There are plenty of countries and communities in the world where AIDS
> >*isn't* mostly spread by homosexual intercourse -- but he focuses entirely
> >on the country and community that gives him the chance to obsess about men's
> >rectums.
> If you want to hunt turkeys you go where the turkeys are.
If you want support for your bigotry, focus on a small body of facts and ignore
the much larger body of facts that proves you are an ignorant, narrow minded
> >What would you say, Doctor...?
> It's a homosexual newsgroup, hotpants! What would you expect to be
> discussed here, "Why everyone should be a fucking christian?"
Given that I am reading this from alt.atheism, I expect neither discussion.
> Get you head out of your cunt, cunt.
Get your head out of my and other gay men's asses, asshat.